The Ten Commandments: the just love that Jesus works in us and through us by Gregory S. Supina - HTML preview

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By worshipping imagined images of Jesus and the Father, churches are no better than those who make carved images to worship as idols, except that they sin worse than other idolaters, because those churches name their mental images “Jesus” and “God the Father.” And, in their more evil type of vain idolatry, they nullify the Word of God in worse ways, since they make the people think their lies and delusions originate from the real God, which slanders God’s name and opposes God’s will. Much more than the real God Himself, they actually trust concepts and doctrines originating from their own minds, which are the attributes they themselves gave to their man-made images. And all those teachings result in sin, suffering and death. So these worst of all sinners think themselves to be good, even the best, most worthy, most valuable, most useful and most righteous of all on earth. Yet God has told them all: “What profit is the image, that its maker should carve it, the molded image, a teacher of lies, that the maker of its mold should trust in it, to make mute idols” (Hab. 2:18, NKJV).

Men do love and prefer to worship their idols, primarily because their idols cannot speak. For, since their idols cannot speak—but are created with the attributes the idol-makers want their gods to bear, and all the “words” of these idols are actually imagined by the idol-makers, and conform to the wills of these idol-makers—then these idols always say whatever these idol-makers want them to say and do whatever these idol-makes will them to do. If people invent their own gods, and define those gods through their own teachings, which they create according to their own wills, it is impossible for any of those gods to reason with them through any kind of wisdom which can correct their errors or rebuke their sins. Thus, they can believe any lie they choose and commit any sin they desire. If they carve their own attributes into their man-made idols, and put their own words in the mouths of their idols, they essentially worship themselves. Therefore, the ancient idolaters were primitive humanists.

In false churches, if their “mute idols” say and do only what those idol-makers want their idols to say and do, those idols become the teachers of the lies which the idol-makers love most. If idolaters read something in the Bible which opposes the words of their man-made images of God, they either cast those words aside or violently contort those words into the shape of their idol’s words. For they only trust whatever their worshipped mental images of God tell them, which are actually the words they themselves put into the mouths of their graven images. Their idols will always tell them exactly what they want to hear, since the words of their idols are their own words. However, the real God is a Spirit who speaks to our spirits through His own will, who only says what He wants to say, which is seldom what our spirits want to hear, and definitely is not what our minds of flesh want to hear.

The Holy Spirit of Jesus is constantly commanding the spirits in our hearts to say or do this or that. Our God is continuously reasoning with our spirits, teaching and training our spirits, imparting the knowledge of His created truth, along with the wisdom to effectively apply those truths. He corrects our errors and rebukes our sins all day and every day. And our God very often disciplines our flesh through His sometimes very painful blows, in ways that thoroughly grab the attention of our spirits.

Let me give an example of some truths that false churches often ignore or distort into lies. God's Word tells us that a woman must not authoritatively teach doctrines of life and faith to men, nor hold decision-making authority over a man, regarding spiritual/moral matters (e.g., see I Tim. 2:11-12, which refers to the teaching time during church services, but also to all other authoritative, judging acts of teaching the words and spiritual laws of God; conf. I Cor. 11:1-12). So some churches ignore these words of God, since these words do not conform to the feminist, imagined, egalitarian idol of Jesus created in their own minds. So they never even try to see why God’s Word consistently teaches this principle, from Genesis to Revelation, nor attempt to comprehend the wisdom behind it. They simply dismiss these words of the real God as false, because these words of the real Creator God, who knows exactly how He created males and females to function most effectively during their lives on earth, are not the words which their own imaginations cause their false idol of Jesus to utter. At the same time, all the women in those false churches still primarily and instinctively seek the good opinion or glory of their loved ones, especially the males they love, their fathers, husbands or other men influencing their lives, and strive to win their approval far more than the good opinion of God Himself. For all the minds of flesh in women were created with the attribute that seek the approval of their loved ones first, before they seek the approval of God. Women worship God indirectly, by all they do to serve their loved ones. Only men worship God directly, and categorize principles or truths from God in their minds of flesh, in ways that can be applied according to the ways Jesus teaches to their spirits. Only men are capable of directly seeking to please God directly, serving only His will.

