The Ten Commandments: the just love that Jesus works in us and through us by Gregory S. Supina - HTML preview

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Why churches misinterpret God’s Law

It is the most vile, spiritual arrogance possible for a sinner to think he can interpret God’s Law in a much better way than God interprets His own Law. Yet almost all the human gods worshipped by the people in almost all synagogues and churches in all history, that is, almost all rabbis and pastors, have been doing precisely this for many centuries. It is almost impossible to find a rabbi or pastor who even attempts to find the meaning that God Himself intended His words of the Bible to bear. They all follow the creeds and traditions of men, which nullify huge segments of God’s Word. And they have done this for so long and so thoroughly that God’s intended meaning has actually become “heretical” in their eyes. God has abandoned them to delusions because they did not love the truth.

This is why we have so many contradictory, misleading, blatantly foolish, destructive and deadly interpretations of God’s teachings from the Bible. It is not because the Bible is unclear, or the Author is unwilling to clarify its meaning, but because men are dishonest and self-serving, always willing to twist and contort God’s words for their own purposes. Consequently, there are now a thousand different and opposing gospels, gods, messiahs and belief systems that synagogues and churches preach and trust, with all the faith their minds of flesh can muster. Yet it is not actually difficult for the real Holy Spirit of Jesus to teach and train an honest and humble elect soul who has some years of experience in life. Jesus is able to cause one to pray from the mind of one’s spirit and gain God’s true intended meaning of His words. Nevertheless, most souls remain dishonest, haughty and only pray from their minds of flesh. Almost all synagogues and churches have completely lost sight of the true and intended meaning of God’s words that He granted to the spirits of the prophets and apostles. Yes, His Spirit still convicts elect souls into doing just acts of love at times, and whispers His truths to the ears of their dull and sleepy spirits. Yet their synagogues and churches continuously strive to nullify these words from God, since the human gods of the world order’s religious institutions want to remain in their positions as the heads of those people, benefiting from the tithes and services that the people give to them. Those human gods do not want Jesus to be the only true Head of all the people. And this usurpation of Christ’s headship over the church, which began in earnest particularly after the humanistic, pagan Roman cultures and religions began to influence the interpretations of the Scriptures, will continue to distort and nullify God’s Word until the return of Jesus to the earth.

“So the Spirit distinctly says that, in the latter appointed times, some will stray from faith, heeding deceiving spirits and doctrinal teachings from demons, reasoning falsely in hypocrisy, [each of them] having permanently branded one’s own conscience, hindering [the ability] to marry, abstaining from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those believing and having received knowledge of the truth” (I Tim. 4:1-3, ALT).

In all history, the most negative influence that ever fell upon God’s church of Israel came from the enslaving humanistic propaganda of the Babylonian, Persian, Greek and Roman empires, whose rulers believed they were their own highest gods and no longer believed that any higher gods ruled their destinies. These humanistic cultures profoundly changed the way the church of Israel related to God. Neither the Old nor New Covenant relationships with God remained personal and dependant upon Him, not after a Jew or Christian began to absorb the humanistic world views of these pagan empires. In the beginning, only God’s opinion, personally expressed to each individual’s spirit, mattered. But, after the captivity of the church of Israel in Babylon, God’s words to each man’s heart no longer held genuine authority in all matters of life and faith. Personal faith in man, not faith in God, became the norm. And the human gods trusted by the church preached their own personal and often self-serving views of God and His words, never limited themselves to what the Holy Spirit of Jesus had personally revealed to their spirits. God was no longer the personal Head Teacher and Lord of each individual man. Instead, men trembled before human authorities, and revered the words of those human sinners, treating their words as their final authority regarding every matter of life and faith. And each man in the church of Israel saw himself as his own ultimate determiner of his own destiny, as well as his own law-maker, able to interpret God’s Word just as he subjectively willed to interpret it. Meanwhile, each man designated the God of the Bible to a mere helper’s role in his life, as though the Creator God were a secondary and inferior god serving the wills of vain human gods.

