The Ten Commandments: the just love that Jesus works in us and through us by Gregory S. Supina - HTML preview

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An added caution

“We who are Jews by nature [This refers to the New Covenant Jews, the natural Israel, the apostles born as physical descendants of Israel but trust in Jesus rather than in their own power to obey the Law.], and not sinners of the Gentiles, knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the Law but by faith in Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Christ Jesus, that we might be justified by faith in Christ and not by the works of the Law; for by the works of the Law no flesh shall be justified. [Here we see how the apostle states that it is the flesh, not the spirit, which seeks to be justified by its feeble and watered-down version of God’s Law. So it is by the interpretations of the mind of flesh, and by actions of the flesh, that they seek to be seen by human eyes of flesh as good and holy people. Yet God is a Spirit and only the spirits of His people can be justified in His eyes.] But if, while we seek to be justified by Christ, we ourselves also are found sinners, is Christ therefore a minister of sin? Certainly not! For if I build again those things which I destroyed, I make myself a transgressor. For I through the Law died to the Law that I might live to God. I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. [It was the arrogance of the flesh, and all its other unholy desires, which died in Christ on the cross, which were circumcised from his heart, causing the spirit of life inside him to truly live. Then Paul began to live by the trust and love of his spirit, by his confidence in the love, power and works of Jesus. He was alive through that faith and love for Jesus, not because his flesh took pride in how he could look so religious before men.] I do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness comes through the Law, then Christ died in vain” (Gal. 2:15-21, NKJV).

I know I am being tedious, but I repeat: We cling to Jesus, not to the Law. We do not even attempt to sanctify ourselves and strive to become righteous by obeying the Law. “For if righteousness comes through the Law, then Christ died in vain.” Jesus Himself must create a new heart in us, a righteous heart, and lead us away from temptation, or we will stray into temptation and will not be delivered from evil. Christ carried His grace down from heaven, and gave it to us through His sacrifice on the cross. He did this so He could teach us to fulfill all the righteous requirements of all the Law through faith in Him, through His power to turn elect eyes to Him, causing us to trust Him to do this work in us. If Jews, like the apostles, did not put any confidence in themselves to obey the Law, then how can Gentiles who were never taught the Law every Sabbath day throughout their lives, who never knew Jacob? How can Gentile Christians say they are bound to the moral Law, when not even the Jewish or natural Israelites, like the apostles, could be justified or made righteous through the Law?

The stumbling stone we avoid is the humanistic lie that we can obey the Law through our own supposed “free will” and our own strength. But there is no “free will” and we cannot obey the Law through the flesh. Every failure to just love in the pure truth of God testifies to this. Every logical contradiction and hurtful injustice of every moment of every day proves it. So we reject ourselves and the claims of salvation from all other entities. We repent away from all that is not Jesus, and into our faith that Jesus will make our spirits righteous and loving. We only trust in the power of our God Jesus to work the loving fulfillment of His Law in us and through us. “But now, apart from the Law, a righteousness originating from God has been revealed and remains manifest, being testified by the Law and the Prophets” (Rom. 3:21, ALT). All of Old Covenant Scriptures, which is what “the Law and the Prophets” refer to, provide a testimony about this righteousness that comes through our God Jesus. But this righteousness, holiness and God-like love can only come by hoping, supplicating and trusting in Jesus to do His works in our hearts. Sanctification is not by human intelligence and reason, not by reading and applying the Law to our lives. Obedience must come from the inside, from a new heart where Jesus dwells, from a spirit being rightly taught and trained by God. It cannot come from the outside, from the mind of a man’s flesh. For the Law is spiritual, worked in our spirits by the Spirit who created all. God’s Law not a formula worked by the flesh to somehow manipulate God into accepting us as His people, so He will prefer us over a lesser people, so He will ruthlessly oppress all others to benefit us, and possibly grant us good health and much money to spend in the devil’s world order. So many Jews and Christians have gone to the Law in pride and worked lies about the Law through their own strength. But they always become examples of what God hates, the worst of all sinners, utter hypocrites. They build again things which should remain destroyed, and war against God’s will. Now let us pray to Jesus, with trust, for He alone can sanctify our spirits.

