The Ten Commandments: the just love that Jesus works in us and through us by Gregory S. Supina - HTML preview

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Rightly Interpreting God’s Word

Now we must be careful and diligent to interpret God’s Law and Word in the same way Jesus did, in the fulfilled New Covenant way. And Jesus requires our very spirits to know all the principles taught in His Word, then prioritize and apply as many of those concepts as are needed to develop loving, just, healing and restoring solutions to all that is wrong. We must not be like the false teachers whom Jesus condemned, even to eternal hell. We must no longer live by carnally appealing, shallow, trite teachings of preachers who falsely claim their words come from God. Just because someone quotes the Bible and claims to be God’s servant, it does not mean that one’s spirit has actually received, understood and believed the true interpretation and intended meaning of God’s words from Jesus.

If a man claims to be God’s servant, and even if other people ordain and confirm that man to be God’s servant, it is the testimony of human beings, not the testimony of God. But the Head of each and every man is our God, Jesus. So every man needs the testimony of Jesus Christ granted to his spirit before he can accept anyone as a true servant of God. For human beings can be deceived; but Jesus cannot. All that truly matters is if God Himself has truly called that man, and if God’s Holy Spirit has spent many years teaching and training that man, and if Jesus Himself has sent that older man to assist Him, sent him through grace, as an apprentice or disciple, to teach and care for His elect brothers and sisters together with Him. Quoting the Bible is not enough. For we know Satan himself quotes the Bible (e.g., Mat. 4:6). Likewise, so do his non-elect children whom he sends into churches, to destroy the lives of the elect through false teachings. “And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their deeds” (II Cor. 11:14-15, ESV).

I hope I have adequately illustrated how Jesus taught some of the depth and wisdom of God's true and fulfilled Law regarding marriage and divorce, and how He exposed some of the unjust nonsense taught by the false religious teachers or evangelical pastors of His day, and how some of those same false teachings are still found in humanistic churches and synagogues to this day. For God’s Law was never meant to be an ever-shifting collection of man’s carnal thoughts and impulses, a mess of self-contradicting, shallow and arbitrary rules governing all through terrorism, providing nothing but an outward appearances of religion through the deeds of the flesh. In reality, God's fulfilled Law in Jesus the Christ is an immutable, harmonious, rational, effective and profoundly wise body of deeply intertwined spiritual principles of justice. These ways and laws are aspects of love and shall remain true forever, since they come directly from the heart of God and reveal the attributes of the Creator Spirit. The one God created all spirits to function most effectively according to the principles taught in His Law. His Law teaches us about His mind and thoughts in an infinite array of spiritual matters.

Clearly, the 613 actual laws or commands of the Old Covenant need to be interpreted rightly, in a way that is according to what God intended them to mean. And, to interpret the Law correctly, one first needs to thoroughly know the core attributes and the very character of God. Therefore, we must personally know the real Creator God Himself before we can learn anything about His Law. But God is a spirit. So only our spirits are able to approach God and get to know Him. It is impossible for our flesh to truly know God in any way, because God is a Spirit. Furthermore, both the Old and New Covenants—the formal declarations of God through His agents, the prophets and apostles—also tell us that the Messiah is God. God chose to come to His priesthood of His true church, to His elect, and walk among them in a body of flesh which is just like their bodies of flesh. I repeat, God is a Spirit, and the Spirit of Jesus is the whole of the one and only God. So, since God’s Spirit walked among us in Christ’s body of flesh, when our spirits deeply study the words and behaviours of Jesus, our spirits learn about God Himself. In fact, Jesus told us, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also. From now on you do know Him and have seen Him.... Whoever has seen Me has seen the Father” (John 14:6-7,9b, ESV). If one does not know Jesus, one does not know God and cannot even begin to interpret God’s Law correctly. And, if one does not know the right interpretation of God’s Law, then one does not know anything about the Messiah’s salvation either, since the salvation of Jesus is the the process of God writing His Law upon one’s heart. The Holy Spirit of Jesus saves us by teaching and training us to know and apply God’s Law in His own full, wise, just, loving ways.

