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agree with those who declare that the only long-range remedy for such moral disintegration is a return to faith in God and the true understanding of love. But I get weary of hearing the declaration repeated because there is so little likelihood of increasing our national understanding of both by representing it as a sort of emergency supplement to the police force, judicial and 80,000 laws nation wide to control society. Especially when a small hand full of laws can control you better with less effort and greater efficiency

      Certainly the extent of our moral disintegration is connected with a religious disintegration but we cannot even come in sight of a radical religious recovery until the churches and the people of this country begin to do penance for the American way of life.

      Jesus is a political prisoner: An American history of Christianity’s corruption Nowadays, the Christian right is a

fixture of the political world. But it hasn’t always been that


      According to the Pew Research Center, the Christian share of the population has declined in recent years from 78.4 percent to 70.6 percent. At the same time, the number of Americans identifying as religiously unaffiliated – including atheists and agnostics – has increased from 16.1 percent to 22.8 percent. The study attributes the changing religious landscape largely to millennial’s who attend church far less than previous generations. But the trend is noticeable among older demographics as well. So what are to we make of these findings?

      They should be seen, in part, as an inevitable result of the politicization of Christianity. Politics and religion have always made uneasy bedfellows, but there was a definitive shift in America’s political and religious culture in the 1940s that set Christianity on its current course. As historian Kevin Kruse notes in a recent essay, it was during this period that Christian America was co-opted by corporate America. Following the Great Depression, Big Business had something of an image problem, and needed re-branding. Also problematic was FDR’s New Deal, which was indispensable to the middle class but anathema to corporate interests.

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      Industrialists realized, Kruse writes, that, “As men of God, ministers could voice the same conservative complaints as business leaders, but without any suspicion that they were motivated by self-interest.” Kruse goes on to explain how religious authorities were recruited by business leaders: “It was a watershed moment – the beginning of a movement that would advance over the 1940s and early 1950s a new blend of conservative religion, economics, and politics that one observer aptly anointed Christian libertarianism.” Under the guise of this ideology, American clergy began to demonetize the state: individualism was exalted; secularism was synonymous with socialism; and collectivism became the preferred boogeyman’s of businessmen and Christians. In short, capitalists purchased the pulpits of preachers, who equated economic freedom with spiritual salvation, God with limited government.

      All the choices in the American way of life have corrupted the children of God for the possession of money and power. American way of life chooses money as the ruler against the above spiritual principles that preserve life and liberty. Liberty means to be free of the damages of the immoral dictatorships. But doesn’t the money, glutton, and greed enslave you and your religious beliefs? It is a immoral financial dictatorship. It is the responsibility of “We The People” to labor at tilling the grounds of corruption. Our landscape of corruptions bleeds the teachings you learn into the mind corrupting the spirit into the Fallen Angels that use the spirit of the Devil called false knowledge.

      The devil is the spirit of man fallen to the corruptions of false knowledge. The bible claims that Lucifer falls to earth but never walks the earth. That wise scripture of the above warns of the spirit of Man whom falls to the corruptions of False Knowledge.

      The disciples of morality must cleans the topography of the Society and if left unchecked grows the weeds that clips your wings. So I argue that the American Society must claim ownership for the pestilence, A deadly or violent epidemic disease. Everything that supports life and liberty in the pursuit of happiness is a hypocrisy. God must be restored in the governments. I say plural because your own belief systems are corrupted. Gravity holds everything down from escaping to the heavens. False Knowledge is Gravity against the truth and life of the Children of God,

      There is a saying that everything effects everything else. This means that most are innocent of the corruptions they absorb. But this also goes in reverse and can corrupt the spirit if left unchecked. There is death in too many of the systems and markets places. The temple is selling in the temple of creation. All humans also have a temple called the trinity of the body, spirit and mind. And Jesus comes to tip the tables the corruptions. This is true and refusing him brings forth the destructions of the table cloth of your landscape. This is fractal as it corrupts the land it also corrupts the landscape of the mind and family of Gods Children. Stresses are a sign that we must be vigilant in our commitment to cleans the American way of life.

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      While it is true that you don’t typically have to bribe your postman to deliver the mail in the US, in many key ways America’s political and financial practices make it in absolute terms far more corrupt than the usual global South suspects.

