The Sacred Power by J - HTML preview

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The ideas you are going to read about in this book were not generated in the usual fashion. I was not exposed to an idea or a cluster of ideas, ideas which resonated with my subjectivity in some way, ideas which I then compared to others, added to others, formed a construct of, ideas to go deeper inside of.

These ideas were modelled on the experiences found within my direct perception, of my lived experience.

Though I had tried to understand zero with two, those symbolic constructs never completely mapped.

After a futile period of trying to shoehorn my experience into symbolic containers, I realized that it may not be my unique lived experience that was wrong, but the models that were wrong, models that were accepted as true by those who had little experience with the reality that those models attempted to depict, usually just existing as some esoteric game of language.

So in order to communicate the reality of my lived experience, it was important for me to trust this experience, to let go of past conceptual systems so I could more accurately transmit it across the illusory barriers of space and time to those adepts out there on the path of Awakening, to help enlighten them about the existence of their infinities within.

But it is not like there were many models that corresponded to my peculiar experience anyways. It appeared to me that this miraculous transformation was usually hidden behind the veils of myth, parable and symbol, of resurrections, mustard seeds and wine.


As a student of mysticism and other such obscure subjects, of which I assume you are, as who else but such a person would ever come across let alone read this book? I know you have some familiarity with the stories of saints, yogis and aspirants and their legendary Awakenings, which are usually described as a moment of ecstatic liberation or a final and total peace, as something unfolding neatly and clearly understood at the time, when in my lived experience it was not like that at all.

While it would have been a more entertaining and attractive story for my Awakening to have been a cosmic and ecstatic oceanic experience while meditating in a temple or some other location emanating the exotic, beautiful and mysterious, my reality was quite the opposite.

When the final Awakening struck in that utterly mundane and insignificant place, it was not the ecstasy of myth that I was overwhelmed with but absolute terror. Fear. I thought I was going to die. And in some sense that fear and terror was not unreasonable or unfounded, for that was the beginning of the death of the self that I falsely believed myself to be.

By not having any accurate or contemporary models of Awakening to help understand what was happening to me, I entertained the thought that I was actually finally going mad, the very real fear that is always lurking in the shadows of those exploring the unknown worlds, the multiple dimensions, the infinite universes within. Thankfully as the Awakening progressed I was able to understand what was really happening, what was really going on.

The reality of Awakening does not tend to neatly fit within temporal narratives, as it is an experience that is literally outside of time. One would hope and think that the reality-shattering explosion that is Awakening would come at a predictable part of the narrative that is your life, but the Awakening is the emergence of the timeless into time, the eternal into the temporal.

Another aspect of all this that I found surprising and which ran contrary to all the myths of Awakening that I had become familiar with up to that point, was that Awakening was not an instantaneous moment, but a process that took years to complete, years to undo and unwind the self that I thought I was, years for my new self, my real self, to unfold.


In this work we are going to define a separation between what we will be referring to as Awakening and what is commonly understood to be Enlightenment.

Though the definitions of Enlightenment vary and depend on the tradition, school or individual from which they have arisen, here we can define it as a sudden realization of one’s true nature and a liberation from False notions of Mind, Self and Reality.

But what we are going to refer to here as Awakening has different characteristics, different methods of operation, different means of attainment.

Our awakening is the awakening of the Sacred Energy within.

The awakening of the Sacred Power.

In contrast to the phenomena that is Enlightenment, which happens in a moment, this Awakening is a process.

However, these phenomena are not in actuality distinct and separate. They are two aspects of each other, phenomena that work together, each stimulating each.

For it is the Awakening of the Sacred Power within that generates and creates the Subtle Energy Body. It is this Subtle Body and its Organs which give one the capabilities to perceive the True nature of Mind Self and Reality. Perceptions of which in turn stimulate further growth of the of the Subtle Energy Body and its organs of subtle perception and operation.

Though in this book, which despite its appearance in the familiar manifestation as an object with pages and symbols, is more than, operates on different levels than that, our primary concern will be with Awakening.