As we saw with the Messiah’s just, wise and loving answers to questions about divorce, the religious lawyers of the false church were exposed as men who knew nothing about God, His Law or any other teachings in His Word, though they spent their entire lives studying the Bible. For the purpose of their study was simply to find ways of justifying their self-serving sins of their flesh. This is why Jesus once proclaimed to them: “Is this not the reason you are wrong, because you know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God?” (Mark 12:24, ESV). Later, Jesus further explained this to them: “Whoever is of God hears the words of God. The reason why you do not hear them is that you are not of God” (John 8:47, ESV). The character of God is extremely relevant to our interpretation of God's Law. And this is why only those whose spirits personally know and frequently commune with the Holy Spirit of God, those whose spirits are being personally taught and trained by the Holy Spirit of our God, Jesus, are the only ones who actually find the true meaning of God’s authoritative words.

Our governments often make new laws in response to actions or events, usually bad ones, in order to ensure that similar actions or events will not cause destruction in the future. And, hopefully, those laws will be designed wisely and for the true good of all well into the future. For instance, if there was a death due to a certain way that someone was driving a vehicle, a government might respond by making a new traffic law that forbids driving in that particular way. When cell phones were invented, new laws needed to restrict the use of cell phones while driving, since some drivers were not wise enough to realize that their ability to drive was indeed affected by looking at their phones. After these foolish drivers accidentally damaged property, injured souls, or even killed people while they were staring at cell phones, the government felt obligated to make laws against such a thing. Yet some felt that these laws were foolish and restrictive. And these were mostly foolish people who felt that they were able to handle talking or texting on cell phones while driving—although, of course, they were not able to do that. But was this a new law invented by governments? In reality, this “new law” was entirely based on the very same ancient principles found in God’s Law and harmonize with many of the other laws of God and laws of their nations. For this new law was entirely built upon the already-accepted principles that we must not endanger any other person’s life or property through any kind of our own negligence. And wilful negligence bears intent like murder does in God’s Law.

Then there is also case law, where a judge determines a new interpretation and application of an older, already-legislated law, where he applies and old law to a particular new kind of case and sets a precedent for all similar cases in the future. So we do not need to nullify God’s laws which we do not like in modern times. All we really need to do is learn to rightly apply the principles of God’s Law to the new situations arising in our current day, through a more fulfilled, complete, harmonized and comprehensive understanding of God and the principles taught in His Law, just as Jesus did regarding the way a divorce was to be handled in the church of that day, which is actually the same way God had wanted every divorce to be wisely, justly and lovingly handled in the beginning and throughout all time. So we study the actions of God, especially Jesus, to see how He made His judgments throughout history, judgments that He always made according to the immutable principles of His revealed Law. Then we can develop an understanding of God’s intended way of applying all the principles found in His Law. And, after we understand these core principles taught by God, we will be able to develop new laws for new situations, by applying God’s Law to new kinds of cases.

When we interpret God's Law, we must also focus on those who need to justly benefit from that Law. Each law of God is made to provide a greater advantage for one party, to the disadvantage of the other party. Yet, through repentance, all the parties involved in the judgment, and even the whole community, must benefit from the wise and carefully interpreted application of all the harmonious principles of the whole Law. But this can only be done in Christ, as His Holy Spirit teaches and trains our spirits to know and apply God’s Law in a fulfilled, just, loving way. For, throughout all history, many unjust laws have been made to the advantage of a selfish king or his elite cronies, and to the disadvantage of the victims of his sins. Sinners exploited the majority in most kingdoms.

Recently, more just laws have been developed, and mostly in the western world—good laws which protect the freedoms and rights of the majority, while also trying to protect vulnerable minorities, laws which take into account a balanced and just treatment of both the sinner and the victim of sin, by setting aside the Roman-like rule by terrorism through revenge. And, whether humanists like it or not, the fact is that all these better and more just laws came through Christian reforms and revivals. All these better laws were based on the principles of God’s Law in the Bible. These good laws only began to trickle out after the 16th century Reformation and rejection of the Roman church, or poured out in a relative flood during and after the great 18th century revival in Britain and the United States.

