The Wedding Dance by Matthew Butcher - HTML preview

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Is Ignorance Bliss?

I think the question resonates from this saying.

“It is best not to know me at all than to know me and reject me”

      Jesus and his disciples said this and most of all he was a walk of Unconditional Love. He means rejecting the Love you know is true in the heart is much harder to live with than not knowing Love. The Laws of love are righteous and going against the righteous, creates the shames of light into the darkness.

      You often know when you are doing something wrong and you do it anyways in the light of what you know is true. It wars with the darkness until you accept the light of the truth. God never has a day off penetrating the darkness. That is what light does. Penetrates. You accept Gods lessons of light and it is allowed to penetrate or till the soil on the seed your watering in your mind.

Whether it is a weed seed or a fertile seed you can rest assured in knowing there is one treatment for both types.

      2 Peter 2:20 If indeed they have escaped the corruption of the world through their knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, only to be entangled and overcome by it again, their final condition is worse than it was at first. 21. It would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness than to have known it and turned away from the holy commandment passed on to them. 22 Of them the proverbs are true: “A dog returns to its vomit,” and, “A sow that is washed goes back to her wallowing in the mud.

Is Ignorance Bliss?

      If you have no knowledge and understanding of the walk of Jesus Christ or the Laws of Love you have bliss from no pain and reservations.

Confirmation ignorance is not bliss?

1). Thousands of years later Jesus Christ’s walk of unconditional love has spanned the test of time into our understanding of unconditional love.

Our understanding of unconditional love is rooted in the teachings of Jesus Christ of our entire history since the gospel.

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2). Jesus Christ’s walk of unconditional love has been confirmed by leading archaeologist from all over the world with 95.5% accuracy.

3). If you fail to use unconditional love in any of your relationships it will come back and return guilt.

      Emotions are a truth language of the conscious heart gifted to you by God with the ability to Love life.

      The gift confirms you can not tread with ignorance. Human emotions are the crack of the whip of your conscious. It is apart of your voice and it informs you when the experience is either a loss or a gain to your life. It is a voice that informs you that the current experience has a toxic relationship or a life rewarding experience.

      The Emotion Gratitude. Comes from truth and it can even come into being from the truths in a lie. I pray my eyes pierce through the lie in search of the truth. And the truth prevails a gratitude and a painful truth of what the lie does besides pain the heart of Love. And if you are toxic you will develop guilt if you do not listen to your emotions properly.

      And the guilt will be loud enough to make you dance in the festering guilt. The true path for the guilt is to listen to the emotion. It is telling you it isn’t life rewarding to have the guilt. So what do you do? You learn to do the opposites of what caused the guilt. Make amends. You learn and do the best you can to not let your guilt destroy your ability to learn past the guilt. You have to forgive first of all. If something in life hurt you and it fractured your own self worth it might have taken you down a road of abuse.

      And every lousy destructive thing that hurt you can become a God Bump. Using the Three Laws of 1.Forgiveness. 2. Self Love. 3. Understanding = Unconditional Love. (God Bumping Manna into the landscape of your mind and reality).

      A God bump makes strong dominant memories in the landscape of your mind. Making you strong in Manna if you receive the lessons of the good deed or tragedy whether you caused it or someone else caused it. And the opposite occurs when you do not listen to your emotions stripping away the Manna.

This also occurs when you use the Bible and your God Bumps or Manna in your mind as a Bible of actions in your history for your seeing, hearing, thinking, feeling and actions.

Like a spiritual light house shinning light and energy of love into and out of your world.

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      The first light or energy you receive is in the funnels of your eyes and ears. The second Light as you digest replicates a funnel into the input of your thinking and feeling in contemplation on down to the solution for acceptance. The third light is your actions that shine into the world spreading the Light of Manna into the funnel of the world and the worlds of others as you wander.

      And this brings heaven down to earth and it assists God of creation to replicate the heavens above into the minds of his children containing the true parent universe of the knowledge of the Alpha all the way to the Omega. As you travel backward in time from earth into the heavens and end up at the final destination of your journey, The Big Bang. When a child world understands the knowledge of the Body of God from the Big Bang to your present time in your universe it transforms you.

      Now your a child understanding of God and creation and a child of God requires you to be Light. So you must follow the light. The light first teaches you, so you mimic the teacher of the Lord of light Jesus Christ and teach love unconditional into the darkness. Second, The Light penetrates the darkness always. Illuminating knowledge into understanding. Creating a New World.

      Now this rebirth first occurs in your world of perceptions and making it new. Then it replicates into your families perceptions creating the rebirth into the minds hearts of family. I see the final days as being fractal and happing all around us.

      New means you accept everything in knowledge and

understanding. Including the Illusions of the false realities created into our worlds by the Powers of the Beast in false knowledge.

