The Royal Family Honor Code by Dr. Frank P. Ferraro - HTML preview

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The Royal Family Honor Code is the Plan of God

“The Good” (Rom 8:28) is the Plan of God and each of these verses has an honor code principle related to the Plan of God so that the Royal Family Honor Code is the Plan of God, and one part is the principle and the other the function. (Rom 16:19, Rom 14:16, Rom 15:2-)  The purpose of the Royal Family Honor Code is to provide the needed privacy and protection from bullying and for survival in life during advance to Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God.  The thrust of the Royal Family Honor Code demands authority orientation and discipline for continued momentum in the Christian Way of Life.

In this period of the history of mankind every person who believes in the Lord Jesus, the Christ is made a member of the Royal Family of God.  As Royalty the believer needs an honor code, a protocol by which to live and function.  This book is a description of the honor, integrity and virtue a believer should reflect in his life on this earth.  How to live as a Christian.

Honor & Aristocracy

It is difficult to teach honor codes because they are related to aristocracy and when people begin to think like peasants they become peasants and as peasants it is almost impossible to communicate an honor code system to them.  People who cannot think in terms of aristocracy will be petty and jealous and vindictive and bicker and play at being spiritual king of the mountain and see who can out do the other and they have all sorts of hangups and are usually totally subjective.

The believer in The Lord Jesus, The Christ in the Church Age is “BORN AGAIN” into the Status Quo of Aristocracy.  This denotes achievement in history and though everyone starts about the same, some then achieve and establish themselves within a group and some do not.  Our Aristocracy as believers in Christ and our Status Quo of Royal Family of God is not achieved but comes to us by means of grace.

The Church Age is the dispensation of the Royal Family of God.  Therefore, we must have Royal family function and this function is to be based on the Royal Family Honor Code.  This is not function under the Mosaic Law nor under some system of morality or some church program.  Jesus and his work and function in the first advent is the basis for the Royal Family Honor Code.  Jesus has 3 royal titles for his 3 categories of Royalty with a royal family for each:

Divine Royalty == Son of God – God the Father and God the Holy Spirit are his family

Human (Jewish) royalty == Son of David – The whole Davidic Line is his family.

Battlefield Royalty == King of Kings – Lord of Lords – all Church Age believers are his family.

The Age of Israel was still in progress at the time of the resurrection, ascension and session of The Lord Jesus, The Christ.  Having accomplished a strategic victory in the Angelic Conflict with his Substitutionary Spiritual Death at the cross and having been awarded the title of King of Kings and Lord of Lords, He had no Royal Family to accompany this new Aristocracy.  In order to provide a royal family for the Lord, the Age of Israel was halted with 7 years remaining (which will be completed during the tribulation) and the age of intercalation was inserted, the Church Age or the Dispensation of the Royal Family of God.

All believers in the Old Testament Scripture period when they believed in The Lord Jesus, The Christ became family of God and were born again into the family of God receiving his Absolute Righteousness.  In the Church Age we also are born again and receive from God the Father Absolute Righteousness as well.  However, in addition, for believers in the Church Age, God the Holy Spirit, by means of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, enters us into union with Christ which results in Current and Retroactive Positional Truth and we become Royal Family of God.  Because of this we ARE aristocracy and will be so forever into eternity.  Therefore, the Royal Family Honor Code is the Christian Way of Life for the Church Age believer compatible with 2 things which occurred at Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God.  The Baptism of God the Holy Spirit and the resultant Current Positional Truth which produce the Aristocracy of the Royal Family of God.  At Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God we receive the benefit of the Baptism of God the Holy Spirit and have imputed Eternal Life and also share the Eternal Life of Christ thus have a double portion.  We also have imputed Absolute Righteousness and Share the Absolute Righteousness of The Lord as well, another double portion.  These provide motivation and momentum for the Christian Way of Life.

All believers in The Lord Jesus, The Christ in the Church Age, therefore, are part of a permanent aristocracy which is eternal and cannot ever be destroyed.  Our failure in any way cannot ever destroy this aristocracy.  We are Aristocrats and one of the purposes of Bible Doctrine is to get us to think like aristocracy and until you think like aristocracy you cannot act like aristocracy.  You can learn the manners and develop a superficial poise but without the aristocracy code in the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul and knowing it as part of your personality you are not thinking like aristocracy.  The worst disaster for an individual in the world is to be aristocracy and not be able to think like aristocracy.