Revivalists of the 18th century, like William Wilberforce, steered our laws towards God’s just laws practised through God-like love, and away from the unjust and vengeful concepts of Roman justice, enacted through terrorism for the benefit of the elite alone. For God’s ways benefited all the people in general, and focused on building freedoms for all through peaceful, just and merciful means. But the Roman laws benefited only a few lords at the top of a steep hierarchy, and focused on violent ways to oppress the people for the sake of those few lords, while it exacted highly inordinate revenge against any who dared to upset those lords in the least. No penalty of Roman law was of equal weight to the crime. There was no eye for an eye or tooth for a tooth as a maximum penalty for an unrepentant sinner, nor any chance of mercy and forgiveness when an elite psychopath felt wronged. But that all began to change when the people demanded that more attention must be given to God’s Law than to Roman law. Far greater justice and mercy entered into the laws of our lands. Yet, in our day, we see society moving back to the unjust, pagan Roman laws, which appease only the elite, and at a great expense to everyone else. Now both the humanistic false church and secular humanists are pushing this foolish, costly, destructive, ruthless and unjust movement. So, as the prophecies declare, they will succeed for a time and establish the world-wide kingdom of Satan’s messiah, who is called the “beast.” Yet this will only create a wider divide which polarizes the people into a dichotomy of those who love God’s light and those who love darkness more than light. Then Jesus will annihilate the entire kingdom of the “beast” in the end times. After Christ’s Holy Spirit disrupts the entire earth with many just penalties for their crimes, He will destroy the wicked and justly rule the whole earth.

Long before the second coming of Jesus, many true elect also will be working to build up a base of just laws in some lands scattered around the world, laws that actually originate from God’s Law, which the Holy Spirit of Jesus will teach and train them to wisely apply. Whether or not the elect will know it, in the minds of their flesh, Jesus will teach His ways to their spirits. And, at first, many elect will not know the Source of these just and loving thoughts and teachings coming to their spirits, these truths to which their spirits shall so zealously cling. Even now, truths about God’s fulfilled Law and Christ’s true salvation are starting to be broadcast more openly into the world, in various ways, and are being embraced by the elect, though they do not know why their spirits believe and cling to them. In fact, many elect do not even know they each have a spirit, and a mind of that spirit, much less that God is their Creator and the Father of their spirits, teaching and training their spirits each day. But we know Jesus’ Spirit is now teaching, training and calling them out of the humanistic kingdom of Satan’s beast. Jesus is now raising up true teaching elders, by the thousands, so they will be ready to help God’s people, all the elect of the very last days, when that appointed time comes.

After the sixth seal’s revival, most of the elect will learn God’s truths more clearly. Their spirits will learn directly from Jesus, as their spirits commune with Him and address Him directly, by name. And they will also find those thousands of elders whom Jesus is now preparing for them, men who will remind them about God’s truth and rationally nullify all the lies that Satan’s beast hurls at them, to weaken and confuse them. At that time, a greater dividing of the entire population of the earth will occur. A clearly delineated dichotomy will develop, with God’s informed elect on one side and the deluded humanistic non-elect on the other. By the time Jesus arrives, almost no one will have a sleeping spirit. Almost all human spirits will wakened by either Jesus or Satan, and will think clearly enough to take either one side or the other. Then, as that dichotomy is forming, true justice will begin to be served spontaneously from the hearts of many elect, since Jesus will directly teach their spirits a true and deep understanding of their Father and His ways. The minds of many elect spirits will be granted a right knowledge and wise application of God’s Law. In other words, the elect will begin to be visibly saved by the Holy Spirit of Jesus during those final days before Jesus actually returns.

