The Resurrection and Immortality by William West - HTML preview

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     The issue before us in this work is that unfounded theory of “natural immortality, or the deathless nature of the soul,” which if ever established must include the dog and the bear. Let that dogma be confirmed and the whole structure of eternal torment must stand forever unscathed. Fundamental to the entire doctrine is this theory. If it stand, the conclusion is inevitable. If it falls, the whole fabric built upon it crushes into atoms.

     Reader, if you will kindly indulge me the time, I will build a wall against that error, towards which the powers of scholasticism will blow their mighty blasts in vain. And the theory of eternal torment, growing of necessity out of the notion that the spirit of man is indestructible, will be shown to be the grossest error that ever cast a shadow over the fair universe of God. An error that has been pounded and “propounded” into the hearts of men and women, both in and out of the church, from the days of Socrates, 500 years before Christ, down to the twentieth century. You dare not deny that Socrates and Plato, his pupil, are the originators and perpetrators of this doctrine. And it is further seen by men as apparently confirmed by the parables and metaphors of revelation.

     Some one may ask what does it matter if we do believe it? It matters much. Let me point you to some of its mischief. What caused Universalism to rise up and deny the future retribution? That very doctrine of natural immortality. How did it cause it? This way—they believed the spirit of man indestructible. They saw a furnace of fire in scripture opening its jaws to receive countless hosts. They know the fire could only torture such a spirit. They saw no release from it: they saw in the distant eternity the writhing millions of humanity no nearer the end of their suffering than when they entered. They thought “horror!” Such would make God a tyrant, more terrible than a thousand inquisitions of the dark ages. They cried “absurdity.” They cried right, too. So they devised a crude escape. They figured it all away, and agreed to take all men into heaven irrespective of moral qualification. All punishment became to them reformative, and, ultimately, the last man would depart for glory.

     From whence came the soul-benumbing ingredients of Calvin’s Eternal Election of much of the human race to everlasting misery in a lake of fire, regardless of moral attire, choice or conduct” Came it not from the gangrenes of putrescent mental sore? Came it not from a scattering mind, incapacitated to gather, associate and concentrate evidence? With him, the deathless nature of the soul was a profound reality—it was unquestionable—to doubt was to exhibit weakness. He saw God revealed in scripture with powers sweeping all infinity. He saw some intimations of an election, a pre-election, a foreknowledge, and following this lead he unconsciously forced to the grossest absurdity the mind of man can entertain. Lay your premises in error, and draw your conclusions in harmony, and you have a falsehood masquerading in your brain in the guise of the angel of truth.

     What caused induced the rise of “spiritualism?” That dark, deceitful pretense of talking with the dead. Any one may talk to the dead, but the dead answers not. These people also were repulsed by the doctrine of endless misery, and immediately rejected the Bible, but held tenaciously to the eternal perpetuity of the spirit of man, and invented a diabolical fare for its chart of unseen activity. Notwithstanding the Divine denunciations against it as the work of devilish agencies.

     Upon what is “Purgatory” and Saint Worship” founded? Are not its entire fortifications resting upon that one delicate thread? These delusive and pernicious evils of Catholicism, destined to drag man and women, boys and girls down to an irredeemable fate, under the “spell” that a failure here means but a little longer term of purification in the fires of Purgatory.

    Again, from that theory, legions of infidels and atheist have been created: besides, thousands more have wandered off into every form and bypath of delusion. Denying the conclusions and consequences to which the theory leads, man have given wings to scores of false notions withdrawing from it entirely, or making some sour of apology for God as did Thompson in the “Theism,” “that it belongs to the necessities of existence and cannot therefore be otherwise.”

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     Early in the Reformation there were many who did not believe, "You shall not surely die," but the Church of England opposed them. A few of the many books by well known ministers, teachers, professors, Doctors, mostly orthodox Protestants or church of Christ ministers teaching that mankind does not have a part that is immortal from birth. That life after death is dependent of the resurrection, not on an immortal soul.

1.        Tertullian, "Treatise on the Soul" Chapter 55

2.        Martin Luther, E. Petavel, "The Problem of Immortality" page 255

3.        John Wesley, "Wesley's sermon on Luke 16:23"

4.        William Tundale, "Christian Moralism" page 99

5.        Ashley S. Johnson, "The Resurrection And The Future Life" 1913, church of Christ

6.        Elias Smith, (Often referred to as "Elder" Elias Smith) "The Life, Conversion, Preaching, Travel and Sufferings of Elias Smith, 1886, church of Christ

7.        Homer Hailey, "God's Judgments and Punishments," President of Bible at Florida College, 2003, church of Christ

8.        Homer Hailey, "Revelation, An Introduction and Commentary," Baker Book House, Hailey was dean of Bible at Florida College, church of Christ