What it is. Its manifestations. Its methods of attainment.


One of the issues of a book such as this one, one of the major obstacles when it comes to the transmission of this message from me to you, from the True Mind Self and Reality to the False, is the medium which we are using right now.

For in this book we are going to be dealing with experiences that push up against, lie outside the containers of symbols, realities that will only truly make sense when you have let go, surrendered your words, your language.

Implicit in the structure of language is division and separation. It describes distinct objects of which there is always something of which they are not.

But the mystical Mind Self and Reality is One, even transcending the word one, for if there is one there is a two and a three and there is nothing of which the True Mind Self and Reality is not.

But as we have manifested and exist in this simulation constructed of matter, in these animal bodies part miraculous part ridiculous, we are forced to operate by the laws and limitations of this meat virtuality, to use the tools at hand, though the grace of other means of transmission and communication can be used on the occasion when It wants to reveal itself.

Language, words, symbols, images can be used when discussing these subjects as long as one never forgets that language, words, symbols, images are not the thing in itself, not the whole, but partial and incomplete objects, a tracing upon it.

Also do not become ensnared by language games. These are not some novel ideas, schemas, terminology to add to and decorate your conceptual apparatus but signs pointing to a new reality, a new mode of existence, tools to help guide you into a new world, translate you into a new mode of being.



This reality is not the only one.

There are other realities, realms, dimensions than the reality of breakfast and gossip and nighttime walks and umbrellas before us.

Not just the other realities mostly conceptual, maybe detected and measured by machines, but dimensions invisible to ordinary human senses and perception and thought.

Though here we are going to limit this discussion to the dimension relevant to the topic at hand, the subject of this little book, a book that is not merely a book but itself some kind of machine, maybe even some kind of ritual, a spell.

That dimension we can call the Subtle Dimension. Or the Subtle Realm. Whatever you feel comfortable with.

It is a dimension that exists at a higher level than this simulation of materiality that we currently exist in.

Higher not meaning like that cloud or bird or that odd bobbing star over your head. But more connected, intertwined, closer to It, partaking of more of the qualities of It.

This is a realm consisting of various Subtle Energies, Subtle Forms, maybe even beings if you are lucky.

But since this is so far beyond the limits of thought and language, it is so hard to tell, so hard to bring back that fire from the sun, return with the elixir.

Though I am trying.


Within the Subtle Dimension is a substance we can call the Subtle Energy. This energy constitutes that dimension, permeates every corner of it, flows through it.

Though this energy is not like the energy of the Gross Material World. I am calling it such for purposes of communication, for transmission, symbolic telepathy across the illusory barriers of space and time.

For the energy of the Subtle Realm is intelligent, while the energy of the Gross Material World is not.

The energy of the Subtle Realm is alive, while the energy of the Gross Material World is not.

And the energy of the Subtle Realm is conscious, while the energy of the Gross Material World is not.

This Subtle Energy can enter our world of matter, through the gateways, portals, doors that lie within you, waiting to be activated, opened, developed fully into the Body of Light.

The Body of Light which is your birthright.

Your destiny.


The Body of Light is the fully formed Subtle Energy Body.

It is grown and developed by the Process of Inner Mystical Transformation and competed during the Awakening Process.

It is not a body of how we conceive of a body in the Gross Material World, a body of flesh and bone and brain, but a body of energy, but not energy as how we conceive of it in the Gross Material World, but an energy that dwells within the Subtle Dimension, usually invisible to the unawakened, an energy that under the right circumstances can manifest in the Gross Material World and reveal its inherent beauty and light.

The whole of the Subtle Body can be understood better by breaking it down into its constitutive parts, a Subtle Anatomy.

The Subtle Body, like the body of the Gross Material World, also has organs, but though some have some overlap and similarity with their biological counterpart, the organs of the Subtle Body are astral engines, esoteric factories of certain types of Subtle Energies, maybe even gateways, portals, wormholes from one dimension to another.


The Navel is an organ of the Subtle Body, located in the area of the abdomen, underneath its physical location by an inch or two.

