The Small Ones, the Spirituality in School by José Cruz - HTML preview

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And you must learn that the mind cannot be trusted.

And I'll give you one small example.

Do you like ice cream?

Yes the girl said with enthusiasm.

So tell me two that you like more?


One is chocolate and the other is vanilla!

Well let's say so to have these examples about these so much like ice

cream as follows.

When you feel like eating any of them, think before you buy ire’s

which is that you feel like more!

But do not go right away and you will buy it thinking for example

in chocolate, when you get there you'll delight in it.

And during all this time before buying ire’s you keep thinking about


However it is time that you will buy and get to the store, and when

you go to ask for the chocolate that the whole time you walk before

you to think at the last second before you order seedlings before and

prefer the idea of vanilla.

You should already have happened?


Spirituality In School


Well as you can confirm a time when the mind thinks in a certain

way about something and the next moment you think about it

another way, ever confuse you more.

So she is not relying!

This is one of the voices you hear inside your head that does not get

you to decide how it should be nothing, so no one should keep in


The other voice you hear is the voice of conscience.

This and only this voice is that you should consider is a real

conviction of what you should choose.

But how do I know which one is it, asked the girl immediately

giving no chance to explain before the author.

Will you do the following!

Looking for a quiet place where you can be completely alone, relax

to the max, close your eyes for a moment or the time required, and

doest the question to yourself about what you would like to be!

Then you focus on you and think about you want to be a

psychologist, continuing with his eyes closed and without noise and

thou must have a sense whatsoever. Then remember that sensation

makes you feel good or bad.

Following the same way the question to you to come up to be a

veterinarian, and then thou must re-experience a different feeling

than the first.

After analyzing the two feelings you had, and you will notice that

one is quite different from each other.

While one makes you feel less of yourself and the other a greater

sense of well-being.

And it is about that you can trust to last forever because she does

not stick and comes from your Conscience and not your mind.

Got it?

Yes the girl said with a grin that betrayed not know yet how far

this part of life.

José Cruz


Spirituality In School

Lesson 8th

The Loft Badly Tidy

A little sparrow hopping on the ledge outside the window

looking for small crumbs of bread or cake that some boys will be

leaving during breaks, nibbling here and there sometimes lowering

his head to eat now rising in the sign of mistrust by any beak

Until after a while began to penetrate her look through what was

going on inside the classroom, saw some of them in the air finger

slightly more raised than the others.

It was a frowning boy who ran the word in question to the author

in the following way.


I am nine years old and already a lot of time my parents walk me a

psychologist but I do not like anything to go there, but they force

me and I have to go there.

The doctor tells me that my body is like a house that starts in the

feet and ends at the head, and that this house is very big and

beautiful, he says his feet are the foundation to support the entire

weight of the house. And the space between the feet and head are

the rooms and has room tidy.

But he says his head is no longer the same.

He says that the head is the attic of the whole body and all that is

left over or more rooms or other rooms in the attic will stop. And

since I cannot fix these things he tells me how to do to get in the

right places.

José Cruz

I know I have everything neat because I am equal to my colleagues

here in the class, and that I am one of the highest marks.

But every time I go to the doctor and I feel bad every time I hate to

go there anymore, and then my parents forced me to take some pills

that say it is quieter to walk and sleep better.

Do you can tell me something about this?

The author left frowned and made a slight grimace ending in a soft

smile to the boy.

Sure I can! Said the author

That's why I was invited to come to this school, to answer these

types of things or others who want to place.

Let's begin this explanation!

You know your parents want the best for you, but do not have

much time for what I feel to share with you, possibly due to both

work. And the little time we have to deal with you is just, although

they want it more.

Because of this lack of time to spend with you to hear what you

have to talk to them, and not speak to this desire to speak more and

more will be higher, like a balloon that got inside one of these rooms

in your body, which will filling the air as this will increasingly

filling the balloon reaches a height that it must begin to burst.

That's why they give you the tablets so that the balloon does not


When the boy says!

But I do not want to take the pills which often give me vomiting!

The author, and thank goodness because that is the sign that your

body gives you that do not need them for anything.

Only your parents do not spend much time with you will

increasingly failing to know how your attic is to fix, and then go to

the doctor to help you get it.


Spirituality In School

When they should be to take some more extra time to be with you to

realize that you are a normal boy, just needs more attention from


So you have to convince them, or you want to be able to talk with

them explaining them everything I'm saying.

The symptom that leads you to feel more active is only due to the

accumulation of energy in the body, as you said will fill the balloon.

But you who are very intelligent, well you can control this energy

when you feel tenser by blowing air forcefully through the mouth as

far as thou canst better. And then turns to breathe new air in

through your nose, you'll see that calm you down.