After all, the US economy is worth over $16 trillion a year, so in our corruption a lot more money changes hands.

  1. Instead of having short, publicly-funded political campaigns with limited and/or free advertising (as a number of Western European countries do), the US has long political campaigns in which candidates are dunned big bucks for advertising. They are therefore forced to spend much of their time fundraising, which is to say, seeking bribes. All American politicians are basically on the take, though many are honorable people. They are forced into it by the system. House Majority leader John Boehner has actually just handed out cash on the floor of the House from the tobacco industry to other representatives.

      When French President Nicolas Sarkozy was defeated in 2012, soon thereafter French police actually went into his private residence searching for an alleged $50,000 in illicit campaign contributions from the L’Oreale heiress. I thought to myself, seriously? $50,000 in a presidential campaign? Our presidential campaigns cost a billion dollars each! $50,000 is a rounding error, not a basis for police action. Why, George W. Bush took millions from arms manufacturers and then ginned up a war for them, and the police haven’t been anywhere near his house.

      American politicians don’t represent “the people.” With a few honorable exceptions, they represent the 1% that are rich and powerful. American democracy is being corrupted out of existence.

  1. That politicians can be bribed to reduce regulation of industries like banking (what is called “regulatory capture”) means that they will be so bribed. Billions were spent and 3,000 lobbyists employed by bankers to remove cumbersome rules in the zeros. Thus, political corruption enabled financial corruption (in some cases legalizing it!) Without regulations and government auditing, the finance sector went wild and engaged in corrupt practices that caused the 2008 crash. Too bad the poor Afghans can’t just legislate their corruption out of existence by regularizing it, the way Wall street did.
  2. That the chief villains of the 2008 meltdown (from which 90% of Americans have not recovered) have not been prosecuted is itself a form of corruption.

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  1. The US military budget is bloated and enormous, bigger than the military budgets of the next twelve major states. What isn’t usually realized is that perhaps half of it is spent on outsourced services, not on the military. It is corporate welfare on a cosmic scale. I’ve seen with my own eyes how officers in the military get out and then form companies to sell things to their former colleagues still on the inside.
  2. The US has a vast gulag of 2.2 million prisoners in jail and penitentiary. There is an increasing tendency for prisons to be privatized, and this tendency is corrupting the system. It is wrong for people to profit from putting and keeping human beings behind bars. This troubling trend is made all the more troubling by the move to give extra-long sentences for minor crimes, to deny parole and to imprison people for life for e,g, three small thefts.

  1. The rich are well placed to bribe our politicians to reduce taxes on the rich. This and other government policies has produced a situation where 400 American billionaires are worth $2 trillion, as much as the bottom 150 million Americans. That kind of wealth inequality hasn’t been seen in the US since the age of the robber barons in the nineteenth century. Both eras are marked by extreme corruption.
  2. The National Security Agency’s domestic spying is a form of corruption in itself, and lends itself to corruption.

With some 4 million government employees and private contractors engaged in this surveillance, it is highly unlikely that various forms of insider trading and other corrupt practices are not being committed. If you knew who Warren Buffet and George Soros were calling every day, that alone could make you a killing. The American political class wouldn’t be defending this indefensible invasion of citizens’ privacy so vigorously if someone somewhere weren’t making money on it.

  1. As for insider trading, it turns out Congress undid much of the law it hastily passed forbidding members, rather belatedly, to engage in insider trading (buying and selling stock based on their privileged knowledge of future government policy). That this practice only became an issue recently is another sign of how corrupt the system is.
  2. Asset forfeiture in the ‘drug war’ is corrupting police departments and the judiciary.
  3. Money and corruption have seeped so far into our media system that people can with a straight face assert that scientists aren’t sure human carbon emissions are causing global warming. Fox Cable News is among the more corrupt institutions in American society, purveying outright lies for the benefit of the billionaire class. The US is so corrupt that it is resisting the obvious urgency to slash carbon production. Even our relatively progressive president talks about exploiting all sources of energy, as though hydrocarbons were just as valuable as green energy and as though hydrocarbons weren’t poisoning the earth.

      Even Qatar, its economy based on natural gas, freely admits the challenge of human-induced climate change. American politicians like Jim Inhofe are openly ridiculed when they travel to Europe for their know-nothing on climate.