All that a man saw, heard and felt had to be filtered through the sifting screen of human authorities, who did not allow very many grains of nourishing truth from God to pass through them, into the souls of the people. Truth, verity and reality were held back, so only small and worthless grains of sand, the dirt of the lies which human authorities designated as important, fell through. And, if a man’s ears heard any real truths—any that exposed the words of men as useless and false—that man was shunned, ostracized, punished or even killed. God’s laws, and the examples of God’s judgments, which were granted to teach us how to interpret His laws, were forced to bow before and submit to the laws and precedents that served elite human authorities. As a result, the people soon began to entirely ignore all God truly said and did. God’s truths were ignored by them, since God’s laws did not gain approval from the elite human gods who ruled their entire lives. Then those elite would reward their most evil and psychopathic disciples with fleshy advantages, carnal power and empty prestige in Satan’s world order. But God’s spiritual rewards were suppressed. And, since their spirits of the people were so emaciated, so starved of truth by their churches, the minds of their spirits fell into a totally unconscious stupor. Very few elect spirits remained awake enough to hear God’s voice at all. Thus, mortal men had not only gained the ability to declare themselves to be the highest and greatest gods of the people, who alone had the right to interpret or misinterpret the words of the Creator God, but they almost entirely eliminated God Himself from all aspects of all lives. Elite men became the only gods of the people, and there were no other gods allowed within the borders of their man-made empires. Then all humanistic empires, both secular and religious, were subject kingdoms of Satan’s world order, faithfully serving slaves of Satan’s appointed demons. God did not allow any of those churches or so-called “Christian” nations to actually serve Him as subjects of His kingdom.

At first, most humanistic secular rulers and kings became theistic humanists, like the golden human head of Daniel’s four kingdoms who was prophesied and predestined to oppose Jesus until the day He would return to rule the earth. And that golden head of that Satanic beast was Babylon’s king, Nebuchadnezzar. That is, throughout most of the history of humanism, from the days of Babylon until the last century, almost all humanists believed man was the highest god ruling over his own destiny and defining his own laws, but also believed in other supernatural gods with greater powers, the heavenly gods whom they could manipulate through human wills. Then, in the final days of the beast, humanists will became so deluded in their arrogance that they will declare themselves to be their only gods, and deny the existence of any gods other than themselves. In fact, their own spirits will deny the existence of any spirits, even their own spirits, since all will become secular humanists.

Nevertheless, even the secular humanists in these last days, who have no faith in any god other than self, actually do superstitiously believe in, esteem and serve many other gods. First and foremost, they place their faith in other human gods, usually in surreal and profoundly foolish, destructive human gods. Then they also place a lot of faith in money, possessions, intelligence, willpower and so on. But their faith in other human beings, money and all their other gods makes them all extremely weak and vulnerable. For they can be easily manipulated, cajoled, tricked, brainwashed or forced to esteem certain human gods far more highly than the other human gods, even to the point where one human god will give his life over to the service of certain elite human gods, and will even die for the sake of the elite human gods one worships. But, of course, it is usually only the most ruthless and godless ones that are able to claw their ways to the very tops of the hierarchies established in these humanistic kingdoms. If one can divorce oneself from all accountability and ignore all the just demands of all other human souls, to worship only oneself, and if one is well-able to lie, cheat, steal, bribe, threaten, and kill one’s way to the top of a hierarchy, then the masses will worship one as their highest god. In all humanistic churches and governing bodies, it has almost always been the most cunning psychopaths that have been able to gain enough power to rule over all the rest of the people.

Therefore, because each humanistic ruler worshipped only himself as the highest god, as the chief god bearing the ability and sole responsibility to determine the destinies of all his people, he would try to cause his whole kingdom to become humanists too, but humanists who would worship only him as their chief and highest god. And a humanistic king then considered all the people in his kingdom to be his property, so he could command all to do his will alone, to do all they did for his own pleasure alone. In other words, he could force the people to worship him as their high god.

