The Ten Commandments: the just love that Jesus works in us and through us by Gregory S. Supina - HTML preview

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When the devil comes as a “messenger of light,” he claims to be a messenger of God, of Jesus. And so do Satan’s servants. But by lawless words and deeds, by breaking the third-order laws of God, we know that devil to be who he really is, God’s enemy. Likewise, we know these false preachers are actually the faithful children of Satan, enemies of God. By their lawless words and deeds, by the fruits of their mouths and hands, we know they do not possess even a tiny “mustard seed” of faith in the real Jesus, and certainly are not any kind of true elders of the true church. By all their puffed up, vain, irrational, foolish, destructive, ruthless, blasphemous words and deeds—which lead countless elect souls away from the true salvation, where Jesus fulfills God’s Law within one’s heart—these fake preachers, these “spiritual guides” of men like Trump, prove to be Satan’s psychopathic brood.

Jesus warned us: “ Watch  , [lest] anyone lead you people astray . For many will come on behalf of My name, saying I am the Christ, and they will lead many astray” (Mat. 24:4-5, ALT). Yes, “many” will claim to come on behalf of Jesus. And these will tell the people that Jesus is the Messiah, the Christ. Yet they will only acknowledge Jesus is the Messiah so they can “lead ... astray” those who love the the name of Jesus, so they can deceive them, so they can steal the money and lives of those people. Thus, Jesus commanded us to watch out for people like this. Yet how many obey Jesus’ command, and strive to be careful about who or what they hear? How many do like the noble Bereans who “received the word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so” (Acts 17:11, ESV). Now we must strive to interpret the Scriptures rightly, to test the words of those who claim to come in God’s name (in Jesus name), as even His Law commands, as the Bereans did.

Now let us heed Jesus and be very careful about anyone who claims to come in Jesus’ name, and how they claim Jesus was the Messiah. Do they portray Jesus as a materialist who wanted all to serve Mammon and Satan’s world order, to be esteemed by the devil and granted the rewards of sin? If they do this, they preach a false god, a fake Jesus, not the real Jesus of the Bible. They are wicked idolaters who slander God’s name by calling the demon Mammon, or Satan himself, by the name of our holy God, Jesus. This is why God commanded us to “guard” His Law and teachings. Jesus also told us: “For false christs and false prophets will arise and show great signs and wonders, so as to deceive, if possible, even the elect” (Mat. 24:24, NKJV). By Jesus’ own words, we know that signs and wonders are not enough to prove whether or not someone has truly come in His name. Here it speaks of “false christs,” meaning false “anointed ones,” as well as “false prophets.” And now many preachers in the “Faith Movement” claim to “anointed ones” and “prophets.” Then they clearly try to deceive souls in every possible way, and succeed. They even con many elect. Now let the elect go to the real Jesus and learn about His Law and how He fulfills that Law in us and through us. Then let them judge those deceivers by their fruits, examining all they say and do, to see whether or not their words and deeds in Christ’s name are actually in line with His own intended meaning of His words. We judge by God’s Word, as Jesus Himself teaches it to our spirits. If their spirits heed Jesus, if they humbly submit to Him and His truth, can we begin to believe they might truly come in Jesus’ name.

