The Miracle Man by Melissa - HTML preview

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Do you know Nicodemus?  I love this guy!  I know.   I know.  I say that about everybody.   Nicodemus gives me hope.  When I see modern day Pharisees hating on people and judging them, instead of reaching out with the love of Jesus, I remember good ole Saint Nick.  If the Lord can change his stony religious heart, he can change anybody’s!


The Bible doesn’t give us lots of detailed information about Nicodemus, or most anyone, for that matter.  But let’s take what we do know, and try to fill in some blanks.  Let’s put ourselves in Nicodemus’ position as a religious leader 2000 years ago, imagine what he must have gone through, and what caused his story to be recorded in the Bible.  Though I don’t know for sure, imagine with me….


Nicodemus was a good little Hebrew boy.  He grew up learning everything he was taught, following all the rules.   He memorized huge portions of the Torah.   Made his family so proud.   There were over 613 rules to keep each and every day, and Nicodemus did everything he could to make sure to follow every one. When he had a family of his own, he made sure he and his family kept all those rules too.   He had followed the rules for so long, he didn’t even hope there was anything more.  He didn’t feel God’s presence in His life, but he didn’t expect to.  That’s just the way it was.  The way the teachers taught it.  The way God ordered it… he thought.


Nicodemus rose in the ranks of the temple; it made his family beam with pride the day he was elected to the Jewish Council.   He was such an important man.  He was influential in Jewish society.  There were social benefits, of course.   He got to wear a special robe, showing how important he was.  People would nod in the marketplace, and give him special honor.    He kinda liked getting the star treatment!  There were financial benefits too.  He and his family had everything they could ever want for.  Life was good.


But in the quiet of Nick’s heart, he felt an emptiness.  He knew that many of the things he and the other leaders did was wrong.   But Nick was not one to make waves.    Go along to get along.  Plus, he knew that if he didn’t play along, he could lose his power and his prestige.   He would be disgraced!  He certainly didn’t want to lose his social status! Social status and power have an ugly downside.


Nicodemus entered the weekly Pharisees’ meeting as usual.  This week there was a lot of hubbub.    What was all the chatter about?  Nicodemus hadn’t heard the latest.   John the Baptist, who vehemently denounced the Pharisees, had been getting on the last nerve of Caiaphas and his clan.  And here we go again.  There was another man causing a stir.   This man might be even worse than John the Baptist!  They said his name was Jesus, and he was all the talk in the Galilee region.  Some were calling him the Messiah! A lot of people were going to hear this Jesus, and if a rebellion started, the Romans would crack down harder than ever.  Of course, the top leaders always used “political rebellion” as an excuse to squelch anyone they didn’t like.  And they didn’t like anyone but themselves.  (And they didn’t really like each other very much, when it came down to it!)  The Pharisees had a lot of power.  It was their way or the highway.  They were very protective of their turf.  Like a 21st century gang, without the graffiti.  You can get away with a lot of mischief in the name of religion, you know.


Without much discussion, it was decided to send a commission to investigate this Jesus and make a full report.  So long as Jesus stayed in the background, and knew his place, they just might let him go on with his little fun.  But Jesus would have to understand who was in authority, and do as he was told.


I bet Nicodemus had started to back away from the actions of the leadership by this time.  Maybe he had gone along with their repudiation of John, the Baptist, but I think that this night, Nick went home feeling uneasy.  He told his wife he was afraid there was trouble brewing.  “These guys are so filled with hate, you never know what they might do,” he told his wife.  A few weeks went by, and Nicodemus hoped things had settled down.  But Caiaphas called an emergency meeting.  The scribes, the priests, all the religious leaders… everybody who was anybody was required to attend. 


I can imagine when the meeting began, the high priest, Caiaphas, had a serious look on his face.  A hush went over the room.   Caiaphas was playing this to the hilt.  Caiaphas probably shook his head soberly and said something like this, “Esteemed men and fellow priests, thank you so very much for your faithfulness to duty in coming to this meeting on such short notice.  Unfortunately, this emergency meeting was required because there is a man causing a great disturbance, which requires our immediate attention.   As you well know, none of us wants any problems with Caesar, which would likely happen if this matter is not handled swiftly and decisively.   Our commission has just returned from the Galilee region, and reported that this zealot, Jesus of Nazareth, is leading a dangerous fringe movement.  He is misleading the people with his own teachings, not according to our laws and traditions.  Every day more and more of our uneducated citizens go to hear him and are being lead astray.  It is reported that this Jesus had a crowd of 5000 men, plus women and children, at just one assembly by the Sea of Galilee.   They even reported that he worked some sorts of spells to deceive the people. This cannot be allowed. It has been recommended that a letter be sent out to all the local synagogue leaders throughout Israel, warning them that this man has not been approved by our esteemed Council.  The local priests will be advised to warn the people not to be drawn into this man’s heresy and possible witchcraft.  The letter will also warn them about the potential danger this could cause with the Roman officials, especially if there are riots.   Do I hear a motion to send the letter?  A second?  All in favor?  Motion has passed.  Thank you gentlemen for taking your valuable time to come out this evening on this very important matter.  This meeting is adjourned.”