As mentioned above, especially in this last century, humanistic kings began to believe there was no Creator God at all, no God who owned the earth and all upon it, no God who designed all created things to function most effectively according to His laws and ways. Naturally, it takes the most selfinflated and deluded kind of fool to believe there is no Creator God, since nature screams evidence that proves His existence. But the carnal egos of secular kings ignored all this evidence, since they so strongly lusted after the power to command, demand, punish, torture, kill, exploit, suppress, oppress and enslave all God’s creations, to serve their own whims. Men no longer see themselves as mere stewards belonging to higher gods, as appointed by gods to take care of people who belonged solely to those gods. Now all power centres on the king alone, and all God’s creations in a kingdom belong to him alone. All must be done to please that human god. Even all laws are made to serve him alone. Esteeming and serving the king, not any other god of any kind, became the first and foremost priority in every citizen’s life. Worshipping the human king was all that mattered. The king became the god of all gods, the most feared and revered of all gods. None but the king even had the power to determine who lived or who died. Of course, we have always seen kings like this throughout history, but especially after the days of the humanistic Babylonians, Persians, Greeks and Romans. And the utter audacity of human rulers that have risen up in the last century is unparalleled. No other time in history has seen anything like the attempts by capitalists, communists and Nazis to extensively and brutally force the views of one human god upon the entire world. Yet this is only the beginning. For one future man, whom Scriptures call the “beast,” will be the worst secular humanist ruler of all time, though his kingdom will last only seven years. Then Jesus will come, destroy the beast and his worshippers, restore all the losses inflicted by God’s wrath, and rule the earth through His just love.

Every humanistic king has taken the bulk of credit for all accomplishments within his kingdom. Of course, if the king was a theistic humanist, he might grant a cursory, insincere thanks to his god or gods, through superstitious fear or as an aspect of public decorum. Nevertheless, rather than feeling dependent on a god or gods, a humanistic king feels that his god or gods depend on him, never truly that he depends on a higher or heavenly god or gods. Now, since a human king becomes the high god ruling over the destinies of the people, one would also think that, if the king did not do well, that king would only have himself to blame for all the failures in his kingdom as well. But blame is usually very easy to escape, and most humanistic kings have become experts in deflecting all blame away from themselves, usually by transferring that blame onto their innocent inferiors, or by lying in ways that use others as scapegoats that feel the wrath of the people when things go wrong. And these humanists especially like to make scapegoats of those who have no voice to respond to false accusations. Still, a humanistic king certainly will not admit that a supernatural god should blame him for any harm he has caused, or discipline him in any way, since a humanist wants to believe that he alone bears the power and the right to rule his own destiny, as well as the destinies of all the other people in his kingdom. And, as a god, a humanist cannot believe that he himself could ever be truly wrong. Nor would a humanistic king, even a theistic humanist, truly believes a supernatural god or gods shaped him and made his life into what it was. For all successful humanists, especially the humanistic kings, loved to proudly claim that they created and shaped themselves, so they could take credit for all they became. A human ruler declared that he was a self-made man so the people would place all their faith in him, so the people would trust him as the god who could also make them great too. A humanist took all credit for all that was perceived as good so the people would worship him as their god. And every human god had to make the people believe that no other god had the ability to discipline, manipulate and shape their lives as well as he could. For, if a human god admitted that any other god created all the potential abilities the people possessed, then shaped those people into all they became, both that human god and his people would be obligated to heed that god above all other gods, instead of him. So, instead, the human gods, even the theistic humanists, told the lie that they were self-made gods, trustworthy, even infallible, and possessed the power to manipulate all the other gods through their own free wills, by their own magic words and deeds, through magic rituals and prayers. And, if any bad event occurred, these kings placed the blame on those who did not properly perform the necessary magic words and deeds required to manipulate those gods for the good of their king. So the people might superstitiously fear a heavenly god, but the people placed most of their faith and confidence in the human gods who claimed to manipulate the heavenly god.