I have heard many Faith Movement preachers prophesy, in person and on media. And, when I go to hear them in person, I definitely feel the oppressive power of Satan captivating the minds of flesh in the audience, where that devil’s power over the flesh is enhanced by professional music, effective lighting and all the trappings of a rock concert, all designed to obfuscate thought and make souls more vulnerable to the persuasion of their carnal lies through the emotions of the flesh. There is zero truth and absolutely nothing of God’s wise Holy Spirit allowed in those gatherings. Now some of these fake preachers agree that a prophecy is a word granted to human soul directly by God, since they want the people to believe that their lies come directly from God. Yet literally all of their prophecies are obviously false, derived through their own assumptions after seeing and hearing their victims, often through cameras watching the people or hidden microphones that record what they are saying. They simply read the faces or listen to their words then imagine something captivating to say, something to lure their victims into a complete trust in their lies, usually spoken in extremely ambiguous terms, so their victims will never be able to prove their words wrong. Of course, many pastors from other churches don't like this biblical definition of prophecy, precisely because they have seen this deception by these fake prophets. So, as a blind reaction to that cruel deception, they lie about God’s Word and adopt a man-made definition of prophecy, saying it is merely “inspired preaching.” But their “inspired preaching” consists of lies by golden-tongued men too. And God did not define prophecy in this way. God said, “when a prophet speaks in the name of Yahweh, if the thing does not happen or come to pass, that is the thing which Yahweh has not spoken; the prophet has spoke it presumptuously” (Deut. 18:22, NKJV). In other words, a true prophecy must be totally correct and clear, every word of it, because a prophecy is God speaking. God commands a prophet to speak a specific message to a specific audience. And, since the words of a true prophecy comes from the omniscient God Himself, not one word can be wrong. Also, all that God says will be clear and specific, since the whole point of God speaking to someone is to make that message understood. If God wanted to leave that person or group of people in the dark, He would not utter a word through the prophet! Throughout His Word, we see how God defines and exemplifies prophecy as a message or concept that God has spoken directly to a prophet’s spirit, in His name or authority, commanding that prophet to pass that message on to a specific person or group of people. Thus, prophecy is not just inspired preaching from the mind of flesh, even if that preaching contains some sound teachings.

Therefore, we can clearly see how the “Faith Movement” preachers break the third-order laws of God, by abusing God’s name, by pretending to speak and act in the name of Jesus, by falsely claiming to teach, prophesy and do works in one or more of God’s names. But, to combat this very destructive practice of these liars, other preachers also break the third-order laws of God, by then teaching false doctrines in God’s name, by proclaiming a false definition of prophecy, by denying that God said what God actually said in His Word. Both kinds of preachers teach “traditions of men,” the doctrinal precepts of men, as though they were the words of God. But how can Jesus Christ’s real salvation work in any of their churches, since His salvation is the fulfilling of God’s real truth, His genuine meaning of His Law and precepts, according to His own interpretation, in us and through us? If no one rightly proclaims the real truth that Jesus fulfills in us and through us for our salvation, all of their preaching is in vain. They are pretending that God’s names are the names of invented or outright demonic false gods, leading the people into idolatry and many other sins, and slandering God’s name in all the earth. And the time is almost upon us when this kind of sin will be dealt with, when God’s wrath will fall heavily upon all who do such things, when the Great Prostitute and all her harlot daughters will be burned to death. So let us be careful to “guard” the truth of God’s Word.

Faith Movement preachers are right about one doctrine, about God’s definition of prophecy. Yet they exploit even the poorest souls for money and even kill little children through their false teachings. So they are thoroughly demonic. Like the devil, their father, they use a truth to promote their lies. Then the other pastors who believe prophecy is merely “inspired preaching,” from a man’s mind of flesh, prove to be liars too, since they refuse to accept God’s own definition of prophecy. Then, in all they say and do, they prove to be totally ineffectual, in terms of accomplishing the will of the real Jesus, the genuine Creator God. So let every elect soul ask: (1) Are Faith Movement prophecies always clear and always leading to the fulfilling of God’s Law in Jesus Christ, for His glory, since God can never be wrong and any message He personally grants must be clear and fully understood, so it might prove to have come from God once it is fulfilled? (2) Are the teachings of a preacher actually and accurately conveying the truths that Jesus Christ’s Holy Spirit is teaching to one’s own spirit through His own true, honest, effective interpretations of His Word? If any prophecy is so vague that we cannot test it, by the test which God Himself commanded for every prophecy, then that prophecy is not from God, who always meets His own standards. Or if a teaching proclaims anything other than the harmonious truth in God’s Word, which does not contain a single contradiction in all the principles it proclaims, that teaching is false. And, if a preacher stubbornly rejects the real truth, insists that a lie is true, and will not repent into the truth, then that preacher is a false teacher or a false prophet whom the true elect must expel and avoid, whom they must never endorse nor accept. Only after that one is willing to hear the truth, and repent into it, can that one be cautiously accepted.

