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The Price

Leon Newton

The Price


Copyright ©2010 by Leon Newton All Rights Reserved


Biblical quotes are from the King James version of the Bible. Copyright ©1988 by Thomas Nelson Publishers




To God’s Christian families and Christian communities around the world.


In memory of Mrs. Janie Tomblin, who always encouraged my creative talent.


Mrs. Gigg Jones, who recognized I had a different light about me in middle school I could not see in myself.


Mrs. G. Gil, my sister, and Mr. Troy Newton, my brother, who helped me in my spiritual growth.


Dr. Verna R. Jones, who teaches at Jackson State University, my listening ear.


Dr. Lorain Woods, who teaches at Mississippi Valley State University, my listening ear.


Pastor Hubie Nelson and friends at Tabernacle Christian Fellowship Baptist Church, Jackson, Mississippi.




“If a person has a few good friends, this is a good thing.”


Miss Shirley Moore-Collins, my typist, a beautiful person with a kind godly spirit.


Charles Conway, who suggested I expand the list of characters.


Pastor Hubie Nelson, who wrote the introduction to The Price.


Great Friends: Michael Baker, John Howard Jr., Oliver Harris, Rod Paris, Eddie Hunt, and Robert Horton.


Dr. Emmanuel C. Nwagboso, who teaches at Jackson State University.


Dr. Mercy Harper, who teaches at Jackson State University.


Dr. D. Davis, Chair of the History Department at Jackson State University.


Professor Saul Dorsey, who teaches at Jackson State University.


Rev. Dr. F. Lee Jones, Pastor of First Baptist Church of Sharon, Mattapan, MA.



I find this play, The Price, to be a sermon in itself. In fact it is one of the best plays I have ever read. This play gives a detailed report about the love of God and the consequences for the rejection of God. The Millionaire and Satan dialogue about the consequences of rejecting God. It is apparent that even Satan is more aware of the consequences of rejecting God than the Millionaire.

The Millionaire seems obsessed with greed, arrogance and selfishness, so much so that his selfcenteredness had completely removed him from reality, to the point that all he saw was money and materialism. He was obsessed to the point where he would not allow anyone to convince him otherwise. He was to the point where he did not believe in God or Satan.

The Millionaire’s blindness and obsession are the two main enemies of the soul. If they are not eliminated or kept under restraint, it can lead to death, which leads to hell. There is a place in scripture that says, “The day you hear my voice, harden not your heart.” The Millionaire never heard that voice. His blind obsession led to a permanent hearing impairment, eternal punishment in hell. The Price is a powerful play that speaks to each of us.

Rev. Hubie Nelson Tabernacle Christian Fellowship Baptist Church Jackson, MS

The Price Synopsis

The play is about an arrogant Millionaire who does not believe in God and does not accept Jesus Christ’s salvation for man. The Millionaire believes man is the measure of all things and not God. He refuses to accept the fact he is in hell because he is not supposed to be there. The Millionaire believes his paperwork must have been misplaced or mixed up with someone else’s, and God or someone made an mistake. He demands Satan look into the matter at once. He complains that hell is too hot for him. Satan tries to convinced the Millionaire there is no paper mix-up and hell is where he belongs. The Millionaire, not hearing any of it, tells Satan he needs better customer service in hell because he would be fired if Satan worked for him. Satan has the other residents of hell give their testimonies of why they are in hell, but the Millionaire is unconvinced.

Note To My Readers

The purpose of writing the play The Price:
– To give honor and glory to the living God.
– To lead someone to Christ, strengthen our faith, affirm our faith in Christ’s salvation. – To encourage our youth ministries to stand up and speak up for Christ. – To give warning not to allow the cares and distractions of this world to hinder us in God’s



– To get Christians to stop and think about God’s love, grace, mercy, forgiveness and our own salvation


– To sow into the Kingdom of the living God.




Millionaire Age: 45-55 (Very arrogant)


Sin: Unbelief in God




Annie Age: 22-26 Sin: Hearer of the word of God but not a doer


Athlete Age: 30-35 (Part of the entertainers group) Sin: Waste of God’s talent


Deacon Jones Age: 30-40 Sin: Stealing from God


Billy Age: 18 Sin: No one told him about Jesus


Atheist Age: 25 Sin: Does not believe God exists


Agnostic Age: 30 Sin: Impossible to know God


Miss Smith Age: 21-35 Sin: Busybody/gossips within the church


Mrs. Woodson Age: 35-40 (Vain person)


Sin: Past beauty queen


Setting: Hell

Performance Time: One Hour “For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul” (Matthew 16:26)

Act One, Scene One


At Rise—Purgatory


The Millionaire enters the room proudly while Satan is sitting on his throne.


Millionaire: So I heard you wanted to speak with me.


Satan: I do. I had been expecting you sooner. But that Jesus kept giving you too many chances to repent.


Millionaire: Repent for what? Being rich?


Satan: Your heart was not right in God’s sight. You dismissed God from your life and made my job easy.


Millionaire: So?


Satan: You suffer from self-pride.