Like king Nebuchadnezzar, humanistic kings rising up after the Babylonian Empire have said to themselves, “I have built [my kingdom] ... by my mighty power and for the honour of my majesty” (Dan. 4:30, NKJV). They have made themselves into their own highest gods controlling their own destinies, just like Nebuchadnezzar did long ago. And, they believed this vain delusion so deeply that they felt they actually bore the right to be the gods of all the people in the land too, even though their decisions were most often short-sighted, foolish, destructive, and based entirely on their own selfish whims, causing harm or killing their people and other creations of God. Since Nebuchadnezzar, there have been countless subsequent humanistic kings who did not acknowledge the authority or rights of any higher gods, no one to keep their decisions and behaviours in check. Humanistic systems rose up all over the world, and all were the same, each establishing its own psychopathic elite “god” class of vain men, who answered only to themselves and to no power higher than themselves. Capitalists, communists, fascists and all the rest established the rule of a tiny minority over all God’s people and property. None developed equitable and just lands respecting the Creator and His creations. All these evil souls have refused to admit that “the Most High [God] rules in the kingdom of men, and gives it to whomever He chooses” (Dan. 4:32, NKJV). In fact, they have always opposed all whom God has raised up for the sakes of the people, those to whom God has granted knowledge, wisdom and love, the ability to judge and guide justly in His name. Now humanistic rulers around the world seek their own glory and selfish purposes, with little conscious awareness of the profound, enslaving influence they exert upon other lives. Nebuchadnezzar sinned the same sin that Satan did in the beginning, because Satan’s spirit compelled Nebuchadnezzar’s spirit into that sin. And Satan did this because God abandoned that king to Satan, since that king did not love the truth set before him in all God’s creation and taught to him through the prophets. And now God hands most rulers over to Satan for exactly the same reason, since they reject even more of God’s truth that is now available to them.

God has indeed handed most of the elite, rich, powerful and greedy souls of this earth over to the irresistible, deluding and enslaving power of Satan, because they did not love the truth. Thus, just like Nebuchadnezzar, Satan fills all with his favourite delusion, the lie that one can be one’s own god. Then these slaves and puppets of Satan so strongly believe they are their own gods, they even think they can become the gods of other souls and God’s other creations on this earth as well. There seldom has been a rich and powerful human god who has ever awakened to an awareness of how, in reality, it is only God works all things, and only for His purposes alone. Almost none have seen how just and God-like love, built on truth and dedicated to serving for the good of all, is life’s only real reward and greatest treasure. Few ever realize their utterly helpless dependence on God, as well as their total dependence upon other human beings and everything else in God’s creation. Instead, they invent fables to make themselves trust in their delusions, then insist that these utterly irrational lies are facts. This is why God hands them over to demons, to become blind, mindless slaves of demons. And now the people in all kingdoms believe these lies too, since God also hands the people over to these delusions for the same reason, since they do not love the truth He created and set before them.

When Nebuchadnezzar declared himself to be his own high god on that day, he set himself apart from all the previous kings and changed the course of history. The humanism of Nebuchadnezzar made his kingdom of Babylon unique, different from previous kingdoms, since all other kings still worshipped and feared other gods, who were greater and higher authorities than themselves, though most of those pagan gods were also enslaving demons. The unjust and psychopathic exploitation of the people made other kings mighty in Satan’s world order too. But this king, Nebuchadnezzar, now let Satan control him in a far more thorough way, unconsciously from the heart. And Satan caused this king to stand upon the very foundation of all sins ever committed, on the belief that one could be one’s own god. Nebuchadnezzar now became a member of Satan’s church and religion, just as all the demons were members. Now the king was one in heart and mind with the ruler of the world order. This communion with Satan gave Nebuchadnezzar more direct access to Satan’s “blessings,” but at a great cost to the people and to the rest of God’s creation. Countless souls suffered endlessly and shed their blood for the sake of carnal rewards and pleasures that Satan granted to those humanistic kings.

