The Steps of Jesus by Joseph F. Roberts, ThD, PhD - HTML preview

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Introduction to Chapter 12

When I presented this series live at the Mayfield Drive Baptist Church in Smyrna, Tennessee, I made the below introductory statements. I would encourage the reader to go to the address that I have given for the You Tube channel to watch the video in its entirety.

(“This part is rather unusual in that I am going to show a video showing the crucifixion from a medical doctor’s point of view. It is rather graphic. I show it because it very graphically explains the crucifixion and how Jesus died for our sins.

The only thing with which I can find fault in the video is concerning Jesus falling under the cross as He was carrying it. I have had to modify some of the technical aspects of the video in order to show it, but the contents are unchanged.”) To see the original video, you may go to this address: Jesus’ Suffering and









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Why Jesus Did Not Fall Beneath the Cross

The narrator in the video makes a convincing case for Jesus falling beneath His cross therefore causing the Romans to compel Simon of Cyrene to take the cross and carry it for Him. The problem with this, however, is that there is no reference that Jesus fell. The Scriptures do not even hint that He fell. Yes, He had suffered all the things mentioned, but He did not fall. The scriptures indicate that at the very beginning of the trip to Calvary, Simon took the cross. He did not do it willingly but was forced to do so by the soldiers.

Part of the humiliation of the crucifixion was the bearing the cross. If the individual was not able to bear his cross to the place of execution, it was a sign of weakness. This was further humiliation for Jesus. Also, the soldiers were probably in a hurry to complete the task and to have Jesus to struggle slowly along the way would have delayed the execution.

In addition, Luke records that Jesus addresses the women who were following along with Him. This was done after He was relieved of the cross. This would not have been allowed if He had been carrying the cross.

Without a scriptural basis, there is no way that I can be convinced that Jesus fell beneath the cross.

Golgotha, The Place of the Skull

There are several things that I want to bring to our attention.

 Jesus’ garment was not divided into parts. It remained intact. When the soldiers began to gamble for His garment, they noticed that it did not have a seam in it. This caused them to not cut it apart but leave it whole. This was a fulfillment of prophecy recorded in Psalm 22:18.

 Not one bone was broken, another fulfillment of prophecy.

 Jesus transferred His responsibility of Mary, His mother, to His best friend, John. John then took Mary and treated her as his own mother.

 After first condemning Jesus, the first thief then asked Jesus to remember him when He came into His kingdom. Jesus said to him that that day he would be with Jesus in paradise.

 Darkness descended upon the earth for three hours that Jesus hung on the cross.

 Shortly after the darkness lifted, Jesus died.

 The vail of the temple was torn in two, exposing the Holy of Holies, at the time of Jesus’ death.

 According to Matthew’s writings, an earthquake took place at the same time as the death of Jesus. Several geologists studying the earth’s earthquake history, found that in 33 AD, there was an earthquake of probably 5.5 on the Richter scale. This is an earthquake strong enough to cause the things mentioned in the scriptures.

 Jesus only lived approximately six hours on the cross. Many would survive up to five or six days. Therefore, Jesus’ death was quick.

Conclusion to Chapter 12

In the final chapter, we will consider the resurrection and ascension of Jesus.

Chapter 13 (Final Part)

Golgotha, Wednesday Afternoon