Can’t you just picture it?  All the top brass shaking their heads, and groaning in agreement?  They likely hadn’t heard a word from Jesus for themselves, but he was already judged guilty in their minds.


I have a feeling Nicodemus talked with some of his Pharisee friends in private, and they too thought the decision was rash.  They felt they should listen to this man first before making any judgments. What if this man was legit?  But the meeting was over before they had an opportunity to say a word.  Dissention in any form was not allowed with Caiaphas as high priest.


It appears as if Nicodemus and his friends decided to check out Jesus for themselves.  I wonder if Nick privately hoped there was something more to religion than all of this back-stabbing and hypocrisy.   I wonder if, instead of his usual, formal, “religiousy” prayers, Nick quietly asked God to help him know if Jesus was authentic.  At the first opportunity, they went to hear Jesus.  It wasn’t at all what they expected.  Jesus wasn’t trying to stir up trouble.   He spoke words of kindness.  He spoke words of faith like Nicodemus had never heard from any of the teachers of the law.   He spoke truth.   He spoke with authority.   And when Jesus touched people with his healing touch, it was obviously not witchcraft.  It was clearly the power and love of God!   The evidence was overwhelming.   Jesus’ very persona was curiously compelling.  Nicodemus and his friends talked about what they had seen, and they agreed without a doubt that God had to be with Jesus, because no one could do what He did, except by the Spirit of God. 


For Nicodemus, this was more than just an academic undertaking.   He couldn’t stop thinking about what he had seen and heard.   Jesus was just so different.  His genuine care for people who couldn’t do a thing for him, his willingness to touch people who were beyond unclean…. downright diseased, how Jesus connected with each one as if he truly loved and cared for them.  Nicodemus had never seen anyone like Jesus.   He was baffled.  What could motivate a man to such love and selflessness?   What was the power behind Jesus and how did he get it?   Day after day, all Nicodemus could think about was this unusual man, Jesus.   He had trouble sleeping because he just had to know what made Jesus tick.  There was a spark of hope growing inside him… he just had to go talk with Jesus! Of course, Nick never let on what he was thinking about to his religious friends.  It was just too dangerous.   One night, Nicodemus couldn’t take it any longer.  Jesus was nearby, and Nicodemus was compelled to go to him.  He went at night, for fear that someone might recognize him, and word get back to Caiaphas.  He promised his wife to be careful, and told her to cover for him, if anyone asked where he was.


When Nicodemus arrived, the Bible says that he called Jesus “Rabbi”. That’s a good start!  Nicodemus recognized Jesus as someone who taught the truth about God.  He’d been taught by the teachers about the law and traditions and their 613, or so, rules all of his life.  He knew that didn’t lead to the kind of goodness and peace that Jesus had.  But now he wanted to hear from Jesus.  He wanted to learn about God.   Not just to learn about God.  But to come to know God like Jesus obviously knew Him, personally.  This is what else Nicodemus said, “Rabbi, we all know that God has sent you to teach us.  Your miraculous signs are evidence that God is with you.” (NLT)  In other words, Nicodemus was asking Jesus to teach him about God.  Which is pretty astounding since Nick was the teacher with all the credentials!  Good job again Nicodemus!  He was coming, not as a religious leader to tell Jesus his opinions.  He was coming to learn.  Humbly.


Jesus didn’t waste a second.  He jumped right in to tell Nicodemus what he needed. “I tell you the truth, unless you are born again,you cannot see the Kingdom of God.”(NLT) Nicodemus was really confused!  But I’m sure those words were etched into his brain like a laser.   


“What do you mean?” Nicodemus asked, “How can an old man go back into his mother’s womb and be born again?” (NLT) That had to be pretty funny!  I wonder if Jesus kept a straight face!  Jesus explained, and I’m sure Nicodemus was listening with every bit of energy he could muster. “I assure you, no one can enter the Kingdom of God without being born of water and the Spirit.  Humans can reproduce only human life, but the Holy Spirit gives birth to spiritual life.” (NLT)


Nicodemus must have had a really confused look on his face, because Jesus said, “So don’t be surprised when I say, ‘You must be born again’.” (NLT)  But Nicodemus WAS surprised.   This wasn’t the way to God he had been taught.   He thought you got to God on the basis of what you did.  By being a “good” person.   By following 613, or so, rules.  And by being in the right family on the right side of the tracks!  He knew nothing of the Spirit of God giving him a new birth!   He certainly didn’t experience spiritual life.


