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Messianic Core Beliefs

There is one ELOHIM … G_D, having a compound and complex unity. The all-powerful infinite, invisible and unified G_D ... who is Spirit and has not been seen by man and who has revealed himself mysteriously to humanity as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Every divine action in the world is accomplished by the Father working through the Son and in the power of the Spirit. This one true and only G_D of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob has revealed himself in creation and in the history of Israel as transmitted in Holy Scripture.

G_D is the Creator of the heavens and the earth. He created humanity in the divine image to serve as the creation’s priest and ruler. G_D’s intention for his creation involves a defined order of differentiation, interdependence, and mutual blessing through steadfast reliance upon G_D and adherence to his divine will.

Through the exercise of free will humanity disobeyed G_D, tarnished the divine image, and abandoned the privileged vocation. As a result of this separation all relationships and even creation itself became subject to violence, disorder and decay.

G_D chose Abraham and his seed through Isaac and Jacob … Israel-the Jewish people, and entered into an everlasting covenant with them so they might be the first fruits of a renewed humanity, who would mediate intercession, blessing and restoration to all the nations of the world. In gracious love, G_D gave to Israel the holy Torah as a covenantal way of life, and the holy Land of Israel as an inheritance and pledge of the blessing of the "world to come". Israel was established by G_D to irrevocably be humanity’s instrument of reconciliation and restoration by, in and through Messiah Yeshua.

The Torah is G_D’s gift to Israel. It serves first and foremost as G_D’s revelation to humanity about himself ... about his righteous and perfect character, then as the constitution of Israel (the Jewish people) … and finally as the light through which Israel will draw the Nations back to G_D into his Kingdom.

In the fullness of time, the Divine Word (Yeshua) became a human being—the Messiah, a true and perfect Israelite. Yeshua as prophesied was born of a Jewish virgin and was a perfect representative and one-man embodiment of the entire nation of Israel. Yeshua lived as a holy tzaddik (righteous one), fulfilling without blemish the mitzvot (commandments) of the Torah. Yeshua brings to perfection the human expression of the divine image of G_D … the living Torah.

Yeshua as Messiah died for the redemption of Israel and the atonement of sins of Israel and of the entire world manifesting G_D's awesome mercy and grace. Yeshua was raised bodily from the dead, as the first fruits of the resurrection promised to Israel as its national-kingdom glorification. Yeshua ascended back to heaven and is there enthroned as G_D’s right hand as Israel’s Messiah, with authority extending over all nations and even unto the ends of creation.

As a result of Yeshua’s atoning sacrifice and redemptive mission, G_D poured out the Divine Spirit, through Messiah, on the community of followers, so that they might be joined intimately to the Messiah as his body and become the expression of the renewed covenant fullness promised to Israel. To the early Jewish community G_D as promised added partners from among the nations, who heard the news of G_D’s work through Yeshua and responded to the good news with belief, confession of transgressions, repentance (turning away from sin) and testimony to their re-birth in Yeshua thereby being grafted into Israel through Yeshua.

Forgiveness of sins, spiritual renewal, union with Messiah, the empowering and sanctifying presence of the indwelling of Ruach Ha Kodesh (Holy Spirit), and the confident hope of eternal life and a glorious resurrection are now available to all, Jews and Gentiles, who put their faith in Yeshua, the risen Lord! Through obedience to his Word ... submission to the sacred Mitzvot, we are made holy and joined to him and his Body. Yeshua is the eternal mediator between G_D and all creation ... The High Priest, and no one can come to the Father except through him.

Yeshua’s community is a single body expressed in diverse forms within the Jewish community and among the nations. All are called to a dedicated life of worship, obedience to the sacred commandments, community service, and public testimony to Yeshua. Unity, Torah submission and Love throughout the entire community confirm Yeshua’s divine mission as the One sent by the Father to reconcile Israel and all Nations with G_D.

Spiritual and temporal life is grounded in godly family units within the relational framework of congregations-communities, whereby persons are to be encouraged, trained, and disciplined. Families in Messianic Jewish congregations should be strengthened and established in their calling to life under the auspices of the everlasting covenant between G_D and Israel.

G_D’s Mo’adim/Festivals (appointed Biblical times) were provided to Israel so that his people could function harmoniously in accordance to the times and rhythm of the Creator. The Mo’adim encapsulate G_D’s will and plans for humanity and provide the promise and testimony of complete and perfect fulfillment of the entire festival cycle by, through, in and with Messiah Yeshua. The Messianic Jewish community observes and cleaves to G_D’s Mo’adim as an expression of faith in, obedience to and inheritance with Messiah Yeshua.

The seventh day (Shabbat) serves as the foundation of G_D’s appointed times and represents Israel’s greatest of Holy Days. The Messianic Jewish community embraces and cleaves to this irrevocable sign between G_D and the children of Israel forever. Messiah Yeshua is not just Lord of Shabbat but he is indeed the Shabbat … the memorial of creation and re-creation.

Messiah Yeshua will return to Jerusalem in glory at the end of this age, to rule forever on David’s throne. Yeshua will affect the restoration of Israel in fullness, raise the dead, save all who belong to him, judge the wicked not written in the Book of Life who are separated from his presence, and accomplish the final Tikkun Olam (worldly restoration) in which Israel and the nations will be united under Messiah’s living Torah rule forever. This restoration will bring everlasting joy for those who belong to him. They will live forever in an order of mutual blessing and fellowship with G_D, in a cosmos perfected beyond description.

The writings of the Tanakh (Genesis-2nd Chronicles) and B’rit Chadasha (Gospel of Matthew-Revelation) are divinely inspired and fully trustworthy (true), a gift given by G_D to his people Israel, provided to impart life and to form, nurture, and guide them in the ways of truth. They are of supreme and final authority in all matters of faith and practice and represent G_D’s Torah to humanity.

The Hebrew tradition serves as the living link that connects contemporary Jews to the biblical past and provides resources needed to develop a Messianic way of life and thought in conformance with the everlasting covenant and the earliest followers of Yeshua.

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