Actually, many fake prophecies seem to come true, since most are extremely general or vague. Just about anything could happen to get one to think the false prophecy came to pass. For instance, I heard a false prophet tell someone: “I saw wheels that stopped turning. God will stop the wheels from turning in your life!” What exactly would you make of that? Literally everyone shares the experience of being caught in a loop of some kind of circular thinking, or in some other cycle of events. We are all trying to figure out why or how something bad or good has happened, yet never seem to be able to come to a conclusion, simply because one does not know all the factors involved and cannot draw a conclusion without that information. And, whenever one finds out the information needed to come to a conclusion, or comes to an acceptance that it is impossible to find out what they need to know to draw a conclusion, the “wheels” in one’s mind will “stop turning.” So this so-called “prophecy” is so general that it could apply to any situation of anyone. It literally mean nothing. And that is the point. If a so-called “prophecy” is so general and ambiguous that it cannot be tested by the standards God has commanded us to apply to all prophecies, that prophecy has automatically failed the test. It is a false prophecy. For anyone could say it came to pass by applying it to any situation, or say it did not come to pass by applying it to one specific situation. If one felt that the most critical kind of “wheels turning” in one’s life involved the cycle of events caused by one’s permanent and incurable disability, and thought this prophecy meant that this cycle of events would soon stop, one could wait for one’s entire life without seeing that prophecy come to pass. Only death could stop that cycle of events. And one does not need a prophecy to tell one that one will eventually die, since everyone is appointed to die. Clearly, that prophecy was a fake prophecy made by a false prophet!

And, whenever these prophets venture to include specific details in their prophecies, they are mere guesses based on what they see or the words they hear regarding their victim. So their guesses are often wrong, proving that they merely assume or imagine, in their own minds of flesh, those details they claim to be prophecies. And even one error in one of their prophecies proves that they are not truly speaking words that God commanded them to speak, proves that they are false prophets. For instance, one popular Faith Movement preacher once prophesied to a young man with a cognitive disorder: “You will not need to go for your monthly checkups any more,” and prophesied that the man would be healed. Obviously, when the young man told this false prophet and fake healer that he came to be healed, that fake prophet assumed this man went for monthly checkups. Sometimes, the helpers of these fake prophets also find out these things as they mingle with the audience, then tell the fake prophet this information using hidden microphones. And, even then, they sometimes do not transmit the correct details, or the fake prophet makes false assumptions. But, in this particular instance, the young man he was prophesying about had been diagnosed with a permanent congenital or inherited disability and nothing could be done for him. So he was not seeing a doctor every month for checkups, and he never would. Nor did he ever get better. Unless a miracle, worked by the real God, heals him, he will always be the same. And why would God do that, since that man’s disability is what enables him to effectively serve God in the beautiful and wondrous way that he does. So, even after all their cheating, these false prophets still make mistakes. Thus, we can be absolutely certain that they are fake prophets who try to ensnare gullible souls, and we must not go near them.

These preachers claim to speak in Jesus' name and call themselves “little christs,” or “the Lord’s anointed ones.” Whenever they call themselves “anointed ones,” they are also calling themselves “christs,” since the Greek word χριστός means “anointed one.” So these are definitely the kind of false “christs” and false prophets Jesus warned us about. For it is certain that they actually give false prophecies. The things they say come from human observations, their imaginations or other sources, such as through the microphones of their “spies” in the audience. We are forced to conclude that they prophesy “the thing which Yahweh has not spoken.” They definitely utter false prophecies, not what the real and omniscient God commanded their spirits to tell a certain individual or group of people. Furthermore, their teachings are clearly not biblical, and cause the people to worship false gods invented in their own minds. Then these fakes encourage worldly greed and, in their own greed, they speak flesh-appeasing lies that have even caused real deaths. Then their so-called miracles, signs and wonders are mostly fake too. I was at one Faith Movement preacher’s “show” where a Christian saw the staff dress up healthy actors who pretended to be sick or disabled people. Before the “show,” they put the actors in wheelchairs, gave them crutches, or told them how to pretend to look ill. Then the fake healer, a woman this time, pretended to heal these actors. Later, she justified this deception by saying it was done to “prime the faith pump,” to stir up faith in the truly sick and disabled, so they would “believe” and be healed. So she justified this obvious deception and lie by reasoning that it was necessary for the good of the people. But God never works through lies. So, if there ever were any “signs or wonders” worked through that women, we know the source of that power was most likely the “father of lies,” who is the devil. And, clearly, these fake healers rely on the emotions of the flesh, not on real faith from the spirit. They know nothing of the mind of a spirit trusting in the real Jesus Christ’s love, truth and power for salvation, or for His healing through unmerited grace.