Babylon had risen out of the ashes of the Assyrian Empire. And this new religion of humanism was the principal difference between Babylon and Assyria. Then Persia was born out of the Babylonian Empire. And Persia taught Nebuchadnezzar’s humanism to the Greeks. Greece learned humanism from Persia, then perfected it through its philosophers, who were zealous syncretists, merging ideas from all over the known world. So Greece create the system of humanistic doctrines that still stands to this day. Then Rome, influenced by Greek colonies in Italy and elsewhere, disseminated the Greek humanistic system further and empowered it. Through Rome, and the false Roman church, doctrines of humanism effectively spread throughout the world. Just as God ordained through His will, which He revealed through prophets like Daniel, the religion of Greco-Roman humanism, the religion of the final beast, became the dominant religion of Satan’s entire world order. Now all the great world powers and all the major religions have actually become mere sects of humanism, from China to Europe, North America to South America, India to Africa, and everywhere else. It was prophesied that humanism would be the great enemy of the Messiah. But Daniel also prophesied that this fourth kingdom of the beast, the Roman religious kingdom, would be factious (Dan. 2:40-43). Humanistic kingdoms, ruled by the inflated egos of human gods, have continuously fought each other, each king striving to be the greatest of all, at the expense of the people. And this is why humanists can never rightly interpret any words which come from God, why humanistic churches remain foolish, warring factions who cannot ever come to a knowledge of the truth through the revealing power of Christ.

But, in the days of Moses and the Ten Commandments, the thoughts and behaviour of a king himself still basically formed the standard to which all his laws were compared. And the king’s morality and behaviour, which formed all his laws and their interpretations, came entirely from his god. So, at that time, all morality and laws were seen for what they actually were, spiritual. All matters pertaining to morality and justice were seen as belonging to the dominion of spirits. The spiritual example of the king defined what was right and how the law was to be interpreted. And, if a priest of the king’s god told the king that his god commanded him to do something, the king would do it. Or, if a priest told the king that a god commanded his people to do something which the king forbade, and the king believed that priest, the king would fearfully submit to the will of that god, then let the people do whatever that god commanded. A king or a pharaoh always consulted his god or gods, or the priests of his god or gods, before making any decisions. Until humanism arrived, no king dared to even suggest he was the highest god of the land, the authority above all other gods. The king’s god or gods were the ones who ultimately set the king's standard of behaviour, and thus the standard of behaviour for all the king's people too. And all kings were theists. All believed a god’s power and will created, chose and manipulated them. So they would never think of forcing the people to worship, to esteem and to serve them more than any other god or gods. Yes, some ancient kings believed they were gods too, or descended from a god. Yet those kings always thought of themselves as lesser gods who were entirely ruled and manipulated by far greater gods, whom they feared. Before humanism, kings were pure theists, who knew that all they felt or thought actually ultimately came from their god or gods.

Therefore, ancient pagan kings felt as though they had some kind of divine right to rule and judge the people in their lands, but only in the way their god or gods commanded. Humanistic kings might also claim a divine right, but felt no compunction to obey the commands of any god when they made decisions. The pharaoh, in the days of Moses, stubbornly adhered to counsel of the pagan priests as those priests told him the will of their gods, even as the God of Israel mocked all the principal gods of Egypt. Even when those priests lost faith in those pagan gods, who were actually demons, the pharaoh did not. For these more ancient theistic kings felt they were personally raised to power and were being personally guided by their god or gods, even in ways the “masses” would never be able to comprehend. Thus, these kings would often keep their thoughts about right and wrong, their laws, a secret, as confidential information which the “rabble” would only abuse if knew it. And this low view of the people was partially because the people did not have nearly as much time to worship, nor much access to the teachings that revealed information about the character, ways and laws of the gods. But, as long as the common people did not have much access to their god or gods, they could not argue with the king about the things the king commanded them to do. So kings liked to keep the people ignorant. And, since a common person might commit a sin against the spiritual laws of a god without knowing it, the accused was granted no trial and no defence, not unless someone who knew the will of the offended god interceded for the uneducated person. Thus, a king could judge a soul to be guilty and execute that soul without that soul ever even knowing what he or she had done wrong.

