The Seven Churches Of Asia by P.R. Otokletos - HTML preview

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Church Messages-Philadelphia

(7) And to the angel of the Church in Philadelphia write; These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth; (8) I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name. (9) Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. (10) Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. (11) Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown. (12) Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my G_D, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my G_D, and the name of the city of my G_D, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my G_D: and I will write upon him my new name. (13) He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the Churches. (Revelations 3:7–13)

Letter to Philadelphia Components

Image of Yeshua: He that is holy and true and that has the key of David. He that opens and no man can shut.

Positives: Works and that Messiah has set before them an open door and no man can shut it. Thou hast little strength and have kept Yeshua’s word and not denied his name.

Extras: Yeshua will make the false Jews a synagogue of Satan. Yeshua will make them come and worship thy feet and to know that Yeshua has loved thee. Because thou hast kept the word of Messiah’s patience Yeshua will keep thee from the hour of temptation that will come upon all the world.

Negatives: None

Warning: Behold he comes quickly so hold fast so that no man can take thy crown

Reward: Pillar in G_D’s Temple and never more will have to go out. The name of G_D will be written upon thee and the name of New Jerusalem. Yeshua will write upon thee his new Name.

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Letter to Philadelphia Commentary

Wow! What a turn around this must have been, for in the last Church era Yeshua condemned his Church as claiming to be alive yet to be actually spiritually dead. Could it be his Church has indeed repented and remembered the truths which were received from the beginning of time?

The reader should be aware that popular opinion regarding this Church message is the Church of Philadelphia represents the remnant of the Church of Messiah that has not faltered and gone down the path of the general Church and its membership. As such there are hundreds and perhaps thousands of congregations, generally all reformist Church organizations, claiming to be the true “Church of Philadelphia.”

Before we can accept or validate the popular opinion we need to evaluate this message in detail and the collective issues facing the Church as detailed throughout the first five messages.

Needless to say the focus of this ensuing recap of previous message issues will exclude the good things the Church is applauded for; after all we need to determine if the Church of Messiah did indeed repent. Subsequently the author must note herein it must not be presumed the Church of Messiah, throughout history, is without merit or value. This presumption would be most incorrect and indeed contemptuous of those true believers in Yeshua the Messiah that have come before us. Believers whose faith and actions enabled the good works within the Church and provided witness of Messiah to generations of millions of persons whom otherwise would have not known Yeshua at all.

Reconciliation Issues:

  • Church of Ephesus: The Church that left the first love which was interpreted within this work as the early Church drifting away from the scripturally ordained roots of the faith. Generally speaking the loss of the original Hebraic roots of the faith!

  • Church of Smyrna: The persecuted Church that was not rebuked by Messiah!

  • Church of Pergamon: The Church of Messiah itself playing judge; A Church where leaders follow the doctrine of Balaam—pursue their own desires; The Church where we see the mingling of pagan practices with the ways of G_D; The Church where we see a Nicolaitane ecclesiastical bureaucracy that literally conquers the people.

  • Church of Thyatira: The Church that needs to be reminded that Yeshua is the Son of G_D and the only cornerstone upon which the Church is built; The Church where elements are in political league/conspiracy with secular powers; The Church that accumulates wealth and power; The Church that is given clear opportunity to repent of their sins but does not.

  • Church of Sardis: The Church that is ignorant and over confident, the Church that claims to be alive but is dead.

With the issues facing the Church of Messiah listed in summarized fashion herein, the author’s intent is not to launch into any long-winded dissertation relative to what aspects may be applicable to the Roman Catholic Church of modern times or for that matter the Eastern Orthodox Church or even the vast and variant congregations comprising the Reformist Church. What the author will do is challenge the reader to objectively determine if the Church of Yeshua the Messiah has repented of the listed grievances.

We have seen from historical review how the congregational structure of the Church of Messiah is not what G_D ordained in Scripture. Has there been repentance?

We have seen from historical review how basic doctrine and practice within the Church of Messiah is divergent from G_D’s declarations. Has there been repentance?

We have seen how the chosen people have refused to accept and understand the basic constructs of the Scriptural and Covenantal Continuum. Has there been repentance?

At the end of the fifth Church age we are basically left with a Church of Messiah that is devoid of spiritual life and consequently its divine power and authority. A declaration made not by the author but by G_D himself!

