The Ten Commandments: the just love that Jesus works in us and through us by Gregory S. Supina - HTML preview

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I would like to thank my Lord and my God, Jesus.

Really, who else is there to thank, since all comes to us through Him alone.

I thank Him for His works through the beautifully loving wife He placed in my life, the three wonderful sons He gave life to and brought into our lives, the amazing grandchildren He also blossomed into our lives, my dear brother living with us, and all our extended family and the broad spectrum of friends He gathered us into. And I would like to thank Him for the government of the land He placed us in, for their support in all my works, for the freedoms and opportunities they establish by God’s hands, for giving to this insufficient and inept man, who is so much below average in so many ways.

Today, I look beyond the borders of my home to distant places over all the earth, at the extreme suffering and countless deaths, at the devastation of vast lands and oceans through ignorance, greed, oppression and man-made causes like climate change. In the near future, all I can see are endless wars, both internal conflicts for the hearts of the people as well as vile external battles which shed the blood of millions. And all will only continue to grow worse, until Jesus returns. So now is the time for the honest elect to put on the full armour of God and take up the sword of His Word, to speak the real truth in love, to nullify the destructive works of Satan’s lies and murders, to build the kingdom of the real God, together with Jesus the Christ, with all He freely grants us through His unmerited grace alone, as we worship Him in our spirits and in truth.

In Jesus, we have much hope. And we have true rest, as we ponder the bright lights of the spirits of life existing all around us, in our homes and in all the natural world. But war is upon us. We must make a stand and fight the good fight with every ounce of truth and strength He allows each of us to possess. The end times are almost upon us, and there is no turning back. We must press on, forgetting what is behind and working, even battling, for what is truly needed for the sakes of all. The past was faulty, full of great errors and sins. We need none of that. Now we need the real Jesus and the genuine truth He utters directly to the spirits in our hearts, so we might live abundant lives.

Greg, 2019.