Powers of darkness work in this world, preaching mind-bending lies that trap souls in futile lives, in unjust and depressing delusions that consume all their thoughts, so their eyes will only see shadowy shapes that those demonic powers want them to see, things that do not actually exist, so they are no longer capable of seeing what is true and real. Those powers work every form of loss, violence, depression, demented perversion, abandonment, disease, starvation, destruction, war, slavery and every other abomination under the sun—often in the name of God. Every time these religious men do what is right in their own eyes, by the understanding of their minds of flesh, they work terrible wrongs. One gathers an army and forces his own will on a weaker people, because he thinks he has the only right interpretation of God's Word. But he works only horror, sin and death. Ignorance, abuse, oppression, cheating, theft, psychopathic cruelty, murder and utter emptiness of heart result. Nothing good has ever originated from any human flesh or spirit. Truly loving and God-like good can only be worked through God's sovereign commands and power. Over and over again, history has proved this truth. Yet men never seem to understand. Forceful men that claim to serve God are truly enemies of God. Only a humble and submissive heart, utterly dependent on His Holy Spirit, working in reverence of God, with love for both God and man produced by their Lord, the Messiah Jesus, is all that we can hope for. None but the contrite of heart please God and shine His light into the world.

Humanistic slave societies, like Greece and Rome, proved their contempt for God by living off the loss, heartbreak and blood of “weaker” souls. They preyed upon all who did not focus their entire lives on becoming perfect murdering “warriors”  (violent extortionists) like themselves. All the souls who spent their days striving to build up life and love were killed or ruthlessly enslaved by them. Then Jesus Christ came, and these same Romans mixed humanism with a shallow hybrid form of theism to create the theistic humanism of the Roman Catholic church. Then this Roman church just continued the godless works of the Roman secular humanists who came before them, even inventing new and more psychopathic forms of torture, terrorism, oppression and murder. Finally, after these theistic Romans spent their power, a revival of the old secular humanism—which is the prophesied religion of Satan’s messiah, the beast—began to rise again. Patterned after the vicious, psychopathic Graeco-Roman Empire, the French Revolution’s Napoleon (whose role model was Caesar) formed a new humanistic dictatorship. Following on the heels of this bloody reign of terror, the Communists, Nazis, capitalistic tyrants, and many other humanistic dictators, who all worshipped man, who each worshipped oneself in particular, rose up. So what did they accomplish, aside from destruction and death? Yet, every one of them took pride in his unjust human laws. They invented laws against God’s Law in arrogance. So, since they did not love truth, God let delusions enslave and oppress them all. Nevertheless, after seeing all this horror and loss, the people still rise up to follow in their footsteps.

On the other hand, without raising a single sword, the Kingdom of God also continued to advance, by teaching the spirits of the elect to recognize what is truly right and loving. Jesus formed an inner awareness of truth and grew an inner conscience in them. Throughout history, people believed God and saw their hearts changed by His words and His Spirit. They worked and spoke in ways that brought much light and liberty to this dark and oppressive world. Yes, they worked partly in error, but also in truths that others have built upon over the years. And some of these elect were not even members of so-called “Christian” or “Jewish” churches. Many claimed to belong to other religions and some even claimed to be atheists. Still, their spirits heeded the words of Jesus, whose Spirit has created all existence, even though they did not know His name, even though some of them did not even know they had spirits, or that spirits existed at all. They truly loved through the power of Jesus, and knew the just and loving truths that Jesus taught to their spirits. Yet none of them achieved any progress by striving to advance God's kingdom through humanistic laws enforced by the swords of men. Some may have tried to use a sword. But all the elect seeking reform through violence always ended up regretting using swords. Only the non-elect reformers, even those managing to know and fight for right doctrines, became monsters like the humanistic beasts they claimed to replace. They utterly failed God every time they attempted to use the sword, since a lawful sword of government exists only to take captive or destroy the most lawless souls. The physical sword can never replace the power of God and His Word, because God’s Word is the only spiritual sword that can drive away spiritual evil, and God’s Holy Spirit is the only One who can effectively wield that spiritual sword.