Because they rely on the emotions of the flesh, to make people artificially feel better even when no real healing has taken place, these fake preachers employ professional musicians and singers, as well as professional stage hands and producers of their “shows.” This is why they practice motivational speeches to stir up the emotions of the flesh. They emulate coaches before a big game, who hype up the athletes so much that, even when they are badly injured, they can feel nothing and can keep on playing. Likewise, the audiences of these fake preachers become so excited and so focused on the religious game that their bodies feel no pain. But this is temporary, and they must hype themselves up continuously, over and over again, often by listening to the brainwashing recordings of these fake preachers, in order to feel those fake healing effects again. However, when they do this hyping, and feel no pain, they sometimes do not take their necessary medications or return to the doctors. So they often make themselves far more unhealthy, and some even die. Then they, through this false kind of hyped-up kind of “faith” in the mind of flesh, do the same with their sick children, and bring harm or death to their children too. But, to justify themselves and maintain their fake reputations as “healers” and miracle workers, these false preachers transfer all the blame to their victims. For they simply say that those who were not permanently healed, or who died, did not have enough “faith.” They blame a sick person’s lack of “faith” for causing a healing to fail. However, if these healings actually were done by the real power of our real God Jesus, no human being, even if someone wanted to, could change God’s mind about His healing. God, who never makes mistakes in anything He chooses to do, could never be stopped from healing anyone He chose to heal. Thus, their transfer of blame to their victims not only proves them to be false preachers, but also proves that they are psychopathic liars. It reveals a slanderous teaching about God too, since they say healings depend on the will and power of men, and that God’s will and power is unable to overcome a lack of will in a human being.

Let me repeat, the false words spoken in the name of God, both false prophecies and false teachings, are blasphemies, because they slander God's name. And these are the principal sins forbidden by the third-order laws of God. They are indeed extremely serious sins that may cause great harm or even deaths. Then an even worse way of breaking the third-order laws is if one slanders a true prophecy, teaching or work that actually did originate from God Himself, a real word or work of God done according to His will and through His power. God considers any slandering of His manifestation of His loving attributes, through His genuine words and works, to be even more harmful and deadly than false prophecies, false teaching or any works done falsely in His name. In fact, if anyone will deliberately lie in a way that intentionally slanders or defames a true prophecy or a genuine work of Christ’s Holy Spirit, and does so through pure malice from one’s spirit, Jesus calls it an unforgivable sin, the kind of blasphemy that guarantees a sentence of eternal hell. Of course, the true elect never have the ability to commit this sin at all, the sin called “the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.” Only nonelect spirits possess enough malice against God to commit this unforgivable sin. Still, one can never emphasize enough the importance of letting Jesus fulfill His third-order laws in us and through us. For any offence against God’s third-order laws, or any approval of false prophets and false teachers, is cursed. God will consider anyone who prophesies or teaches lies in His name to be more guilty than a murderer. And He will not forgive, until one’s spirit thoroughly repents into the truth. In Old Covenant times, God commanded a death sentence for this sin. And now a punishment much worse than the death of the body, even eternal death in hell’s delusions, awaits most who commit this sin.

But now let me point out that, even though Scriptures indicate that God has always given and always will give His faithful servant miraculous “spiritual gifts,” including the gift of prophecy, especially in the end times, God also commands us to test all these gifts and all who claim to have them. God wants us to ensure that each worker of these gifts has been truly sent by Him, that each speaks real truth according to God’s will, and that each does works through His will and power alone. For the vast majority of healings, miracles, prophecies and teachings in the churches today are false, and most preachers in those churches are blasphemers who slander the name of Jesus our God. Today, a real prophet would prophesy to them, in God’s name: “How long will this [declaration of prophetic dreams] be in the heart of the prophets who prophesy lies? Indeed they are prophets of the deceit of their own heart, who try to make My people forget My name by their dreams which everyone tells his neighbor” (Jer. 23:26-27, NKJV). Of course, these false prophets and their followers would never heed a single word from any true prophet, just as the false prophets did not heed Jeremiah. And, when God Himself came in a body of flesh, speaking nothing but the words of God, nothing but real prophecies, they did not heed Him either. Yet we must hear Jesus, or we will perish with those liars.

