The Seven Churches Of Asia by P.R. Otokletos - HTML preview

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Salutatory Address Summary

Although it seems an inordinate amount of material was extrapolated from such a small salutatory address, the author would point out a far more extensive body of related subject matter could have been introduced into this work if there was such a need. The author’s assessment is the interpretive analysis and conclusions put forth did not require additional subject matter … hopefully the reader agrees.

Admittedly the passages contained within the salutatory address may not seem to be significantly prophetic at first glance; on the other hand it should be concluded the passages are of revelatory importance from a fundamental truth perspective. As the author contended from the outset of this work, this Revelation contains keys to solving the fundamental problem within the greater Church body of Yeshua the Messiah; the problem of course being separation and discord due to doctrinal variations and misunderstanding of the Gospel message itself.

Obviously it is incumbent upon the reader to accept that there is indeed doctrinal discord within the greater Church body of Messiah today just as there was 1,900 years ago. There are doctrinal differences not just within diverse belief systems but within individual belief systems and all the way down to single congregations as well.

Much effort has been spent herein exposing for the reader the environment and dynamic existing within the early Church of Messiah. The author is comfortable with the established positions which declare the early Church to be in effect de-hebraicized, if not outright anti-Judaic, by the time doctrinal development in earnest was undertaken.

Undoubtedly this up-rooting by the early Church of Messiah was the cause for divergent and erroneous doctrine that is widespread to this day. The author has made genuine and good faith efforts to bring this disconnect to light through both historical and scriptural review.

Beyond exposing this disconnect the author has further attempted to provide the reader with a basis for establishing the correct mind set in which the Scriptures should be viewed. This mind set calls for viewing Holy Scripture as a contiguous body of inspired works and not two distinct “testaments.” This mind set calls for viewing the covenantal relationship between G_D and his chosen people as a contiguous eternal relationship and not two distinct “covenants.” This mind set calls for viewing G_D’s Plan for mankind in a Hebraic rather than a Gentile context.

The author has gone still further and attempted to review the fundamental elements of faith within the appropriate context outlined previously. Fundamental elements of faith which G_D did indeed provide to the Church of Yeshua the Messiah within the blessed Revelation!

The author certainly cannot be accused of manufacturing a reason to expose the subject matter related herein. It was indeed G_D himself who decided the contents of this Salutatory Address and not this author or any other human. The reader should appreciate the grandiose nature of the salutatory address G_D provided and realize the significance of the subject matter therein.

It would seem as well this address is actually prophetic in its own rights given the nature of future disputes which would beset the Church of Messiah in the areas of: G_D’s Nature, the nature and role of Yeshua the Messiah, the nature of the Holy Spirit, the nature of Salvation, the inheritance for true believers and of course what it means to follow in the path of Yeshua. It certainly seems G_D had minimally provided the early Church of Messiah with a heads up so to speak. Unfortunately it would seem this heads up was overlooked.

So in looking at the fundamental doctrinal review that was undertaken, the author’s objective is to have the reader consider a few simple questions:

• Do the scriptural conclusions reached by the author, in light of the supporting materials, make sense?

• Does it make sense that the Church of Messiah would turn away from scripturally ordained Festivals because they recognized no association with Yeshua the Messiah or because these Festivals were too Jewish?

• Does it make sense that the Church of Messiah would turn away from the eternal statutes and commands as a way of living and practicing faith according to G_D’s design and commanded plan?

• Does it make sense that the Church of Messiah would deem the covenant between G_D and Israel to be null and void and still further declare itself to be the replacement heir?

What transpired does make sense in light of actual history and cultural influences; though certainly not from a common sense theological perspective! It should be understood these failures by the Church of Messiah are indeed the root of all subsequent failures. As thinking individuals everyone must be reasonable and look at the net result of these failures. When one considers that: G_D’s Appointed Times were ignored; G_D’s Holy Torah was ignored; G_D’s Eternal Covenant was ignored; and G_D’s first chosen people were not only ignored but persecuted relentlessly, it is not unreasonable to conclude the early Church of Messiah in effect ignored major components of G_D’s Plan for mankind and in so doing turned its back on G_D’s Way in favor of its own way.

Considering the path of the early Church of Messiah it should be recognized this disconnection from G_D’s scripturally ordained plan for mankind set the stage for numerous other issues which would surface in the Church and remain until this day. What exemplary issues might the author be alluding to?

• The Church’s practice of infantile baptism;

• The Church’s practice of canonizing and venerating saints;

• The Church’s practice of icon veneration;

• The Church’s bureaucratic and elitist ecclesiastical institution;

• The Church’s institution of the Papacy;

• The Church’s mandate of celibacy for priests;

• The Church’s persecution of Jews;

• The Church’s substitution of The Bible for the catechism;

• The Church’s use of altars made out of hewn stone;

• The Church’s various doctrines related to the Holy Eucharist;

• The Church’s practice of ordination of women;

• The Church’s practice of ordination and toleration of homosexuals;

• The Church’s decision of supporting birth control;

• The Church’s decision of supporting same sex marriages.

