The Miracle Man by Melissa - HTML preview

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There’s only one story like this.  This guy was saved by the skin of his teeth.  Way past the eleventh hour.   Only one, so we don’t presume upon God’s goodness.  But one, to give us hope.  Again, as in all the stories, let’s put ourselves right smack dab in the middle of the story.  Even this one, as awful and gruesome as it is.   And then Jesus’ words will be all the sweeter.  Proverb 25:11 says, “Like apples of gold in settings of silver is a word spoken in right circumstances. “ (NASB)  No doubt, the words that fall from Jesus’ lips are like that.   A thing of beauty.  To be treasured.


You are the most excellent

of men and your lips

have been anointed with grace,
since God has blessed you forever.”

(Ps. 45:2)


That describes our Lord Jesus… especially in this story, as you will see.


The character in this story is a rough character.  We’ll call him Hank.  Hank didn’t listen to his parents when they warned him to stay away from alcohol.  He didn’t listen when they told him the guys he was running with would get him into trouble one day.  They prayed for him for years, asking the Lord to remember him and turn him around.  Hank thought he knew better than his parents.   One little lie turned into lots of little lies, which turned into big lies.  One little crime turned into bigger and bigger crimes… every day.  Hank thought he had it all under control, until slowly, subtly, the darkness took him over.  His heart became darker and harder.  In his mind, people began to exist for his own use, and abuse.  Their belongings were his for the taking.  One day Hank got caught by the authorities, but they let him go with just a slap on the wrist.  He laughed it off. “I can do whatever I want… nobody can stop me!”   Hank refused to work, so he resorted to stealing as a means of survival.  He would do anything to get what he wanted.  Hank began to carry a knife, and threaten people if they refused his demands.   He thought he was controlling his life, but the darkness was controlling him.  Hank said he could stop, but he couldn’t.   He was captive under a power he could not overcome.  Hank’s corrupt lifestyle grew worse and worse until one day, Hank and his partner, Hal, went out on a usual night of crime.  But they did something Hank never imagined they would ever do.  Something awful.  Someone got hurt.  Bad.   The hatred inside Hank had taken over and they had done the unthinkable.   The two of them were being hunted down.  Hank was beside himself with fear.  He couldn’t sleep.  He couldn’t eat.  There was no place safe.  Nowhere to run.  No one to trust.  They both knew it was just a matter of time before they were caught.


The day came when Hank and Hal were surrounded.  Like animals.  They had threatened others.  Now they knew what it was like to feel threatened.   They were arrested, charged, tried, and found guilty.  Their punishment was determined… crucifixion.  They were filled with rage.  They had no right to be angry.  But that didn’t matter.   Hank remembered what his parents had told him.  They had warned him that this day would come.  But that only made him madder.  “Telling me not to do that stuff, actually made me want to do it all the more!“  Hank seethed and fumed and fought.   But that wasn’t going to change the verdict.   Or the terrifying punishment that was coming.   At moments, Hank would begin to realize his parents had been right, and that if he had just listened and prayed with them, none of this would have happened.   Maybe I should pray and ask for forgiveness, he thought.  But as soon as Hank would begin to think right thoughts, Hal was there filling his head with wrong thoughts.   Hank would sink right back to the anger and bitterness again.


While Hank and Hal were awaiting their doom, through the walls of their cell they heard someone being beaten.  Over and over and over again.   They heard the guards’ demonic laughter as they swung each cruel stroke.  It just wouldn’t stop.  The Roman soldiers were brutal, but this torture was even beyond their usual cruelty.   Hank and Hal couldn’t get away from the horrifying sound of the blows and the moans.  The noise filled their cell, almost as if they were receiving the blows themselves!  Someone just make it stop!  And then they heard something very strange and unusual.  “Father, forgive them.”   Those shocking words made time stand still.   The men just looked at each other with disbelief.   Hal muttered that the guy being beaten must have been knocked stupid.  Nobody in his right mind would say that!  But Hank wondered.  What kind of man is that?  Who forgives those who beat him mercilessly?  Even while they are beating him?  Hank just shook his head.