If a higher, stronger righteous love is being worked in anyone, it is never by the sword, but by words and works from God’s Spirit to the human spirit. Yet, for the noble and just lives they live through these works of Jesus, the humanists and heretics kill them. Theistic humanists, Roman Catholics and many Protestants, have tortured and massacred peaceful Christians and Jews for hundreds of years, and still mercilessly abuse and kill Christians and Jews in some places even today. Muslims have also murdered many, because they are theistic humanists and live by the sword, just like the Roman Catholics. At this moment, countless theistic humanists stand beside their secular humanist brothers to persecute, oppress or kill hundreds of millions of Christians and Jews. Buddhists and Hindus also butcher many, partly because they too have become humanists, and partly because they have always been religions of the flesh. Still, the secular humanists, like Nazis and communists, have persecuted, tortured and murdered more than the theistic humanists. Yet, in all this, true Jews and Christians still rise up and believe, advancing His truth against all odds, slaying Satan’s darkness with God’s truth.

No man has ever been able to force another man to truly believe God’s words by the use of a sword or threats. About the most that a sword can do is cause another man to hypocritically confess a creed to save his own flesh. But using the sword in this way also allows the best liars about those creeds to become the most admired of all. So the best liars become the heads of fleshy churches which use the sword to build up and maintain their own fleshy religious kingdoms. Thus, all these kingdoms that live by the physical sword are thoroughly rotten from top to bottom. And all who live by the sword shall inevitably die by the sword. For God hands them over to ever greater delusions until they finally destroy themselves, from the inside out. Often one vain humanist strives to usurp the power of another, since one evil man believes his foolish delusions are wiser than the wicked delusions of the other. So, after handing both of them over to their own delusions, God makes them war against each other until one perishes. Then the other soon follows in death, in his own empty, futile striving.

The reason false religions use the sword is because they are so deluded and dishonest that they cannot admit that man is incapable of obeying God’s Law through his own will, by the power of his own flesh. The minds of their totally ignorant spirits may suspect that they cannot obey God’s loving Law, by they walk only according to their minds of flesh. So, even if some of them have elect spirits, their flesh takes captive and suppresses their spirits. But many of these souls in false religions, even most of the heads of their false churches, are actually the non-elect, who are like their father, Satan, who was a liar and murderer from the beginning. And it is these non-elect who teach the people of their churches to worship a false “jesus,” whose name in the Bible is “Satan.” Then their flesh seeks its own profit and its own kind of salvation through the flesh alone, usually a kind of salvation which involves health and wealth for their flesh. Yet it is clearly obvious to anyone with an honest heart and mind that no human being has ever actually had any kind of free and autonomous will, neither of the mind of flesh nor of the mind of the spirit, no mind and will of a mind which ever intrinsically bears enough knowledge and power to obey God or do anything else. So these false churches are actually inventing their own watered-down laws which their flesh is able to obey, an obedience that clearly is not worked by their spirits in their hearts. Then the non-elect spirits are wicked enough to actually love those unjust laws, and become the most effective in upholding and enforcing those unjust laws, which is how only the most wicked of the non-elect become the heads of those religious kingdoms.

Every honest and rational soul is forced to admit that the human will is entirely a slave, either to God or to Satan. And both the elect and non-elect are slaves to Satan until God Himself decides to free a soul. All are born with minds and wills of flesh that take captive the minds of their spirits, so that all begin life walking according to the flesh, although elect spirits in infants remain awake until they grow older, due to the unintentional nature of their sins as infants. Then God only frees the elect, not any of the non-elect. God leaves the non-elect in the darkness of the delusions and lies which their spirits cherish above all else. But God does not let His elect remain captive to Satan. Through many hardships which discipline of their bodies of flesh, as well as the fires of rebuke He pours upon their spirits, and by teaching their spirits to love His loving ways, the Father of their spirits will free them.

