The Rapture Puzzle by Renee .N Moses - HTML preview

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Chapter 10

Puzzle Piece 26







Here we see how the judgment comes in one day, or one hour. This is the “Day of the Lord”, which is also referred to as an hour in the Scriptures. It is the “day and hour” that Jesus said He does not know about. The reason that the light will not shine there again is because Jesus is the light of the world and He will be leaving. The reason the voice of the Bridegroom and Bride will not be heard is because Jesus, our Bridegroom, will be taking His Bride and leaving with her.


Esther 2:12 - Before a young woman’s turn came to go in to King Xerxes, she had to complete twelve months of beauty treatments prescribed for the women, six months with oil of myrrh and six with perfumes and cosmetics.

Before Esther was allowed to go into the king’s presence, she first had to go through 12 months of beauty treatments. I believe this is symbolic of the 12 months between the first and second rapture events, where those left-behind are given a 12-month period to repent and to purify their hearts so that they are ready to meet the King. They will then be taken to be with the Lord during the fall feasts in 2016, and together with all the saints will return to earth on Hanukkah 2016 and be crowned on the 7th day of Hanukkah, which is December 31, 2016.