Later, the guards came to the cell to take them away to be crucified.   Hank was scared to death.  The guards laid a huge wooden beam on his shoulders, but Hank’s legs were shaking so badly he could hardly carry himself.  So many emotions!  Bitter hatred toward these Romans who had no right to do this to him!  Unimaginable regret for making such a mess of his life!  Horror at the excruciating death to come.   Dreadful fear for what would surely come after that!   And there was nothing to do but move forward.


And then Hank saw Jesus.   At least he thought it was Jesus.   This must have been the man he heard being beaten over and over and over again.  Hank gasped in horror.   He could hardly recognize Jesus, because His body was so bloody and swollen.  Jesus had a mocking crown of thorns on His head.  Hank just knew it was Jesus who had uttered those words he kept hearing over and over in his head, “Father, forgive them.”


Hank kept moving as he was whipped along by the soldiers, but for a moment his mind returned to a much better day… the day he saw Jesus talking in the streets.  He saw Jesus do something remarkable!  He touched a guy who had leprosy.  Jesus actually touched him!   As filthy and infectious and contagious as that leper was, Jesus didn’t mind a bit.  And with one touch, the leper was healed.  Totally well from head to toe!   What a miracle!  But what shocked Hank even more was Jesus Himself.  What a man!  Hank knew he had seen a truly good man…. a completely good man.


But now this man was right alongside Hank, heading to be crucified.  That made no sense at all.    If this man had the power to cleanse something as awful as leprosy, surely he had the power to stop his own execution!   But he didn’t stop it.   Hank could not figure it out.


Hank returned to reality, as he felt the ripping of the soldier’s whip cutting through his already open flesh.   He screamed out curses at the soldier, which only brought down the whip all the more and even harder.    Hank heard more cursing and blaspheming from his fellow convict, up ahead.  But from Jesus, he only heard prayers and blessings. 


As they made their way to Golgotha – accurately named, the Place of the Skull, Hank’s eyes fell upon the place where he was going to die.  His heart was pounding uncontrollably.  His body was shaking.  He could hardly breathe.  The guards had to force Hank down onto his cross because everything in him was fighting to get away.    Hank fought with all of his strength, but they overpowered him easily.  Before Hank knew it, he was lifted up for everyone to see his torment.   Pain shot though his entire body.   Very soon, Hank hung so heavy that he could hardly lift himself to take a breath.   Every joint felt stretched as if it was coming out of its socket.


“The humiliation!  How could they do this to me?  They have no right!  They all think they are better than I am, but they’ve all done wrong. They just haven’t gotten caught,” Hank brooded, as he looked out over the crowd.  Hank was so focused on his pain and his anger, that he forgot all about Jesus and what was happening with Him. Hank was cursing the soldiers and everyone in sight, spewing out more of His venomous fury and resentment.   In the corner of his eye Hank saw Caiaphas, the high priest, walking up to Jesus.  Even Hank knew who this man was.  Everybody knew him.  He would strut about town with all of his high and mighty power and authority.   But everybody knew better than to get on the wrong side of Caiaphas.  So Hank figured out, just like everybody else knew, that it was because of Caiaphas’ hatred and jealousy that Jesus was on the cross.  Everybody knew Jesus didn’t deserve it.  And guess what Caiaphas said to Jesus for the entire crowd to hear?  Something even more hurtful and hateful and cruel than anything Hank could muster from the deepest pits of hatred inside of him.  “You saved others, you can’t save yourself.  Come down from that cross, and we will believe in you.”   Words straight from the pits of hell.


Hank wished he had the courage to tell that Caiaphas a thing or two.  But even now, that man made him cower in fear.   And then, to Hank’s amazement, he heard Jesus respond, “Father, forgive him.”   Hank could hardly believe his ears.  Forgive the very man who was responsible for his misery and anguish? Forgive him for his own execution?  How could he?!  What kind of man was this?  Hank was dumbfounded.