On the other hand, there are also churches that violently distort God’s teachings about women into a Greco-Roman kind of misogyny, into the oppression and dehumanization of women, into a role that entirely excludes women from all judgments or decision-making processes. And this kind of idolatry, which makes their man-made idols speak words from Satan and from between their legs, is not only stupid and destructive, but utterly blasphemous, causing all that these men say and do to be unjust, psychopathic and evil. For God created men and women to work in harmony, as one flesh, where the mind of flesh in a woman enhances the mind of flesh in a man, making the judgments and decisions of men more just, equitable, full, effective, all-encompassing, mindful of important details, richer in spiritual and emotional healing and wise. If men do not obey God in this important doctrine, if men do not acknowledge that God has made the two into one flesh, including one mind of flesh, they will become psychopathic idiots and destroy all they touch. The judgments in every family—the nuclear family, church family, business family, community family, national family and world family—need to involve the input of honest, intelligent and loving women working with wise, God-ordained men.

Yet women cannot help but focus on human details rather than on the more “abstract” principles of God’s truth, more upon people than upon the real God. For their minds of flesh were created to serve for the good opinion of their loved ones, to serve the people who are most important to them, and especially the males whom they trust. Women, whether or not they admit it, serve the people and the males they see as most able to provide direction, meaning and order to their lives. And, if women try to force themselves to do otherwise, they strive against the innate nature of their own minds of flesh, become lost, feel worthless, and may become useless to everyone, causing themselves nothing but trouble, frustration and despair. For the flesh of women was not created in a way that enables them to naturally and exclusively serve directly for the good opinion of any kind of god, while shunning the good opinion of other human beings. Women dress to please, act to gain approval and serve to win the praise of other human beings. Some mistake this as a sign of irrationality, but it simply a different kind of reasoning, and good women are just as rational as good men (while evil women are just as irrational as evil men). But males alone bear an inherent ability to directly seek the glory of a god or gods, while spurning the glory of men. So only males can become as evil as the false god they worship, or as holy as the real God. Only males, and only after many years of being directly taught by Jesus, can become uncompromising teachers of doctrines of faith and life, to serve a god or gods, as well as uncompromising judges on behalf of a god or gods. And, through this uncorrupted service for a god or gods, males can become far more powerfully good or more powerfully evil than women can, according to the ways of either the holy God or a false god. For women always remain bound to limitations of people within their sphere of life, and serve a god or gods in an intermediate capacity.

Of course, it is also true that very few men ever even attempt to serve the real God, or try to seek only His good opinion. In our day, all we ever seem to see are men who exclusively serve false idols or themselves. And, since almost all worship those idols and themselves, they seek only the glory of those false idols or themselves. Still, even the most wicked women, who worship those same idols or themselves, cannot directly and exclusively serve those idols or themselves, never through the pure, unadulterated precepts of those gods they worship. Women always compromise and conform their lives and service to appease other worshippers of their gods, and especially cater to the ways that their preferred males faithfully worship those gods. So women seldom commit the extreme evil of those gods, although they often become victims of that evil. On the other hand, women seldom feel the full wrath of either Satan or God, due to their intermediary roles. And their people can comfort them in ways that men seldom have access to. So good women can often survive evil systems better than good men can, or evil women can survive godly and just systems better than evil men can. For the men tend to war against enemy gods in more direct ways than women, and perish in these wars.

