The Ten Commandments: the just love that Jesus works in us and through us by Gregory S. Supina - HTML preview

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Consequently, we must conclude that spirits of non-elect shepherds of false churches, as well as secular non-elect spirits, are the only ones who actually commit the unforgivable sin of slandering Christ’s Holy Spirit. None of the elect spirits can commit this inner, spiritual sin, although some come close to doing so, in outward appearances, by spewing out nonsense from their fake pastors through their deceived minds of flesh. On the other hand, even if a true elect soul does only one real act of righteousness in his or her whole life, but does it spontaneously, straight from a spirit which is being taught and renewed by Christ, then dies before he or she does even one other truly good deed, that one's loving deed has already surpassed all the false righteousness of all the non-elect who strive to obey God’s Law through human efforts alone. For those non-elect do not actually strive to do what God’s Law calls them to do, but only use and abuse that Law through twisted, ruthless and selfserving interpretations invented through the malicious motives of their spirits. Meanwhile, every elect one is not only more subjectively righteous than any of those non-elect, but also receives the imputed righteousness of Jesus, who cannot fail to make every elect spirit completely and perfectly righteous, fully fit for heaven, by the end of the judgment day. One thief, who was dying on the cross next to Jesus, had an elect spirit that responded to the sight and words of the Messiah, Jesus. And his few words of pure and God-like love, which he spoke from his spirit in his heart, proved that he was indeed an elect child of God the Father, created in God’s image. Clearly, that thief never repented from literally all his sins in that moment. However, it is equally clear that he always endured a godly sorrow in his spirit for his sinful lifestyle, since he also confessed that he was justly condemned. So Jesus gave him an irrevocable promise to grant him an eternal home in the paradise of heaven (Luke 23:40-43). For Jesus knew He would soon bring that thief’s spirit into perfect repentance, into all truth on the final day. Likewise, literally all the elect sinners of the earth also will be saved by Jesus.

We all must receive God's kind of righteousness directly from Jesus. Christ’s loving righteousness must be worked by Christ’s Holy Spirit in our elect spirits. Our hearts must be made “new” by Christ Jesus, or else we cannot possibly enter God's kingdom. Yes, the Mosaic Law is holy. But it is a mere dim shadow revealing the general shape of a far more full, broad, far-reaching love in righteousness, of a pure, intense, God-like love worked in us and through us by Jesus the Messiah. Even so, all true Christians, all the elect, need to become aware of this dim shadow of righteousness in the Law. Our living Teacher, Jesus, turns the eyes of our elect spirits toward that shadow, so our immature spirits might have a check against the lies that other, deceiving spirits attempt to teach our spirits. If another spirit pretends to be the voice of Jesus, but teaches us anything which contradicts or opposes that Law, we know that spirit is trying to deceive us. For Jesus always fulfills and expounds on that Old Covenant Law. Jesus never contradicts, opposes or nullifies that Law. Jesus expounds upon the true meaning of God’s Law, never adds any unintentional meaning. Jesus fulfills the intended meaning, never subtracts from it. Jesus brings the all of God’s Word into perfect harmony, never into conflict.

The Old Covenant Law also works the other way around. It provides the outline which helps us to identify Jesus, our Messiah. And we can follow the shadow of the Law back to the reality that has made that shadow, back to the very feet of Jesus. Then we see that Jesus is the light that shines upon all that is surrounding that shadow, the light that makes all brighter around that shadow. Now we realize that the shadow is dark, and made our lives darker than the world around us, because our heavenly Father wanted us to follow it back to Jesus. Our Father did not want us to remain in the shadow. The shadow is a Word in dark ink on bright paper. But Jesus is the light making the paper bright, enabling us to clearly read the dark written Word of His Law, with comprehension. And we cannot read it without Him. But how bright the world seems once we do read it. The world order is blind and cannot see the spirits of life in this world, in every insect and blade of grass, in the whales of the sea and birds of the air. And they have no hope to build up all that life, especially the light of life in human beings, who are the tenders of the garden and the caregivers responsible for all living creatures. Only we, in Jesus Christ, see how Jesus meant us to live, and learn to walk in His light.

