The Other Side of Life by Rev. Samuel Mack, OMS, DD - HTML preview

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Chapter 3



There has been seen in our lives, that which we have presented to God the Father and that is of our need for all things that are not of God in fact if we look at it as, {in this visual description}. Say that in the process of living our lives we have become so dependent on things other then what we really need and that being God and nothing else. As a matter of point we as humans have become totally dependent on MONEY, THINGS, and COMPITION, and this is really the point with all of this in mind we find that God see us as, {don’t miss understand were not horses}, horses with blinders, {the side blocking of a horses sight}, so we only allow ourselves to see the human side of all things and all to do with life is HUMAN not SPIRITUAL, because we have and are told of this way, but it’s not true because Paul tel us in Romans 1:8-17 of Gods good news and why it’s so important to us his brothers and sisters, but more important is in Romans 1:18-32 why God steps away from us for our lack of properly connect and communicate with Him in fact if we look in Romans 1:18 is how God shows us the truth and all of His creation {21} and how we us HUMANs was to gain and get things to live better in this HUMAN world and by not acknowledging God as He ask us to. The fact of the matter is that everything we have was created by God, {Thanks be to God}, {Good morning Lord; Thank you for al owing me another day to enjoy the world you’ve created for us} or {Good night Lord, and bless us through the night and protect us from evil}, you see brothers and sisters that if God is where He belongs in the center of our lives then we should rightfully thank Him for all things, {Good or Bad}, because He allows us to chose from one or the other of our own free will. God does not chose for us He allow us to chose what path to take, but if we believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God and He died on the cross for OUR sins and then rose again to show that with this faith in Him we would have ever lasting life, But only when we truly understand that it’s not a ONE TIME FAITH, rather it is a continous, {for the rest of our lives}, belief, practice, communication, and living our lives Christ like not HUMAN like but CHRIST like as our brother Jesus Christ showed us how with His life here on earth. You know what’s funny is the fact that all God wants from us is to be His children, to worship Him, to trust in Him, to communicate with Him, and to always be there with Him, in other word “Take God’ Medicine read His word Daily Aloud” because the bible tells us that we are to read His word daily and meditate on what we have read not weekly, not monthly, and not yearly, but daily each and every day, {see Psalms 1:1-3, Joshua 1:8-9, Acts 17:11,n and Roma0:1s 17}.