9.        Homer Hailey, “Revelations” Baker Book House, 1979, church of Christ

10.      Homer Hailey, “Now Mine Eye Seeth Thee, A Commentary On Job” Religious Supply, Inc. 1994, church of Christ

11.      F. LaGard Smith, "After Life, A Glimpse of Eternity Beyond Death's Door," 2003, Lipscomb University, church of Christ

12.      Jerry Cross, "Magnolia Bible College 1984 Lectures" page 48 and 49, church of Christ

13.      Ashley S. Johnson, “Ages of ages, or ages upon ages,” Founder and president of the Johnson Bible College, church of Christ

14.      Ashley S. Johnson, “The Resurrection And The Future Life,” 1913, Founder and president of the Johnson Bible College, Knoxville Lithographing Company, church of Christ

15.      E. D. Slough, "Indictment Of Eternal Torment—The Self-negation of a Monstrous Doctrine," 1914, church of Christ

16.      Jimmy Allen, “Fire In My Bones,” and “What is Hell Like?” Professor Emeritus of Bible – Harding University, 2004, church of Christ

17.      J. W. McGarvey, President of Sacred History in the College of the Bible, Standard Bible Commentary, 1916, Standard Publishing Company, church of Christ

18.      J. W. McGarvey, President of Sacred History in the College of the Bible, McGarvey’s Sermons, Standard Publishing Company, church of Christ

19.      Jeremy K. Moritz, “HELL: Eternal Torment or complete Annihilation?” church of Christ

20.      Steven Clark Goad, “Thoughts on Punishment of the Wicked,” church of Christ Christian Ekklesia Podcast, church of Christ

21.      “Only in Christ” (2002) Star Bible Publications, church of Christ                          

22.      William Robert West, “A Resurrection To Immortality,” church of Christ

·          First edition, Author House Publishing, 2004

·          Second edition, Xulon Press, 2006

·          Third edition, Infivity Publishing, 2008

·          Fourth edition, WestBow Press, a division of Thomas Nelson, 2011

23.      William Robert West, “The Rapture And Israel,” CreateSpace Press, 2011, church of Christ

24.      Moses E. Lord, "Do The Holy Scriptures Teach The Endlessness Of Future Punishment?" church of Christ

25.      Moses E. Lord, Commentary On Romans from “The Restoration Library,” Gospel Light Publishing Company, church of Christ

26.      Al Maxey, "The Maxey-Thrasher Debate," church of Christ

27.      Robert Dozier, "Dozier-Johnson Debate," church of Christ

28.      Curtis Dickinson, "What The Bible Teaches About Immortality And Future Punishment," Much more at: -- church of Christ

29.      Edward Fudge, "The Fire That Consumes" 1982, church of Christ

30.      Roger E. Dickson, "Life, Death, and Beyond," Star Bible Publications, Inc. 1998, church of Christ

31.      Roger E. Dickson, “Eschatology A Sturdy Of God’s Judgments,” Biblical Research Library, Star Bible Publications, Inc., 1997, church of Christ

32.      John Scott, "Harding Graduate School Lectures" 1971, church of Christ

33.      Samuel G. Dawson, "Jesus' Teaching on Hell" 1996, church of Christ

34.      Alexander Campbell, “Popular Lectures And Addresses,” Harbinger Book Club, church of Christ

35.      Alexander Campbell, "The Christian System," page 3, Gospel Advocate, 1970, church of Christ

36.      Alexander Campbell, “Five discoursers On Hell”, 1848, church of Christ

37.      Alexander Campbell, “Campbell Skinner Debate On Everlasting Punishment,” College Press, 1840, church of Christ

38.      Alexander Campbell, Preface to “The Living Oracles,” Gospel Advocate Company, 1826, church of Christ

39.      Micah Redding: “There Is No Hell (parts 1-6) at:, church of Christ

40.      T. Pierce Brown, "Soul and Spirit" Gospel Advocate, June 14, 1979, church of Christ

41.      Mike Willis, “Commentary On Paul’s First Epistle To The Corinthians,” 1979, Guardian of Truth Foundation, church of Christ

42.      Cecil Willis, “But What About the Thief on the Cross?” Guardian of Truth Foundation, church of Christ

43.      John T. Willis, "The Living Word Commentary On the Old Testament – Genesis, Sweet Publishing Company, 1979, Church of Christ.

