The Other Side of Life by Rev. Samuel Mack, OMS, DD - HTML preview

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Chapter 7

"Human Faith VS Spiritual Faith"


We all believe that we walk in faith right? Well what kind of faith do we walk in or really have? Well let me tell you about the two (2) different kinds of faith there is for our lives, ‘Human Faith and Spiritual Faith’. Yes I know there is a funny thing about L.I.F.E. and that is we have all done it one way or another, we see what we do as everyday things, but I have to tell you that’s not entirely true. Because everything we do we are actually taking a ‘Leap of Faith’ to show this we look at, maybe you have heard of a new food and everybody told you how good it was now you have to see how good it is so you go to try it out, {this is a Leap of Faith}, everything in our lives has been done on this fact ‘a Leap of Faith’ so look at your L.I.F.E. from past to now and you to will see that in every aspect of your L.I.F.E. has been ‘a Leap of Faith’ from the day you learn to walk to this very day we have all lived on that ‘Leap of Faith’ which we use for just about anything to better our human lives in this human world, but it’s not what we need in our lives, but rather what God knows we need to better ourselves with Him always in it.; this the most amazing gift to be given to us in this life. All things we pray for to happen each and every day. Now are we actually praying through human faith, {operates through our senses. ‘If you can’t see, hear, taste, feel or smell it,’} or praying through spiritual faith {is that point that we reach out and touch God ‘spiritually’ and begin to ‘See the Invisible, Believes the Incredible, and Receives the Impossible,’} that we received when we died as humans in the flesh and became reborn in the spirit? {I do this L.I.F.E. to show that even God tell us what we need for our lives Living In Faith Ever

We as humans have been taking life and all things for garnet, in other words we must keep up with the Jones. So if they have something better I want one bigger and better, he gets paid more then I so I will get more pay then him. It’s a bad circle to get into when we’re trying to outdo each other and all we really have to do is Love our Lord God and Love your neighbor as yourself and if your enemy is hungry feed him if he is thirsty give him water, it’s not any more simple then that. If we could just learn to look at all things the way God intended ‘as we are His children’ through the eyes of His children us.


Really means "a request directed towards God. All that true prayer seeks is God Himself, for with Him we get all we need. Prayer is simply "the turning of the soul to God.Psalms 25. 1 " David describes it as the lifting up of the living soul to the living God. ‘Unto Thee, O Lord, do I lift up my soul?" What a beautiful description of prayer that is! When we desire the Lord Jesus to behold our souls, we also desire that the beauty of holiness may be upon us. Psalms 86:4, 143:8, Acts 6:4, Romans 12:12, Philippians 4:4-7, James 5:15-18.

Here is an example of ‘Human Faith vs. Spiritual Faith’ I had taken one of my dear friends to the forest and when we got there I ask. Do you see that lovely forest God created for us? And he replied. I can’t see the forest because of the trees! Well I want you to know that this child of God was shown the light that day as to the deferent’s between ‘Human Faith and Spiritual Faith.’ As this truly dose illustrate that ‘Humanly’ we can not ‘See the Invisible, nor Believe the Incredible nor Receive the Impossible,’ because all we see is right in front of us a bunch of trees that are in the way not the fact that the trees really do make the forest.

So how can we believe in God if we have never seen, heard, touched, tasted, or smell Him? Humans have been carving out different types of ‘Human Faith’ since time began, with different types if ‘Idles’ and other such things. The Bible tells us about ‘Human Faith’ and why not to have or entertain it,

“15. Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in them.” 1 John 2: 15-17, Deuteronomy 29:19-27, Job 17:8, Isaiah 29:15-16, 30:1-5, 31:1-2, Daniel 9:13, Matthew 11:21-24, Matthew 16:14

Which all basically speak of those who rely on themselves, things and others, or buildings for there faith.

Only because you are reborn in the Spirit and have received fruit of the Spirit which is faith.


“3. For by the grace given me I say to every one of you: Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the measure of faith God has given you.” Rom.12:3-21, Psalm 1:1-3, Isaiah 30:18, Jeremiah 17:7-10, 2 Peter 3:3-9, 15-18

God has given us enough spiritual faith to have anything manifest in our lives. The reason why most of what we prayed for in the past did not manifest in our lives is because we blocked or cursed our prayers by human faith, operating out of the physical, earthly realm in stead of using the God given Spiritual realm.

We used to ask God for some miracle in our lives. We then “believed” it, supposedly accepted it, closed our eyes and then we looked to see if God really performed that miracle. Is that spiritual faith? Did we really and honestly believe that God has performed that miracle? We can even go further and say: “Oh good, no worries, God will probably still do it overnight.” The first thing in the morning when we woke up we checked to see if God really performed the miracle as He promised…Bam….cursed… We slipped in our spiritual faith for that slightest moment and we wondered why our miracle didn’t manifest. That is not spiritual faith, but human faith that operates through sense knowledge.

Spiritual faith on the other hand…


“Who his own self bare our sins in His own body on the tree that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.”

1 Peter 2:24

“Now faith is the substance of what we hope for, the evidence of things not seen.” Heb. 11:1

Do you want to walk in human faith that operates in the sense knowledge realm, or do you want to have and live in spiritual faith, knowing that all we hope for is certain?

I encourage you to leave your thoughts of ‘human faith’…To true ‘Spiritual Faith’!!