The Truth Against Errors by Liliane Binnyuy - HTML preview

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The Grace of God

The grace of God does not mean that salvation is guaranteed once we “believe” irrespective of our deeds. On the day of judgement, all men shall be judged by their deeds (Rev 20.11-15). The grace of God does not mean that God will not punish the righteous who commit willful and filthy sins. The wrath of God hangs on all ungodliness (Romans 1.18, Romans 2.5-8).

The grace of God is the love and strength of God enabling man to believe and obey the righteous demands of the Law of God in Christ Jesus and eventually save himself from sin and death unto eternal life.

The Grace of God is the death of His Son for the pardon of the sin of the world and the reconciliation of the world to God.

The more a man grows in grace (divine enablement), the closer he gets to perfection.

The Grace of God leads man unto repentance. God is willing to forgive all men in Christ Jesus, but man is forgiven only when he repents of his sinful living (Mark 1.4, Luke 5.32, Luke 24.47, Acts 2.38, Acts 3.19, Acts 5.31, Acts 8.28, Acts 11.18, Acts 26.20). The fruit of repentance is man turning away from sinful deeds. Repentance and receiving forgiveness from God are inseparable. Only those who have received forgiveness will be saved from his wrath. The LORD Jesus is going to punish sinful believers (Mathew 13.41, Mathew 13.24-30, Mathew 7.22-23). The LORD will send out His angels to weed out of His kingdom, the scandalous and evil (Mathew 13.41).

The Grace of God leads man to perfection. A man who is full of the grace of God is a man who no longer commits sins and has put on God’s holy nature and works.