Aristocracy is not a bad thing and only communism and liberals downgrade aristocracy and the EMPIRES built by aristocracy.  Every aristocracy in history develop through merit, virtue and honor even though they very often degenerated over time and with passing generations.  The thing which keeps aristocracy going is the greatness which causes them to emerge and rise above those around them and that emergence requires a system of maintenance because very often the children of the first generation do not have the abilities needed to hold the aristocracy together.

It is the “Royal Family Honor Code” in Christianity that is the Christian Way of Life and not morality which can be part of the way of life of anyone including the unbeliever.  All aristocracy has standards and they are called honor codes.  Underlying Honor Code principles include the concept that right thinking results in right motivation, right motivation then results in right action or function.  Right function is the basic concept of the Royal Family Honor Code and there must be right thinking for right function and in order to be able to do something consistently right there must be a standard or code.  Right function is the basic principle and concept and desired outcome of the Royal Family of God and it is totally based on Perception, Cognition, Inculcation & Metabolization of Bible Doctrine.  The more doctrine you have in your Stream of Consciousness of the Soul the better off you will be.  The Royal Family Honor Code is based on the fact that all believers at Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God receive imputed Absolute Righteousness from God and are placed into union with The Lord Jesus, The Christ by means of the Baptism of God the Holy Spirit. Union with Christ makes the believer aristocracy and the imputation of the Righteousness of God DEMANDS advance to Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God to develop capacity for life and blessing so that the Justice of God can impute great blessing to the Righteousness he has given to each of us as believers at Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God.  Therefore, we have the potential for right thinking which results in right motivation and that means right function.  For right thinking there must be maximum Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul.  It should now become clears as what is the great issue in our Christian Way of Life: “What do you think of Bible Doctrine”.

For the application of Bible Doctrine there must first be Perception and Metabolization of Bible Doctrine and the Filling of God the Holy Spirit.  The Royal Family Honor Code is based on Bible Doctrine and is therefore executed by means of Filling of God the Holy Spirit.  You cannot execute the Royal Family Honor Code when Grieving, being in carnality, or Quenching, being in reversionism, God the Holy Spirit. Therefore, the 2 factors for execution of the Christian Way of Life are Filling of God the Holy Spirit and Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul.  The Royal Family Honor Code is the Christian Way of Life and includes advance to Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God the objective of the Christian Way of Life.  The Royal Family Honor Code makes it possible for any and all believers under Positive Volition to Bible Doctrine to accomplish this advance to Maturity.  This Honor Code is not only a way of life but a sponsor for us in the Plan of God.

The Royal Family Honor Code centers around the fact that the imputation of the Righteousness of God is ½ of the Integrity of God given to all believers and ½ of the Integrity of God cannot reside and function in the believer without carrying with it the code of honor of the aristocracy.  The fact that we have the imputation of Absolute Righteousness to us demands that the Righteousness of God in us, which is the principle of the Integrity of God, be cherished, nurtured and protected in a system of consistency which is the Royal Family Honor Code.  The Royal Family Honor Code lines up with the Plan of God for the believer and his advance to maturity under the concept of the Equation of Hope  and the resultant 6th Imputation  of blessing which glorifies The Lord Jesus, The Christ in time.  Therefore, our primary objective as believers is to receive blessing from the Justice of God and by this process glorify The Lord in time.

There is, therefore, a direct relationship between Prosperity in Christianity and the Royal Family Honor Code.  The Royal Family Honor Code demands that the believer functions in compatibility with the grace policy of the Justice of God.  The objective of the Royal Family Honor Code is to have consistent function in momentum and advancement to Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God.  The Royal Family Honor Code includes principles related to motivation, momentum and glorification of The Lord Jesus, The Christ in time.