With all of Nicodemus’ learning and credentials and titles and position, he didn’t walk with God.  And he knew it.   He was empty.  He was just going through religious motions.  Cold.  Dry.  Dead.   He was sick of it.  Jesus said there was a new life – a new birth – available for him, and that sparked hope.


I’m sure Nicodemus’ mind was racing.   How CAN I be “born again”?  I’ve done everything the teachers of the law said to do, and I’ve never experienced what Jesus is talking about.   What else do I need to do?  


Jesus knew exactly what Nick was thinking.  So Jesus went on to explain about the Spirit of God.  “The wind blows wherever it wants.  Just as you can hear the wind but can’t tell where it comes from or where it is going, so you can’t explain how people are born of the Spirit.” (NLT)  In other words, Nick, you and the other leaders have no authority over the Spirit of God.  Any more than you have authority over the wind.   Having a relationship with God is not initiated by the religious institutions and formulas of men. It begins by the Spirit of the Living God breathing His spirit into a man.  When a man has a living, vital relationship with God,   then you see the evidence of God’s spirit in his life.


Nick deeply wanted the Spirit of God to breathe on him, so he would have the real, living, vital relationship with the true and living God that Jesus had.  Now that Nick knew there was more to life than empty ritual, he would do whatever it took to have what Jesus had. He knew it wouldn’t happen by way of the flesh… religiosity, his own human righteousness and efforts.  He needed mercy.  He needed a divine touch of life from the Spirit of the Living God!  


The good news is that the Almighty Spirit of God loves to give new life.  We must come humbly as a little child, with simple childlike faith, to be cleansed from our wrongs ways, and to walk in his ways.   Even though we have no authority over the Spirit of God, we can ask him to blow our way!  And the fact that Nicodemus was coming to Jesus humbly, was a great sign that the Spirit of God was already breathing life into him! 


As they talked, Jesus even told Nick one of the most famous passages in the entire Bible, “For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.” (NLT) Everyone!  Anyone!  Not just Jews!  Nicodemus didn’t quite understand everything Jesus told him yet.  I doubt he understood that Jesus was that one and only Son the Heavenly Father gave as the sacrificial lamb to bear the punishment for sin.   But Nick was starting to believe that Jesus was the way to exchange his lifeless, perishing existence for a brand new, eternal kind of living.  Without a doubt, at some point, Nicodemus was born again, and began walking with God for real. He humbled himself to receive God’s thoughts, God’s power, God’s righteousness, God’s very life flowing through him.   He received the water Jesus spoke of to cleanse him of his sins and self-righteousness, and the Spirit of God to give him that new life. 


Nick scratched his head when Jesus told him that God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world but to save it.   Nicodemus and his cronies were all about condemning others.   Not themselves, of course.  All their energy was spent criticizing and condemning and finding fault.  But Jesus said God LOVED the world!  God wanted to save people from being condemned!  That was so different from what Nicodemus had always thought.  But what if it was true!  Oh, if it was true!  Nicodemus felt as if he was breathing heavenly air!


And when Jesus told Nicodemus that men loved darkness rather than light, he certainly knew that was true.  He had seen it and seen it a million times, and he was fed up with it, in others… and in himself.   That way of life had to be over.  It just made him ill.  And Jesus told Nicodemus that he could come to the light, and that it would be obvious that he was doing what God wanted him to do.   Wow!  To live a life walking in truth and sincerity and a clear conscience!  Completely forgiven! All fresh and new and clean on the inside!  No more darkness and condemnation! To have God working His truth and light into his life…. how refreshing that sounded! 


Yes, Jesus told Nicodemus an earful, praying for him the entire time.  Nick’s mind must have been reeling by the time he got home and tucked in bed.  I imagine his wife asked him if he talked with Jesus, and what they talked about.  “Tell me! Tell me!”  I have a feeling Nick just shook his head.  “Honey, I have to sleep on it.  Soak it in.  What he said was life-changing and it’s going to take some time to digest.”  But in Nicodemus’ mind, there was no turning back.  He knew now there was more to life.  Talking with Jesus proved that to him.  He started to believe that he could actually walk with God in spirit and in truth.  And his life would never be the same.