All this is why the real God only calls and ordains a few mature males who truly and faithfully serve Him, who worship Him through their spirits. God only calls those males whom He has chosen, called, taught, trained and sent—to teach and make helpful judgments for His people, according to His will, according to His pure, unadulterated words of truth and wisdom. And this is why God never calls or allows any women to do these works. It is not because women are inferior to men in any way, merely different. In all history, God has never called a woman to judge men as a teaching elder. For example, look at Deborah in the days of the judges. God spoke to her spirit, and commanded her to speak the words that He spoke to her. God called Deborah to prophesy, but never allowed her to act as a teaching elder, never permitted her to teach or judge any man in Israel. All God allowed her to do was speak His words according to His will and command. Then, when Barak forced her to lead men, like a teaching elder and judge of that day, God commanded her to tell Barak: “I will surely go with you. Nevertheless, the road on which you are going will not lead to your glory, for [Yahweh] will sell Sisera into the hand of a woman” (Judges 4:9, ESV). Thus, God did not punish Deborah for obeying the demands of the man named Barak. Rather, God punished Barak for requiring a woman to play the role of a teaching elder. God disgraced Barak according to his sin. For Deborah was a godly woman serving under the headship of her husband, who called herself a mother of Israel, not a teaching elder or a judge. Her pure and humble heart prayed fervently for her people, and God heard her prayers to raise up male elders, judges to serve Israel, to willingly fight for God and His people.

Yet, since the ability to directly serve a god or gods, or the lack of this ability, is entirely determined by the god or gods one worships, no human being on earth is able to serve any kind of god without becoming a slave of that god. Even if one worships oneself as one’s chief god, one becomes a slave of one’s own carnal desires. And the lives of those elect spirits that truly worship the real God soon become entirely ruled by God’s will and power. Therefore, if certain mature males are granted the ability to teach and make decisions in God’s name, within God’s authority and power, it does not make these male teaching elders superior to anyone within the family of God. Rather, it makes them into “servants of all” and slaves of God. No elect souls is inferior to another. “On the contrary, the parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable ... that there may be no division in the body, but that the members may have the same care for one another. If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together” (I Cor. 12:22,25-26, ESV). And, “To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.... All these are empowered by one and the same Spirit, who apportions to each one individually as He wills.... But as it is, God arranged the members in the body, each one of them, as He chose” (I Cor. 12:7,11,18, ESV). Teaching elders are most often utterly dependant on the help of others, as others are upon him. So this great need for one another keeps each individual from pride, while each guards the other’s welfare. God created each elect soul to be an indispensable member of His church body. God never established a Greco-Roman type of hierarchical system for His true church, never wanted a lower and inferior class of people to serve a higher and superior class whom they worshipped as their human gods. Only false churches do that. In God’s eyes, all elect souls in His church are equally valued and respected as equal heirs of His kingdom. All are to say and do whatever God calls them to say and do, where their words and deeds come from Him, to help each other equitably through love, so all will give all glory to Him alone. Now it is time to seek Jesus and ask Him to restore His presence here, to raise up His true and “visible” church again, to awaken many of His elect, so they might truly serve Him and His creation.

When people read about how, in the end times, Jesus will allow many of His faithful disciples to suffer and die for His holy name, how He will return to judge the entire earth, to slaughter the most wicked, they perceive Him to be a cruel god. And, when they hear how He will judge all the dead at the gates of heaven on the last day, casting many into the eternal flames of hell, they imagine this to be very cruel as well. For this is not what their man-invented “Jesus” idols would do. Of course, they love and worship their fake “Jesus” idols as a merely very minor gods, unworthy of the intense kind of worship they bestow upon themselves, other human beings and money. Thus, they do not believe their fake “Jesus” gods actually possesses any power to do all these “cruel” things, even as they believe their fake “loving Jesus” gods are far too “gracious” to ever do those “cruel” things. Yet their Jesus idols are not loving at all. For their “loving” Jesus idols allow inequity, lies, legal theft, fraud, deceptions, conspiracy theories to deflect attention away from their own sins, racism, discrimination, exploitation, oppression, virtual slavery, extreme injustice, murders and every other kind of sin under the sun, all done with great zeal in that name of a fake “Jesus.” Nor will any false “Jesus” in any of their churches warn anyone about these delusions, lies and sins which harm themselves and many others, nor call their spirits to repent into the truth, nor protect them by justly judging against the psychopaths among them, who torture and kill His beloved children and destroy His holy creations.

