The Ten Commandments: the just love that Jesus works in us and through us by Gregory S. Supina - HTML preview

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Spiritual interpretations of God’s Law

Now look at the Ten Commandments, which are sometimes called the “Decalogue.” It is a summary of the whole of the Law revealed to the Creator’s priesthood, to the appointed teachers of the eternal principles of life and faith which were all designed and implemented by the one and only High King of the heavens and earth. Each of the Ten Commandments is an archetypal law representing a subset of the 613 commandments which form the whole of God’s Law. Now, as explained above, the false and true churches have engaged in two fundamental ways of interpreting this Decalogue and God’s Law. False churches prefer a carnal interpretation through the intellect and emotions of their flesh. They most often call this carnal interpretation a “spiritual” interpretation, since they treat God’s Law as a figurative or allegorical representation of humanistic doctrines, particularly the core teachings of Middle Platonism and Neoplatonism. Yet those false churches are actually incapable of recognizing a truly spiritual interpretation, since they do not even acknowledge the truly biblical anthropological teachings about the mind and will of the flesh being separate and distinct from the mind and will of the human spirit, where both minds communicate with each other, and often oppose each other, in a passive instrument called the soul. Since Plato did not teach what God’s Word teaches, those false churches do not believe God’s Word. They find it impossible to believe because they function solely through their minds of flesh, but only the mind of a spirit can even begin to comprehend God’s Law.

But the interpretation of God’s Law by the true church, such as by the prophets and apostles, is truly spiritual, granted to the minds of human spirits by the Holy Spirit of the living, eternal Creator God Himself. This spiritual interpretation is God’s opinion of the meaning of God’s Law, and the only valid interpretation, since only the High King has the right and authority to interpret His own Law. When God, who is a Spirit, teaches the mind of an elect spirit the right understanding of His Law, and the wisdom to apply it correctly, the results of His teachings are effective, truly beneficial and able to bear fruits of love, joy, peace and wise justice. Some may think this is through an “instinct” or “gut feeling” or “listening to the heart,” where they think emotions of the flesh are the “heart.” But a spiritual interpretation and application of God’s Law is none of these things. Rather, heeding God’s words and laws can only be done by the human spirit, which has a mind and will of its own. A loving, right, wise and just application of God’s will on earth must be done by a spirit in a way where Jesus engages the mind of that spirit in a far more rational kind of thinking than the mind of the flesh is capable of performing. Then, after Jesus teaches an elect human spirit, that spirit will command, inform, reason with, counsel, rebuke and otherwise engage its own subordinate mind of flesh, in order to express its desire to do what the Holy Spirit has taught. Also, an elect spirit never forgets the teachings of Christ’s Spirit, and the Spirit of Jesus reminds the elect spirit about all He has taught. So this is how Jesus forms the inner conscience of His elect brothers and sisters, within the minds of their spirits. And Jesus even does this in those whose flesh has not read nor heard the Law, nor anything about the God of the Bible. Paul said that even the elect Gentiles who have never had any access to the Bible are receiving this inner conscience from Jesus: “They show that the work of the Law is written on their hearts, while their conscience also bears witness, and their conflicting thoughts accuse or even excuse them on that [judgment] day when, according to my gospel, God judges the secrets of men by Christ Jesus” (Rom. 2:15-16, ESV). Jesus saves literally all the elect in this way, by teaching His Law to their spirits, causing the minds of their spirits to think “conflicting thoughts” in their souls, loving and just thoughts that strongly oppose the selfish, worldly thoughts originating from their minds of flesh. And the wills of their spirits will triumph on the judgment day.