The false prophets cry out, “The Lord says this and that!” And many come to these false prophets and false workers of miracles for comforting lies, to forget pain and to hear songs. So the people now go to them for the same reasons the Israelites went to the false prophets long ago. But these are also the same reasons many others go bars and get drunk. So these false prophets are worth less than a bottle of cheap booze, but cause more far more harm. For those false prophets lie, cheat, slander God's name, invent new gods through their false teachings and call the people to worship those false gods in sinful, stupid, destructive and even deadly ways. Then the false prophets and fake preachers even present themselves as gods of the people, and want their people to worship them more than any of the other gods they invent in their own minds. Nevertheless, the real God and all the realities He created, especially His eternal truths, will always war against them. And the attributes, which God’s name represents, will never be altered nor forgotten. Make no mistake, Jesus has indeed judged them, concluding that they do not love the truth. Consequently, He has handed them over to very dark, deep, destructive delusions, then will further judge them on the last day, and will cast most into those delusions for all eternity, into the hell where no realities from God exist. So let all who have ears to hear the truth of God, all elect spirits, flee from these cursed ones, or you may feel their hell!

I ask the true elect of God to repent and leave false churches before it is too late. Stop seeking false prophesies, false doctrines, false healings and false “spiritual gifts,” all of which make you forget the genuine attributes of God's name. Those liars put themselves and their followers in grave danger, by leading them into Christ’s condemnation and the punishment of being cast into dark delusions. They and their disciples become so stupid and blindly deceived that they become incapable of seeing even the most plain, obvious, simple truths and realities. Then they blindly fall into a pit of destruction. Today, God says the same things about them as He said in the past: “For I have not sent them ... yet they prophesy a lie in My name, that I may drive you out, and that you may perish, you and the prophets who prophesy to you” (Jer. 27:15, NKJV). Because these fakes have so little respect for the real, holy, honest, just, loving God, and teach against His Word, slandering all the attributes inherent to His name, God has absolutely no respect for them. Nor should we. Rather, we need to denounce them and flee from them. There is no one who needs these completely useless and worthless souls, no one who will benefit from following them. In fact, why follow any human being? Why become the disciple of any sinner? We were not even called to be disciples of the true apostles like Peter and Paul. For we are to be disciples of Jesus alone. Let none of God's elect perish as disciples of sinners.

If teaching elders (pastors) are truly sent by God and do actually bear His name, they will carry the authority of His name in the truths they speak or write, and will judge according to God's Word, through His power. And this judging will be teachings that lead the elect souls, who are lost in lies, back to the reality and truths created by God, if God is willing, so their spirits might repent into the truth. Their judgments will proclaim words taught to their spirits, or commanded by God through real prophecies. During the sixth seal’s revival, may will prophesy, heal the sick and do many other kinds of miraculous and good works through their love of God, to express God’s love for His people, to help God’s people. His Holy Spirit will work some kind of beneficial ministry for the good of all, through each and every individual in His true church. And the true teaching elders will be afraid to teach and judge in their own names, according to their own opinions, because they will fear the failures this always caused. True teaching elders know no wisdom nor power is in themselves, know that literally all comes from Jesus. And they also know that He will indeed judge them more strictly.

True teaching elders, who teach only what Christ’s Holy Spirit has taught to their spirits, and true prophets, who utter only what God commands their spirits to say, are never afraid to have their teachings or prophecies tested and questioned. But false teaching elders and false prophets are often afraid of this. So they pretend to be so superior to the ignorant common masses that any questioning or testing of their words is forbidden. They expect all their words to be blindly accepted and heeded. But literally every true teaching elder and every true prophet realizes that he is just another sinner who is as powerless as every other human being on this earth, equally incapable of knowing or doing anything to make himself superior to anyone. Thus, every true servant of Jesus demands that every individual man in the church must follow Jesus as his only Lord and Head Teacher. All true teaching elders require every man to be diligent enough to learn from Jesus, and to rightly judge all who claims to teach, prophesy or do any work in Jesus’ name, to judge each teaching, prophecy and work. Each man, even each woman and child, must ensure that all claiming to bear God’s name actually do bear the real God’s name, that every word and deed said or done in God’s name originates from Him.

