The Wedding Dance by Matthew Butcher - HTML preview

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The Pathological Road Map

I decided to choose the theme LOVE as a specific area to focus on to get the idea and we have came up with 5 different angles.

      First angle: True Love.

Talks about whether is it possible to find true love nowadays.

      Second angle: Long Distance Love.

Some people believe in long distance relationships and some don’t. This angle talks whether is it really possible for long distance relationship to sustain.

      Third angle: Promises.

People in relationship always promise and write vows to their partners that they’ll promise to love or stay by their sides forever. But is it possible for everyone to keep their promises towards their partner?

      Fourth Angle: Loving Even The Impossible. (Love Unconditional)

This angle talks about how a person entirely has love with a person that is impossible to dance in love with due to different races, cultures, background and everything or anything.

      Fifth angle: Break up.

      Break up is the worst and saddest part in a relationship and it’s a part where no couples wish and hope to go through. But, it still exist and most relationships ends with a break up. This angle talks about the choices a person chooses to go when facing a breakup. They can either decide to end the misery by ending their lives or take the ideal way which is to move on. Because by moving out, there are so many possibilities that could happen in the future.