God's true spiritual meaning of the Decalogue and His whole Law is so deep and broad that it can only be granted to elect hearts, to the minds of elect human spirits. And the mind of flesh is actually incapable of truly comprehending God’s Law at all, although the mind of flesh can approximate a weak understanding, by figuratively representing spiritual concepts in material terms within its mind. If the elect soul’s mind of flesh will submit to the lord and manager of its life, that is, to the elect spirit dwelling within that body, even that flesh can be sanctified in this way. Even the flesh can be used by the elect spirit to utter God’s truths and to do physical deeds that express the spiritual love and just principles taught by God’s Law through Jesus. For instance, Jesus teaches the elect spirit to feed the hungry flesh or hungry spirit of a brother or sister, to meet the physical and spiritual needs of all who are brought into the sphere of one’s own life. So the elect spirit longs to do this, to provide for physical needs in ways that are just and equitable, as well as to feed spiritual truths to the spirits of elect brothers and sisters, so all may share in God’s joy and bounty. But the flesh only knows how to give physical food to the physical body, and nothing else. And the flesh is selfish and greedy, so it will not even do that much, unless it is countered with “conflicting thoughts” originating from its elect spirit. And those “conflicting thoughts” will indeed come from the elect spirit, since the elect spirit is always being taught by the real Jesus Christ. And, if the flesh is not too trapped by the lies and delusions of this world, the flesh of the elect will obey the demands of the elect spirit within it.

When the mind of flesh submits to the will of its lord, to the will of the elect human spirit dwelling in that body, it is Christ’s Spirit that causes the elect spirit to express its love for Him and its love for other brothers and sisters belonging to Him. Then the Spirit of Jesus, who dwells inside the hearts of literally all the elect, serves as the Messenger between all of the elect human spirits. Jesus will then communicate whatever He desires to reveal about one elect spirit to another elect spirit. Through our common Lord and Saviour, Jesus, elect human spirits commune with the elect human spirits of their brothers and sisters, as each of their own bodies of flesh express their spirit’s love physically to their brothers and sisters. In this way, both the flesh and spirits of all work together, as the flesh and spirits of all are being sanctified by Jesus, being set apart for His purposes. In every truly good deed done through the elect spirit’s love, the flesh always follows the lead of the elect human spirit, and the elect human spirit, in turn, follows the lead of Christ’s Spirit. Yet, if the flesh does a good or lawful deed for its own carnal purposes, such as to earn salvation or for its own public approval and glory, it is never a truly good or lawful deed, never pleasing to God. Thus, all God’s Law is actually spiritual.

It is also only through Christ’s spiritual interpretation of God’s Law that most sins are recognized as sins. Of course, even if a non-elect spirit has been awakened by its father, Satan, and has become a full psychopath, that spirit may put on a convincing show of “good works.” Satan’s children, and especially the awakened non-elect psychopaths, can make themselves appear to be very good folks. Psychopaths are often even better at looking outwardly “good” than most of the elect. But a spiritual interpretation of God’s Law exposes the true motives of all the “good works” done by those lawless souls. Christ’s spirit reveals the lies and delusions which motivate those manipulating creatures to do their “good works,” so we can recognize that their “good works,” which are often performed in very ruthless ways through lies and deceptions, are actually evil. We begin to see that almost everything they do is actually done for the benefit of their own flesh. All their “good works” are advertisements, to deceive others, to cause others to trust them. Then, after they gain this trust, they use and abuse that trust, so they can get exactly what they want for the pleasures of their flesh. They have no real love from their spirits. The minds and wills of their spirits are not taught, trained, shaped and led by Christ’s Spirit. There is nothing of God in any of their “good works.” Therefore, according to the spiritual interpretation of God’s Law, all their supposedly “good works” are, in reality, very evil and devious sins. It is only by a spiritual interpretation of God’s Law that “every mouth may be stopped, and the whole world may be held accountable to God. For by works of the Law no human being will be justified in His sight, since through the Law comes knowledge of sin” (Rom. 3:19-20, ESV).

No one is able to behave in a way that truly pleases God through attempts to physically obey God’s Law according to the worthless interpretations of that Law by their intellects of flesh. And the elect do not even attempt to comprehend and apply God’s Law after their spirits begin to realize the utter depth and far-reaching spiritual implications of that Law. Elect spirits begin to pray to Jesus for that understanding and wisdom. And, after Jesus grants their spirits this understanding and wisdom, their spirits see that the very most anyone can achieve through this right and spiritual understanding of His Law is a better understanding of how one is indeed irreparably sinful, how one falls so short of pleasing God, and how it is utterly impossible for one to stop sinning, to alter one’s own ignorant, painful, destructive, murderous ways of the flesh. The elect begin to see how nothing but the power and the intervention of Jesus, within all the events of their lives, can enable them to do anything truly just, wise and loving, truly good and pleasing in the eyes of their Father. They must serve as faithful disciples of Jesus, working close beside and together with Jesus, to accomplish God’s will on earth as it is accomplished in heaven. It is utterly impossible for elect spirits, while dwelling in bodies of flesh on earth, to obey God’s Law. But what is impossible for man is possible for our God, Jesus.