As we proceed to the review of the message to Philadelphia, the author will declare to the reader this message is to all the individuals who walk the narrow path for their number is few. This message is not to a Church or specific congregation but to individuals who by their own free choice have accepted the ways of G_D and not the ways of man. Messiah’s Earthly Church for all conversational purposes has already been declared dead by Messiah!

With the introduction of this message we see Yeshua as: he that is holy, he that is true and he that has the Key of David. He that opens and no man shuts, and he that shuts and no man opens.

Regarding this image of Messiah it should be noted the nature of holy and true, as detailed within this work and supported within Sacred Scripture, cannot be separated from the ordained ways of G_D; in essence G_D’s Holy Torah which represents the path or road of holiness. Obviously Yeshua being true is a direct reference to his perfect observance, obedience and human translation of Torah during his Earthly life and ministry.

Regarding the Key of David the author will point out this literary construct seems to be a deviation upon Revelation 1:17 where Messiah declares he has the keys of hell and of death. The variation is quite intriguing and merits further review.

A review of Scripture provides us the following passages which certainly correspond to Messiah’s reference.

Isaiah states: And I will clothe him with thy robe, and bind him with thy girdle, and I will commit thy government into his hand; and he shall be a father to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and to the house of Judah. And the key of the house of David will I lay upon his shoulder; and he shall open, and none shall shut; and he shall shut, and none shall open. And I will fasten him as a peg in a sure place; and he shall be for a throne of honor to his father’s house. And they shall hang upon him all the glory of his father’s house, the offspring and the issue, all vessels of small quantity, from the vessels of cups even to all the vessels of flagons. (Isaiah 22:21–24)

Regarding this reference it would seem obvious the symbolism of the “House of David” is connected directly with the prophetic, historical and theological reality of Yeshua being the Messiah of Israel. Still further the passage clearly is indicative of the Jews recognizing Yeshua as the heir to the throne of David while placing upon him the glory of his Father G_D Almighty.

So what then can we say about this introductory image of Messiah? The author believes at first glance one can see only Hebrew implications herein. We see clear references to Torah, G_D’s Way. We see clear references to Yeshua’s true ministry as Messiah of Israel, and we see clear references to the House of Judah or quite simply the Jews. So should it be presumed this is simply a message for Jews? Fear not Gentiles because this construct needs to be viewed in a Scriptural and Covenantal Continuum perspective.

This introduction by Yeshua can only be discerned properly when viewed as a full cycle plan for G_D’s chosen people—all of them. In this perspective true believers in Messiah are circumcised of the heart and as such are imbued with the Holy Spirit which grafts them into the root that is Yeshua.

This introduction only makes sense from a covenantal perspective if it includes both Jew and Gentile, and it only makes sense when G_D’s plan for humanity is viewed as an absolute—meaning the Torah is valid for all people.

There is no doubt this is a most difficult construct in light of the cultural and theological differences between Jews and Gentiles. Add to this a history which is absolutely horrific, from a relationship perspective, and one can only think this author is jesting or has lost touch with reality. Then again perhaps not!

Moving to Revelation 3:8 Yeshua declares he knows the works of these chosen people. Still further Messiah has opened a door before these people that no one can shut in spite of these chosen peoples’ little strength, for these people have kept his Word and not denied his Name.

It would seem the chosen people spoken of will be a people of faithful works. Works having been defined previously as the works of true Torah! The works of faith, charity, love and obedience as lived by Yeshua. Works of spiritual imbuement!

The open door Yeshua speaks of could potentially be viewed in numerous aspects but the author believes the correct interpretation is that Messiah is referencing the “door of the tent of meeting” which appears in Holy Scripture, by the count of this author at least forty-five times. For readers not familiar with this reference please simply note when G_D first dwelt amidst the Israelites and foreigners within the desert, after he brought them up from Egypt, the Holy Place was no static temple edifice but a tent wherein was the tabernacle which housed the Sacred Ark of the Covenant and the Tablets of the Law handed down from G_D.

To the author the clear implication is Yeshua has opened up the door for the chosen people, both Jew and Gentile to congregate together under the auspices of the “Old Ways” which were declared from the beginning and representative of the eternal covenant. An open door to congregate together to celebrate the Holy Festivals, immerse in his Sacred Torah and be one or as it is defined in Hebrew, “echad!”