This organ is small, giving an impression of being the size and shape of a legume.

Though its perceived smallness can be deceiving, it is the center of peace within the Subtle Body, a center which when purified and fully opened radiates peace energy, a peace that is not mere quiet or the cessation of conflict, but a peace that is a force like gravity, a peace that is heavy, saturating, total.


The Heart is an organ of the Subtle Body, located in the center of the chest, similar in the location of the biological heart of the Gross Material World, but not of the Gross Material World.

The energy of this Subtle Center is love, which radiates from the organ when opened, radiates into the infinite dimensions, into this world.

Unlike the physical biological love of the Gross Material World, the love of the Subtle Heart is without object, unconditional, endless.


The Crown is an organ of the Subtle Body, located at the top of the skull.

The energy of this subtle center is Consciousness, the ecstatic Consciousness that is the true nature of reality, existence, being.

This is not Consciousness as mere thought or awareness or self-awareness, but an ecstatic field of energy, of which our phenomenal world is just a dream, a projection.

When the Subtle Center of the Crown opens at the top of one’s skull, one is permitted to perceive what reality truly is, to finally return home after wandering amongst the cave shadows of illusion for innumerable aeons, to return home to what reality really is, to who you really are; a boundless field of Consciousness, ecstatic.


While on the path, during the work of Inner Mystical Transformation, the aspirant will have apparently spontaneous, random openings of the Subtle Energy Centers, openings that are temporary and fleeting at the time, but prefigure, are premonitions, precognitions of permanent states occurring later in your inner development and transformation.

By luck, accident, grace or the fruit resulting from the dutiful tending of one’s inner garden, the organs of the Subtle Anatomy may open for a timeless moment, allowing the adept to experience their potentialities, their energies, their powers, their realities.

Though these openings will be impermanent, now you will have a living breathing goal, an end point, a summit of which to reach.



Though the Body of Light, with its miraculous powers and capabilities, its wondrous manifestations and expressions, is not the body that humanity has lived in up to this moment in the conceptual structure that is time.

For the body that humanity lives in now is embryonic, larval, caterpillar-like.

It is a body not of peace, but of war.

It is a body not of love, but of hate.

It is a body not of consciousness, but ignorance.

A mere bridge between animal and the divine.

It is the Suffering Body.


Though you did not come into this world that way.

You came into this world still embodying the qualities of the world you just came from.

You came into this world innocent, pure, unstained, retaining light.

Though it was destined not to remain that way.

For you were born into a world which was cruel, hateful, violent.

A world that is necessary, a part of the plan, the process.

Though it can be hard to perceive it as such.

For you have to wounded, broken down.

In order to heal.


When the human organism is attacked, hurt, injured, the bodymind will contract, shield itself, harden itself, in order to protect itself.

The organism will automatically contract at the weak and vulnerable locations in the body such as the throat, the lower back, the middle of the chest, the sphincter and so forth, though all locations in the body can be contracted, depending on the situation.

Since the body and mind are not separate and divided, but a singular bodymind, the muscular Point of Contraction located in the body will also have a correspondent in the mind, in a thought, a memory, a feeling.

But due to a flaw in our biology, once the threat has passed, the contraction remains, armor and walls erected for a battle that has receded into time, into history.

This knot of tension now radiates out pain. A constant transmission of suffering. Sometimes at an almost sub-awareness level. At other times an agony that is overwhelming.

This pain will cause the organism to automatically react, the flight-or-fight response will be activated.

These reactions to the suffering generated within will manifest in a few ways.

The organism may attempt to escape the pain by trying to drown it out through sensory indulgence. It may use intoxicants, food, sex, entertainments, violence, any type of action that overwhelms these senses and gives the organism momentary relief, no matter how fleeting.

This mechanism is at the root of the plague of addictions and compulsions that has tormented humans since their inception, this mechanism that has to be understood before true healing from it begins.

Another way it will react to the pain generated by the contractions is through expressions of the mental faculties and mechanisms.

Pleasurable fantasies and terrifying fears will be generated by the mind.