Any man who still believes the doctrines of Middle Platonism, who thinks he has a “free will” with enough power to rule over his own life, has never tasted the genuine freedom that Jesus grants. He is like a man who has lived his whole life in a prison, without being able to see outside, since only one window exists in the entire prison, where that window is small and far from his cell. Now, when that man is transferred from his small cell to a bigger cell, because he has pleased Beelzebub, the warden, he is told that he has been set free. And he believes this, since he thinks the prison is all that exists in the world. He cannot even imagine that anything exists outside the prison. Even books and pictures of the outside world mean nothing to him, for they all seem to be other parts of the prison, or merely fiction, fantasies dreamed up by the minds of men. Not until someone takes him to the window, opens the window, and pushes his head out of the window to reveal the vast expanse of all existing outside, might that man begin to believe that an outside world exists. Then that man may begin to finally realize how little of God’s created truth and reality he has actually known. Now the Law is only a small window to that outside world, a tiny subset of the ways of God. So it can help the man, if he has to the opportunity to look through it, to realize that much exists outside His prison. Yet that man needs more than a small window, which he cannot fit through, to actually enter that outside world. Only the power and authority of the King, Jesus, can command a man to be released through a narrow door, into the outside world. None but Jesus can give a man a home in His expansive, just, beautiful kingdom outside. And, if Jesus frees that man, Jesus will also teach that man to become a faithful citizen, who freely walks throughout that outside land without causing harm to others. When Christ’s power, authority and teaching makes the man into a free citizen of His kingdom, his life grows so full that it is far beyond his former capacity to comprehend, and far beyond all that the small window of God’s Law could possibly reveal to him. We need Jesus to actually live that life.

This is why we so sternly rebuke those who teach about a Platonic type of “free will,” who say we possess the knowledge and inner strength to chose to obey God. And we even rebuke the Calvinists who falsely declare that we are still bound to the Ten Commandments and moral law. For all those souls have ever know is slavery and the manipulation of Satan. Satan makes them believe they can actually make their own choices, regarding either their salvation or their sanctification by obedience to the Law. All their thoughts and deeds are actually manipulated by puppet strings held by the devil. Their thoughts revolve forever in endless loops. One day they think they have successfully “died to self,” only to realize they have utterly failed to do so the very next day. So they pick themselves up and vainly attempt to become holy again the next day, only to fail once again on the following day.

Round and round they go, following one so-called “Christian” creed or religious fad after another, relying on their thoughts and emotions in their minds of flesh, seeking the guidance of one lying “Christian” guru after another, ever learning and never growing in any genuine knowledge of God’s created verity and truth. Yet they think they are doing well, and even think their ridiculous, endless stomping around in circles has taken them much further than any of those who walk a straight path, through faith in Christ alone, towards the great light of God’s true kingdom. They are very proud of their windowless, humanistic cells in Satan’s dungeon, and some have earned very large windowless cells, since they please the warden, Beelzebub, very much indeed. Their reliance on self and on their own fake “free will” has condemned many innocent souls, exploited many others, even made them wealthy and respected by Satan’s kingdom of the world order, which makes them think that God has proven His approval of their lies and sins. And now their faith is very strong indeed. Now they even believe their delusions are far more real than the genuinely real and infinite creation Christ Himself has made. But they do not realize they are still bound in dark, filthy prison cells, or that most of them are merely heaping up damnation for themselves, so others may more clearly see the justice of God in condemning them to eternal hell. Unless some of these souls that have been handed over to their own delusions are God elect and freed by God, unless Jesus enters their souls with His power and truth, not one will ever know how much they are bound by Satan’s power and by their own flesh.

Yet Jesus has chosen us, and has begun to open our eyes to see His bright light of His free lands, although this opening of our eyes is difficult after a lifetime in the darkness of Satan’s dungeon. When we peered out through that small window of His Law, we cried out to Jesus for salvation from our bondage, longing to be set free. We strongly desired all we saw outside, though others hated that light and turned away from it. Then Jesus heard our cries, the pleading of those He made to love His truth. So He came to command our freedom, and to teach us how to be free, so we would not harm any other freed souls in any way, so we could all enjoy the fellowship of one another. Then we learned how these ways of freedom are far more complex than the rules of that dark prison, requiring a much greater body of knowledge and very much more wisdom to rightly apply that knowledge. So we set our whole hearts upon learning that knowledge and wisdom, since we wanted to truly love, since we desire to love so much that nothing else is more important to us. Now we understand the saying, “Having been set free from sin, you became slaves of righteousness” (Rom. 6:18, NKJV).

