The Last Teachings of Jesus by Jim Rooney - HTML preview

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This book reviews the teachings of Jesus Christ to His disciples during His last days on Earth. Jesus had many important things to share with His followers as He was going to be leaving them soon to return to His Father in heaven. It was an intimate time of fellowship to give some final instructions and to share His love for them. This was an important time to bolster their faith as that faith would be greatly shaken after their leader would die by flogging and crucifixion. Jesus wanted to let them know exactly what would happen in advance so they would know He knew all things. His sheep would temporarily be scattered, but the Good Shepherd would bring them back together after His blessed resurrection.

How wonderful it is that while we are sinners Christ pleads on our behalf to the Father. He is our advocate, our intercessor, our only mediator, and our great High Priest who represents us before the Father. He earned that right when He died as the Lamb of God in place of the believer and atoned for our sins with the shedding of His precious blood. What a great Savior we have!

This teaching by Jesus in His last days was not only for His twelve disciples. It was for all who would become His disciples. We who believe and trust in Jesus Christ will greatly benefit by knowing what He shared with them. The content of this book comes from the Gospel accounts which cover His teachings from the Last Supper with His disciples to His ascension. It is His love story spoken to all of His followers right before He left this world to be seated on the right hand of His Father.