The reference to little strength must surely be symbolic of the congregational numbers. Unfortunately for mankind it would seem these numbers will not be large. Certainly this is in line however with all of Messiah’s prophecies which indicate most will perish while few will find the narrow path.

The reference to keeping Messiah’s word can be boiled down to keeping the statutes and commands. Remember Yeshua exhorted all people: do not call on his name and ignore to do what he said. What Yeshua said was to keep the statutes and commands of G_D . . . follow Torah!

Regarding the reference to not denying Messiah’s name, this should be viewed in both a Jew and Gentile perspective. From a Jewish perspective this is clearly indicative of those Jews who have finally accepted Yeshua as the Messiah of Israel. These are Jews who do not fear being ostracized by the so called Orthodox or Conventional Jews. On the other hand the Gentiles who do not deny the name of Yeshua (Jesus) are the Gentiles who recognize Messiah as Y’shua - G_D’s Salvation, as the Jew he undoubtedly is. Gentiles who accept the Hebrew nature of their faith not begrudgingly, but lovingly!

In verse nine Yeshua declares that those of the synagogue of Satan, the lying false Jews, will be made to come and worship at the feet of the chosen people because Yeshua will make them know his chosen people have the love of G_D.

The reader will recall the synagogue of Satan and the issue of false Jews was previously exposed within this work. In the context of this Church message however the author is of the conviction this reference includes all elements of those that deny Yeshua and the ways of G_D. This would translate into the Jews who do not accept Yeshua as Messiah of Israel and the Son of G_D. This includes Christians who claim to be the chosen people of G_D but do not accept the Hebrew Scriptural roots of truth as ordained by G_D. This includes those of Islam who claim to be the true chosen people but are not and are actually the enemy of the G_D of Israel. All of these false chosen people have been lured, often times in a most subtle and seductive manner, into the synagogue of Satan. These masses will know however the remnant of G_D is the elect of the true inheritance!

In verse ten we see where Yeshua promises to protect his chosen remnant from the hour of great temptation which will fall upon all the earth and try all people. There is no doubt this reference deals directly with the great tribulation during the end times as described within Revelations.

The author must honestly admit the “being kept from this temptation” passage remains a contentious issue. There is however no reason to divert attention and move into a long and contentious dissertation on the nature of the “rapture.” What Messiah means is simply that the chosen remnant will be spared the temptation to revoke their faith when the option is to take the mark of the beast or be an outcast to this world. The Scriptures, specifically Revelation depict the plight of individuals that have both the testimony of Messiah and keep the commandments of G_D … these individuals will be subject to persecution … some for captivity, some for death and even some for survival. As such it seems apparent that true believers will be present during and subject to the trials of the great tribulation.

In verse eleven Yeshua exhorts the chosen remnant to hold fast because his return is imminent. He does not want his chosen remnant to lose their crowns which readily translates into “inheritance.” Inheritance as in being Kings and Priests unto G_D!

Finally in verse twelve Yeshua declares to the remnant the bounty of the victory: to become a pillar in the temple of G_D (a leader and teacher), to receive the secret Name of G_D, the Name of New Jerusalem and the new Name of Yeshua written upon their person. Amen!

Most readers are probably thinking then no one really has to worry about the end times being imminent. After all this co-mingled Jew and Gentile congregation sounds like sheer fantasy which can’t possibly happen any time soon, and perhaps we should be thinking about Messiah not coming for another thousand years!

The author is assured then most readers need to prepare themselves for an incredible shock, for the time of the congregation with the circumcised hearts consisting of both Jew and Gentile is already upon us. The reader may know these people as Messianic Jews, Apostolic Jews or perhaps Christian Hebrews or any number of names which are in use.

In any event the Hebraic Roots Movement is “historically” a recent development, having been purportedly started by Christians as an evangelical movement to bring Jews to Christian beliefs. In 1866 the Hebrew Christian Alliance of Great Britain was organized with branches in several European countries. In the United States the Hebrew Christian Association of America (HCAA) was organized in 1915. The International Hebrew Christian Alliance was organized in 1925 to later become the International Messianic Jewish Alliance. Additional groups were formed during subsequent decades.