So now, in our day, we need to begin reevaluating our understanding of God and His Law, which He promised to write upon our hearts for our salvation from sin and hell. He will teach and train our spirits to comprehend and wisely apply His Law for our salvation into heaven. And one of the first things we should know is that all God’s judgments are made according to His own interpretation of His Law, not according to any other interpretation of His Law, certainly not according to current human interpretations of man-made laws. Also, all God’s judgments are characterized by a just, pure love. So all His laws are made to serve for the just advantage of all who are able to love, that is, for His elect children, whether His elect child is a professing Christian or not. But all His laws are against all who intend to hurt or harm His creations in any unjust way, whether they are true elect who fell into sin, the unawakened elect who act through the desires of the flesh, or the non-elect. Therefore, God did not make His laws to the advantage of Himself, nor to the advantage of those who remain in good standing with other members of a church, especially since most churches are false. Rather, God serves His whole creation, the whole world. So He also made all His laws to serve all, justly and equitably. Under no circumstance did God make any law to the advantage of an elite group of human lords, nor to the advantage of any church. For God serves both human souls and all other creatures through His agents, who are the elect whom He raises to authoritative or influential positions in churches and in governments. In God’s kingdom, the “greatest” are to be the servants of all. Only in Satan’s world order are fake human gods served by all, esteemed as the “greatest” of all.

God created and established all His ways and laws for the good of all His creation. And those who truly know God and God's Law, serve God first and foremost, realizing that God Himself always will lovingly serve the whole of His spiritual creation, even all people, animals, plants and things now upon the earth. God will serve all equitably, for the good of all, without prejudice. Furthermore, God does this without acting like a superior and untouchable despot, but humbly, behind what is seen, in way where most do not even know He is there. He never advertises, nor tries to be visible to any of the creatures He serves. He simply serves with His power through His love, even as an approachable Servant of all. Even sinners come to Him for help, to be freed from their bonds of sin. But He does not turn them away, though all their sins were ultimately against Him and His kingdom. The spirit of a dog or horse can even approach God, without fear, trusting that He will do good justly, without prejudice. Then the spirits of God’s awakened elect children are even more comfortable when they approach their Father, and their oldest Brother, Jesus. And the unawakened elect feel comforted when His humble Holy Spirit anonymously comes to teach their spirits. For Jesus does not shout and demand their attention, forcing them to bow before Him and acknowledge Him as their absolute Ruler. In fact, Jesus focuses on teaching them the truth, and never even bothers to identify Himself.

All the elect who truly know and serve God strive to be like Him. All the true teaching elders that Jesus has personally sent to the people do not identify themselves as pastors, doctors or reverends, demanding respect. For Jesus expressly forbade them to take any titles of esteem (Mat. 23:8-12), so they can focus on teaching, inward healing and serving any spiritual or physical needs of the people. Then it is left to God alone to make their teaching or help effective, for all true teaching elders know they have no authority or power in themselves, since all power and authority resides in God alone, and all depends on God’s will alone. The most knowledgeable and wise of the elect never lord it over anyone, but simply strive to serve everyone with the free gifts God, Jesus, graciously granted to them for this purpose. They know all God's laws, and His power, is for the good of all men on earth, and even for the good of all animals, plants and things. In their hearts, their spirits have been told:

“And now, Israel, what does [Yahweh] your God require of you, but to fear [Yahweh] your God, to walk in all His ways, to love Him, to serve [Yahweh] your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and to keep the commandments and statutes of [Yahweh], which I am commanding you today for your good? [So, what God requires of us is exactly what God, in His New Covenant, promised to work inside us for our salvation, the works of Jesus the Christ upon our spirits, the ‘writing’ or teaching and training He provides.] Behold, to [Yahweh] your God belong heaven and the heaven of heavens, the earth with all that is in it. [Here the three heavens above the earth are described. The phrase ‘heaven and the heaven of heavens’ may also be interpreted as ‘eternal heaven and outer space of the material universe’s atmosphere and outer space.’] Yet [Yahweh] set His heart in love on your fathers and chose their offspring after them, you above all peoples, as you are this day.

“Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your heart [This is figuratively telling us to cut away or do away with our lusts and desires of the flesh, to walk according to our spirits and serve Him, by doing what our spirits in our hearts learn from Him and know is right.], and be no longer stubborn. For [Yahweh] your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great, the mighty, and the awesome God, who is not partial and takes no bribe. He executes justice for the fatherless and the widow [the Hebrew not only refers to widows, but to divorced or abandoned women as well, to any woman without a husband], and loves the sojourner [immigrant], giving him food and clothing. Love the sojourner, therefore, for you were sojourners in the land of Egypt. You shall fear [Yahweh] your God. You shall serve Him and hold fast to Him, and by His name you shall swear” (Deut. 10:12-20, ESV).