I sometimes wonder about the deluded so-called “Christians” today. They talk so much about “love,” but are so completely loveless. Their spirits seem to be comatose, and almost none of them can be aroused from their church-induced states of unconsciousness. Their pastors tell them to “forgive” everyone, without ever leading any sinner into repentance, into a restored relationship with those they sinned against. For they never really love anyone to whom they give this fake “forgiveness,” and they themselves possess no truth to lead anyone into. Nor have their dead spirits ever truly had any experience with any kind of real repentance, because so few are truly saved by Jesus. Nor do they even begin to realize that the only one capable of forgiving anyone for any kind of sin is God Himself—since God owns all that sinners sin against, so all sins are ultimately against God. So their fake “forgiveness” is not stirred in their spirits by the Holy Spirit of Jesus, with the sole purpose of bringing an elect sinner into repentance, into atonement with God and His people. Rather, this fake “forgiveness” is a matter of carnal pride for the one who falsely “forgives,” to advertise his or her own magnanimity, and as a promotional gimmick to sell their own church. These fools refuse to ever “judge” others as sinners simply because they have no concept of sin, nor even the foggiest idea of what is righteous, just and loving. Their spirits have never been awake enough to actually witness the dark intentions and motivates of evil spirits. They have never opened the eyes of their spirits enough to actually see how some human spirits are entirely malicious, incapable of acknowledging truth, and rejoice in the pain or death of the innocent, just like the spirit of Satan. Nor have their spirits ever known the words and touch of the holy God, the filling of His love, the resulting zeal to work that love through wise applications of His truth, or inner joy from seeing God work healing and life in their loved ones, saving them from death, nullifying the psychopathic works of Satan, freeing them from slavery to lies and sins. Since everything the numb, comatose spirits of these fakes say and do is self-indulgent and murderous, since their spirits have never felt anything truly good nor truly painful in their entire lives, since they walk entirely according to their minds of flesh, they fill their lives with an artificial religious role-playing. And their sins of omission alone, their spurning of God’s real works, will be enough to earn them hell twice over. But add this to all the active sins of injustice they perpetuate through their delusions and lies, all done in the name of “Jesus,” and we begin to see how they are indeed the chiefest of all sinners, worthy of the lowest hell, condemned far more than mass murderers. With all the good they have prevented throughout history, added to all the horrifying loss, pain and death they have caused by their false teachings, Christ’s destruction of billions of souls in the end times will be justified, along with His sentences of hell on that last day.

In our day, the world has become dead inside, since it has become so humanistic and evil that only psychopaths can ever become “strong” enough to rule over others as their exalted lords, to ruthlessly terrorize the masses into a compliant slavery which serves all their whims, in a way that makes them feel like worshipped gods. Now the world is so full of powerful, psychopathic “leaders,” with such a great ability to watch and control their victims, that there is no longer any place to flee, no place of real peace where one can live a simple, just, honest, godly and loving life. The world is so inundated with injustice that it is destroying itself. So now, more than ever before, we need the real Jesus and His power to restore His elect, to raise up godly men and women to selflessly, justly and lovingly serve Him and the people, with the wisdom only He can provide to the minds of our spirits. Now the harvest is white, ready to be cut down and thrashed, to separate the wheat from the chaff. We only need the harvesters, whom only Jesus can hire and send to us. Pray that Jesus will call, teach, train and appoint true teaching elders to positions of “power,” and every other kind of faithful worker, so these elect men and women will restore a loving, just order to our lands, according to His holy will.

But, whenever Jesus does restore an individual, church or land into a state of loving justice, we must realize that psychopathic, destructive fools will surely resist Him with far more zealous lies and evil deeds, even with ruthless violence. Yet this too is necessary, since the elect must see just how evil the non-elect human spirits, whom they worshipped for so many centuries, can be. The elect need conflicts, to prove how truly unjust and evil other hearts can be, how vile the religion of humanism actually is. The elect must learn to reject human gods and humanism forever. So there must be a very significant and memorable display of the enmity between the real God’s ways of biblical Christianity and the Satanic ways of humanism. A great tribulation must occur before the eyes of God’s elect in the days before Jesus returns. And that day will be truly historic, an utterly unforgettable destruction that all future generations will point to and proclaim, “Never again!” Yes, Jesus is love. But Jesus is realistic, honest, faithful, just, pure and effective, duty-bound by His love to sanctify the spirits, souls and bodies of His family, to utterly cleanse the minds of their elect spirits from all errors and lies, to fill those minds with knowledge and wisdom. It is His transforming love that disciplines our souls and instructs our spirits, that brings genuine justice and wise judgment into our hearts. Therefore, this love will indeed punish the sins of all unjust and evil souls, to lead all elect into true repentance. God is not a thing created in our own minds, not ruled by a so-called “free will” of human gods, by human wills enslaved by ignorance, fear, deceptions and delusions. No! God created us. And His Spirit in Jesus shall rule us according to His  will , for our true salvation, through His real love, justly.