In fact the Hebrew Christian Synagogue recognized as “the first distinct Jewish Christian house of worship in the United States” was founded by John Zacker, a Russian Jew. It opened not coincidentally in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on February 25, 1922. (62)

In 1973 a motion was made to change the name of the HCAA to the Messianic Jewish Alliance of America (MJAA), and the name was officially changed in 1975. The name change was significant because it represented an evolution in the thought processes and religious and philosophical outlook toward a more fervent expression of Jewish identity. In essence the name needed to more accurately reflect the movement.

The modern organized Messianic or Hebraic Roots Movement consists of congregations in thirty-five of the United States and at least eighteen countries. The Messianic Movement comprises a number of diverse streams but in general all consider it important to express their belief in Yeshua in a way consistent with Biblical Hebraic culture. The Messianic Movement as a whole can be seen somewhat as a proverbial mixed bag, with some Messianic organizations drawing more heavily from Jewish tradition while others from Christian sources, in varying degrees.

The two largest Messianic organizations, the Messianic Jewish Alliance of America (MJAA) and the Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations (UMJC), accept from both Jewish and Christian sources anything they see as scripturally verifiable. The writings of theologians Dan Juster, and Paul Liberman two of the founders of the UMJC, and especially of David H. Stern have helped shape the direction of the mainstream within the Messianic Movement: Evangelical and somewhat Trinitarian in doctrine, but drawing on Hebraic roots to interpret the B’rit Chadasha (New Testament) as well as the Tanakh (Old Testament).

Messianic believers share with most Evangelical and Pentecostal Christians a belief that Yeshua will someday return to the earth and establish his kingdom here in accordance with Scripture. The Spirit of prophecy is a fundamental truth amongst the Messianic communities. A growing interest within the Messianic movement is evangelism among gentiles, as well as Jews, in order to fulfill what is G_D’s original purpose for the Hebrew people. Essentially for the Hebrews to be G_D’s model people and reveal the knowledge of the true G_D to the whole world! This coincides also with an increasing attraction to the Messianic movement on the part of Gentiles, many of them devout Christians, who feel the movement represents the true faith and belief system as ordained by G_D within Holy Scripture.

Conversely there are messianic evangelical activities which take place from Gentile to Jew as well in accordance with the exhortations of the great evangelist Paul who wanted Gentile believers to drive the Jew to jealousy. This of course can only occur however when the Gentiles themselves embrace the Ways of Torah, and do so in the context of Yeshua the Messiah of Israel. After all one cannot logically expect the Jew, who is Torah observant, to go and follow a Christian belief system if the price of admission is to abandon the ways of G_D as set forth in Holy Scripture. This would not make sense!

The reader should note despite varying degrees of Hebraic/Judaic practices amongst messianic communities, the trend has been moving to a more fundamental and Torah centric position over the last few decades. In the grand scheme of things it would not make much sense if the mingling of Jew and Gentile resulted in a compromise of belief systems. Ultimately there can and should not be any form of syncretism and as such the movement is better defined as being Jewish centric.

As exposed within this work this syncretism is already what has happened to the Church of Messiah. There can be only one belief system and that is the belief system ordained by G_D in Sacred Scripture; not the overt traditions of the Rabbi, or the overt traditions of the Christian Clergy, when either tradition conflicts with Sacred Scripture.

While many Messianic Jewish believers are ethnically Jewish (and as such would be considered Jews even by traditional Jewish standards), Messianic Judaism is not recognized as a legitimate form of Judaism by traditional Jewish organizations or leaders. Mainstream Jewish denominations and organizations contend Messianic Jews are not practicing Judaism, but a form of Reformist Christianity. Messianic Judaism is held to be non-Jewish by Reform, Orthodox, Conservative, and Reconstructionist Judaism. Most Jewish groups consider the movement to be an evangelizing tool created and supported by larger Christian denominations. This is a natural reaction by communities that simply do not accept Yeshua as Messiah of Israel and of course remain suspicious of the Christian’s motives. To these mainstream Jewish congregations everything to do with Yeshua is a Christian conspiracy! Unfortunately 2000 years of discord and persecutions have not helped matters from an objective view point!

Numerous messianic leaders are admittedly ordained clergy of some Christian denominations and a number of the messianic clergy certainly have no ethnic connection to Judaism. A growing list of Christian denominations, such as the Southern Baptist Convention and the Assemblies of G_D movement, actively participate in establishing messianic congregations as part of their efforts to evangelize the Jewish people.