And then guess who had to open his big mouth?  Hal.  “So you’re the Messiah, are you? Prove it by saving yourself—and us, too, while you’re at it!”  It was more than Hank could take.  That was it!  For the first time in Hank’s sorry life, he did the right thing.  And here’s what he said. “Don’t you fear God even when you have been sentenced to die? We deserve to die for our crimes, but this man hasn’t done anything wrong.” Hank spoke truth.  He accepted His responsibility.  He confessed His guilt.  He admitted that he was suffering justly for his crimes. He shouted out the truth everyone knew… Jesus was innocent!   Whether anyone else did or not, Hank sided with Jesus.  Even if Hank caught some of Jesus’ ridicule, he didn’t care. 


Jesus didn’t LOOK much like a king, all bloody, convicted and hanging on a cross.  But Hank knew Jesus was a king.  The best kind of king too.  Kind.  Benevolent.  Patient. Humble.  Best of all… FORGIVING.  Full of authority, but Jesus always used His authority for good.  Hank knew Jesus was the king of a wonderful kingdom.  And this kingdom was out of this world, literally.  Oh how Hank would love to be a part of that kingdom!


Hank’s  heart was won over to Jesus.   He could hardly believe the words coming out of his mouth.  There was just something about Jesus that gave Hank courage to believe and to hope.  If Jesus could forgive his torturers…  if he would forgive Caiaphas…  maybe Jesus might forgive him too.


Before he knew it, Hank said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your Kingdom.” And just that quick, Jesus responded with hope,I assure you, today you will be with me in paradise.” (NLT) Hank saw in Jesus’ eyes the love and power to back up those powerful words.  He melted in a puddle of tears.   It was amazing grace.  Undeserved.   Could it be true?  Hank deserved the worst, but Jesus opened his arms and his heart and his kingdom wide.  Hank believed Jesus.    Hank saw with his own eyes Jesus’ love being poured out for him… Jesus taking the eternal punishment that he deserved.   “Remember Me.”  It was that simple.  All of Hank’s running was over.  All of his rebellion was over.  He was home.  He was restored.  With those few simple words.  And a new heart to receive.


I wonder if Hank’s parents were there by the cross.  I wonder if they heard Hank call to Jesus to remember him.   I wonder if they heard Jesus’ gracious golden words of forgiveness and hope.   Their prayers were answered, in a way they could never have imagined!


Hank wished he had time to live a life worthy of such great love and forgiveness.  But there was no time.  He did what he could in his last minutes, to show his change of heart.  Jesus knew.


And just moments later, Jesus and Hank were together in Paradise!  Hank had escaped the fires of hell by just that much, but he was safe forever.   Isn’t Jesus something else?  In the middle of his suffering, he still took the time to save sorry ole Hank.   Nobody would have faulted Jesus if he just said, “I’m kinda busy right now. You’re a little late.”   But that’s not Jesus.  He gives and gives and gives until his literal last breath.  It is his hearts’ delight to forgive.  Nothing makes him happier than for His children to come back into the family.  He spoke those silver and gold words we talked about earlier, the kindest words a dying man could ever hope to hear.  Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in Paradise.”


I imagine Jesus saying this to Hank in Paradise:

Hank, I remember seeing you in the crowd when I healed the man with leprosy.  How I wanted you to be healed too, healed of the sin that had taken over your life.  You didn’t see how I could change your life.  You were too filled with pride, and thought you could live your life without me.   But your parents prayed for you.   And I prayed for you.   Even while you were running away, I was praying for you.  Especially then.  And I knew you heard when they were beating me, and how scared you were.    I prayed for you to let go of the anger that was eating you up.  I prayed for you to accept the fault for what you had done.   I know.  You can’t take it back.  Sin can never be undone.  It can only be covered by my blood.   My blood washes the guilt away.  You are whiter than snow, Hank.  By turning to me, your sins were forgiven completely.


It’s a good thing you don’t have to earn your salvation, or you would have no hope.  But because my forgiveness is free for the asking, you are free forever.   I knew we would be crucified side-by-side.   I knew you wouldn’t let go of the anger until the very last minute.   But, I had prayed for you, and my prayers are always answered.  When you finally turned to me and asked me to remember you, nothing could have made me happier.  It was for you, and millions of others tangled in sins’ web, that I went to the cross… to wash away their sins, to set them free, and to bring them into Paradise with me.  And we are together forever.  No more running.  No more fear.  No more condemnation.  No more punishment.  I am proud to call you my brother.  I love you.