So, through His Law, God grants our elect spirits a true knowledge of our own sinfulness, and does this for one reason alone. Our Father does not cause us to realize and acknowledge the pervading sinfulness of entire beings to make us feel guilty and defeated, but only so that our elect spirits will turn to Jesus for His love and healing, so our spirits might learn from Him how to do truly wise, just, beneficial and loving works for all, and gain His power to do them. God does not give our spirits this knowledge of our own utterly hopeless sinfulness, and the sinfulness of all mankind, just so we can condemn ourselves or others. Rather, God grants us a knowledge of sin so we might cling to Jesus and be redeemed, freed from our hopeless bondage to sin. In the same way an imperfect and ignorant coach reveals every weakness of those he is training, even their tiniest flaws, so they can then learn to overcome those weaknesses, our perfect and infinitely wise Father in heaven does the same. Our Father reveals our sins through Christ’s teaching of His Law to our elect spirits, but only so we will then learn to overcome our sins through His teaching and training, so we will more earnestly seek His help to overcome those sins, so we will learn from Him to counter or undo the works of sins.

Most churches teach minds of flesh alone, and turn the attention of the flesh away from the spirit, so they can then reduce God’s words to superficial and carnal rules and laws that the selfish, ignorant minds of flesh will be able to obey. A false preacher might teach something like this: “Men look with lust upon many women or at pornographic pictures of women. But they do not have sexual relations with any other woman, only with their wife. So they are not adulterers and have not broken any of God's seventh order laws forbidding sexual immorality, none of the laws that are represented by the seventh of the Ten Commandments.” Others might even teach: “If a man is not married, and has not had sexual relations with married women, only sexual relationships with unmarried women who were all willing to have sex with him, he has never committed adultery, and God will not condemn that exploiter of women on the judgment day.” Yet the fact remains that all the men who do such things are not grounded in reality, are not seeing women as souls who possess spirits equal to the spirits of men. They are not seeing women as spirits struggling in bodies of flesh in much the same way as men do, as mothers, sisters and wives who love and work for the good of their own loved ones, as souls created to be spiritual companions of men, created in flesh that is to work together with the flesh of men, in symbiotic relationships which enhance truly good and godly works of both, for the good of all. They just see women as things, as commodities to be exploited for the pleasure of their own flesh. So their flesh exploits women. All their thoughts originate from their minds of flesh. They lie to themselves and others continuously, to justify their own sins and to make themselves look good in their own eyes, and in the eyes of others. Then they even boast about their loveless sins.

How can the sexually immoral brag about how they lead empty, useless, worthless, damaging lives? Why do they boast about how they wallow in filth and darkness, then mock those who sacrifice their time and lives to cleanse and enlighten this world? How can they be so proud and arrogant about how they create hate and spread lies, then slander those who built up love and speak the truth? The sexually immoral cultivate distrust and coldness of the heart, instigate fights and quarrels, sow seeds of jealously leading to murder, cause divorces to crush the hearts of spouses and their children, force desperate women to murder their own babies in their own wombs, spread vile venereal diseases and instigate a host of other horrors upon the community. Yet even churches now justify this “free sex” which costs their communities so much physical and spiritual loss. Some say, “ God was obviously wrong to condemn the right of consenting adults to engage in the mutual, enjoyable exploitation of each other’s flesh.” Now we must realize that psychopaths will try to justify literally any sin through their rhetoric and false reasoning, no matter how evil it might be. In one prison, a professional “hit man” proclaimed that he should never have been condemned and put in prison because he only killed other criminals, and only when he was paid enough money. And, since legitimate businesses often kill people through the pursuit of a profit, and society needs to get rid of criminals, he reasoned that he was actually doing society a favour as a good business man, like other business men. He refused to accept any responsibility for his murdering, and refused to repent—even when he was reminded that some of those criminals he murdered might have been able to repent into the truth, then may have led a good and productive life, if they were put in prison instead of being murdered by him. People tell themselves the most incredible lies, then believe those lies. But we must not be so easily convinced by such lies, or we too might be destroyed by such delusions, just like they are.