The face of Moses, in bearing the written Law to the church of Israel, shone so brightly that ordinary sinful men could not even look upon it. But Jesus’ Spirit shines with a much greater light, but not a light seen by the flesh. For Jesus came to establish a far greater righteousness, one worked in us by the source of that light shining from the physical face of Moses. And Jesus can now shine that much greater light through our spirits, causing our spirits to express His light through our flesh. If the glory of Moses was great, how much greater is the glory of the Law worked in our spirits and expressed through our flesh by teaching, training, exhortations, power and love of our God Himself? At His transfiguration, all of Jesus, even His garments, shone far brighter than Moses’ face on that day at the foot of Mount Sinai, because Jesus is the Lord and God of Moses, the source of all light. Yet Moses also shone with Jesus at the transfiguration event, much brighter than he ever did during his days on earth. This is what Jesus does for us. Now, since all the light of Moses originated from Jesus, and Jesus is the source of all brightness, let us seek the light of Jesus, waiting in faith on His words.

Since we desperately need light, because we have absolutely no hope without the light of true knowledge and real wisdom, we go to Jesus, the source. We cannot get light from Moses, for Moses is not the source. Of course, while Jesus walked in His body of flesh among us, that body hid His full glory behind the veil of His flesh. For He could not let the people see Him in the same way He was seen at His transfiguration. At the transfiguration, Jesus allowed the spirits of some disciples to see His spirit, along with the spirits of Moses and Elijah. But His other disciples were not ready to see that, not ready to even be aware of the spiritual realities existing all around them. And even the few disciple granted the eyes to see that sight were not entirely ready, not until the day of Pentecost, when Jesus sent His Holy Spirit into their hearts. Still, every awakened elect spirit now begins to see the glory of Jesus, which is infinitely greater than the glory shining from the face of Moses. Honest awakened elect spirit will not dispute this. Jesus is the only Worker and Source of all light, the God who taught Moses to recognize true righteousness, dispelling the confusion and delusions of men, nullifying the lies that were destroying them from the inside out. Jesus corrected the false human notions of ethics and morality, even through the dim Law He gave to Moses. And now Jesus grants an infinitely brighter light of a new Law, the very essence of all God’s attributes, a new and loving righteousness accompanied by His effective power to transform His elect into His actively serving and wise priesthood of His true church, so His light will shine through them into this dark world.

Yet, from the vast majority of the churches today and throughout history, with the exception of the apostolic church, we have not seen His greater glory shine. All we usually see are very dark and actually antinomian attempts to teach and enforce man-made traditions which are total distortions of God’s Law, which are built on a foundation of pagan Roman laws, not on God’s real Law. All we see are deluded and blind souls imprisoned within tiny dark cells, always being fed only candy laced with hallucinogens and given only filthy water, mixed with alcohol, to stimulate the drugs in their food. The people in churches today have become the most dark, deluded, ruthless, filthy sinners existing on earth, the most cruel and violent haters of God and God’s truths, who destroy all through their fake “love” and worthless “forgiveness.” For their “love” is often manipulated ignorance, and their “forgiveness” never patiently teaches souls to repent into a love that is built upon Christ’s real truth. If we see any God-like, loving light in a church, it is almost always shining from within those elect who ignore the core teachings of the human gods ruling over their churches. But we seldom see an entire church that is one body striving to become truly loving and righteous in Christ Jesus alone.

As a consequence, most churches are far less righteous than the Old Covenant church of Israel, when it attempted to obey God’s Law through human efforts alone. In fact, most churches today hate God and His truth so intensely that God has completely handed them over to incredibly strong delusions. Most are now far more deluded than atheists. They have become twisted, ignorant, gullible wretches who fall for every psychopathic con man that enters their fold. Any evil soul who slaps them in the face, demanding to be esteemed and served, is worshipped as their god. So now they are the most foolish, exploited dupes upon the entire planet. Surely it is time for all elect spirits to admit the vile errors of those fake churches, and let the real Holy Spirit of Jesus correct the thoughts of their spirits.

Now we must walk according to our spirits’ faith in Jesus, trusting in the power of Jesus to do in us what we cannot do ourselves. Now it is time to put all our confidence in Him, not in ourselves, nor in any human gods and their man-made, man-owned and man-ruled institutions. Now we need to believe the truth of His words, all that is granted by the whispering of His Spirit to our rational and honest elect spirits. We cannot afford to trust the delusions and lies of men any longer. For all who put confidence in teachings invented by men, or even those who worship themselves and trust in their own ability to obey the Old Covenant moral laws, will utterly fail to save themselves or anyone else. And we need salvation because all is dying. No human can fulfill God’s intended purposes for His Law, not unless Jesus Himself lends one His power, unless He personally teaches and trains one’s elect spirit the righteous and loving will of our Father. If a one tries to do God’s will without Jesus, one is actually rejecting the greatest light of God’s fulfilled Law worked by Jesus. And that one is, in fact, turning away from the New Covenant salvation in Jesus, and the promised Messiah.