Freedom & Privacy and The Royal Family of God

The Royal Family Honor Code must begin somewhere so we see the doctrine of the Privacy of the Royal Family of God as part of the concept of freedom.  The Royal Family Honor Code recognizes freedom and emphasizes the privacy of the universal priesthood of the Church Age believer.  Freedom is carried over from the Laws of Divine Establishment into the Royal Family Honor Code.  Freedom is a type of teamwork and is not ever isolated or alone but is part of a system and MUST have the overriding umbrella of Authority.  God is the ultimate authority and delegates the authority to mankind in many areas especially the Christian life where it includes:

Bible Doctrine

Pastor Teacher

Spiritual Gifts

Freedom must exist with privacy and without it freedom cannot exist.  Freedom must have property and cannot exist without property.  Even if you are financially broke and lack material things you have property in the clothes you wear.  When you turn to socialism or communism and redistribution of wealth, you have destroyed the freedom which gives to you the right to become communist.  This person who wants redistribution of wealth and to have a guaranteed income is the worst person on the earth destroying the greatest and most important thing in life.  To destroy property is to destroy freedom as has been seen in Russia, China, Cuba or most African countries with the exception of the former Rhodesia and South Africa.  Property is an essential part of privacy and without either of these 2 there can be no Freedom.  Freedom must have property and when we see a sign that says “KEEP OUT” we must remember that these people have a right to own property and to have privacy on their property and to protect their property against criminals, this is all FREEDOM. When people begin rioting the police should simply shoot and kill the leaders and they should be backed by the chief of police and the mayor of the city where it occurs and all levels of government up to the President.  Freedom, Privacy and Property all stand and fall together and must be under the umbrella of Authority.  The great issue in life is Freedom and without it you have nothing and you may have a guaranteed income through some idiotic socialistic concept but in reality you have nothing.  You give up your most precious possession, Freedom, for the mess of pottage we know as security and guaranteed income.  Our evil vile government in today’s United States of America, is, in fact, confiscating property in the form of evil taxation.  Our government which is supposed to protect freedom is in fact totally anti freedom.  If our government were to uphold freedom then we would have great production and socialists and crusaders would never be able to function.  We would have great freedom in enterprise and the laws of supply and demand would function and we would have already gone through the 2nd great depression to clean out our society of its scum and our currency would be the greatest in the world.  In the United States of America we don’t even understand freedom and so many people have personal and selfish reasons to do things which ultimately destroy freedom.  The Police exist to protect property and freedom including life.  Freedom is life and being given to us by God it brings to us our option to choose for or against The Lord Jesus, The Christ.

People who talk against freedom by talking against such things as the 2nd amendment and espouse criminal rights destroy freedom.  Criminals HAVE NO RIGHTS AND THERE SHOULD BE NO SUCH THING AS READING RIGHTS TO A CRIMINAL SINCE THEY HAVE SET THEMSELVES OUTSIDE THE BOUNDS OF SOCIETY AND THUS ARE NOT UNDER THE PRINCIPLES OF LAW AND RIGHTS UNDER LAW.  There is no such thing as a criminal having rights or one in jail being able to sue for violation of constitutional rights since they don’t have these rights by their own choice.  Occasionally there will be an innocent person being jailed or executed and this is not very popular but simply proves that human error still exists.  For this ONE person you cannot ever take freedom away from millions. I would rather starve to death in Freedom than have property taken from others or destroyed in order to feed me.  Without privacy or property or authority there is NO freedom for anyone and this is the basic concept of the Royal Family Honor Code and Laws of Divine Establishment.

Therefore, Freedom is composed of 4 categories of interrelated and interdependent concepts and none of these categories can survive without the others.  Freedom is not an entity in itself but a part of a bigger system.

Categories and Classification of freedom


The status of volition as the un-caused cause of human function.

This is freedom of soul based on volition with positive and negative parts. The true concept of freedom is the status of that volition as the un-caused cause of all human function.  This is legitimate self determination and exemption from necessity and is self fulfillment of the privilege and franchise of the Human Race.  It is a privilege of the whole Human Race and means exemption from arbitrary control but NOT from control delegated from God.


This is the environment for the function of true freedom.

True freedom only functions in privacy under 2 categories:

When you are alone this includes both the soul and body.

When in the company of others this involves only the soul.

You will always have privacy of soul unless you reveal to others what you are thinking.  You will always have privacy of body unclothed when isolated behind the walls of your personal home.  When you come into public you wear clothing and thus recognize the principle of privacy.  Women do, and should, use this mode of adornment to reveal their physical assets. Privacy is therefore a great issue in life.  If a person tells you what you must wear your freedom is attacked but you still have privacy in part in your soul but have lost some privacy since there is an attempt to remove your self determination with regard to clothing.  This legitimately occurs in the military and should also occur in our schools.  In military function this aspect of privacy is surrendered for proper unified military function.