All interpretations of God’s Law through minds of flesh ignore God’s intended meaning of His Law and nullify the spiritual principles of His Law. These carnal interpretations began in ancient times, even before Christ’s first advent. Carnal men made themselves into the human gods and heads of churches, so they could teach their carnal interpretations to all, so they could exploit all. First the Old Covenant church corrupted itself with physically oriented interpretations that made it easier for the elite to outwardly appear righteous, and so they could more easily condemn the poor as unrighteous and inferior—solely because the poor did not have the leisure time to do the physical things required by their physical interpretations. Later, in Roman times, humanists took over both the Old and New Covenant branches of the church, so they could do the same. By the second century, both branches of the church began deceiving their people into believing that God's Word should be harmonized with extremely carnal Greco-Roman philosophies. Thus, they actually replaced God’s Word with those empty, worthless philosophies. And this is when they began to exalt man's supposedly “free will,” so they could lie about man’s ability to determine his own destiny by “obeying” God’s Law.

Of course, in order to get the people to believe these foolish, destructive lies, they had to severely “dumb down” God’s spiritual Law, and keep the people dumb as well. They had to ensure that the people only thought through their minds of flesh, and suppress all deep and wise spiritual truths that God taught to the minds of elect spirits. They had to keep the people focused on a fake salvation that could be earned by performing deeds of the flesh. And, since they maintained this focus on the flesh, the elect among their people did not walk according to their inner consciences which Jesus formed in their spirits. The elect did not allow the minds of their spirits to turn them away from the pleasures of the flesh, from base lusts, carnal wrath and revenge, lies and delusions. So even the elect became very carnal, immoral, loveless and destructive. Meanwhile, these humanistic churches invented new kinds of physical deeds and impressive physical trappings for each generation, to keep bodies and minds of their people active in the service of their elite. But the common people had to struggle to stay alive through the deprivation and wars caused by those human gods of the church and society.

Throughout history, if an elect man’s spirit ever woke up enough to realize that all the humanistic churches and governing secular bodies were build on a foundation of empty lies, the human gods in those churches and in the secular bodies would strike down that man’s flesh, in a tortuous death, to silence his spirit. Because the truth from a brave, wakened elect spirit exposed their hypocrisy and could not be effectively refuted, they had to murder his flesh. For they needed their false, carnal, delusional interpretations of the Law, and needed to falsely appear obedient to God’s Law, so the people would worship them, so they could maintain their positions of power and obscene incomes.

Throughout history, whenever anyone pointed out how the Scriptures declared all human beings to be sinners, and how literally all are incapable of seeking and obeying God, humanistic churches deceptively responded by saying God would never tell men to obey laws if men were not able to obey those laws through their own “free wills,” through the strength and ability of their flesh. Yet there obviously was not one among them who was actually righteous in a truly just and loving way, not one who was able to truly obey God’s Law. For, as a result of church lies, elect spirits did not seek nor accept the sanctification, cleansing, counsel, teaching and training that God promised to give them for their salvation, that God promised to work inside them with His own power, through His grace and love for them. Instead, the elect strove to earn their own salvation, in ways that have always and invariably failed throughout history, even from the days of Adam. The church caused even the elect to forfeit the New Covenant salvation worked by God Himself, by their Messiah, Jesus. Furthermore, the churches deliberately deceived the people. They intentionally made their lie, about man’s ability to obey God, more believable through their false, carnal interpretations of God's Law, by turning spiritual principles, which spirits must spontaneously act upon, into physical rituals and deeds that the flesh had to do according to man-invented policies and regulations of the church. Clearly, the human gods that invented these policies, regulations, rituals and false doctrines for these false churches intentionally lied to the people because, if any were even a little inwardly honest, they would admit that their doctrines were not effective in producing any kind of true righteousness, and that all remained sinners, totally unable to obey God's Law. If any were faithful and honest, they would abandon their carnal pride, admit their own utter impotence, and turn to Jesus for salvation.

