The Seven Churches Of Asia by P.R. Otokletos - HTML preview

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The author opened this work with a few basic elements which in essence defined the objectives being endeavored herein.

One objective was to make a case the Church of Messiah, representative of the chosen people, is centric to the history of mankind from the time Messiah came until he comes once more.

Another major objective was to make a case the Seven Church Messages represented a historical path or road that would be traveled by Messiah’s Church throughout the ages, more specifically a path to be traveled from the time Yeshua first came to the time when he will come again.

The last major objective was to use the keys within this blessed Revelation of Messiah to get past the trappings of traditions and cultures so the eternal truths of G_D’s ways for mankind could be exposed in the most concrete fashion.

To facilitate or more accurately to enable these endeavors, the author brought forth a contextual framework which consisted of historical, cultural and theological perspectives. The net result of this framework exposed the following key concepts:

  • The Scriptural Continuum

  • The Covenantal Continuum and

  • The Scriptural World View

The Scriptural Continuum mandates believers accept the contiguous nature of the Holy Hebrew Scriptures. There is no disconnect between them; there is only “pre” and “post” Messiah testaments with Yeshua being the common denominator that binds the two together.

The Covenantal Continuum construct mandates believers accept the fact the chosen people of G_D were first Hebrews, and then under the auspices of the B’rit Chadasha were all people brought into the fold of G_D through Yeshua. Consequently there is no rationale for a Jew only chosen people construct nor is there a rationale for a Gentile only chosen people construct. Under the eternal covenant all true believers are one/echad with G_D through Yeshua the Messiah.

The Scriptural World View construct declares human history is nothing more than the activities by and of the chosen people of G_D and the interactions with others as divinely declared within Holy Scripture. In the pre-Messiah era, history is defined as the history of the Hebrews. In the post-Messiah era, history is defined as the history of Yeshua’s Gentile Church on Earth.

Because of these various constructs it forced the subsequent review of these Church messages, as well as the doctrinal exegesis, to be performed under the auspices of a Hebraic context. As was seen this was a critical step in being able to strip aside the cultural and traditional trimmings and trappings of the past 2000 years which in essence are non-Hebraic and Gentile in nature.

Still further yet the author did not just create this framework from thin air. This contextual framework was developed using a methodical approach wherein Asia Minor, the Seven Church Communities and John the Apostle were reviewed in first an observational and then a contextual light. It was the author’s position to let any reader understand the source of reasoning or at least follow the thought process.

Although the author will naturally contend the contextual framework is built on a solid foundation, the author of course must defer to the reader with regards to assessing how well or poorly the framework ultimately holds up.

Regarding Yeshua and his Earthly Church playing center stage to the history of modern man, it should be declared with little or no contention that the history of modern mankind has been dramatically forged, for good and bad, by the Church of Messiah. When the broader perspective of Western Christian Culture is taken into account, this historical centricity can be seen as being prominent even to this present day.

The author in no way desires to belittle or ignore the rich and diverse history of the other cultures that influence our world. Ultimately however any conclusion regarding cultural prominence in relation to shaping modern history must account for the overwhelming influence exerted on this World by Western Culture. A culture which is unquestionably rooted in the Church of Yeshua the Messiah and the political vestiges of the Roman Empire!

Ultimately when one views the development of modern history there should be no doubt the role of the chosen people, expanded to include peoples from all nations and historically represented by the Church of Messiah, has been most profound. In fact it cannot be refuted that history as we know it is a direct result of the actions of the chosen people or conversely the reactions by the chosen people in response to those outside the body of Messiah.

Regarding the “Church era message” objective; it is certainly clear the introduction of the contextual framework enables a much different view of these seven communities—first from a collective vantage point and then from a message content vantage point. The application of a Hebraic context as it pertains to evaluating these Seven Church Messages introduces key supporting components which shed much needed light in supporting the “Church era” theme.

The author feels confident, in light of the provided materials contained herein, that the “Church era” prophetic theme is a fundamentally sound and even necessary approach. In the past, other works utilizing a Church era model were unable to stand up to the test of thorough analysis simply because the messages were not viewed in the proper Hebraic and theological contexts. Not so with this work where we see these Church messages neatly fitting into a historic era framework while being supported by the all the clues provided within each of the respective messages.