The fantasies will be created as an attempt to escape that constant background of suffering.

The fears will be created as an attempt to protect the organism from further injury. Though these fears are ultimately counter-productive for the organism, trapping it in a virtual reality disassociated from the realities of the present, leading it into error and paralysis.


The Suffering Body is constructed from a network of these Points of Contraction.

These Points of Contraction are intertwined and interconnected throughout the bodymind, interdependent, supporting each other, maintaining the state of tension that gives the Suffering Body its existence.

This network of the Points of Contraction is the body that you believe your body to be.

The thoughts generated by this network of Points of Contraction is the self you think yourself to be, generates the reality that you perceive reality to be.



Though the Suffering Body is a necessary part of the process, it is not the final expression, it is not your evolutionary destiny.

Your purpose in life, the reason for your existence, is to transform, transmute the Suffering Body into your real body, the Body of Light.

You will do this through inner work on yourself.

Though this work on oneself differs from the work people are generally familiar with, believe to be work.

This is not external work like you do at your employment, business or home. Work to clothe and shelter and feed you and your family. Busy work.

This is work that will expand your awareness. Undo those knots inside of you. Make what is unconscious, conscious.

Work that will plant and water and grow that Sacred Energy within.

Work that will transform you from an animal into a god.


The method by which you are to going to fulfill your evolutionary destiny, the reason for your existence in this simulation of apparent matter, is by the regular and consistent application of certain techniques, exercises and methods.

These labours are inner labours. Work on oneself. Inner work.

This inner work will stimulate, grow, fully develop the Sacred Energy that lies latent within us all, seedlike, opening and forming the centers and pathways of the Subtle Body, create the Body of Light.


One of the primary methods you are going to use for your inner development is the cultivation of Mystical Experiences.

A Mystical Experience can be defined as an experience that removes your perception and being from the profane lower everyday world that we normally live and exist in and transports your being and perception to another higher deeper reality, a sacred state of existence.

This sacred state of existence is accompanied by experiences of timelessness, unity with the greater reality outside of the bounds of one’s False Self, other dimensions of existence than the reality we ignorantly believe to be the only one.


Mystical Experiences aid your Process of Inner Mystical Transformation in the following ways.

By taking you outside of the self that you thought you were, believed yourself to be, you can see the self and its thoughts, its actions, its reactions, its emotions and feelings from the outside, from an objective, meta-perspective.

This in turn will free yourself from those aspects of your thought and behavior that were previously invisible to yourself, to move what was once enshrouded in darkness into the light, undoing those knots and complexes that block and dam up your inner energies, letting them circulate freely, grow that other body in another dimension.


The Subtle Dimension is the realm that one is interfacing with when one is having a Mystical Experience.

This interface alone will stimulate the Subtle Energies within you, open the Subtle Organs, circulate the energies along the pathways in the Subtle Body, develop that Body of Light.

Mere exposure to that dimension where the miraculous and wondrous is the norm, not an anomaly, is sufficient.


The adept also has to learn from their Mystical Experiences, be aware of and retain the new states of being and perception that they experienced in them, bring them back into the workaday world of ordinary experience.

For in the workaday world of ordinary experience everything is done as if asleep, robotic, unconscious, unaware.

Thoughts, feelings, actions, reactions done automatically, happening without any conscious awareness.

“I don’t know. I just do it.”

The moments during the Mystical Experience by which you are able to observe your self at a remove, objectively from a meta-perspective, can be brought back from that expansive dimension and applied to your awareness in the limited ordinary world, to use that state of awareness to become more and more aware of your robotic unconscious behaviors, to become more and more aware of why you really do the things you do, what actually lies at their root, not what you tell yourself why you do the things you do, lie to yourself, fool yourself, delude yourself.

Awareness and insight into your thoughts, feelings, actions, reactions will loosen and release the grip they have on you, their compulsive nature, eventually without force or struggle, you will have found they have just fallen away.

With every freeing insight in your self, the Sacred Power will be stimulated, grown, circulated.