• On and on … or so it appears.

These various doctrinal and practice issues listed are but a representative list. Some of these issues as the reader may know are pertinent to the Roman Catholic and so called Orthodox Church while some issues are pertinent to the so called Reformist Churches. From the author’s perspective it matters little because there is not one recognized Christian belief system which adheres to the scripturally prescribed authoritative system provided by G_D through the Hebrew oracles.

Unfortunately for mankind the mainstream Hebrew belief systems (Judaism) is devoid of Yeshua the Messiah and as such also does not adhere to G_D’s scripturally authoritative system as defined by both the Tanakh and B’rit Chadasha. Even further, Judaism has still not revoked the rabbinic fences and legalisms which Messiah came to correct.

Of course it is understood that much doctrine and Church practice are premised upon earlier Church father traditions, but these traditions should be viewed as no more valid than the traditions of the Hebrew Religion Church fathers. History certainly proved what happens when the tradition of men are invoked over the tradition of G_D. No good comes of this scenario!

This declaration is certainly no condemnation of all Church tradition by any means in either Hebrew or Christian belief systems. Sometimes tradition is necessary and beneficial, but other times it is not, especially when tradition contradicts and or subjugates Scripture.

This then is no blanket condemnation for all belief systems or all practices. Certainly there are many good works that come out of the Christian and Hebrew populations just as it should be noted that not all doctrinal precepts are incorrect. But it must be recognized there is much wrong emanating therewith as well and of course the divided nature of the modern Church body of Messiah can in no way be reasonably refuted.

The primary problem we see with the institutional belief systems lies not in the works, good or bad, though Yeshua himself told us that a good tree bears good fruit while a bad tree bears bad fruit; the real issue is the lack of capability of the Churches to bring congregants close to G_D in accordance with “his plan.” If the Church of Messiah is not working in accordance with G_D’s plan for mankind then many or maybe most congregants are not really getting close enough to G_D. Maybe many or most congregants do not really know what the gift of the Holy Spirit is or what it can do for a person. Maybe many or most congregants do not really know what it means to be transformed.

In essence it might be suggested the Church of Messiah has become a stumbling block for many or maybe most congregants just as Yeshua was a stumbling block for the adherents of Judaism. If the Church of Messiah is pliable enough to change so modern believers feel comfortable within the Churches, then it would seem wrong if changes entail modification to G_D’s absolute plan for mankind. The Church has no right or authority to change what G_D has declared! But it has nonetheless, and from this declaration the author will not budge.

In fact there are a number of Christian belief systems even asserting to this very day that doctrine and faith are evolutionary and meant to grow to meet the changes of life. To the author this is just a neat way of getting around the fact that their tenets of faith espoused cannot be supported by Scripture. In fact this is the outputs of a thoroughly Hellenistic culture and mindset in the opinion of this author.

The reader really needs to think about how a collective Church body knowingly drifted away from the absolutes handed down from G_D himself because of cultural and political pressures. Historically and doctrinally this seems to be the case regardless of how vigorous the various Church apologists would contend that G_D’s plan is being followed.

The reader ultimately needs to consider if the author has presented a valid argument. If the argument is valid then the great questions become: what other compromises were made to the absolute truth over the course of nearly 2,000 years? What will be the next compromise(s) made to the absolute truth and mandates of G_D in the years ahead? Still further yet, what are the effects of these changes to G_D’s plan for mankind on all believers in Yeshua? Do believers move closer to or further from G_D when his Ways are not followed? Moreover how far does one need to deviate from G_D’s ways before personal salvation becomes jeopardized or even unattainable?

This work as can be seen is designed for individual introspection. Certainly one ordinary person such as the author or the reader will not influence the workings of the Church bureaucracies let alone the doctrines and practices they have long held and esteemed. Each reader and believer must be aware that ultimate judgment is a personal issue between a person and G_D. Each person is responsible for his own path and his own soul. This does not mean congregational fellowship is to be abandoned or unnecessary. By all means the opposite is true. G_D wants us to be as one. Yeshua wants his Church on Earth to be united as one or “echad!”

In essence the author would see as the greatest of all things for the entire Church body of G_D to be as one. All believers in Yeshua the Messiah completely united and following the path which keeps us close to G_D and beckons the Holy Spirit to fill believers without measure. All believers following the path ordained by G_D in Holy Scripture and traveled perfectly by Yeshua the Messiah.

Unfortunately as we will see upon review of the messages to the Church, this unification, and return to G_D’s way, is not the decision people will make! Just as the rebuking, provided to the first chosen people, through the oracles and prophets was disdained and ignored; so too will the same fate befall the chosen people under the auspices of the perfected covenant.

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