Furthermore it should be noted the interpretive analysis which ensued was conducted in a manner wherein all components of each individual Church message were reviewed entirely. These reviews were undertaken accounting not just for the historical record but the theological and cultural aspects as well. From the author’s perspective this methodology enabled the validation of the respective Church eras in a complete manner. The interpretation did not utilize only selected passages which were complimentary or useful to support a specific historical era affiliation. Essentially this author will not only contend but vow that the interpretive analysis essentially defined the historical periods as opposed to the reverse scenario where a period framework had been established and the interpretation made to fit said framework.

The author would go so far as to contend that the historical interpretive framework defined within this work in all probability could not even have been developed without utilizing the Hebraic root methodology employed by the author.

It should be noted the importance of understanding the theological context contained within the Salutatory Address of Revelations is critical to proper interpretation of the messages. Additionally exposing the meanings of the complex symbolic nature of the Vision of the Son of Man is equally important. By combining the theological context within Revelations with the symbolic context of the Vision components, and applying this framework to the individual messages, it is possible to arrive at a more meaningful and supportable interpretative exegesis.

From a resultant output perspective the messages to the Church of Messiah creates within the author a deep sense of sadness yet exhilaration simultaneously. Sadness because the myth surrounding the Church and the accompanying comfort that comes along with being “right with G_D” for members of the Church is most assuredly negated for most people within the Seven Church Messages.

Surely the author pulled no punches but remained objective in spite of the need to expose glaring failures by Messiah’s Earthly Church. When a person opens up their eyes to see the historical record of the Church and then reviews this history within the context of the seven Church messages, how can one not see the historical record as validating the prophetic revelations by Yeshua?

Needless to say this reality, if recognized, is indeed a disappointing reality. For in this reality the Church of Messiah is a weakening and fading entity. In this reality the true believing body of Messiah represents only a small number of end time people who will be strong enough and blessed enough to “come out” from the bondage of “institutional religion.” From a humanitarian perspective this is indeed a frightening proposition.

As was detailed in this work by analyzing the full realm of integral components; culture, history and theology, the exposure of the failings of the Church of Messiah are not a subjective matter. Nor should there be lingering questions as to how or why this condition developed! At a very early stage in its development the Church of Messiah, for reasons put forth within this work, pursued a cultural and theological path which was premised upon a false belief Yeshua had come and done away with all things Jewish/Hebrew! In essence the opposite was true and this fundamental fault would prove catastrophic to the Gentilized Church of Messiah.

What ultimately must be understood is Yeshua came to fulfill and perfect the foundations of all truth as contained within the Hebrew Tanakh. Naturally this mandated the refutation of much rabbinical tradition by Messiah and most certainly the elimination of the Legalistic Culture which had enveloped Israel.

But incorrectly the Gentile Church of Messiah looked to purge all things associated with the Jews. Like the process of chemotherapy where the treatments kill the good cells as well as the bad, the Church of Messiah purged just about everything! While doing so it failed to recognize the “proper elements” of the Hebrew Religion and ultimately left the developing Church without the foundation upon which the B’rit Chadasha (renewed covenant) had been built by G_D.

Without accepting the valid and eternal nature of the everlasting Hebrew Covenant, the Hebrew Torah and G_D’s ways for man ordained therein, the Church of Messiah was consequently forced to reconstruct the path to G_D. Unfortunately as we can see from Holy Scripture this was unnecessary but worse yet, with history for support, we can see how this endeavor was greatly influenced by Pagan Gentile Culture as the developing Church systematically removed the vestiges of its Hebraic roots.

Historically we also can see that not only did the Church remove these Hebraic roots but did directly and indirectly systematically engage in persecutions of the Jewish people for many centuries. The net result of these activities created a cultural chasm between what should by design be a cultural unity of Jew and Gentile within Yeshua the Messiah according to Holy Scripture.

Regarding more modern times, a strong case can be made that the Reformation has in many ways created just as many problems for Christianity as it attempted to fix. It must be pointed out however that in all likelihood without the Reformation there would probably not be a serious Hebraic Messianic Movement of which Gentiles are an active component. In essence the great gift of the Reformation was the escape from the shackles of the Gentilized Apostolic Church which was, and is still, in no condition to lead its sheep back to their scripturally ordained roots.

The reader at this point might correctly presume the author was raised in the Western Society and reared in a Christian household—a Roman Catholic household to be more specific! Obviously this work is not in all likelihood going to be viewed in a positive light by most Christians and certainly not by the vast majority of Roman Catholics who may read this work. The author presumes most conventional Jews will not be thrilled as well! But the author’s loyalty is to G_D, and the author’s responsibility is to his kingdom, not any institution. Subsequently this work does create angst and leave the author disconcerted, but at the same time G_D’s plan is simply what it is and no wants or desires by the author, or anyone else for that matter, will change what has been divinely revealed in Holy Scripture.

