The Parousia-Expectation: Does It Impact Evangelization by Irfan Iftekhar - HTML preview

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What is the essence of the theology behind the return of Christ? If there is, to say, no delay in the expectation of Parousia, and Christ returns this day, then as true Christians we have to take it as our last and then evangelize, whosoever we can. But if it does not happens so. Should I baptize? As a faithful Christian we must believe at His coming. God never revealed when Christ would come, although He informed us all about his second coming but not the precise time of his coming. Evangelism is crucial for those who desire to hear it, second come discipleship. Preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is like fulfilling the great commission. "Go therefore make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you?” Matthew 28:18-20