Millionaire: Look, Satan, it must be a mistake why I am here. There must be some sort of a paper mix-up.


Satan: (Laughs)


I can assure you there is no paper mix-up. You are where you are supposed to be.


Millionaire: I deserve better.


Satan: Than hell?


Millionaire: It’s not like I had a choice.


Satan: (Angrily standing up, pointing at the Millionaire) Oh yes, but you did!


Millionaire: How so? Satan: Serve me or God. You did not serve God.


Millionaire: What are you talking about? I served no man or God.


Satan: Then you chose me. You do not understand in your world it is only God and me.


Millionaire: Satan, I want to say to you again, I serve no man, and that includes you.


Satan: Fool, shut up. I see why you are here.


Millionaire: (Lowering his head) Satan, it is what it is.


Satan: (Curiously) Meaning?


Millionaire: I lived a rich life with no regret.


Satan: So you take pride in the way you lived?


Millionaire: And why not? If I had to do it over again, I wouldn’t change anything.


Satan: Did you learn anything?


Millionaire: My life was worth it.


Satan: So you think?


Millionaire: I did not believe in heaven or hell.


Satan: What did you believe in?


Millionaire: Me.


Satan: What do you think?


Millionaire: Satan, can you turn the air on? It’s a little hot in here. I’m burning up.


Satan: (Laughs)


Sorry, the air isn’t working. Millionaire: Man, how can you stand this heat?


Satan: Over time you get used to it.


Millionaire: Really, it’s too hot down here.


Satan: (Amused)


You do not say.


Millionaire: I am burning up inside.


Satan: (Laughing)


You don’t say. You are a funny guy.


Millionaire: It’s like my whole body is on fire.


Satan: Maybe it’s your sins?


Millionaire: I do not believe in God or sin.


Satan: (Curious) Why?


Millionaire: Do you, Satan, believe in sin?


Satan: Let’s just say I play a big part in man’s sin. So yes, I do. Besides, it’s better for me if men sin.


Millionaire: You crazy, man.


Satan: You really amuse me.


Millionaire: Why?


Satan: Because a man who does not believe in the living God and sin is calling me crazy.


Millionaire: Can you do something about this heat? It is really bothering me.


Satan: Are you serious? Do you know where you are? Millionaire: Yes, hell.


Satan: Then why do you ask for air conditioning when you know it’s impossible!


Millionaire: I thought you might do me a little favor.


Satan: A little favor! Do you know who I am? Have you studied the Bible?


Millionaire: The book about God and Jesus, right.


Satan: But have you studied the Bible?


Millionaire: I am well educated. What is this, some kind of ACT or SAT test or something?


Satan: Because had you studied the Bible, you would know God, and Jesus, his son. You would know who I am and why you are here.


Millionaire: What are you trying to say? I am not as educated as you, God and his son, Jesus.


Satan: No, but you are a fool and deserve to burn in hell!


Millionaire: So you think? Satan, I have not called you any bad names.


Satan: But you are a fool, because even I fear God!


Millionaire: You think there really is a God?


Satan: Yes, I know he exists!


Millionaire: Satan, do you think there is a God?


Satan: Let’s say we were on the opposite sides of the war in heaven. Where do you think you are at? I like your kind, I wish I had more like you millionaires.


Millionaire: What do you mean?


Satan: You reject God and his son, then blame God when you end up here. Been there. Done that.


Millionaire: I take that back, what I said earlier.


Satan: What? Millionaire: I said I serve no man or God, including you. I serve the god of materialism and worship it too.


Satan: You mean money.


Millionaire: And all it could buy.


Satan: Then you worshiped me.


Millionaire: How so?


Satan: Because I am the god of materialism.


Millionaire: Strange, about the god of materialism.


Satan: What!


Millionaire: With all my wealth, I couldn’t buy happiness and inner peace. There were those who had less and seemed to be happy, and shared in an inner peace I could never know.


Satan: Take it from me, that happiness and inner peace isn’t all what it seemed to be.


Millionaire: I was told to give my life over to Jesus and fear and respect God and I too could enjoy this inner peace only Jesus Christ could bring into my life.


Satan: And what happened?


Millionaire: Jesus is not for me. My other millionaire friends accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. They were changed men.


Satan: You did right rejecting that Jesus and God. You got to be your own man in matters of your soul. You cannot let people control you, you know.


Millionaire: (Nodding his head in agreement)


Right on, Satan, right on. Even though I felt I made the right decision for my life, I always felt empty inside.


Satan: (Laughs)


I wonder why? Millionaire: I wished sometimes I could have bought it.


Satan: God’s love and Jesus’ peace is not for sale.


Millionaire: How do you know?


Satan: I do not want to talk of this God and Jesus. I am happy there are people in the world who think like you.


Millionaire: What do you mean, people who think like me?


Satan: People who think for themselves.


Millionaire: Oh.


Satan: You are a good man.


Millionaire: You think?


Satan: Yes, I know a good man when I see one.


Millionaire: Thanks.


Satan: I do not lie; I only want the best for you. I am happy you’re here.


Millionaire: I am a good man. God is unfair.


