The Wedding Dance by Matthew Butcher - HTML preview

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“Living Water”

The spiritual living water and the worlds living water speaks the same language. Both contain a trinity of life. The God, Jesus and holy spirit and the H20. Two hydrogen and one oxygen that relates to the same principles that speak the same language. It unites hydrogen and oxygen. All supporting life. Both quench the thirst and both follow the same principles as the God particle. Unity in principle is the God particle. It weds with another creating a language of both that unite into a new world of both becoming one. A new world of understanding. 1+1=3.

Both support life. Both speak the language of the life of anything that supports life. Both are indestructible. Example You don’t fight fire with fire you unless you have no water. But you have water. Plenty of water. You have the living water that lyes in the heart in the form of love and truths. When a fire seems large you turn to the heart and apply more water. And you will find that water is greater than fire. Indestructible! What happens to water when it fights fire? Does it get destroyed? No, It turns into a gas and unites once more into the atmosphere in the form of clouds that unite into rain that unites into life. It unites into the plants that unites into life. In the root system are small tubes that accept one molecule at a time and since it cant compress the molecule. It stacks or unites one water molecule below the last pushing the water up into the plant supporting the language of life. The plants unite into the food chain of life. Also in the bible the water is referenced as the breath or atmosphere of life. Both breath life. Both are the cup that filleth over,


  1. A fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior or for a chain of reasoning.
  2. “The basic principles of Christianity”

  1. “The most elementary principles of physics (Natural Physics” A small set of laws or principles that govern all other laws

  1. A general scientific theorem or law that has numerous special applications across a wide field. (Like Unconditional Love. God, Jesus and The Holy Spirit refereed to as the Breath or Atmosphere). The living water of Life. These three

quench the thirst and have numerous Special applications

Synonyms: truth, proposition, concept, idea, theory, postulate; assumption, basis, fundamental, essence, essential; philosophy.

Drinking of God as the Fountain of Living Waters to Become

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His Increase

Drinking of God as the Fountain of Living Waters to Become His Increase. In the picture: John 4:13-14We as Christians and genuine believers in Christ need to do one thing: we need to drink of God as the fountain of living waters! Yes, we need to read the Bible, we need to pray, we need to meet with other saints, and we need to do so many other things, but first and foremost, even as we’re doing all the other things, we need to drink God.

Our God is a fountain of living waters, and any other water we drink will never satisfy or quench our thirst (John 4:1314). How do we drink of God? There are many ways, the simplest of which is calling on the name of the Lord – O Lord Jesus! – From the depth of our being, until living water gushes out!

Also, we can drink of God by exercising our spirit as we read the Bible, by pray-reading the Word of God, by singing, by praying, etc. As long as we open our mouth and exercise our spirit, we drink God as the living water!

In His economy God desires to dispense Himself as the living water into us as His people to produce His increase, His enlargement, for His expression (see Col. 2:19: we hold the Head, from whom comes something which causes the growth of the Body into the Head).

The result of our drinking of God as the fountain of living waters is that we become His increase and His enlargement.

God’s Economy is to Dispense Himself into us to Produce His Increase.

What is God’s economy? What is God’s plan and His purpose? He doesn’t merely want followers, zealous adherents to a set of laws and principles of the living water with Unconditional Love. What God desires in His economy is to dispense Himself as the living water into man with Unconditional Love so that He may produce His increase, His enlargement, to be His corporate expression.

Everything God does is organic, and when the Lord Jesus was on the earth He kept likening Himself to the living water, the bread of life, the living bread, the life, the resurrection life, etc.

Throughout the Bible God is consistent when it comes to what His economy is: He wants to be man’s life and life supply by dispensing Himself into man as living water and living bread.

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When we eat of God and drink of Him, an organic process takes place in us – we are being reconstituted with God, re-arranged inwardly, and we look like Him more and more. Eventually, God as life fills us, saturates us, and is expressed through us.

This is God’s economy, to gain a corporate expression on the earth through a group of people who daily enjoy His dispensing as living water and bread of life (John 6:35)!

In Jeremiah 2:13 we see God rebuking His people of the evil of forsaking Him as the fountain of living waters. In John 4:10, 14 the Lord Jesus presents Himself to man as the fountain of living water. In John 7:38-39 we see that whoever believes into the Lord will have river of living water flowing from his innermost being. In Rev. 22:1-2 we see that in the New Jerusalem there’s a river of water of life flowing throughout the city and the tree of life is on both sides of the river.

The seed is in Jeremiah, the development is John, and the consummation is in Revelation.

Taking God as the Fountain of Living Waters by Drinking


We need to see that nothing apart from God as the fountain of living waters can quench our thirst and satisfy us. Also, nothing apart from God being dispensed into us can make us His increase for His expression. We need to see that nothing apart from God as the fountain of living waters can quench our thirst and satisfy us. Also, nothing apart from God being dispensed into us can make us His increase for His expression.

No effort to please God, get close to God, read His word (without drinking Him), acquire spiritual and biblical knowledge (without drinking God) will do. The only way for us to take God as the fountain of living waters is to drink Him.

When we drink God, when we exercise our spirit and open our mouth and heart to receive Him as living water into us, we become God’s increase and enlargement, and out of our being will flow rivers of living water!

We see the matter of drinking in Paul’s writings also: in 1 Cor. 12:13 we see that we were all baptized in one Spirit into one Body (we were immersed and put into the Spirit), and we were all given to drink one Spirit (we take the Spirit in and are saturated with the Spirit). This is the Body of Christ: a group of human beings that are immersed and lost in the Spirit (baptized in the Spirit) and who continually drink of the Spirit and are saturated with the Spirit.

In 1 Cor. 10:3-4 Paul tells us that we eat Christ as the living spiritual food and drink Him as the living water, as we see in type the Israelites doing so in the wilderness (the manna is a type of Christ and the rock that followed the Jews was also a type of Christ).