As for the fully anticipated howl of rejection from those critics who espouse a divergent outcome or interpretation, or those critics who refute the valid prophetic nature of the Church messages, the author can simply state all the cards have been laid on the table. This author assuredly cannot be accused of getting from points A to Z in a mysterious or enigmatic method. There are no secrets, and the author has laid bare the thought process from start to finish. There have been no historical revision attempts, nor has the author proposed any contradictory theological contentions contrary to Scripture just to make this work generate a desired output.

Ultimately the author may not be correct in all cases or deductions, but potential mistakes are certainly not a result of the process or utilization of information not generally available to anyone willing to perform some basic research.

From a positive perspective the author genuinely believes this work brings to light a truth which has unfortunately been obscured through the contrivances of people for nearly 2000 years. Contrivances rooted in culture, politics and the influences of Satan and his minions who seek the destruction of all people at all costs.

As the author has detailed within this work, the path to enlightenment and salvation is not a path premised upon the intelligence and traditions of mankind. Although it is certainly a path which ultimately must be made by the individual and for the individual, the fact remains it is a path clearly defined by G_D within Holy Scripture and a path which must begin with true faith in Yeshua and result in genuine imbuement by the Holy Spirit.

Our biggest stumbling block has been getting to the root of this scripturally defined path! Working our way through the contrivances of men and peeling back the onion to get to the root. The author has attempted to do just this within the work and is satisfied the contentions made herein have been made objectively, carefully and without malice.

Still further these contentions are supported within Sacred Scripture and support from any other source the author will add is support quite frankly from an unwanted source.

In approaching these first three chapters of the blessed Revelation of Yeshua the Messiah, the author has made a case this last Divine Word to mankind was much more than an apocalyptic view of the end times. This Revelation in fact represents a prophesied historical path of Yeshua’s Earthly Church as well as a “Doctrinal Summary” for G_D’s chosen people if one were to recognize it as such.

As the work detailed the theological leads provided to us by G_D, when viewed in the proper Hebraic context, establish definitively in the author’s perspective the validity of Holy Hebrew Scripture.

It would seem clear if one were to begin a review of Holy Scripture and start this review from this blessed Revelation, one would in essence be forced to follow the leads provided to the extent where every major point of theological doctrine could be settled. As this work displayed when this process is undertaken one essentially is mandated to review Holy Scripture as a continuum. As a continuum it is then impossible to not see Messiah as integral to the true Hebrew Religion as evident in the Tanakh. Subsequently it is impossible to not see Yeshua and the B’rit Chadasha as the fulfillment or completion of the Hebrew faith.

Ultimately the author finds it quite ironic from a Christian perspective, that in the grand scheme of things, the nature of true faith and practice can be reduced to simply accepting the basic tenets of the Hebrew Religion as ordained by G_D in Scripture alone and applying these tenets under the loving auspices of Yeshua the Messiah.

When the Scriptural Hebrew Religion is viewed in the prospects of Yeshua, and cleansed of all Talmudic Mysticism, Legalistic Doctrine and extraneous traditions, it should be evident the Hebrew faith becomes complete and perfected. Is this not what Yeshua said? Did he not come to fulfill and complete what was lacking, but promised, in the Hebrew faith as depicted in the Tanakh? Did Yeshua not declare that the tenets and principals of the Hebrew faith were valid for all time and for every person?

What is most uplifting is that through the Hebraic Roots movement we are seeing the fulfillment of G_D’s grand design. We are seeing the chosen people, Jew and Gentile alike, come together in a manner which is only possible through the perfection of Yeshua the Messiah.

We are seeing history unfold before our very eyes as the Hebrew/Jewish remnant come to terms with their destiny and accept their role as “the light to the nations.”

As the figure below depicts, the seat of evangelical authority is once again shifting, this time back from Rome to Israel as the time of the Gentile draws to a close.


What cannot be overlooked as well is the validation of G_D’s blessed Revelation in light of historical events. As was detailed in this work the prophetic nature of these Church messages should be considered above suspicion and therefore valid. From a perspective of Scriptural integrity the fulfillment of this prophetic path of Yeshua’s Earthly Church should only reinforce a true believer’s commitment to the sanctity and infallibility of Sacred Hebrew Scripture. Quite simply the truth is to be found in the Book!