Satan: But you are here. I, Satan, carefully devise schemes and tactics against believers. My demonic devils are at war with God’s people over the souls of men and women.


Millionaire: But why me?


Satan: Your sins are many.


Millionaire: Whatever.


Satan: Your greed, selfishness and arrogance are the reason you are here.


Millionaire: Not true, all lies! What proof do you have, Satan?


Satan: I am Satan and you demand proof?


Millionaire: And why not? Satan: (Angry)


I do not like your arrogance; do not forget who you are talking to.


Millionaire: Sorry.


Satan: Good. Your choice was heaven or hell. Stop blaming others for your problems.


Millionaire: I do not believe in God or Jesus.


Satan: I love this, keep talking. There are many like you who are willing to lose their souls.


Millionaire: Sounds like you have some regrets. Me, never!


Satan: Your false pride is the reason you are here.


Millionaire: Never had a chance.


Satan: But you paid the price to be here.


Millionaire: What price?


Satan: Your soul!


Millionaire: I do not remember signing a contract with you or anyone about my soul.


Satan: You’re right, but you rejected God and his son Jesus Christ. The contract is automatic.


Millionaire: What?


Satan: You are mine!


Millionaire: No way!


Satan: All the time you are talking your big talk, you do not serve man or God. You are serving me; I am the god of materialism. Now who do you serve?


Millionaire: I do not know? Satan: Too late, you’re here now! I cannot believe Jesus died on the cross for fools like you. I tried to stop Jesus many times.


Millionaire: Why?


Satan: Because men are not worth Jesus dying on the cross. He loves you but few men love Jesus in return. What a waste! Like I said, you paid the price.


Millionaire: My soul.


Satan: Now that Job was a real man.


Millionaire: Why, there really is a God?


Satan: No matter what I did to Job, he continued to praise and glorify God. You’re confusing me, Millionaire. I thought you did not believe in God or his son, Jesus.


Millionaire: I don’t, but maybe if someone kept talking to me, I might have believed.


Satan: No way. Besides, you would not have listened. Your wife tried. You hated to go to church with her.


Millionaire: Not true.


Satan: Yes, your wife tried to talk to you about Jesus, but you would have none of it. You pushed her away.


Millionaire: My wife always talked when I was busy. My mind was on making money and more money. I never had enough. Who was Job in the Bible?


Satan: I hated Job because of his love for God, but he had the faith like no other.


Millionaire: Why?


Satan: Because Job loved and trusted God. You really have never read or heard the stories in the Bible?


Millionaire: Never really had time to read.


Satan: I would not advise any to read or listen to the Bible.


Millionaire: But I thought you liked the Bible? Satan: No, you thought wrong!


Millionaire: (Confused)


Now you are confusing me.


Satan: The Bible tells lies about me.


Millionaire: You mean stories.


Satan: I said what I meant. The Bible tells lies, all lies.


Millionaire: You are confusing me. You must have read it to speak so hatefully about it.


Satan: If you must know, I lived it.


Millionaire: You mean the Bible.


Satan: I am sorry to say because people lie about me.


Millionaire: Why would the Bible lie about you?


Satan: I do not know. But tell me what you know about salvation in the Bible.


Millionaire: Salvation, what is that?


Satan: Are you serious? You really do not know. You humans amaze me.


Millionaire: It’s not fair; ask me about the stock market or Wall Street. You need a stock tip? This is what I cared about and know.


Satan: So sad.


Millionaire: It made a lot of money for me and my friends.


Satan: Nothing like hard cold cash.


Millionaire: I had plenty of cash. I was the man.


Satan: You don’t get it. You really do not understand where you are. Do you think this is a game?


Millionaire: Get what? Satan: You’re in hell and I own your soul.


Millionaire: It is what it is.


Satan: Such arrogance I have never seen.


Millionaire: Why, because I won’t bow down to you?


Satan: You don’t get it!


Millionaire: I am in hell because of what I did or did not do. So be it.


Satan: Arrogance, arrogance, arrogance.


Millionaire: Just keeping it real.


Satan: Hell is real.


Millionaire: So?


Satan: You are here because you denied the living God and his son, Jesus Christ.


Millionaire: Do not make such a big deal about God and Jesus.


Satan: Oh, but they are. That’s why you’re here.


Millionaire: At least I did not try to be God.


Satan: If you were alive, I would kill you. You are crazy, a real fool.


Millionaire: I am lost for words.


Satan: Not you.


Millionaire: You must tell me more about Job and Jesus.


Satan: You missed your chance to learn.


Millionaire: I was not interested in Job and Jesus then.


Satan: Remember, you almost died in the hospital.


Millionaire: Yes, I almost died. Satan: Who do you think kept you alive?


Millionaire: The doctors.


Satan: I could not convince God to let you die.


Millionaire: Why?


Satan: For some reason unknown to me, he thought you were worth saving. But you rejected him.


Millionaire: Strange God.


Satan: Only if you do not know him.


Millionaire: I lost salvation.


Satan: You are here. And I thought you did not know what God’s salvation is?


Millionaire: That says a lot. Now I think I understand a little.


Satan: Like

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