[1] Please see the first chapter of the fifth fascicle of Endless Bliss, for terms such as zakât and ’ushr.
[2] Please see the second chapter of the fifth fascicle of Endless Bliss.
[3] Please see the eighth chapter of the fourth fascicle of Endless Bliss.
[4] Please see the twenty-nineth chapter of the fifth fascicle, and also the initial nine chapters of the sixth fascicle, of Endless Bliss.
[5] Please see the seventh chapter of the fifth fascicle of Endless Bliss.
[6] Please see the sixtieth chapter of the third fascicle of Endless Bliss.
[7] Please scan the last three pages of the first chapter of the third fascicle of Endless Bliss.
[8] To make or perform (a) khatm(-i-sherîf) means to read the entire Qur’ân al-kerîm.
[9] Please see the twenty-first chapter of the sixth fascicle of Endless Bliss for the terms such as Kursî and ’Arsh.
[10] A coffin with a corpse in it.
[11] Please scan the fourth fascicle of Endless Bliss for information about ‘namâz’.
[12] Please see the twenty-third chapter of the fourth fascicle of Endless Bliss for omitted and missed prayers of namâz.
[13] Please see the fourth chapter of the fourth fascicle of Endless Bliss for ‘ghusl’.
[14] Please see the sixth chapter of the second fascicle of Endless Bliss for kinds of hadîths.
[15] Please see the sixth fascicle of Endless Bliss for ‘najâsat’.