The knots and contractions that drove your unconscious compulsions will loosen and undo.

The Suffering Body will be uncreated.

Your Body of Light, created.


The adept can also grow The Sacred Power within themselves through Self-Overcoming.

While on the Path of Inner Mystical Transformation the aspirant is going to struggle against their habits, their routines, their automatic tendencies, their laziness, their inertia.

This work on oneself, work not done from outside compulsion or necessity but from inner directives, has to be done on a daily basis over a long period of time in order to have any effect.

For this esoteric work of Self-Overcoming will not only expand your awareness of the mechanisms of your self that had heretofore been enshrouded in darkness, but grow the Sacred Energies within.


When your mind – that constant stream of thought that is flowing through your head at all times no matter if you are asleep or awake – those fantasies and fears – those desires and anxieties – slows – the Sacred Energy within is ignited.

Like a small fire. Crackling. The glow pushing back the encroaching darkness.

When your mind – that constant stream of thought that is flowing through your head at all times no matter if you are asleep or awake – those fantasies and fears – those desires and anxieties – stops – the Sacred Energy within explodes.

Like a nuclear reaction within. Shattering the Mind, Self and Reality that you thought yourself and it to be, scattering the pieces across the planes of existence.

This is achieved by meditation.


Why this all works is at this point is unknown, a mystery, a question mark.

These developments are at the beginning of an evolutionary life cycle. Of a new mode of being. There is much yet to be learned, much to understand.

Though it is possible this mode of being and its mechanisms will always remain a mystery, like all mysteries sacred are destined to be.

But we do know that if one does certain things, certain results will follow.

And for now, that in itself is sufficient



It will begin with your end.

Suddenly. Unexpected. With no sign, no portent.

The Subtle Organ at the apex of your human form will open, though you will not perceive it as such.

For you will cease to have a body, a mind, a self.

All will be dematerialized into pure, boundless, unreal Consciousness.


If you had not been brought by accident or destiny to this book, these words, me, you would have expected this moment to be one of bliss, peace, cosmic consciousness.

But since you have been brought to this book, these words, me, you knew what to expect, you knew the truth.

That the period following this dissolution will be one of fear, terror, panic.

At the deepest levels of your biological, organic nature you will believe that you are going to physically, mortally die.


Though at your deepest, instinctual, automatic levels you will react to this calamity as if your physical, biological, organic body is going to die, be reassured that is it not, it is only the death of the Mind, Self and Reality you mistakenly believed to be the only one.

The pain-forged structures of self that were erected during your journey through this violent and cruel reality will be suspended, your crutches will be flung away, you will be in a freefall.

This is the cause of your fear, terror, panic.


When the Sacred Power suddenly, dramatically and forcefully erupts within such a crude and unworthy vessel - as there is not a human that is worthy in comparison to its beauty, capabilities and intelligence –

you may initially suffer from some odd and curious sensations and perceptions that may confuse and distress you.

Vertigo. Your body feeling heavy, weighted, leaden. Electric currents shooting up and down it. Perceptual distortions.


In the midst of this swirling madness you will need to sit still and watch your breath.

Simply observe your breath rise and fall.

This will allow you to relax that distressing panic, settle in to your new mode of being.


As the violent rupture at the very deepest levels of your being is eased, that primal biological terror is calmed through the simple focus on the rising and falling of your breath, you will have the first inkling, the first glimpse, the first understanding, of what has happened to you.


With your being now infused by the Sacred Power, the True nature of Mind, Self and Reality will now be revealed.

Like you had been living in darkness up to that point and a light has been turned on.

The windows of perception cleansed.

The once dead mechanistic world of matter now perceived as how it really is.

Constituted of light, living, alive.


This will be a period of supreme grace and freedom. A return to Eden. Innocent, unstained, pure.

This will also be a period of visions.

Visions of those who also awakened this evolutionary energy in the past, perceiving them as they truly were.

The Mysteries of the Gods revealed.

Angelic beings opening up your Subtle Centers.