The author whole heartedly exhorts the reader to really digest the positions and arguments put forth in this work. The only reasonable conclusion is the contentions put forth in this work are worthy of consideration when viewed in the context of Scripture and history. The only reasonable explanation is that G_D’s plan is eternal, perfect and valid for all people of all ages. It is time for believers in Yeshua the Messiah of Israel to wake up and embrace the reality which has been defined within Sacred Scripture from the beginning of time. Failure to do so will maintain the status quo in which the components of the body of Yeshua the Messiah remain separated over divergent beliefs that in essence are not reflective of the ways G_D has ordained for all people!

When and will we ever as a unified body of Messiah realize the gift of the Holy Spirit is not some fanciful concoction of the religious radicals? When will believers of strong and true conviction, imbued with the Holy Spirit, stop being looked upon as the fringe element, the whacko segment?

Unfortunately Holy Scripture and Yeshua himself declare this will not be a scenario which changes. Consequently it is up to the individual to breach the confines of their cultural and theological heritage so they can grasp the one true heritage; the heritage of the chosen people. A heritage won for us by Yeshua of Nazareth and open to both Jew and Gentile alike.

We all must understand that within various Christian belief systems there inevitably seems to be individuals who overcome the stumbling blocks which have been placed before believers. There always seem to be persons who through true faith, and nothing else, are gifted with the Holy Spirit. These blessed ones are unmistakable and not hard to recognize. We see from Scripture numerous examples of G_D’s mercy and love in blessing believers in similar fashion. Unfortunately we must accept the fact most of us purported believers are not blessed so abundantly. Most of us are in a position where we must prepare ourselves to be a proper sanctuary for the Holy Spirit and strengthen our faith accordingly. For most of us the gift of the Holy Spirit in abundance is a gift which we must seek and find. It is from this perspective the author believes G_D in his love and mercy has provided us with Holy Scripture.

G_D has given us his Sacred Word so we have a tangible guide to see how a believer behaves in response to “in dwelling” by the Holy Spirit. We have a tangible guide which provides wisdom and truth. We have a guide that if utilized helps us travel the straight and narrow path as we walk in the footsteps of Yeshua who showed us the ways of G_D! We should consider Hebrew Scripture then as our map and objectively determine if we as individuals are staying on, or straying off, of the course.

Ultimately the implications of this work may cause the reader to doubt the conviction of one’s faith. The reader must understand however that you know if the Holy Spirit is within you or not. There is no mistaking this test for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit provides confidence and shalom (peace and contentment) in a believer predicated upon the: acceptance of grace, commitment to turn away from sin, immersion into G_D’s Word, conformance to the sacred commandments, dying to this world and ultimately living a relationship with G_D through Yeshua.

For those who know the Holy Spirit is not within … or if you indeed do not experience the shalom and joy of the Holy Spirit, you should be concerned but have hope! Our G_D above all things to us humans is a merciful G_D who will accept our genuine repentance in the blink of an eye. Remember while we still breathe there is opportunity for redemption through the blood of Messiah. The author prays earnestly the readers of this work will defy statistics and be counted as one of the remnant! We must take heed of the rebukes Messiah has lovingly provided to us and repent!

As can be seen from the interpretive analysis within this work there should be no denial the prophetic messages to the seven Churches of Asia accurately depict the historical and spiritual path taken by the Earthly Church of Yeshua, the Messiah of all mankind. If the reader can find no way to escape this conclusion there must be the lingering question, what then will be the fate of the Church and the vast numbers of those congregants throughout the Christian world?

The simple answer the author can provide is to tell the reader to delve into the complete Book of Revelations because chapters four through twenty-two provide all the leads and information anyone needs to know regarding the end times.

But then again we have been through much in this work and the author would be remiss if the conclusion did not provide insight into what ultimately befalls Messiah’s Earthly Church.

To begin the author will point out the institutional Church as well as the vast majority of Christians essentially represent the Church of Laodicea. It is a dead Church, a dull Church wherein complacency and ignorance abounds and true spirit and faith are lacking. A people who accept the historical reality of Yeshua the Messiah but will not commit to the life which comes with genuine faith! In reality then this purported Christian body of Yeshua is not the true bride awaiting the Groom’s return. In reality this Christian body of Yeshua is something else and will in the near future become something far more odious to G_D the most high.

What then will the Church become? Unfortunately a detailed analysis of the complete Book of Revelations would certainly be in order to adequately address this issue and as such cannot be realistically covered within this work. However the author will provide the reader with the short answer.