This was not only a command or authoritative word of God, a requirement of God, but is exactly what God Himself works in the hearts of His elect through the Messiah’s New Covenant salvation. God created the material universe in a way where He would serve it through His love. And God has been doing so ever since. But, as God did this, He set priorities, determining who would receive His service and love first, before the others. First God serves His wife, the true church. Then He serves all His children, born with spirits made in His image, the elect who have not yet awakened and do not yet serve Him as priests in His true church. For first among His elect are those who know Him and His name, the awakened elect whom He is able to teach and train in His ways, those whom He calls His church of Israel. God made all the creation on earth for His elect children, in order to shape them into a people who truly resemble Him, so they can all be members of His priesthood or church family in heaven. But, for now, not all elect serve Him as His church. And this is why God loves the strangers or sojourners, the “immigrants,” those who flee evil to take refuge in His church of Israel. For His elect are among them. And God loves those who love His Israel, the “good” or elect. But He loves truly loving strangers more than unjust, evil, unloving, non-elect strangers. Next, God loves all the animals and plants in every land, for they all have eternal spirits who shall rejoice in His home of heaven. Lastly, God justly cares for Satan’s children, granting them their physical needs in the same way He provides for the physical needs of all others. God makes the sun and rain to fall upon all.

In all these priorities of God, we must realize that God never judges anyone through partiality. God always makes stands up for right against wrong, truth against lies, no matter who is right and no matter who speaks the truth, even if a non-elect soul is right and and speaks the truth against the wrong done by His elect child, and against the lies told by His elect child. For God’s will and love are immutable. God cannot abide injustice, wrongdoings, lies and evil from anyone, no matter who one might be. Therefore, if one of His elect lie or sin against one of Satan’s children, God will stand against His own elect child and uphold the lawful right of Satan’s child. Then Christ’s sacrifice on the cross will pay for His child’s sins and lies, after the pain of His fiery rebukes cause His child’s spirit to repent into the truth. On the other hand, God will not allow Satan’s child to take any unjust revenge against His elect child, nor against anyone else. For God’s Law forbids revenge, and God’s Law is immutable with regards to what He deemed to be a just penalty. And this is why our just God will forgive a sin, if His elect child truly repents from that sin, then will require no further penalty for that sin, other than what Jesus paid upon that cross. Later, in heaven, God will also grant restitution to victims of sin, restoring a hundredfold for all losses and repairing all damages caused by lies or sins, more than enough to make all right again. And, if it is possible for an elect sinner to make some restitution on earth, God will command that sinner to do so as well. In the end, God is utterly faithful to His Own just Laws and their intentions. This will never change. Therefore, if one of His beloved elect sins against a non-elect soul, or against anyone else in God’s creation, even an animal, God will indeed take the side of the victim of sin, not His elect. God always remains true and is never unjust.

When we serve God, we must remain faithful and true to His Word, through a right interpretation of His wise and just law. And we need to serve literally all His creation, justly, all according to God’s priorities and God’s will. Like God, we need to serve all through God-like love, through a just and righteous love. So we too set priorities concerning who we serve and love above the others, just as God does. And we do this for similar reasons, because judgments in most matters will require us to serve one more than the other. Besides, we also have severe limits on our time, energy and resources, so we cannot always afford to server everyone in the same way, but must choose between one and the other according to God’s will, though we must never make those choices with unjust partiality. Like God, we serve the most needy and the most unjustly treated victim first. If the one we generally prioritize as first is wrong, but the one whom we generally prioritize as last is right, we take the side of the least prioritized one who is right, not the side of the most prioritized one who is wrong. For this is how God Himself makes His judgments, when He decides between one and the other. Though our priority is to follow God’s priorities, to love and serve the awakened elect first, those highest priorities are themselves striving to be like God, that is, to be servants of God. So their highest priority is to help us serve others in the ways God wants us to serve them, justly through love. So our highest priorities for our love and service will love and serve right beside us, and we right beside them, as one united body of Christ. Together, we and our highest priority people will serve the needy and the victims of sin, and we will justly, rightly and wisely serve them together through love.