Consequently, these theistic kings also abused their power and kept their people ignorant, so they could order a person's death whenever they felt like it, such as when a person inconvenienced them or threatened their power in some way. They too maintained their power by terrorism, by causing all their subjects to greatly fear causing them any displeasure in any way. So these theistic kings also demanded respect as the gods of the people, in almost the same way that humanistic kings did, but they were still somewhat limited by the interference of higher gods nonetheless, unlike humanistic kings. A theistic king had to punish and execute people whenever his god or gods commanded it, and usually without a trial, without allowing a soul to defend oneself. And this included the theistic king’s own cherished or loved ones. For no one dared to question a god’s will, not even the king. But this changed when kings became humanists. For theistic kings, who feared their gods, sometimes would refrain from falsely accusing someone, or would refuse to pardon a family member or friend who proved to be a criminal, if this action would offend a god in any way. And these theistic kings all believed that all their laws were spiritual, made under the authority of their god or gods, and subject to terrible judgments from the gods if those laws were disobeyed. Furthermore, since their gods made those laws, those laws had to be interpreted and applied in the ways their gods demanded, which was also the same way the king and the priests, who served those higher gods, would interpret those laws. But humanistic kings felt no obligation to refrain from offending any higher god or gods.

Humanistic kings saw themselves as being totally autonomous, the only ones who ruled their own destinies and the destinies of all their people. They saw their people as their own property, not the property of a god or gods. So these humanistic kings made and enforced the laws of the land to suit themselves alone, and did whatever they liked with the people and with God’s creations, without any constraints imposed upon them from any higher god or gods. At the same time, humanistic kings still felt it was expedient to keep their people ignorant, so the people could not raise any kind of defence against the will of their king, so the people could not declare that his own law allowed them to do what they did. As long as the people remained in ignorance, a king could tell them to do literally anything, and the people could not cite the law in any way that would refute the king’s commands.

Of course, even theistic kings often contradicted their own laws and words. For their god or gods were usually demonic spirits, who swayed the thoughts and purposes of these kings in ways that would empower them more each day. One day a king might call something good, and the next day he might call that same thing bad. But, when kings did this—when they did not write down wellreasoned and consistent laws in a clearly worded and understandable format—all their people suffered greatly under the king's folly. Then the morale of the kingdom deteriorated and the king found that he had to constantly battle against rebels and usurpers, or against criminals who gave up all trust in the king, then decided to do whatever they felt like doing for their own survival or profit. Yet this situation became even worse under the rule of the egos of humanistic kings who were pulled in many directions by their greed, lust for power and other desires of the flesh, as demonic spirits inflated those egos and manipulated the minds of these arrogant human gods to commit atrocities.

Still, a deep and fearful respect for the authority of a theistic king was practised by most people in the past, due to the fact that the king’s power and laws were often seen as divine directives from the god or gods who ruled over the king. And the people did not want to incur the wrath of those mighty gods. A superstitious belief in the “divine right” of past theistic kings kept the people faithful to their kings, even if those kings were arrogant, shallow, destructive fools. Many theistic kings were total puppets of demon gods. Yet the people trembled before them and did everything they said, even to their own harm and destruction. The people would kill or die for a theistic king. Thus, when the humanistic kings became the high gods and owners of the people, and saw all as their own personal property, to do with as they willed, without any obligation to any god, they deceived the people into thinking they were still subject to the will of a god or gods. They pretended to be theistic kings, but only in the eyes of the people. They persuaded the people to revere them through false, humanistic religions, mostly through pagan religions at first, but later through all kinds of false, humanistic synagogues and churches. As a result, the people remaining faithful to the gods suffered even more.

But God established a nation of priests through Abraham, and this was different. They had elders, who were priests serving God selflessly, since they were not allowed to seek any inheritance except God. And, at first, this nation did not have a human king, not until almost a thousand years after the death of Abraham. For God was to be their one and only King. So these priests were supposed to diligently teach every citizen in this nation of priests, especially every mature male, about God and His ways, and they were to teach all according to the way God personally interpreted and applied His own will and words. Later, in the days of Moses, their King and God also revealed a summary of His Law to all His people from a mountain, a summary that is often called the Ten Commandments. His booming voice spoke from the top of Mount Sinai to every man, woman and child. After this, God personally spoke to Moses and had Moses write down a more detailed version of His Law, for the sake of His people, a law that would never change and would only be expounded upon through a future visitation of their God, through the Messiah. Then Moses read all of these ultimately spiritual and consistent laws and ways of God, even in a clearly worded and understandabl