The Wedding Dance by Matthew Butcher - HTML preview

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“In His Likeness”

In the bible and religion we teach that God looks like Man and Man looks like God with ten fingers and ten toes but I am going to show you a fractal understanding of the wedding dance that illustrates His likeness in everything including his children of humanity. The most evolved form of life and energy. God truly loves us and is the origin of everything including seeing, hearing, thoughts, feelings and actions. I once was blind but now I see. I once was deaf but now I hear.

The universe started with the first dance of two raw particles called the God Particle. “When two or more gather in my midst there shall I be. United in principle is the God particle and everything that originates from it is new worlds within new worlds within new worlds. The two god particles unite and have an orbit that is so fast both appear in the same place at the same time as well as move forward in time and space creating a orbiting stacking of the language of evolution.

To evolve into a new unique branch or new world from the last. 1+1 = 3. Evolution takes place when Space time and energy dance into new worlds of knowledge understanding and wisdom. The whole thing including thoughts, feeling and actions are all connected in a strand of code that can be read and discerned. To know this code would discern that we are all one world with worlds within worlds within worlds that can be played back all the way back to the first song that started the first dance. Music has instruments and rhythm that move forward in time changing the language of the last into a new whole understanding of the knowledge of the music into wisdom of the song. To know the song of anything is wisdom, So we can say the song of anything is God. Song, being the knowledge of anything is the fractal understanding of God who is all Wisdom.

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Lets look at the first dance Time, Space and Energy moving forward in time and given space and energy. Father Time. The beginning of the helix of life. The way it works is it weds with another world of knowledge into a never ending understanding of wisdom. The god particle will wed with another and then create, electrons and quarks. A new pair of new worlds that dance and create neutron and protons the nucleus of all atoms Hydrogen and Helium is the next into the largest suns ever created that will give birth to all the elements we see today. The sun will explode and disperse new worlds from the one out into space and time. If you look close 1+1=3. And they all originate from a one. Trinities as one moving forward in time in a dance of wisdom. The language of the evolution of energy since the beginning of time can be read or sung into a dynasty of wisdom. Understanding “The Kingdom of God” The knowledge of one part of the song added to another gives birth to a new understanding of both into the wisdom of a new world. Energy and knowledge stack through time the same way. Both are a language. Languages within languages within languages.

Look to the mind. It has a trinity of three languages to make up you. Light, Chemical and electrical languages wedding into One. You and it records in the mind as time moves forward giving you the ability to look into the past language while in the present and then discern the path into the future. The trinity of Time. A child of father time. A child of Alpha to Omega. A child of God, A child of Love, A child of knowledge. A child of understanding, A child of Wisdom, A child of the Stars. A child of evolution, A child of Light, A child of Electromagnetic energy, A child of Chemistry the same language as the atoms, stars, you and your child universe of your mind. Fractal see how you can see a recognizable language or pattern. Knowledge will wed with knowledge and give birth to a new world of understanding. 1+1=3+1=4+1=5. When 2 or more gather in my midst there shall I be. “Wisdom” God is all wisdom. Look at the double helix that makes you. It is a stacking of information that makes you a child of God with awareness of the parent universe and child universe that equals a world of wisdom. Wedding the two give you the nature of God and his infinite worlds of knowledge into understanding and wisdom. The trinity of mind and consciousness. Awareness.

Now lets look at the helix Knowledge, understanding and wisdom all evolve in a orbiting dance that moves forward in time. Creating a helix of code. The atom moves forward in time creating a orbiting helix of code. The Solar system moves forward in time and space creating a helix of code. The Human Body, Mind and Spirit moving forward in time creates a helix of code. The God, Jesus (Man as a child of God) and holy spirit moving forward in time create a helix of code. The galaxies of stars, planets and moons moving forward in time creates a helix of code. See the trinities and helix within trinities and helix’s within trinities and helix’s? Even the double helix is comprised of cells that have orbiting worlds in a universe creating a multi verse of code into a helix

Now lets look at the tree. The tree of knowledge branches out into new worlds of understanding and wisdom. The human tree branches out into new families of knowledge, understanding and wisdom. The tree of religion branches out into new worlds of knowledge. The tree of life originates from the one into branches of infinite worlds of knowledge. The unity of one or more gather in my midst there shall I be in the world of knowledge that branches out into orbiting understandings. The cell has a nucleus with worlds orbiting around it in a membrane of its universe. Creating a vast multi-verse of worlds of knowledge wedded into understanding. 1+1=3, two to tango into 3. The trinities branching out from that from which they came. Origin. Origin is one of our greatest questions throughout all time. To be gods fingertips stretch-