God’s Word clearly declares: “For all who rely on works of the Law are under a curse; for it is written, ‘Cursed be everyone who does not abide by all things written in the Book of the Law, and do them.’ Now it is evident that no one is justified before God by the Law, for ‘  The righteous shall live by faith  .’ But  the Law is not of faith , rather ‘The one who does them shall live by them.’ Christ redeemed us from the curse of the Law by becoming a curse for us—for it is written, ‘Cursed is everyone who is hanged on a tree’” (Gal. 3:10-13, NKJV). First notice that, in God’s Old Covenant relationship with His church of Israel, God obligated all the members of His church under conditions requiring them to obey literally “all” His laws, and promised to curse them if they did not obey “all.” So, if they decided that even one seemingly insignificant ceremonial law was obsolete and no longer necessary, they would condemned for judging God’s Law, for making themselves into powers and authorities that gave themselves the right to decide which laws they wanted and which they did not want. They were condemned for giving themselves authority over God. They were considered to be usurpers of God’s authority as their King, for declaring that they could invent their own laws without the King’s permission. In breaking one seemingly insignificant law, they made themselves into the highest authorities in their land, the only lawmakers in the land, the gods of the land, those who had replaced God’s Law with their own man-made law. And, by breaking one law, they broke the whole of God’s law, by replacing God’s Law with their own man-made law. So God did not say He would refrain from cursing them if they only obeyed the moral laws, but broke only His ceremonial laws. Rather, God made the ceremonial laws equal in importance to the moral laws. Indeed, the ceremonial laws were often more important than the moral laws, since those ceremonies and rituals reminded the people about God’s attributes, in a way that helped them obey God’s moral laws rightly. Thus, without the ceremonial laws, they could not obey the moral laws in a way that truly pleased God.

Second, notice that absolutely no one could be counted righteous. None truly obeyed God’s Law, except through a life of faith in God. Unless one’s spirit trusted in the love, power and words of God, it was impossible to spontaneously and truly fulfill any intended purposes of God’s Law through the spirit in one’s heart. Yet this Scripture declares that the Old Covenant written “Law is not of faith.” The Greek is: ὁ νόμος οὐκ ἔστιν ἐκ πίστεως, with an emphatic linking verb to make this statement perfectly clear. And the subject of this clause, “the Law,” is just a shorthand way of referring to the antecedent prior to this verse. The substantive, ὁ νόμος, refers to “all who rely on works of the Law.” Then the prepositional phrase (ἐκ πίστεως), more accurately means, “originating from faith.” So this verse says: “The [reliance on works of the] Law is not that which originates from [the spirit’s] faith.”

We cannot rely on our human wills, human strength and human efforts to do the “works of the Law.” We cannot trust our self-serving intellects and emotions from our minds of flesh, nor our infantile and ignorant spirits, even once we know that we are God’s elect children, or especially after we know we are His elect children. Once we know the reality of what we truly are, we cannot place our faith in ourselves, cannot trust ourselves to rightly interpret and obey God’s Law, never in a way that genuinely fulfills God’s intended purposes for His Law, never in a way that truly pleases God. We cannot rely on our minds and bodies of flesh for much of anything, certainly not for our justification and sanctification that is necessary for our salvation. Nor can our baby spirits rely on themselves. Yet it is critical for us to learn the just and loving ways of God’s intended meaning for His Law. If we do not learn this, we cannot truly love and injustice will destroy us and all that surrounds us. So, if we cannot rely on ourselves, and it says that literally “all who rely on works of the Law are under a curse,” and that curse means than none will receive any of the life-giving blessings of God in any way or for any reason, what are we supposed to do? Well, the New Covenant promises of God and the Gospels tell us what we all need to do. All who desire and know their great need for a real, lifegiving, loving righteousness “shall live by faith,” by trusting in the power, words and love of Jesus. All must trust in Jesus, since only He can justify, sanctify and save a sinner, and we are all sinners.

Members of false churches might then try to justify themselves by saying they are not trying to justify themselves by the Law, but are merely trying to sanctify themselves by the Law, through their intellects and wills of flesh. But they delude themselves. For true justification, sanctification and salvation are all one, all interwoven into the seamless garment of righteousness that no one but Jesus can grant. Our justification, sanctification and salvation are all worked by Jesus alone, and all at the same time, through the faith of our elect spirits in His love, words and power. Jesus freely gives each of us this garment of righteousness, but solely through His unmerited, unearned grace alone. Any way we look at it, those false churches are indeed striving to be saved by their own works of the written Law, and not one of them are teaching souls to actually live through the spirit’s faith in Jesus.