If your parents force you to continue taking these tablets, pretend

that you swallow and throws them out when possible.

However studies and plays the most, and stay busy to spend all this

energy that your body creates and requires that your parents give

you more time and attention, talk with them and tell them calmly

that you feel in you. What you will see that fail to take you to a


You know everything that young as you, should learn from their

elders in this case your parents. Not always, sometimes they are the

newest must learn for themselves the most appropriate way to

teach their elders.

You love stories, do not you?


Replied the boy

So I'll tell you what happened to me!

When I was your age I was in school to learn to read and write.

But my mother did not know!

And so to the extent that he learned in school so my mother was

teaching to read and write.

As you can see this was a brief example of how parents can teach

children, you will only have patience as I had and see where they

need your help.

José Cruz

Search right inside them many questions and not make them not

suspecting that you are want to help, to develop a new

understanding between you.

Note, they built your house from top to toe, as the psychologist

said, although she is new needs to be painted and decorated to the

attic that you have and tidy as are the rest rooms, bedrooms, and

even the balcony side out where you can see this huge stern hair ok!

And the little man nodded yes through a slight swing forward with

the little head like hair did stand out above the forehead. That more

resembled a visor cap to the Sun.


Spirituality In School

Lesson 9th

Fairies and Gnomes

A trembling hand with the forefinger stretched half belonged

to a girl with curly hair the color of gold, which is well designed

with a smile on your little face light skin which resembled the color

of face powder, which some ladies of ancient times wore to hide a

few wrinkles and facial gospel.


Has several times spoken of friends with whom we often play with

eyes closed before sleep or upon waking. I have spoken it with my

parents but they tell me they do not believe this.

Can you talk more of them, what they are made and why they are

so quick and so have those funny ways, and come to us but more

and more I see of leaving?

The writer smiled so contemplative that the girl had said.


Come to this question that intrigues you and you younger to older

as is the case of some of your parents and teachers here do not


So that's how things exist in absolute reality. And by the adults

will begin precisely because one day you also shall be.

Some adults lose faith in these forms they call things, because they

begin to live much longer than they should, in thought and the

things that it produces.

José Cruz

So will swapping old relationships they had with these beings with

new patterns of thoughts, which in turn will create a new state to

stop feeling and come to believe only in what may have in the


This will mean that failing to believe what guided him since he was

born; it was that his Spirit showed him, and as you could see with

my eyes closed. To pass only believe what their eyes see, and later

many of these older only come to believe in what they can get her

hands on.

This means that the adult has begun to focus more of what they

began to move in mind, going to ignore these beings that are only

possible to see through the human Spirit and not the time to

communicate with them due to this lack of communication begins

to overlook them and forget them as no longer believe them.

About what they are made!

Asked the author

Does anyone know?

Silence returned to completely invade the room that was once

broken by the soft voice of the author.

The gays are made of light, just light and nothing else.

The real story is this!

These friends that many call the fairy godmothers, gnomes, angels

with goose-like wings on his back, lights are nothing but the purest

color, before you were born so were all of you like them, and with

whom you have played, they were all made in the same light that

moved by vibrations.

Then when you were born through your parents here on Earth,

continued on the same playing with them, that's why they spent

most of the time sleeping, and only saw lights moving from one

place to another or engaging with you in physical form asking you

to smile, even without having your eyes open.


Spirituality In School

This is due to bring a smile to the energy that these lights are more

dense, which becomes the vibration that you achieve, make a gentle

vibration in the body type that makes you smile tickle and laugh


As you begin when babies are still going and after opening his eyes,

and starting to see the first pictures of your parents or others, your

mind that is still very cloudy, so kind as in fog, barely see a foot

ahead of the nose, you began to mix these figures of people and

things in your unconscious.

That as they arrive until the age that you have, continue to see

these mixtures of colors from which you came, that came denser

color images of the faces of people.

So these friends are made of light and it can often take up human

forms, animals or other things.

Just depends on your creative imagination.

Why did they come to have with you?

They do not come to you, and they always remain throughout life at

your side, you and that as they grow older, many of you fail to see

them. Why will henceforth ignore!

But every once in a while they will repair it for no reason and you

can without knowing why, even laugh at themselves or just smile

at yourself.

These are friends who may feel at such times as they give their

signal and want to continue to play, as when they were very small

or even before they were born.

About how fast they move, is due to be light and as you know the

light is very fast, so these lights are brighter and more reach top

speed, in what is called Speed of Light, because they are very Light

in Pure and free as you ever were and will be returned when the

change of Plan.

José Cruz


Spirituality In School

Lesson 10th