Let’s put ourselves in Nicodemus’ world, right in the middle of Jerusalem.  Imagine you’re at a massive, ornate temple, on a high mountain, surrounded by other high mountains.  Imagine priests in fancy robes with decorative shawls, strutting around with all their self-importance.  Imagine people listening to them drone on day after day about following this rule and that one, and explaining yet another rule they had just made up to lay on your back.  No joy.  No peace.  Just cold, dry, dead philosophy… in the name of God.   Yawn.   This was what Nicodemus experienced day in, day out.


Then imagine Nicodemus seeing Jesus coming into the temple dressed in commoner’s clothes, likely with dusty sandals from a long journey.   Imagine Jesus sitting down in the temple, talking with a few common people, giving them hope, making them laugh.  Then another joins, and another, and they all hang on his every word.  God blesses you when people mock you and persecute you and lie about you and say all sorts of evil things against you because you are my followers.  Be happy about it!  Be very glad!  For a great reward awaits you in heaven.  And remember, the ancient prophets were persecuted in the same way”. (NLT)   Then imagine the people getting up from listening to the religious guy, and walking over to listen to Jesus.  After a while, there’s a crowd around Jesus.   And then imagine a lame person being brought to Jesus.  With gentleness and kindness, with one touch, Jesus says he forgives him, and heals him!  Right before their very eyes!   This is much more than dead, dry philosophy!  These are works of the Messiah! The people start to shout, “Hosanna, to the Son of David!”  Jesus is the Messiah we’ve been waiting for!


Now imagine Nicodemus following a very pouty priest running back to the top guys whining, “Jesus is here!  He’s deceiving the people just like he did in Galilee!  He even worked some of his black magic right here in the temple!  The people are shouting the he’s the Messiah!  What are we going to do to put a stop to him?!”


Believing in Jesus was not even a consideration.  So the leaders put their evil heads together and came up with this plan. The Pharisees would embarrass Jesus in front of the people, by asking him trick questions to trip him up.   Surely that would not be a difficult task with all of their great learning, they figured.  Jesus was a country bumpkin, after all!   Then the people would stop listening to him, and return to following them.   Simple.  Sounds like a good plan!  If you’re evil.  Nicodemus was beside himself.


But there was one big problem.  The religious leaders completely underestimated Jesus!    They tried and tried their best to trick Jesus and bring him down in the eyes of the people, but they never could.    Jesus’ wisdom was more than they had bargained for.   All they accomplished was to make themselves look like fools, filled with jealousy.  The whole plan backfired on them!  Can’t you just imagine the people hearing a complex, politically-charged question posed by the Pharisee, and wondering how in world Jesus could answer?   And then Jesus would knock it outta the park!  Time after time after time.  It just wasn’t a fair game.   You know the people let out an approving, “Aaahh”, when Jesus answered so wisely.  And a few snickered too.


That really made them angry. But what got them piping hot mad was when Jesus told the people not to listen to the religious leaders because they were hypocrites!  Yep!   Jesus said they looked great on the outside in their fancy outfits, but on the inside they were filled with dead men’s bones!  Yep, Jesus said that!  He said the religious leaders weren’t going to enter heaven, and whoever followed them wouldn’t either!  They were blind guides who would lead them away from God!  Oh yeah, Jesus really made the religious leaders furious!   They tried to keep their cool in public, but in private meetings, Nicodemus saw the full force of their fury! 


Why would Jesus stir up so much trouble?!  Isn’t he the Prince of Peace?   Here’s why.  Jesus spoke the truth clearly and plainly to warn the people of these dangerous men, because He loved them all so much.  It broke his heart to see them being lead away from a true relationship with God!


But he didn’t just love the common people.  He loved the Pharisees too!   He was trying to wake them up out of their religious stupor.   Blinded by their selfish ambition and pride, they couldn’t see the danger they were in.  That in an instant, they could be standing in judgment for all their sins, including misleading the people!  He didn’t want them to have to pay that heavy eternal price.  He wanted to pay it for them.  Amazing love!   He loves each one to the uttermost.  


Jesus also spoke these words because He knew it was time for Him to take on his role as the Lamb of God.  He was pushing them to decision.  What would they do?  Believe?  Or use their power to have him put to death?   They played right into His holy hands.  Nicodemus was powerless to stop them.


I wonder if Nicodemus tried to stop them when they sent some of the temple guard to arrest Jesus.   It wasn’t Jesus’ time yet, so what happened is pretty amusing.   When the officers went to arrest Jesus, they just couldn’t do it.  They were so taken in by what Jesus said that they just couldn’t!  When they returned to the Pharisees, their only explanation was, “Never has a man spoken the way this man speaks.”  Isn’t that great?  Love it!!


 The Pharisees answered them in their usual condemning, unbelieving, rude way, “You have not also been led astray, have yo