At the present time, more than ten different Christian denominations count messianic congregations as members of their denomination. These congregations, almost by definition, begin at the far evangelical pole, (if they can be considered Messianic at all), but inevitably move towards the conservative or fundamental Torah submissive pole.

Another organization critical of the Messianic Movement is the Interfaith Conference of Metropolitan Washington. In 1997 this group, comprising liberal Christian, as well as Jewish and Muslim leaders, put out a strongly worded statement, condemning the proselytization efforts of the Messianic Movement. Most Evangelicals reject the criticism and defend evangelism among Jews and Gentiles. Some Evangelicals however have criticized the Messianic Movement on entirely different grounds; some consider the movement to be “too Jewish” for holding on to parts of the Old Testament that many Christians believe are not applicable today. This criticism is not widespread in Evangelical circles, but appears to be growing, especially as the movement becomes more defined as Biblical Apostolic Judaism. Conversely as messianic communities mature and become more scripturally conservative the tendency is to grow apart from less fundamental Christian communities. In essence there is a growing intolerance within many messianic communities for practices and beliefs which are generally not hebraically or scripturally rooted. [Source Materials] (63)

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Church of Philadelphia Conclusion

So as the reader can see this Messianic/Hebraic Roots movement is not really new but certainly small and under duress from all sides. In many respects the differences that exist between Jew and Gentile, as well as the fears by kinship reaction to those who do cross the line of separation, certainly keep the movement expanding at a slow pace.

Most readers are likely aware of the brotherly love translation which is associated with “Philadelphia.” Ironically this true Church of Philadelphia is the only Church which is ultimately brotherly. It is non-denominational, it is non-institutional, and it is the only belief system where both Jew and Gentile are genuine brothers in Messiah. It is the only belief system where brothers are bound together by faith in Messiah and compliance with G_D’s sacred statutes and commands: the Torah!

Not coincidentally it is only the love that is Yeshua the Messiah which enables the two to mingle. Just as Yeshua declared “He has opened the door and no one will be able to shut it.” This movement, as foretold by Messiah himself, will never take charge or become a popular belief system so one need not fear the Messianic movement supplanting any of the established belief systems. But in the end the real question is; “does one want to be with the popular crowd or does one want to be with the true and faithful crowd?”

To assist readers in making up their minds let us review what happens to each segment of people.

  • The popular crowd gets to worship at the feet of the unpopular crowd because the chosen remnant is loved by G_D.

  • The popular crowd gets the gift of eternal separation from G_D and utter destruction of both body and soul.

And for the unpopular true and faithful crowd:

  • Will eat of the tree of life which is in the midst of paradise!

  • Will not be hurt by the second death!

  • Will get a crown of life!

  • Will be given hidden manna!

  • Will be given a white stone with a new name upon it!

  • Will be given power over the nations, and they shall rule them with a rod of iron!

  • Will be given the morning star!

  • Will be clothed in white raiment!

  • Will have their name remain in the book of life!

  • Will have Yeshua confess their name to the Father before his angels!

  • Will be made a pillar in G_D’s Temple and never more will have to go out.

  • Will have G_D’s Name written upon them!

  • Will have Yeshua’s New Name written upon them!

  • Will have New Jerusalem’s Name written upon them!

  • Will be one/echad with G_D and bask in the eternal light that is the glory of G_D!

So once again the questions are: To be with the popular crowd or the unpopular crowd? To be of this world or to be dead to this world? Unfortunately for the masses G_D’s gift of free choice will become their curse as they exercise their free will to choose death rather than life!

In light of this Church era message and the review just completed, the reader should be aware we in fact are living presently within this Church era time frame today—right now as you read this. In the author’s perspective this Church era will last even into the great tribulation of the end days. As the author has previously indicated the issue of the last days, as foretold in verses of Revelations subsequent to the Church messages, is worthy of a detailed work of its own and unfortunately must be covered under the auspices of a separate work.

You the reader however are the only one responsible for your own soul; not the Rabbi or Priest or Presbyter or whomever. Wake up and look around the world and see what is going on. Do not be like the people of the Church of Sardis who are ignorant and over confident. If you are, then Yeshua will come upon you like a thief in the night and you will not be prepared. Then it will be too late! Instead be like the believers from the Church of Philadelphia. Revisit Sacred Scripture with an open mind and let the Holy Spirit seize you and speak to you. You may be very surprised with what you discover!

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