44.      Guy N. Woods, "What Is The Soul Of Man," Gospel Advocate, 1985, November 21, church of Christ

45.      B. W. Johnson, “Christ and the Future Life’ 1891, church of Christ

46.      B. W. Johnson, “People’s New Testament With Notes,” church of Christ

47.      Carl Holladay, “The Fist Letter of Paul to The Corinthians,” 1979, Abilene Christian University Press, church of Christ

48.      McCord, Guardian of Truth, "Lexicons Can Be Wrong," 1996, church of Christ

49.      Samuel Csonka, “Guardian of Truth,” now “Truth Magazine,” “The Doctrine of Annihilation” page 16, January 5, 1995, church of Christ

50.      Marc W. Gibson and Harry Osborne, Truth Magazine, “The Serpent That Was Not There,” page 458, August 7, 1003, church of Christ

51.      Dillard Thurman, Gospel Minutes, Volume 34, Number 5, February 1, 1985, West Freeway Church of Christ

52.      Dr. Bert Thompson "Reason and Revelation" May 2000, church of Christ

53.      Dr. Bert Thompson, Ph. D. “The Origin, Nature, and Destiny of the Soul,” Apologetics Press, Inc. 2001, church of Christ.

54.      George Lemasters, “Florida College Annual Lectures,” 1975, church of Christ

55.      Ron Halbrook, “Florida College Annual Lectures,” 1986, church of Christ

56.      Ron Halbrook, "Sodom and Gomorrah..." Guardian of Truth, October 3, 1991, church of Christ

57.      Robert C. Welch, “Florida College Annual Lectures,” 1975, church of Christ

58.      Florida College Annual Lectures, 1994, “Overcoming With The Lamb,” church of Christ

59.      Robert Turner, Florida College Annual Lectures, 1986, church of Christ

60.      Thomas Andrews, Florida College Annual Lectures, 1997, church of Christ

61.      C. Hamilton, Truth Commentaries-1 Peter” Guardian of Truth, church of Christ

62.      Al Maxey, Reflections, Issue 46, June 6, 2003, church of Christ

63.      James Burton Coffman, "Commentary On Luke," 1975, Firm Foundation Publishing House, Abilene Christian University, church of Christ

64.      A. M. Ogden, "The Avenging of the Apostles and Prophets," Ogden Publications, 1985, church of Christ

65.      James H, Jacobsen, “Voice Of The Seventh Angel” New Jerusalem Publications, 1999, church of Christ

66.      Jim McGuiggan, “The Book Of Revelation” 1976, Star Bible Publications, church of Christ

67.      Ralph F. Brashears, “The Revelation Of The Christian Age,” Vantage Press, 1989, church of Christ

68.      John F. Floyd, “I, John to the Seven Churches,” 1994, Star Bible Publications, church of Christ

69.      Gregory L. Swango, “The 3 Worlds of Eternity, ”Star Bible Publications, 2001, church of Christ

70.      Ferrell Jenkins, “The Old Testament In The Book Of Revelation,” 1972. Florida College Bookstore, church of Christ

71.      Newton W. Allphin, “Visions Unveiled or The Revelation Explained, 1945, Star Bible Publications, church of Christ

72.      J. W. Roberts, “The Revelation to John,” 1974, Abilene Christian University Press, church of Christ

73.      Frank Walton, Florida College Lectures 1994, church of Christ

74.      H. Leo Boles, The Gospel According To Matthew, Gospel Advocate, 1954, church of Christ

75.      Almon L. Williams, Florida College Annual Lectures, 1986, Church of Christ

76.      Leroy Garrett, “Is Hell Fire Endless?” Restoration Review, November 1990, church of Christ

77.      Cecil Hook, "Free As Sons" and "Free In Christ," church of Christ

78.      John Scott, “Harding Graduate School Lectures,” 1971, Gospel Advocate Company, church of Christ

79.      Hugo McCord, “McCord’s New Testament Translation of the Everlasting Gospel’ 1988, Freed-Hardeman College Press, church of Christ

80.      E. M. Zerr, Bible Commentary, Cogdill Foundation Publications, 1994, church of Christ

81.      Steven Clark Goad, “Thoughts on Punishment of the Wicked,” church of Christ

82.      Thomas P. Connelly, "Debate On The State Of The Dead," Christian Church

83.      Dr T. W. Brents, Gospel Sermons, 1918, Gospel Advocate Publishing Co, church of Christ

84.      Johnie Edwards, “What Death Says,” June 7, 2001, Truth Magazine, church of Christ

85.      B. Reeves, Guardian of Truth, 1996, church of Christ

86.      Foy E. Wallace, Jr, “God’s Prophetic Word,” church of Christ

87.      Foy E. Wallace "The Book Of Revelation," Wallace Publications, 1966, church of Christ

88.      N. W. Allphin, "Visions Unveiled, or The Revelation Explained," 1985, Star Bible Publications, church of Christ

89.      Dr T. W. Brents, Gospel Sermons, 1918, Gospel Advocate Publishing Co., church of Christ

90.      Walter Scott, “The Gospel Restored,” Old Paths Book Club, 1836, church of Christ