The Scroll by Deshina Davidson - HTML preview

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“He will settle disputes among great nations. They will hammer their swords into ploughs and their spears into pruning knives. Nations will never go to war again, never prepare for battle again”

- (Isaiah 2:4)

Peace can be defined as a state of tranquility or freedom from war and strife. This can be as a consequent of a pact, truce, or agreement signaling an end to wars and hostilities and the making of peaceful relationships. In order to proffer our solutions to the peace and war problems in the world, we generally need first to understand the three major arguments put forward by debaters in international relations to help build peace and bring about peaceful co-existence amongst nations.

One school in peace and conflict studies has it that an absolute power or nation can preserve the peace simply by policing (or lording it) over weaker nations - as it is today with the United States and the rest nations.

Another argument had it – during the just gone 'cold war' era - that preferably two or more polar powers should be in rivalry to maintain peace.

A third rife debate is for a 'balance' or 'leveling' of powers. At best this is ideal; but the modalities for its attainment are as varied as there are those in support.

At this juncture we rest the debates to proffer our own in support of this last (third) argument and chart a sustainable way out for it:

In our own arguments, we want to suggest two things together: First of which is a “coming to truce.” Then next secondly, an equalization, balance, or “parity of powers” , as we call it. This twain we envisage should help check the tide of wars in the world and hopefully help keep peace on the planet!

Adjunct to this, to our mind, conflicts and wars are predicated on three things: Lack of understanding, lack of tolerance, and keeping of confidences. And thus therefore, our arguments to help build universal peace and to keep peace permanently in the earth is founded upon the threesome of greater and more cohesive mutual understanding, tolerance, and openness.

By “coming to truce” we mean this to be: the galvanized efforts by all nations and factions to end wars or come to ceasefire by extending the “olive branch” to their enemies. Ardently, what we ask is that all nations keep peace by declaring peace treaties one with another. This should be started urgently and universally. What is uttermost are for all nations to kick-start this clamor by means' of positive stoppage of wars among them and bringing to an end all hostilities. Nations, needless to say, must be committed and rededicated to this orchestrated reconciliation or conciliations by compromises, armistices, dialogue and diplomacy - this is how we mean by 'coming to truce!'

Once all nations have embraced peace or come to truce they then may balance [equal up] their powers through the concerted and cooperative efforts of cross-mutually and multilaterally inter-exchanging (or integrating) their soldiers. Their armies thereby no longer then shall be in their obtrusive control to manipulate to cause infractions or insurgences internally or externally any longer. And thereby shall this give rise to a 'parity' or balance of powers, with no nation having superior force or power over another, or nation having inferior force or power to another; and all nations thus seeming to have unitary or level power and parallel supremacy. This, thus further helping to achieve such ideals of equality of all nations in the interstate system of the world as endorsed in the UN Charters.

Evidently as nations of the world come to truce and enter the agreements to neutralize their powers by closing ranks and interchanging soldiers under the parity of powers agenda, thus shall there be peace entrenched in the international body polity. These military exchanges could be carried on just as diplomatic emissaries are interchanged amongst nations. In the light of this, the exchanges should strictly only concern personnel -and not armories or hardware! And it may be delimited to commissioned (or senior) officers only to save costs and the logistics. The officers in themselves may be deployed to serve in any capacities appropriate in their postings.

This should help check and cancel out espionage and confidentiality which lead to distrust and wars. It should also help foster international tolerance and cross-mutual understanding needed to check wars and infractions or insurgencies.

Invariably as this is put in place transparency, synergy, unity, and trust would thus have been co-opted. War would have become un-enabled - raising hopes of international peace and security, as this becomes the in-thing. Nations shall then have no need to stockpile or build armories (overtly or covertly) for wars again. Eternal peace shall have reign in the earth (as by our definitions) and rivalry and power struggle fizzled out permanently. Peoples and nations will commingle joyfully together, building bridges of friendship and oneness - globalizing the earth yet still!

Recourse to disenfranchisement from the peace pacts and cooperation once enlisted shall be encumbered and seen as an anti-social act in the eye of the international community.

(Needless to mention also, an attack on any one of these nations in this accord would risk a reprisal from all uniformly in its defense).

Since this is an international initiative, administration is best vested on an international body as the UN for organizational purposes only. The UN Secretariat, Secretary-General, or Security Council has no control over it. Control and sponsorship come from the home governments in the domiciled nations and may be channeled through their defense attaches in their diplomatic missions in the host countries. Pertinently also, this is not expected to be as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), or the Economic Community of West Africa Monitoring Group (ECOMOG), etc., which are regional or exclusive, and ad-hoc. It is instead to be more inclusive, global and permanent.

The twain ideals of “coming to truce” and “parity of powers” shall therefore both inadvertently have solved the peace and war problems in the world. And as planet earth becomes trouble-less and tranquil, God's love and dominion no doubt shall have enveloped her. All we then are saying is: let's keep peace on earth and let it begin right away with each and every one!

We hope this should challenge all men of goodwill, purpose, and right thinking the world over to put into action to free us all quickly from the horrors of future and on-going wars. And maybe someday we shall “hammer our swords into ploughs and spears into pruning knives” to usher in God's millennium of peace as foreseen by some Prophets in the Bible.

The model below helps our understanding of the peace initiatives in a microcosm 3-nation world. Imagine the nations to be Austria or Australia, Burundi or Bulgaria, Chile or Cuba, representing countries: A, B, and C, as given.