If anyone truly speaks or works in God’s name, all one’s words or deeds in God’s name will comply with Christ’s own harmonious, inerrant interpretation of God’s Word. For Jesus is the living Word, the exemplification of God’s Word. Our God Jesus came to personally teach us, every elect spirit, a right interpretation of His Word. Thus, every word or deed truly done in His name means that it will be done according to God’s will. All the words and works of all His true people will be harmonious, without contradictions and serve one common goal, growing love in all. If all is truly done in Jesus name, it will be as though all speak and act with one mind and one purpose, because they actually will all be working through the will and thoughts of the one God, Jesus. And, if all are doing God’s will, God will not stop His will from being done. Rather, God will uphold all the decisions of His servants who honestly speak and work in His name, according to His will. True teaching elders will do the same spiritual works as the priests of the Old Testament times did symbolically. And God told the males of the priesthood: “Then the priests, the sons of Levi, shall come near, for Yahweh your  God has  chosen  them to  minister to Him  and to bless in the name of Yahweh; by their word every controversy and every assault shall be settled” (Deut. 21:5, NKJV). By the knowledge and wisdom they receive directly from God, by drawing near to God in prayer and in much honest and diligent studying, teaching elders were to make judgments that justly settled all, made all right. They were to bring justice, protect the weak from exploitation or violence, and rid the church of those who harmed God's people. Now true elders do the same. They judge against deceivers and bullies, so they might build up just and God-like love in the people, and do so on a foundation of truth that trusts in Jesus.

The authority and power of Jesus Christ is infinite, that is, beyond any limits that He Himself created in His material or spiritual realms. Therefore, if Jesus has predestined some works to be done for the spiritual benefit of His people, it will be done, regardless of how miraculous that work needs to be. And His accomplishment of a work does not depend on time, since God, the uncreated Spirit who works it, exists entirely outside of time. So, if God calls our spirits to pray for something according to His will, all that He calls us to pray for has been planned since the beginning of time. There is no such thing as being too late to pray for something. When God calls a spirit to pray for something, He has already predestined that prayer to be answered from the beginning of time. This also means that none of our prayers are answered because of a so-called “power of our faith,” which is witchcraft, not because we willed a thing to be. Rather, the only reason we receive an answer to our prayers is because He first taught us, as His disciples, to want whatever we ask from Him, then prompted our spirits to pray for it. Every answer to every prayer, whether that answer is yes or no, teaches us more about God and His ways. When His answer is “no,” we learn why He said “no,” and understand how we desired against His will. When His answer is “yes,” we are also told why, and see the very inner character of our God more clearly, which makes us overflow with praise. So the purpose of prayer is not to get what we want, especially not for the flesh. The purpose of prayer is for our spirits to learn more about God and His ways. And, if one does not get what one prays for, it is because one’s spirit does not know God’s will. But if one does not know God’s will, it is either because one’s spirit is not an elect spirit or one’s elect spirit is not yet awakened by Christ’s Holy Spirit; or one’s awake elect spirit is not listening to Jesus because one’s mind of flesh is distracting one’s spirit away from Christ.

The point is that true and real Christianity is not about magic men manipulating the people with their deceiving words. We do not learn magic words and ways to manipulate God and alter destinies, nor ways to impress the gullible with signs and wonders, just to gain personal esteem, power and money. The kind of Christianity that esteems magic human gods is fake, is clearly not biblical, and is often ruthless, frequently leading to many harmful or outright deadly sins. It is just plain stupid. The real and biblical kind of Christianity is about having one’s own elect spirit shaped into the image of one’s loving and wise Father, awakened by the Holy Spirit of Jesus, so one will let one’s spirit be taught and trained by that Holy Spirit, until one learns to walk according to what one’s spirit has learned from Jesus, so that all one’s words and deeds will be done rightly in His name, accor