Human beings are always slaves, to either Satan or God, slaves to either hate or love. And most elect begin life afraid of destruction, ruled by fear every hour of every day, whipped by taskmasters who demand submission to their laws that serve Satan’s most favoured children, who somehow believe they are gods possessing a right to be served by all. And even the non-elect live in this slavery and fear, although some become too insanely deluded or too blind to fear the taskmasters of Satan who stand before their faces. Yet Jesus has removed some us from that prison, to serve Him. And how free is our slavery to Christ! How unlike an oppressive slavery to the devil or his ruthless minions! For we, these slaves of Christ, are being made into His heirs, whom He grants all the privileges of the High King’s true children. How great is God's love toward us, to these worms He snatched from a puddle. Not only does Jesus save us from drowning, and sets us free on fertile soil, but He now transforms each worm into a person like Jesus. We are no longer mindless and ignorant of His ways of just love, no longer kept in ignorance like all the slaves of Satan. For He teaches and trains our spirits in the truth daily. And our yoke is so easy now, so light, so welcome, because we are working now for our own good, and for the good of everyone in our family of God, with a knowledge of why we do all that we do. This is why we learn to place all our faith in Jesus, why we utterly rely on Jesus for salvation from temptation and sin, and for all else. Our faith is based on experience and proven truths that Jesus has worked in our own lives, in many other lives, and in the whole world’s history.

This salvation is an impossible task. We see vast hordes sent by the enemy of life, advancing against us, seeking to destroy both us and themselves with their darkness. Yet we possess no worldly power and have no effective weapons to stop them. Still, we remain steadfast, standing our ground with a growing confidence in the power of our Captain, Jesus. For He rides a white horse in the seemingly endless night, displaying His willingness to be seen by the enemy, letting Himself become the target of their missiles. He is not afraid and has complete confidence in Himself, that He will have victory. And the enemy knows His power is unstoppable, that His arsenal is great. Their knees grow weak with every word of light and truth from His mouth. They must drink a mind-numbing, bitter wine of artificial courage so they might bravely face the perfect knowledge of His eyes piercing their every thought, exposing the foolishness and vile motives of all their plans. None can topple Him from His mount, nor shield themselves from the cutting edge of His sword, which divides their tight ranks like a white hot knife through soft butter. Jesus alone bears absolute power and authority over all hearts and minds, over all physical existence. The gods of this dark world order do not. The enemy and his children, with all the dupes they gather beside themselves, want to eliminate Jesus and us, because His banner over us, bearing the name of the only true King, proves that they and their father from hell are not real gods, which is the truth they fear most and cannot overcome. So they try to kill our bodies, though they cannot kill our King, nor our spirits. They steal things of this world from the true King, but cannot touch our greatest treasures, which are safely stored in heaven. For all their slavish works, they gain only empty futility and hell, dark confusion of the spirit, bitterness, consuming hate and hopeless terrors within. All their works come to nothing, while we eternally increase life within.

The destiny of all non-elect spirits, who never stop opposing Jesus and His truth, is eternity in the pitch black darkness of an empty vacuum, a bottomless pit of their own lies and delusions. But our destiny is for our spirits to increase in value, scope and beauty daily, in Jesus. Thus, we seek to share this good, abundant life with every soul, to bring peace under each roof and in each one’s own hard labours. Even among our persecutors, who hate our God, we bring Christ’s light, which will divide the non-elect apart from the elect, and build wisely governed communities, grounded in peace, with elders discussing the learning of their years, so their children might play safely in the streets. Our teachings and love from Jesus put the greed and lusts of all flesh in check, even those of Satan’s own children. By the power of God's intervention in Christ, and by His solid hammer of light, we fracture and crush the stubborn, selfish wills that want to violently oppress other souls so they might be gods.

As disciples of Jesus, we guarantee freedom of religion, since we know that none can be forced to believe the truth from Jesus. Jesus is the only Author and Perfecter of genuine faith in men, not us. We heed His call to preach, but realize that only Jesus is able to cause a spirit to believe His words and trust in His loving power. No man can build a true church, and no faithful elect man wants his brothers and sisters to have faith in himself, only the real faith of their spirits solely upon the power and love of Jesus Christ. So we neither coerce, trick nor cajole no soul into believing us. Rather, we know our God Jesus reigns over all, over every soul’s faith and works. We proclaim truths from Him, and serve Him in the good works of our hands, done spontaneously from our elect spirits being renewed in our hearts. We fulfill the call He lays upon our hearts. For Christ’s grace lets us share in the joy of His labours. And Jesus may even use our words and works to reach the hearts of some. But only He can open the ears and eyes of their spirits in their hearts, make them able to hear and to see.

