The Two Trees Within by Ross Shultz - HTML preview

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Let me step back here a little bit and reflect on a few things before I continue with the vision that I had while on the front porch of my house.

I remember back in the late 70’s, while still involved in the church, that I would often wonder why the meeting places were on a decline. Why were they preaching what they said was the ‘truth’ but people were not growing in Christ? In fact, the so-called churches were losing patrons left and right. If this were the ‘truth’ that they were teaching, wouldn’t people be knocking the doors down trying to get to it? So I often wondered why they were doing the same things, over and over, thinking a different out-come would be brought about? If what was being done was working, then I couldn’t blame them for doing the same repetitious sermons and teachings that were constantly preached and even shouted from the pulpit. But they were not working.

What was working though, was that their programs, projects, committees, covered dished dinners, bible schools, and doctrines were keeping the parishioners under bondage and manipulation that their ‘truth’ was the right one and all others would suffer Gods’ wrath.

Folks, there is nothing we must do, no place that we must go to be loved by our God, He is simply Love. We don’t earn it, (not by works, less no man can boast), His grace and love is sufficient, and always has been for all who were made in the similitude and image of God, and we all were, yes, every last one of us.

At the heart of every religion is something that we must do. And each and every club house, or should I be nice and call them denominations, make their own set of rules and regulations to keep their people under their control, in bondage, therefore afraid to find God in any other avenue or be led by the Holy Spirit, Instead of being told how or what to think by some man or woman in some elevated platform(pulpit). No wonder most don’t like talking religious beliefs at any of the gatherings, thanksgiving, christmas, and so on, that so often end up in an argument or even worst, a fight. Seems, no one knows what or how to think about the things of God, there’s just far too many alternatives, too many opinions, ways, truths and so-called life’s that each club house spit out at us. It’s no wonder so many stay confused and think their relationship is with the ‘so called church’ and ‘its’ institution, programs etc. Instead, knowing in person; the true Way, Truth, and Life that we can have in Jesus Christ, not just an image of Him, but the person of Him

Have you ever noticed, and I’m sure you have, the pretty little marquees, all lit-up, in front of virtually every church house, and the cute little sayings that are conjured up and changed weekly? All to promote something they don’t have. And that is a revelation and relationship with that our father longs to have with each and every one of us. It sure looks good, but the cute sayings don’t work.


I’m not here to speak-out to hurt any person in the gathering or meeting house. No, that is not my intentions at all. But, I do realize that speaking out will probably upset many people and most will think I’m nuts. My intentions is to say something, in the hope that it will wake up a people to see the heart of each and every religious activity that man has created unto himself. Therefore I do understand that speaking out will have a hurtful effect, but again, this is not my intention.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see what’s going on, not even behind the closed doors, but openly, agendas contrived by man is being pushed on every one. This might be such things as; youth programs, Sunday schools, plays, so the parents of the children will attend, covered dish suppers, building projects, and a huge list of other stuff, all to manipulate their crowds to commit their time, energy, money, etc. All done so some man can hold his head up and receive his praise, saying, look at what I’ve done. Yes, truth is, it’s that hierarchy, that pedestal that man puts himself on that is the true attention that us underlings should bow too, at least in their eyes. I’ll even admit that most preacher/pastor are probably so blinded that many don’t stop long enough, or realize that is exactly what they are doing. We are all in some degree delusional, but the game in the name of God that is being pawn off on us has gone way too far.

This thing called “church” is not what God intended for His people, and therefore does not represent Him in any of its’ forms, methods, ideas and so on. Our God is calling a people to come into His bosom, placing Him at the center of our lives, that we would give God His deserved place in the heart of man, as He alone is the Alpha and Omega, to give up our independence from the façade of the worldliness, and return to Him in a relationship.

Of course anyone involved in the many programs, committees, church boards, or any of the vast number of positions, are going to balk at what I’m saying to justify their actions. This is not only delusional, but at times called sincere delusion, for most will think that they are doing Gods’ work and of course they will be persecuted for it… Hey, I’m not trying to persecute you, just wanting to maybe take the blinders off some few of the people, for in their heart they already know that God is calling them into a more intimate relationship with Him in the stead of some building, power, prestige, or institution. There are several in this thing called “church” that realize that man and his image of God, rather his image to the structures and doctrines made by mans’ hand, is what’s been going on for centuries, and want to have that close personal relationship with the Father of all creation, but do not know of another course to take. It has been sold to all that this weekly institution is the only avenue or passage they can take, that is to have that contact with God that is in the heart of every man to obtain. IT IS NOT!

To paraphrase a scripture; I thank God that no man need teach me, but the Holy Spirit that knows all things, teaches all things. We need not sit at a lower level than the pulpit and hear some sincere delusional preacher teach us his way, truth, and constricted life, when one can sit at home or under a tree etc. and in the quietness of their heart and hear God speaking whether through scriptures or the Spirit working within. When Jesus said to Peter, or rather about Peters’ statement; “upon this rock, I shall build my Church”, He was not, did not, speak about His disciple but was referring to the revelation that Peter heard from the Holy Spirit. “For flesh and blood did not reveal this” astounding statement about the Christ to him, but the Spirit from Heaven that was within him did. For Jesus is truly the Christ.

I’m certainly not saying that folks can’t meet together, “for where two or three are gathered in my name, I will be also,” Jesus said.