Those who try to justify or sanctify themselves by the Law are called “cursed” by God Himself, even if the only part of justification they seek is to sanctify themselves by their own efforts to interpret and obey God’s Law. For, although God’s justification, in some contexts, may be defined as a work which is separate and distinct from God’s sanctification, both justification and sanctification go hand in hand, and both are just two merging aspects of salvation worked by Jesus alone. Each day, Jesus sanctifies us, by personally writing His Law upon our hearts, by teaching and training our spirits. But His right to sanctify us in this way is justified by His works on the cross for our forgiveness and atonement, which also sanctify us, by setting us apart for His purposes, even for His eternal purposes which we will work in heaven, as His priesthood there. Then, after He utterly completes and perfects our sanctification on the judgment day, we will be justified fully, granted the right to enter heaven.

Our sanctification—through the imputed righteousness of Jesus and through the process of making us subjectively righteous by works of Christ’s Holy Spirit in teaching and training our spirits—and our justification before the eyes of God, both come from Jesus. Jesus works both. This is why many biblical texts speak about justification as though it also includes sanctification. So those who seek only to sanctify themselves by the Law, but say they do not justify themselves by the Law, are actually attempting to sanctify themselves for their justification. They are trying to earn salvation by works of the Law. So they remain cursed, just as the Scriptures declare. None will ever successfully sanctify or justify themselves through their human efforts to obey God’s Law, since those souls do not live by faith in Jesus’ words, power or love. Both are trying to do what God says they cannot do. And both are striving to replace Jesus, striving to become their very own saviours of their own lives.

On the other hand, those who say God’s Law is now outdated and nullified, who reject God's Law as though it were worthless, because they replace God’s Law with their own man-made church laws, or even with standards of behaviour that each one invents for oneself, are doubly cursed. These ones may sometimes claim to trust in Jesus for their salvation but, in reality, when they believe this lie, they are actually trusting in man far more than those who try to save themselves by obeying God’s Law. For they have made themselves into the rulers and judges of the Creator God Himself, since it was our God, Jesus, who wrote the Old Covenant Law, even in a way which revealed His own love and inner attributes. So, when they cast out that Law, and judge it to be worthless, they cast out Jesus and judge Him to be worthless. This is not faith in Jesus! They are humanists. Those who cast aside God’s Law are strangers to Jesus! And if they do not live by confidence in Jesus alone, they are not being saved. And Jesus came to fulfill God’s Law, to write the full intent of God’s Law upon our hearts. But, since they reject God’s Law completely, and determine what is right only through their minds of flesh, they sin in ways much worse than those claim to remain bound to the moral laws. And their sins destroy other lives as well as their own. They severely slander Jesus’ name through their hypocrisy, as they sin in His name. And this great slandering of His name is their greatest sin.

For the sakes of all, and for their own sakes, the elect spirits need to learn the precise shape of the shadow of God’s Law, God’s intended meaning and purpose for His own words in the Scriptures. And this is what the Holy Spirit of Jesus teaches directly to our elect spirits. But we cannot learn this with our feeble, irrational, dishonest minds of flesh, only with our spirits. For, although our spirits are infantile, they were created in God’s image, with much potential to learn. The minds of elect spirits are much stronger, far more rational and much more honest than their minds of flesh. But our spirits can only learn the reality of the truths found in God’s Law directly from the Holy Spirit of Jesus, our Head Teacher and God. For our spirits are ignorant and infantile. So we must now call on Jesus, the only Lord of our lives, and must not let any human being or demon usurp the role of Jesus. We must not allow anyone, other than Jesus, to make oneself the lord of our lives and our salvation.

Jesus uses His Law, which He commanded the spirits of His servants to write, to help us identify real and loving righteousness of the real God when we see or hear it. Thus, we also recognize the utterly holy Spirit of Jesus when our spirits see or hear Him. Jesus uses God’s Old Covenant Law, together with all the other Scriptures, to help us recognize the kind of righteousness that He desires to work in our hearts, the kind He promised to grant us from the beginning of time, when He made garments of animal hide for Adam and Eve, which symbolized the covering of their sins with His sacrificial death. And when we recognize that true and loving righteousness, Jesus will show us how to repent from sin, into that truth. Jesus also grants us the circumstances and training that eventually enable us to express His truth. So now we all must turn to Jesus for His workmanship inside us, to become truly justified and sanctified, even conformed into His image. And Jesus always will obey His Law. Jesus never sins, neither in words nor deeds. He is our perfect example and has the power to make us as He is. From the creation of the universe, God planned and desired to work this kind of subjective righteousness in us and through us, so we may become His priesthood shining His light into others.