The humanistic trick of “dumbing down” God’s Law and God's people has prevailed since the end of the first century, shortly after the apostles died. But now it is time to see through that deception, time to reject those lies. For the end times, beginning in the sixth seal’s era, are almost upon us. Now we need to start learning God’s true and intended meaning of His Law, and all that is in His Word. But to find this true meaning, the elect must first ask God to awaken their spirits. Then elect spirits must learn to hear the Holy Spirit of Jesus, and meditate upon all His words. The elect must learn to use their far more honest, able and rational minds of their spirits, so their spirits will govern their flesh. Elect souls must ask Jesus to help them gain control over their bodies and minds of flesh, so their spirits can use their flesh to study God’s words and express God’s pure, just kind of love. In other words, the elect must let the power and wisdom of Jesus sanctify their flesh along with their spirits.

Once the elect see the real works of Jesus being done in and through their lives, even their minds of flesh will acknowledge and accept some of God’s true and intended spiritual meaning of His Law. If God pulls the elect free from the destructive delusions of the world order—with its insane slavery to greed, revenge, hate, scapegoating, sexual exploitation and so on—then even their minds of flesh will begin to truly understand His spiritual principles, albeit figuratively. For Jesus makes His chosen and awakened elect spirits guard their minds of flesh from all lies. Then Jesus makes them able to learn the truth from Him through faith, by causing their spirits to trust in the intentions and words which His Spirit grants to their spirits. Awake elect spirits, the ones He gathers into the priesthood of His true church, are made able to hear the teachings of His Spirit. Jesus also makes their spirits able to use their flesh to read His written words in the Bible. And, as the flesh reads the Bible, the mind of flesh hands those words over to the mind of the spirit, as their mind of flesh stands before the mind of its lords, who are its human spirit and the Spirit of Jesus dwelling within the chamber of the soul.

There is a constant and interactive exchange between the mind of flesh and the mind of the human spirit within the soul. And, if the Holy Spirit of Jesus and the Father also dwells there, beside one’s human spirit, the conversations between the human spirit and Christ can grow very deep, resulting in the human spirit calling its flesh to keep searching for and reading more information all the time. Then, as the mind of flesh passes more and more information to the mind of the human spirit, the Holy Spirit of Christ teaches the true meaning of those words to the mind of their spirit. Jesus also tells the spirit to command the flesh to seek more information pertaining to His words in the Bible, since questions arise about the historical context and other matters, about that which is critical to a pure and plenary understanding of His words. Some elect flesh is also granted the ability to read the genuine Word of God, the Bible in its original languages. But Jesus gives all elect spirits at least some ability to see how each of His words harmoniously, rationally and wisely enhance the concepts conveyed in their local and global contexts. Jesus will also teach all some history and make it alive, so they will take into account the times, places and the men to whom He revealed His truths, so all might relive and emulate the way in which He commanded each of His past elect scribes to write His words with their hands of flesh, in the languages and ways their flesh could best express those truths which He had revealed to their spirits. Most elect, once Jesus draws them into His true church, will be able to use their minds of flesh to defend His truth from the lies of the human gods ruling over all the false religious kingdoms of Satan’s world order, especially the lies from the beast’s religion of secular humanism. Soon all the elect spirits of His revived true church will begin to personally know Jesus, all His core attributes and desires, through His Spirit and through His Word. And those elect will never again strive to force God’s Word to falsely appear to support the humanistic philosophies of Middle Platonism and Neoplatonism, nor try to make God’s Law conform to Greco-Roman laws.

Whenever Jesus awakens elect spirits, so they can begin to learn the true interpretations of God’s words, the elect find that the minds of their spirits are far more rational and honest than their minds of flesh, and realize that their true, unconditional love for others comes from their spirits, not at all from their flesh. So, when their spirits awake, their spirits begin to govern, discipline and shape the thoughts and habits of their flesh, to make their flesh more loving and useful for God. And another demand that the minds of their spirits make upon their minds of flesh is to seek the most accurate, reliable, true and intended meaning of God’s written words in the Bible. For this is also the priority of the Teacher dwelling in their hearts, beside their human spirits. If it is important to Jesus, it is important to their human spirits too, since elect spirits serve Jesus through a great and growing love and trust. So elect spirits command their flesh to learn as much as possible about God’s Word and all related matters, and to pass on that knowledge to them. Awake elect spirits, as the lords of the flesh, command their minds of flesh to gather up the words the Bible and many other truths, to bring all this into the soul, where Jesus teach their spirits how all this information pertains to His plans for their own eternal lives and for all that ever existed in history. Then it is Jesus who teaches the minds elect spirits to use what is called the literal historical-grammatical method of hermeneutics, to glean a right interpretation of God’s Word—then their spirits teach also this method to their flesh as well.