These are Possessions legitimately acquired in privacy under freedom including MONEY.

Property is anything which can be legitimately acquired or possessed by an individual.  This includes the right to use or enjoy or benefit or dispose of anything subject to ownership of the individual thus is ownership of tangible things.  Violations of Privacy and Property meet under a system where delegated authority causes things to be forced onto your property. EX: When you don’t use a seat belt in a car you hear a buzzer and you are supposed to OBEY a mechanical buzzer and put on your seat belt and this is destruction of human freedom.  As long as you obey the law in your car as a private person and the car being your property no one has any right to put these goofy gadgets into this property and this is a violation of property rights and privacy and of our constitutional rights.  The destruction of the internal combustion engine by emission controls is a violation of freedom, privacy and property.  Environmentalist concepts are a disaster and total violation of freedom, privacy or property.  In the United States of America since the end of WWII we have lost most of our freedoms and only a few minor freedoms remain and they all have been invaded.

We fail to understand the concepts of Freedom, Privacy and Property. There is tyranny in woman's clothing and they are forced into the dress fashions of peasantry by many women thinking this is good and by homosexual male designers of women’s clothing.  This is loss of freedom and self determination and it results from ostracism in society when you don’t conform therefore is a violation of freedom in self determination as related to property and privacy.

Umbrella of Authority

This is the Delegated power from God.

This requires function under the Laws of Divine Establishment to command, train, prepare for life, employ, teach or act as an agent for principles like a nation, state, county or city.  All legitimate authority is delegated by God under the Laws of Divine Establishment and also some in the spiritual realm.  This includes the command function in free enterprise and the executives therein, also military and Law Enforcement officers and many other functions in life.  It is given to Parents to train children, teachers training children and adults.  It includes acting as an agent and is representing your constituency in civil service in government office.

All Divine Institution have a stated system of authority designed to guarantee and protect FREEDOM.  This includes Law Enforcement acting as an agent for the principle of,  the Nation (FBI), State (Highway Patrol), County (Sheriff), City (Police).  Freedom cannot exist without every other classification of the freedom system.  There can be no freedom if property can be confiscated or destroyed or there is redistribution of wealth.  Therefore, socialism, communism and islam are all violations of freedom. There cannot be freedom without privacy, property and especially without properly functioning authority.

People can be slaves but still function under spiritual freedom and advance in the Plan of God. (Gal 5:1)  We see this in Rome and many other empires and also many times in marriage where the wife is, and should be, a slave to the husband.  This was, in fact, the pivot of the roman empire most of whom were slaves.  There can be and often is a slavery to false doctrinal concepts (Gal 5:1), this includes:

Keeping the Mosaic Law


Redistribution of Wealth




Spiritual Freedom

Spiritual freedom is an extension of the Laws of Divine Establishment freedom in that all 4 classifications are involved in the Royal Family Honor Code the Christian Way of Life.  The Laws of Divine Establishment never divorce freedom from privacy or property or authority or any one from any other within the category of freedom’s classifications and neither does the Royal Family Honor Code.  There are many “christian” denominations which are out of line and advocate the destruction of freedom by their support of guerrilla warfare or communism in other nations.

Spiritual freedom like establishment freedom is defined by the same 4 concepts:






The basic concept of the Royal Family Honor Code says that now that you are a believer you are a royal priest and your privacy must be respected and you can option for or against Bible Doctrine and God will handle these decisions either way.  Your property must be respected and if a person leaves something on the ground it must be safe there until they return for it.  Children must be trained so that they would never steal anything from anyone in any situation.  Things left lying in public should be as safe as in a bank vault.  Children should be trained thoroughly to not touch anything which does not belong to them personally EVER for any reason.

The privacy of the priesthood guarantees that all believers have the right to live out life as unto the Lord without any interference or distraction from others.  The normal exception is children under parental authority.  The principle of privacy of the priesthood is LIVE and LET LIVE and this is part of the Laws of Divine Establishment. Under the privacy of the priesthood the individual has a right to assemble in the Local Church to listen or NOT listen to the teaching of Bible Doctrine.  You don’t have the right in such a public gathering to move and talk and distract others.  If YOU want to listen you should be able to concentrate without interference or distraction from others and if you don’t WANT to listen you should not be there in the first place.