      The Beast is the broken wing that enters the earth as the fallen angel yet never walks the earth. Because the child carries the beast into the world of the innocent children’s worlds of perception, knowledge and understanding. Replicating the Armageddon, a lake of fire in false knowledge that consumes the voice of the conscious heart and turns it into stone. It wars with your world of truth. It also wars with the worlds around you and the wars of the worlds of your first government of emotions, including the government of spirituality. The Unconditional Love, the Jesus inside you to govern is denied and it breaks the wing of the child to reason with truth in the heaven of the mind called wisdom. A higher thought processes of reasoning is drowned with emotions ungoverned

      And the prophecies of the Armageddon are then replicated into the child creating the powers of destruction. And if it fails to govern the teachings of light and penetrate the darkness it faces a Armageddon as it wars with death.

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Then Also replicates the prophecies of the Armageddon into the parent world of reality.

      Example: The religions of Christ have had a serious fear of Armageddon for thousands of years and this gets reflected into the teachings of the disciples and the pupils and then will have a perception of blaming a great deal of the man around them as being the cause of the Armageddon.

      It also scares a new comer into rejecting the Bible. It also carries a great fear of Passing Through The Eye of the Needle as well. It took longer than I care to admit, but eventually, the reckless handling of Scripture became too hard to ignore. One of the most blatant examples was related to Christ’s interaction with the rich young ruler. Luke 18:22-25 explains

      When Jesus heard this, He said to him, “One thing you

still lack; sell all that you possess and distribute it to the poor, and you shall have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me.” But when he had heard these things, he became very sad, for he was extremely rich. And Jesus looked at him and said, “How hard it is for those who are wealthy to enter the kingdom of God! For it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” Jesus was the light of the heavens and the governments of truth, love, knowledge,understanding into wisdom. It stitches and sews the society of Life.

      Based on the simple reading of the text, there shouldn’t be any confusion about what it means to pass a camel through the eye of a needle (the reference also appears in Matthew 19:24 and Mark 10:25). And yet I’ve witnessed pastors do all sorts of exegetical gymnastics to explain away the clear meaning of Christ’s words—throughout Europe and America.. What at first glance seems like a straightforward hyperbolic illustration has been twisted, contorted, and explained away through eisegesis and iffy archeology.

      The explanation usually goes something like this: Christ wasn’t referring to the eye of a literal needle—that would be preposterous. Instead, He was talking about a narrow entrance into the city of Jerusalem, a gate known locally as “the eye of the needle.” This gate was so small that a camel could only be brought through with great difficulty, squeezed through on its knees—which depicts how we humbly need to come to the Lord.

      That explanation can be quite compelling—after all, humility is necessary—as long as you don’t read the next two verses of Luke’s gospel: “They who heard it said, ‘Then who can be saved?’ But He said, ‘The things that are impossible with people are possible with God’” (Luke 18:26-27).

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      Christ’s words make the point of His illustration abundantly clear. He can’t mean that the rich man can only attain salvation through humility—getting a camel to stoop and squeeze through a narrow gate might be challenging, but it doesn’t require divine intervention. In context, His point is unmistakable: Manufacturing your own salvation is just as impossible as threading a massive beast of burden through the eye of a sewing needle. Apart from the intervention of the Lord, it cannot be done.

      Now the teachers of light should be taking more focus on the Book of John and notice Jesus was a serious street stomped with the church in his heart. And stitching the light into the sleep walking hearts of society that has a negative language that enslaves them into the power of the beast in false governments with powers of manipulation.

      This also replicates into the heart of the child into manipulating the world around him. This is a nasty mirroring of the conscious of the government of a human society. Now if you put two mirrors and you put yourself between the mirrors you will see yourself replicating. Now take that representation from you to the great powers of manipulation of the countries governmental processes of greed allowing the filth of an addicted nation. It is like a table cloth that you walk on in life. It has a lot of trash that you are forced to eat. So it is the responsibility for us to clean the table cloth.

      Now remember the beast wants you to eat its food and it will lead you to your last supper and isn’t it the bottom of the barrel of any food you would want to eat? Yes absolutely!

      Now Jesus was a cleanser of not only the righteous body of the Child of Creation. He was also the cleanser of the table cloth of families in our table cloth of society. See how the churches in our society teaches the fear of man and does not emphasize the teachings, mimicking and replicating the Jesus into the table cloth? They should be teaching and looking for the ones to mimic the teacher into the ashes of our society. “Out of the ashes comes good things” Jesus teaches to the ashes that burn the understanding and bring it to light.

Job 30:19 , Job 42:6, Malachi 4:3, Daniel 9:3, Isaiah 44:19 - Isaiah 44:21

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