While Jesus walked with us on this earth, He used historical-grammatical hermeneutics to teach us the literal meaning of God’s Written Word. And His Holy Spirit uses the same method to this very day. First Jesus causes elect spirits to acknowledge that His Spirit directly taught the spirits of the prophets and apostles, in the same way His spirit is now teaching our spirits. Then the elect see how Jesus commanded those men to write down the concepts He taught them, through their minds and bodies of flesh, as well as their flesh could do so. And, when the elect realize this, they begin to see how the prophets and apostles were real human beings just like them, their brothers who existed on the same earth as they now exist on earth, mere moments of spiritual time before their spirits entered human bodies. Through a personal relationship with Jesus, the elect get to know these brothers, who still live, think, pray and heed the Spirit of Jesus. History is fully alive in Jesus, right now, today. No one has ever passed away or died. And, in this realization, some elect want to learn the languages of their brothers, so they might interpret the words of the Bible in the languages of their living brothers of the very recent past, according to all the grammatical considerations relevant to those men at the time of writing, especially the meaning of the ecclesiastical terms they used. Then all the awakened elect accept the plain, intended meaning of those words, the meaning clearly indicated by the local and global contexts of the words, because their spirits sense the sober, beautiful, eternal reality of what the spirits of the prophets and apostles were expressing through their words. The elect use this method because the flesh of Jesus Himself used this historical-grammatical method of interpretation to expound upon and explain the intended meaning of God’s Word to His disciples. And, to this day, Jesus still trains our elect spirits to force our minds of flesh to be honest and use this rational method of interpretation, to be inwardly diligent in finding out exactly what He intended His words to mean.

Of course, whenever Jesus starts to teach the real to awakened elect spirits, and it flows out from their hearts and lives, a strong opposition arises from the false humanistic churches. For the mainline churches, and the vast majority of evangelical churches, prefer their own shallow, humanistic, pagan, Roman-like interpretations. They like to pretend to obey God’s Law, or pretend that God’s Law was based on superstitions, so the human gods that created and own those false churches can continue to fool their people into thinking they are good souls who serve God in far more rational and realistic ways than the elect of Christ’s true apostolic church—although their main concern is to please only themselves, since they worship themselves as their highest gods and never actually worship Jesus.

False churches feel compelled teach shallow, physically oriented doctrines. For instance, some false churches teach that, if a member of the church does not commit physical adultery in a physical way, that member is righteous. For they cannot lead their people into any genuine, just, wise and loving righteousness, only into a hypocritical pretense of it. Of course, Jesus proclaimed: “But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart” (Mat. 5:28, ESV). And, in some cases, this kind of ocular adultery truly deserves the death penalty. So, while the minds of flesh in these sinners pretend to obey God’s Law, they are actually deluded liars. And they definitely are not righteous, not in any way whatsoever. Neither their spirits nor their flesh has ever begun to be sanctified by the power, wisdom and love of Jesus Christ’s Holy Spirit. And, if they admit that the awakened elect in Christ’s one and only true church have found the reality of Christ, which they did not find, the elect trapped in their false churches would leave them. And that would be a disaster for them, since they exploit and trample upon those trapped elect, make their loving souls into the floor of their false churches. And, without the glowing love of the elect chained to their floors, their churches would soon grow very dark indeed. Then the blinded non-elect remaining there would trip over each other, breaking bones and heads, and lose their stolen incomes.

False churches love their dark little delusions and lies, the tiny prison cells that Satan keeps them in, since the infinite, bright kingdom of God outside those cells is terrifying to them. They know full well that God’s light always penetrates the darkness they love, never allows them to believe the lie that they are their own gods in charge of their own destinies. God’s truth exposes their delusion that they have a