Some of us work for our governments, since all government workers are to be priestly servants of God, whether they know it or not. For God’s Word calls government workers the “servants” or “household slaves” of God. His Word states: θεοῦ γὰρ διάκονός ἐστιν σοὶ εἰς τὸ ἀγαθόν (“For one is a household slave of God, for the purposes of useful good [worked] for your benefit,” Rom. 13:4a, ALT). Then God tells us the sole reason He allows a government worker to bear the sword: θεοῦ γὰρ διάκονός ἐστιν, ἔκδικος εἰς ὀργὴν τῷ τὸ κακὸν πράσσοντι (“For one is a household slave of God bearing justice, for wrath to the one [intentionally and continuously] practising evil,” Rom. 13:4b, ALT). Then God tells us: διὰ τοῦτο γὰρ καὶ φόρους τελεῖτε, λειτουργοὶ γὰρ θεοῦ εἰσιν εἰς αὐτὸ τοῦτο προσκαρτεροῦντες (“For because of this, you people also pay taxes, since they are priestly servants of God, continuously giving earnest attention to this [work],” Rom. 13:6, ALT). In this last verse, God clearly compares the payment of tithes and gifts for priests to taxes paid for government works. Now, if each government worker is a “household slave of God,” he or she must faithfully execute God’s will within the part of God’s estate that God has assigned to that one. And, as the “priestly servants of God,” the whole of a lands’ governing body must “continuously give attention to this work,” the work of doing God’s will on earth as it is done in heaven. For, if they are found to be unfaithful slaves of God, or worse yet, unfaithful priests of God, they can not only be expelled from their jobs, but will face a much harsher wrath from Christ on the final judgment day. For Jesus more strictly judges those whom He has placed in positions of greater responsibility, since they bear the potential to do more harm to more of His beloved people or His creations than all the other souls.

All the earth belongs to God, the King of all kings. And all governments of all lands belong to Him, including Satan’s world order. So all bear a duty to do His will, for the good of all His creation. But it is not His will to form a dictatorship or oligarchy ruled by sinful human gods who force all others to bow before them, to believe lies invented through their selfish wills, to obey their man-made rules like chained slaves, whose only purpose is to serve every whim of those elite gods. God does not even allow the souls of His animals to be treated like that. Rather, God’s Law had declared that all secular rulers must write for themselves a copy of His Law in the presence of His priesthood, the Levites. So this indicates that the priesthood will teach God’s Law and ways to the rulers (see Deut. 17:18-20). And this also indicates a separation of the secular rulers and the priesthood, although the secular rulers must govern all according to His Law, taking into account that God only provided His Law for His church of Israel, not for Gentiles in the land, and the Gentiles had only to obey a small subset of “natural laws.” Then God commanded that His people were to choose only the rulers that He had chosen. That is, they were to grant authority and obey only those secular rulers whom God endorsed, only rulers with an elect heart who remain faithful to Him. They were to reject any who were not faithful to Him. And how were the people to judge those secular rulers, to determine which ones God had chosen for them? Well, God outlined a number of signs. And remember, God spoke in terms of simple case laws, where we were to extract principles of justice from those examples. So the ruler God chose must write a copy of God’s Law for himself, meaning he must thoroughly know what God’s Law commands and how to apply it. Thus, a chosen government official must take that Law seriously, in his soul, must strive to have no covetousness, never lie, never commit theft or fraud, never engage in exploitative sexual immorality, never murder or do anything which indirectly causes murder, especially spiritual murder, the kind which dehumanizes other brothers and sisters created by God. God commanded every ruler to refrain from acquiring power and wealth (especially from people or lands that are hostile to God), to be the husband of one wife, to keep himself from striving to be worshipped, and to humbly remain an equal to all others i