The UnGodly by Ang Berry - HTML preview

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April 13th

I’m tired of this pervert.

12:00 p.m.

So we watch infiltration in our kids' schools. The Satanic Church is attempting after school programs in our schools. The Satanic Church? One sits right here in Detroit. If the devil keeps trying me, I’m gonna talk to one of his members up close.

If you allow yourself to be guided by a liar and a trickster than you must be one as well.

People fall down and worship a being that can’t give them squat. He can offer riches that he murdered, thieved or manipulated for…ah, I can do all those things on my own and probably still have a better chance at repentance than if I allow a no-account, perverted being to dominate my existence.

So since one can maim and rob on their own, what exactly is it that this sucka does? He’s not trustworthy and will lie to his own followers.

If I turn the table, I deal with God because HE enriches my spirit. Of course, HE blesses me with things, but HE’s my solid dude. Maybe people deal with the devil to help them be more corrupt in spirit, but after a while when do you say, “Got It” and put panties on this sucka because he’s weak as hell? Yes, I’m pissed at the audacity.

Christ was 40 days in the desert starving and all he had to offer Him was riches. Somebody save me. Offer Him a hamburger, a glass of ice water. You’re offering pennies in exchange for diamonds and gold.

Then they lie and say, “Oh, we don’t worship the devil.”

And I quote High Priest Peter Gilmore stating:

"My real feeling is that anybody who believes in supernatural entities on some level is insane. Whether they believe in the Devil or God, they are abdicating reason."

And then I see:

“Church members may also participate in a system of magic which LaVey defined as “greater and lesser magic. Greater magic is a form of ritual practice and is meant as psychodramatic catharsis to focus one's emotional energy for a specific purpose; lesser magic is the practice of manipulation by means of applied psychology and glamour (or "wile and guile") to bend an individual or situation to one's will.”

So basically, Lies and Trickery.

Sounds like the devil to me. According to them, Satan is Hebrew for “adversary” or “opposer”. Why Hebrew? Why not use “adversary” in Russian, Mandarin, or Afrikaan? Then there’s the statute and the carnality. We have enough promiscuity on earth without his help.

By the way, think about that. Sex with one person (orally or genital-to-genital) means sleeping with every person that person ever slept with.

Ladies and Gentlemen, waiting on God for a spouse? I’ll tell my readers like Jesus told me: “Keep your legs closed”.

I took that to mean this: Why would HE give away one of HIS best for a spouse to another human being who sleeps around? I know, ladies. Every man you sleep with – well, you had the feeling that he was the one. It didn’t work out, cry a tear in a bucket and move on to the next one.

Jesus says, “Keep your legs closed”.

For those who wait patiently, you’ll get what you ask for.

Gentlemen, just having a little fun. It’s okay to walk away from her because she was a slut? If you sleep with her, what does that make you?

Jesus says, “Keep your legs closed”.

Anyway, now we've all heard the same stories about God and the Bible. There’s a lot of religions to choose from. Choose what's best for you, what you’re comfortable dealing with the consequences of because God isn’t puny. I say, be an atheist and refrain from evil so when your number comes up…hey, at least you’re not evil and all you missed out on is the wondrous personality of God.

Question: Why would God allow the devil to frustrate His purpose?

God says to “challenge HIM”. If we all do right, HE will make everything alright.

What about those that won’t do right?

To my, “what is a deity?” He is God. When one of us falls off, his brother is supposed to pick him up.

“Why do you lock rapists in tall houses only to free them years later? Send them to ME and I'll know whether to uplift or smash them. How many starving children could be fed with the money used to house them? When policeman and doctors ask, ‘Why?’ I say, ‘Be strong, blot out the bad when you see it because you are light.’ And they get upset at ME because they need to hear ME say the words. But they are only so strong. When their hearts give out, they will have their reward. Your world picks and chooses who the law kills. I AM GOD.”

God does not think as men.

“Everything needed for a human being to survive is on earth. Who's in charge?”

The devil will try to:

Coerce. Threaten. Attempt to sexually attract you by trying to figure out what turns you on, he will try to disgust you with what terrifies you, either expose what he thinks makes you look guilty before a God that sees down to the marrow. He’s arrogant, accuses God.