Those who worship a mental image of Jesus fall into a trap of their own making, and often become totally incapable of hearing the words of the real God. They grow as deaf as their idol, which they make with the wood or stone of grey matter between their ears. God once said to Ezekiel, “Son of man, these men have  set up their idols in their hearts , and put before them that which causes them to stumble into iniquity. Should I let Myself be inquired of at all by them?” (Ezek. 14:3, NKJV). As churches do today, the idolaters in Ezekiel’s church of Israel worshipped idols imagined in their own minds, according to evil desires in their hearts. Idolaters do not always worship physical, tangible statues of gods. And even those who make physical statues of their gods will worship them through their hearts, in their daily lives, out in their fields and forests where no statues of their idols exist. All idolaters “set up their idols in their hearts.” And these mental images are the strongest influences upon their lives, far more than physical statues. It is only after idolaters manage to “set up their idols in their hearts” that those false gods become “that which causes them to stumble into iniquity.” Now, let churches ask the same question God did. Should He really let these idolaters call upon Him, pray to Him, without any repentance into the truth, while turning a deaf ear to Him? Could such souls ever hear His response? No! Idolaters only want to hear their idols. “For the idols speak delusion; the diviners envision lies, and tell false dreams; they comfort in vain. Therefore the people wend their way like sheep; they are in trouble because there is no shepherd” (Zech. 10:2, NKJV). “But they are altogether dull-hearted and foolish; a wooden idol is a worthless idol” (Jer. 10:8, NKJV). For, when they hear their idols speak, they are actually hearing the mere words that their own wicked hearts and minds are putting in the mouths of those idols, because those idols are not gods, mere delusions.

Long ago, many could not read, nor afford to purchase a Bible. And most had no one to preach the genuine Word of God to them either. Since they had no one to tell them the truth, they had no real chance to accept or reject it. So their sins were done in ignorance and were unintentional, easily forgiven by God. But now almost everyone, at least everyone in our prosperous nations, has access to a Bible. “Therefore, since we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Divine Nature is like gold or silver or stone, something shaped by art and man's devising. Truly, these times of ignorance God overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to repent, because He has  appointed a day on which He will judge the world in righteousness  by the Man whom He has  ordained  . He has given assurance of this to all by raising Him from the dead ” (Acts 17:29-31, NKJV). God is who He is. “Yahweh” is His name. “HE IS.” We breath out, release the death of our flesh, by the “Yah.” We breath in His Spirit of light and life by the “Weh,” and rise up to walk in His loving, just ways. HE IS all. By the words of Yahweh we know who He is, His attributes, His ways, what He likes and what He dislikes, how He behaves. We know a human person through one’s words and deeds. But we cannot see any other human being’s spirit directly. Our spirits can only look into the eyes of God, into all beauty. However, even with all this inner experiential knowledge and outer academic knowledge of our God, in the minds of our spirits and in the minds of our flesh, we cannot see all His motives or reasons for doing literally everything He does. For He is very deep, complex and unfathomable in all His ways, while our spirits are mere infants. Therefore, no mental image of Yahweh will ever suffice nor adequately portray all that HE IS. So we can never form an image of God in our hearts. Neither the minds of our spirits nor the minds of our flesh can imagine any shape or form of Him. And He has forbidden us to try in vain. So let His elect flee the idolatry of churches.