The loving justice that Jesus teaches and trains our spirits to serve makes all decisions based on God’s laws and His created realities, not on biases. God’s kind of loving justice never condones the delusions, lies and sins of others, not the errors and sins of our most loved ones. For Jesus’ Holy Spirit fulfills God’s loving Law, and the love described by God’s Law is built on a foundation of truth, verity and reality. Jesus works only truth in us and through us. And God’s Law states: “You shall not hate your brother in your heart, but you shall reason frankly with your neighbour, lest you incur sin because of him. You shall not take vengeance or bear a grudge against the sons of your own people, but you shall love your neighbour as yourself: I am [Yahweh]” (Lev. 19:17-18, ESV).

The elect want our most trusted and beloved friends to speak the truth to us, the truth about ourselves and all things. For, any delusions and lies we might believe, either about ourselves or anything else, will inevitably cause much harm to ourselves and others. Thus, anyone who truly loves and cares for us will speak the truth to us. If we do not “reason frankly” with our neighbour, especially with our brothers and sisters in the Lord, and if we do not candidly, clearly and lovingly rebuke or admonish their errors and sins, then we do not truly love them. Lying to them, or letting them believe lies, is actually a form of hatred, since it does not care about their spiritual welfare or their relationship with God. Genuine love seeks the physical and spiritual good of the one being loved, and will not let that loved one continue to destroy oneself and others through errors and sins. Also, if you do not oppose the errors and sins of your brother or sister, then you are passively condoning those errors and sins, which makes you a partaker in those errors and sins. Then, if your flesh grows angry and you “take vengeance or bear a grudge against your neighbour,” you are also actively hating that one, and not serving God through the love which He places in your spirit. Rather, you are opposing love and the loving God. So you are sinning against God as much or more than the one you hate. It is always best to love in a just way, in a way that seeks to correct errors and sins, that tries to turn the spirit of the sinner to God, so the sinner’s spirit might possibly be taught to repent into the truth through godly sorrow. And if a neighbour’s spirit hates you in return for your love, and does not or cannot repent, then you cannot “repent” into those lies and sins, away from genuine, just, beneficial love, just to make peace with that sinner. For, if you did that, you would betray your God, your people of God, all creation and even yourself. Rather, if one does not or cannot repent into the truth, you might need to separate your life from that sinner’s life. Possibly, some sort of authority may need to be involved as well, so a punishment may be used to deter that one’s errors and sins, justly, only as much as God allows, since God’s justice never rules through terrorism. If, even then, that sinner does not or cannot truly repent, then that sinner may need to be put in a prison cell, separated from all potential victims.

Yet, if we see a sinning elect spirit’s heartfelt repentance into the truth, with a genuine desire to bear fruits of repentance (to make right the wrongs one committed), God commands us to forgive that repentant sinner, just as He has already forgiven that repentant sinner. In other words, truly biblical judgments are not primarily about determining who is right and who is wrong, although we must do that as well, and carefully, so we do not falsely accuse anyone. In reality, a biblical judgment only begins after we have found out who is guilty, who committed the sin. A shallow knowledge of God’s Law is needed to determine when someone sins. But a very deep and wise understanding of God’s loving Law is necessary in determining all that must be done for the victims of the sin and regarding the sinner after the guilt of the sinner has been established. The real work of the teaching elders, whom we call judges, begins then. And the guilt itself does not determine the penalty, not in God’s Law. Rather, the very spirit of the sinner needs to be reached, if possible, so that sinner’s very heart may learn God’s ways and the reasons for those ways, to give that sinner a chance to repent into the truth. Then, if there is no repentance, then the sentence and penalty administered through a biblical judgment depends on both the past and current intentions and motives of the sinner. So, if a sinner had wrong and malicious intentions and motives while committing the sin, and does not repent, then that sinner may be subject to the maximum penalty ascribed by God’s Law. However, if those evil intentions and motives are corrected and turned into godly intentions and motives after the sin has been committed, through true repentance, the