Ultimately the Gentilized Earthly Church of Messiah, like all other institutional religions not operating under the authority and fullness of the Holy Spirit, will be defiled and adopted into the family of harlots and brought under the wing of MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH in whom the blood of saints, martyrs, prophets and all the slain of the earth could be found.

The reader must realize that socially, Babylon the Great is representative of that union between the religious and secular whose aim is to subjugate people under the serpent. Spiritually, Babylon the Great is that movement which seeks through all means to seduce and defile the peoples of the world so they lose sight of the one true G_D. The great whore of Revelations then is the mother of defilement that is rooted in Babylon and the Chaldean Mysteries.

She is who defiled Judaism, she is who defiled Christianity, and it is she that sits at the base of Islam. It is she who is drunk on the blood of the Hebrew prophets killed long before Yeshua allowed himself to be sacrificed in Jerusalem so that many could be reconciled. It is she who killed the martyrs of Yeshua long before institutional Catholicism was even an idea, and it is she who the blood of all the Earth’s slain can be found in.

Contrary to popular opinion then it is clear that Roman Catholicism is not MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. Though sitting on seven hills and being a great city of antiquity it is not Rome which is “that great city Babylon.” Why not?

We have just seen where Roman Catholicism and the rest of Christianity could be nothing but harlots and not the Mother or whore! We know the anti-Christ will come in the name of the Lord, performing miracles and deceiving the peoples of the Earth with his wondrous works. The son of perdition will come pretending to be the promised Messiah of Israel!

But Christians already know that Yeshua the Messiah has come and that anti-Christ is prophesied to come in his name before Yeshua himself returns. The reader would say there is no chance Christians would be fooled by such a ruse! You dear reader would then be wrong!

2 Thessalonians states: And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause G_D shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. (2 Thessalonians 2:8–12)

The Gospel of Matthew states: When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand) Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains: Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take anything out of his house: Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes. And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days! But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the Sabbath day: For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened. Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Messiah, or there; believe it not. For there shall arise false Messiahs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. (Matthew 24:15–24)

Additionally we can see in Revelations wherein the adversary will come against those true believers that have both the testimony of Yeshua and keep the commandments … or in other words are Torah submissive. At such time the lukewarm purported believers will in no way be counted amongst the enemies of the adversary … and in all probability will be partaking in the persecution of the true believers.

Unfortunately the adherents of faith systems that are not the one true Biblically rooted Hebraic faith system will simply not be able to see through the delusion. In G_D’s plan things are quite simple … there is his Kingdom and then there is “olam hazeh” or Hebrew for “this temporal world”. Satan is the ruler of olam hazeh and Mystery Babylon is the vile underpinning of each and every false faith in this world. As Scripture reveals “the dark cannot even comprehend the light” … as such the ability for people to see through the delusion is strictly a function of G_D’s Spirit and by no means will rational logic or intelligence help an individual discern or recognize the truth.

In closing it must be admitted the apostatized Church depicted in Revelations has been a source of confusion and disbelief in all likelihood dating back to Revelation’s origin in the first century Ce. Within this work however we have seen how proper contextual development regarding: Asia Minor, the Seven Church Communities and John the Apostle, have shed much light on the historical and spiritual 2,000 year old path of the Church of Messiah. Light which enables us to better understand the wayward nature of the Church and how the Church of Messiah failed to accept the loving and merciful rebukes provided by Yeshua within the seven Church messages contained in Revelations.

Ultimately it is time for the various denominations within the greater umbrella of Christianity to stop looking for the speck in each other’s eye and extract the log which resides within their own. It is time for the faithful within all denominations to listen to the call of the Holy Spirit and respond to that troubled heart. It is time for the faithful to put their trust in Yeshua the Messiah the Lord instead of people and wayward traditions. It is time for people to wake up before Yeshua comes upon the world like a thief in the night. It is time to come out from the Church of Laodicea! It is time to come out from Babylon!

Despite some of the more troubling implications raised within this work with respects to the purported body of Messiah and his believers, the sheer prospect that the prophetic revelations from Yeshua about the Earthly church can readily be applied to the historical record over the last 1,900 years is not just astounding but in many ways comforting. The purpose of prophecy is clearly to display G_D's omnipotence so that we people can be assured that our trust in him is warranted ... that we can trust in G_D because he is indeed in control. As such the faithful should not be attempting to ignore G_D's prophecies because we don't like the outcomes but rather look to see in all cases where G_D's prophecies are being fulfilled. Ultimately then this endeavor seeks to validate the prophecies from G_D simply to show his glory and perhaps in doing so provide