The UnGodly by Ang Berry - HTML preview

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Account #4

May 1st

Black female, 54 years

Q. Do you believe in God?

A. Oh, I love my Father.

Q. So will you tell me what happened?

A. It’s been at least 30 years. One day I came down the stairs to find my sister just standing there. She was like, “there’s something on my back. Get it off, get it off.”

I’m like, there isn't anything on you.

But at that time, she was using drugs really heavy and I thought that she was just out of it. She kept saying, “There’s something on my back. Get it off my back. Please pray for me.”

Like I said, I didn’t see anything but she was scared so I took her into her bedroom and prayed for her just so she would feel better. Now when I got to praying, she started jerking on the bed. I went and got water to bless and came back to pray over her but found that she was asleep.

I started again to pray and read from the bible. I threw the holy water on her and she started to jerk again. Some time passed like that with me reading from the bible and then suddenly something jumped off of her. I don’t know what it was. Maybe it was a demon. But the form was dark like a mist but it was formed. At that time instead of a bedroom door she had those beads, you know, the kind that hang in the doorway.

Well, it ran out the room through the beads and began to pace just outside the beads. It was staring at me but I couldn't make out a face just a black form. It was like “Bitch!”

Q. Were you afraid?

A. No. I never experienced anything like that in my life before or after then, but no.

Q. Then what happened?

A. I said, “Oh ok, so you think you’re just gonna stand there?” I got up and walked through the beads while continuing to read from the bible and it ran to the front door and watched me. I knew the Lord was there to help. It was summertime and the front door was open. It ran through the screen door and out the house. My sister says that she doesn’t remember, but I think she does. I know that is a time in her life that she wishes to keep in the past.