A very important principle to remember is that no person can change any other person.  The only thing which can change anyone is Bible Doctrine and there is no sense in people trying to change others to their way of thinking.  Every believer can thus approach Bible Doctrine objectively confident so that when a passage condemns some aspect of their life, they can be confident that no one else is judging them. Objectivity is essential and it is impossible to concentrate and inculcate doctrine when you are concerned about who knows your private business.  In the studying of Bible Doctrine in the local church, you must take everything as from the ministry of God the Holy Spirit and when you violate any of these concepts you must know and use the “Rebound Procedure”.

The principle of privacy demands that all believers must avoid gossip and maligning and judging others since this is a drastic violation of the privacy of the priesthood. Royal Family Honor Code demands toleration for and flexibility with regard to the nonessentials of life and the only inflexibility in the Spiritual Life must be with regard to Bible Doctrine as absolute truth.

Love & The Royal Family Honor Code

Principle of Love in the Royal Family Honor Code

The response directed toward all other people demanded by the Royal Family Honor Code is Impersonal Love not Personal Love.  It is a grave error to not distinguish between these functions and you may have a nervous breakdown or become a Machiavelli or Shoddy Hypocrite unless you understand the differences.  The REAL Command for believers to “love the brethren” cannot be fulfilled until the believer understands the difference between Essentials and Nonessentials  in life and Personal Love and Impersonal Love.

Impersonal Love

Impersonal Love emphasizes the subject.

Impersonal Love emphasizes the integrity of the subject therefore is a part of “Virtue” while Personal Love emphasizes the attractiveness of the object and is therefore “Virtue Dependent”.  Impersonal Love demands we operate on our own internal personal Norms and Standards and therefore depends on the Norms and Standards of the subject, his INTEGRITY.  Impersonal Love is a command in which all of the Human Race in your periphery is the object.  This can include just loving believers as well as all the people called neighbors. (John 15:12, 17, Rom 13:8-9, 1Pet 2:17, 3:8, 1John 3:23)  Impersonal Love is directed toward all people in the Human Race. The subject has Norms and Standards and Mental Attitude and in Impersonal Love it is your Norms and Standards and Mental Attitude toward all people which is in view.

Impersonal Love can never be reduced to retaliation, ie. Dog eat Dog.  Impersonal Love also excludes emotion.  In Impersonal Love your Norms and Standards and Relaxed Mental Attitude are the only issue.  When someone competes with you or gossips or is jealous or implacable toward you, you must never reduce yourself to their level with retaliation and if you do, you are operating on their broken standards. This reduces you to their weakness instead of bringing them up to your strength. Impersonal Love emphasizes your strength not the weakness of others.  You maintain your standards instead of lowering yourself to their standards and by so doing share in their weakness.  Impersonal Love excludes carrying a grudge and if someone judges or does something to you, you do not ever retaliate.  If you are wronged you never seek revenge.  Impersonal Love includes respect for the Absolute Righteousness imputed to other believers.  Since the Righteousness of God as ½ of the Integrity of God resides in all believers Impersonal Love respects the believer on that basis. Therefore, you cannot ever hold a grudge against another believer since this is like bearing a grudge against the Righteousness of God.  Impersonal Love is the Relaxed

Mental Attitude from the Filling of God the Holy Spirit rather than overt friendliness or effusive hypocrisy. (Rom 5:5, Gal 5:22Impersonal Love is NOT being nice to those you cannot stand.  Under Impersonal Love the believer functions based on his own Norms and Standards rather than being influenced by flattery, attraction, attention or reciprocity.  When you deal with the Human Race in general then it goes back to YOUR Norms and Standards and Mental Attitude and squeezes out emotion. Not only does the Impersonal Love in the Royal Family Honor Code exclude mental and verbal sins but also demands toleration and respect for privacy and avoiding distracting others from Bible Doctrine.  Flexibility is therefore closely related to Impersonal Love.

Impersonal Love is very closely related to capacity for love on an impersonal basis.  All great male lovers have their emotion under control and emotion under control in love is only found in Impersonal Love.  Impersonal Love must come first since it emphasizes your integrity, honor, character, your person and Norms and Standards.  The biblical concept of “Love your neighbor as yourself” refers to both other unbelievers or believers and anyone else in your periphery.  The concept of “Love the brethren” is specifically referring to believers.  Both of these categories are to b