The Seven Churches Of Asia by P.R. Otokletos - HTML preview

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Part I - Conclusion

If the reader has approached this work thus far with an open mind there should be no question the background information is basic and consists of non-leading materials. There should be no question the ensuing observations are fairly simplistic as well and not worthy of serious argument. Furthermore there should be no question the synthesis was performed in a manner which was consistent with the body of background information and general observations.

Admittedly the developing syntheses, unlike the basic observations presented, are of course premised upon the belief that G_D does not work in coincidental fashion. Consequently we should look to glean valuable insights and context associated with the land mass of Asia Minor, the Seven Church communities and John the Apostle, inspired human author of the last Scriptural Word from G_D.

Ultimately it is each reader who determines if the author has put forth a workable contextual framework. In light of 2,000 years of modern history is it a fair assessment to declare that the Earthly Church of Yeshua has been the singular most influential component of modern history? Is it a fair assessment to declare that human society can be broad brushed as representing a cultural struggle between East and West? Is it a fair assessment to declare that theologically the Church of Yeshua, originally a Hebraically rooted institution, has undergone a dramatic change due to the influence of a predominantly Gentile world?

The author knows modern history mandates an affirmative response to these questions but also points out amazingly this is just what Revelations predicts. Predictions made well before the occurrence of events and the historical record! Coincidence … or prophecy provided by G_D?

At some point logical reasoning must prevail. At what point does a person look at the Hebrew Scripture and simply say “enough already?” At what point does the endless stream of coincidence become too much to ignore? At what point in time does it become apparent the Bible represents the perfect and truthful Word of G_D and all knowledge pertaining to human existence and meaning is contained therein?

Before answering this last question each reader should first determine if he or she actually knows and understands both so called Biblical Testaments, or as the author prefers, the unified Hebrew Scripture. This author knows many people of Christian persuasion who would answer “Yes” but turn around a few minutes later and argue that the story of creation told in Genesis is just a “myth” used to explain the beginnings of all things Earthly. Or in similar fashion that the “Old Testament” has been done away with!

Conversely there are numerous Jewish acquaintances who will not even address the issue of Yeshua the Messiah within the framework of today’s Orthodox Judaism because it would be considered heretical.

The point to be made is that accepting both Scriptural Testaments as the true and valid Word of G_D means one must accept connectivity of the two Testaments as well. This means that obvious implications prevalent in the auspices of the pre-Messiah Testament must be recognized as valid and considered when addressing post-Messiah Testament materials.

Far too often we have believers in various Church communities who realize when investigating and immersing oneself in Holy Scripture that in many instances there seems to be doctrinal components of their “faith” which just do not jive with the complete corpus of G_D's Word. Like celebrating The Lord’s Day on Sunday rather than the scripturally ordained Shabbat for instance! This of course can lead to a crisis within one’s psyche. A crisis that has significant implications in one’s world view and one’s relationship with G_D!

The only way to deal with one’s faith is to deal with it honestly and in a reasonable manner. If one’s position is that understanding Scripture is not a relevant or necessary endeavor, the author would advise that this is a perilous position to take. People have been gifted by G_D with a complete historical, cultural and theological guide to find our way home to him.

Within Revelations G_D has provided us the final chapter and summary of this complete epic. Thus far within this work we have explored thoughts and ideas to help us approach the Revelation in the right mindset using the correct context. Let us now proceed to the first three chapters of this awesome Revelation and use this developed context to more accurately discern and understand the final Words of G_D to mankind!

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End Part I