When we want to know our loved ones and friends, we listen to their words and share the experience of working together with them throughout our lives. In time, we begin to know a little bit about what “makes them tick,” who their spirits worship and who they seek to please most, all that motivates them to say and do all they say and do. Still, even after we known some souls for decades, we often are surprised by them. For our spirits cannot look into the eyes of their spirits. We cannot truly know their hearts, not fully, and some are so effective at hiding their inner selves that we never know their hearts at all. God has bound every human spirit to limitations of this material space-time continuum, and confined all to a body of flesh, forces all to communicate only through their flesh. All we know of their inner selves is first processed in their spirits, then sent to their minds of flesh in the chambers of their souls, and is finally granted to us through imperfect words and deeds of their bodies of flesh. After this, our ears imperfectly hear those imperfect words, imperfectly see those imperfect deeds, send them to our imperfect minds of flesh and imperfectly interpret them. Then, if our minds of flesh are willing, and our spirits are awake, that imperfect message is passed from our minds of flesh to the minds of our spirits within the chambers of our souls. By this convoluted and imperfect process, where much meaning is lost or misconstrued, our spirits begin to know and love the spirits of others.

Since God seldom allows human spirits to communicate directly with each other, we are all very limited in our knowledge of the inner thoughts of other human beings. No one is able to know the spirit of any other human being in the same way Jesus, our God, can. In fact, many people never get to know their own spirits very well, since they usually function solely through their minds of flesh, and their spirits are abandoned in the chambers of their hearts, where those spirits can do nothing but sleep, and perhaps occasionally raise feeble objections to a heedless mind of flesh which silences unwelcome inputs. Then the worldly churches actually train souls keep their spirits asleep and silent. So, in our day, there are not many elect who are awake enough to truly know and love other souls or the real God, who alone can communicate directly with their spirits. Thus, few truly know and love anyone, since none but our God, Jesus, can awaken their spirits to truly know and love other spirits.

Still, there are a few awake or semi-awake elect spirits who strive to know as much genuine truth about the spirits of their loved ones as they can. And some elect also long to know the Spirit who created them, Jesus, our God. For none can truly love unless one first learns about the motives and desires of other spirits. Only the most shallow and superficial souls, who walk entirely according to their minds of flesh, will not even try to know the truth about the spirits touching their lives. But we, the elect, need to truly know other spirits, and cannot do this through false information, nor solely through data acquired only through our senses of our flesh. For our minds and senses of the flesh are often in error, deceived by false assumptions acquired through erroneous or incomplete input, or by lies of men and demons, or by outward appearances designed to distract us from genuine realities.

If all you knew about a person came from reading articles in a supermarket tabloid, you would not know that person at all, since they invent lies for money. Only if you hear the words they have truly spoken and have seen their deeds unmasked, can you even begin to know anything about one’s spirit. And you can seldom taste the real fruits of anyone’s spirit expressed through one’s flesh, because all hide what is in their spirits, and so few of us even attempt to pursue any kind of genuine truth. We spend most of our days working to survive, and the remainder of the day striving to gain pleasures for the flesh, or sleep. And that is why supermarket tabloids thrive, because they know the people do not want the truth. So they strive to attract readers by printing any mix of partial truths with lies, all that appeals to the lusts and feelings of the flesh—a sex, self-indulgent opulence, scandal, revenge, sin—any lie to appease the lusts of the flesh, lusts of the eyes and pride of life. But what do they do to the spirits of the people? If a soul “loves” someone, based solely on the appealing fabrications of a supermarket tabloid, that love is not be real. For real love is an eternal, unconditional and irrevocable covenant joining two spirits whose love is built entirely on a foundation of pure, unadulterated truths about both those spirits. Likewise, if all you know about Jesus are the flesh-appeasing lies that some television preacher utters from his greedy mouth—from a preacher who was not truly called, taught, trained and sent by the real Jesus—then you know almost nothing true about the heart of the real Jesus. So you could not possibly love the real Jesus. Yes, the emotions of your deceived flesh would be real and possibly very strong, but also temporary and volatile, since they would be based entirely upon lies, which can change as soon as a different lie becomes more appealing. If your spirit does not learn about Jesus directly from Jesus, and all you know about Jesus comes from the imaginations of a money-grubbing preacher?