Your Subtle Body being worked on at some microscopic level, fixed up, tuned up, enhanced, augmented by forces just beyond the field of your Subtle Vision, in that divine darkness.


This suffusion of your being with the Sacred Power will dissolve the structures of your Suffering Body, weaken them.

Eventually leading to the Breaking of the Chain of Thought.

The Death of the Mind.

The death of that constant sequential steam of thought running through your head, no matter if you are asleep or awake.

This state of No-Mind.

Will initiate the next stage in this process.


The Suffering Body is maintained by thought which maintains the Points of Contraction which generate thought in a seemingly endless infernal loop.

When the Breaking of the Chain of Thought occurs this cycle is disrupted, ends.

With no thoughts to maintain the Points of Contraction, the Points of Contraction cease to generate the thoughts which maintain the Points of Contraction.

This will initiate the Undoing Process.


One by one the nodes in the network of Points of Contraction within you will undo in a cascade, as the tension of each Point of Contraction supports and maintains the tension of the other Points of Contraction in the network that is the Suffering Body.

The Points of Contraction are storehouses for pain, suffering, trauma, locked up and isolated in an attempt to protect the organism, though when they are undone, released, let go, you will experience pain indescribable as you feel the trauma again, the suffering again, the pain again.


In order to survive this trial, this ordeal unfolding inside of you there is only one proper response.


Surrender to the intelligent, aware and alive Sacred Power that has been awakened within you.

Trust it to undo that Body of Suffering that has tortured you for untold aeons, to heal you, to remake and remould you into your evolutionary destiny.

For if you do not let go, surrender to the process, your fears, your shadow will be projected upon it, distorting it, twisting it into a macabre, nightmarish phantasm.


This a process that will not unfold over days or months but years.

In order to survive it you will have to abandon the knowledge that has brought you to this point, let go of your conceptual frameworks and become aware of what is happening to you, perceive directly your transformation, understand what is really occurring to you.

Abandon the Myths of Awakening that you know of, stories and myths that just will confuse you during this period of supreme intensity, of utter fragility, emerging divinity.


As the Sacred Power – that energy intelligent, aware, alive – moves its divine technology through your bodies internal and external, the biological vehicle that moves you through this gross material simulation will gradually return to its Natural State.

That Natural State that was your bodymind before the formation of your Suffering Body.

Unguarded, open, soft as a lamb.

Energies circulating freely, unblocked, unimpeded.

Reacting appropriately and organically to the needs and realities of the now, not illusory abstractions, conceptual realities spawned from fear and desire.


As the Sacred Power – that energy intelligent, aware, alive – moves its divine technology through your bodies internal and external, a body will be created in another dimension, in the Subtle Realm, a Body of Light.

The development of a Body of Light, which is one of the reasons for being inside of this generated, emanated reality, a Body of Light that is your evolutionary destiny.


A Body of Light that is a portal, a dimensional gateway, between the False Reality and the True.

A body that is not of this world, yet somehow intertwined with it.

Manifesting its non-temporal interconnected reality in one that is divided, trapped in time.



This particular book, these particular words, were written for, will only be received by a few within my physical lifetime.

Only an inner circle, an esoteric elite, will have the inclination, the capacity to receive this particular message while this manifestation exists, and for a few generations after.

Though, like a fire it will leap from person to person as the conceptual structure that is time progresses, so that eventually the few will become the many, and the many will become the all.


When all have awakened The Sacred Power that lies within them, when all have developed the Body of Light that is their evolutionary destiny, life and reality will be substantially different from the reality and life we mistakenly believe to be the only one, the only existence we think is possible.

As the Body of Light is a gateway, a portal to the True Reality, when all have awakened the Sacred Power, the world that you have known to be the only one, the Gross Material Reality, will reflect the True Reality, partake in its miraculous qualities, become it.

A reality constituted and constructed of a light conscious, intelligent, alive.

A world which is interconnected, unified, whole.

A world where time ceases to exist, becomes eternal.

Where there is no war, but peace.

Where there is no hate, but love.

Where all that will remain

Is Consciousness.

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