The Word of God about antichrist and the apocalyptic beast by Jesus Christ - HTML preview

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Oh, all the time instruction is needed as in heaven over the faithful, and they have to be good and eat from their table, for the time is with much lie through those who are the sons of lie, the sons of the antichrist, the king of this fleeting age. Oh, happy are those who remain in My word, which carries them to heaven, to the kingdom from above; and behold, I have spoken on this day and left instruction for a holy watch, for holy humility, lest the spirit wandering away from man may have the power to work upon man against God inside man.  

Excerpt from the Word of God on the Sunday of the tax collector and the Pharisee, from 09-02-2014. (On Calameo; on; on jumpshare; on Google Drive)



 First of all, I speak to you, My people, about the pain over the land and Romanian people, for I, the Lord, have the work of My word in its midst and want to protect this land. But the man calls the anger instead, and draws upon him a heavy guilt, and the guilt brings about the punishment, for here, in churches and on the way everything is red, (A reference to the electoral propaganda for the European-Parliamentary elections, made in churches for the Social Democrat Party, the former Communist Party, now in power, whose logo is red with three roses, r.n.); it is the seal of the antichrist, the one who mocks the heaven, the earth and the man with his working, for the red color is his sign, red everywhere, as it is written about the one who was born red all over, about Edom, the one who works against faith, against God.


 And I, the Lord, let the Romanian people know to clean and not clothe its churches and houses in red, for this draws My wrath against the sign of the antichrist, the man of lawlessness, and upon his listeners, who ask for wrath on earth by not listening to God. Here the proud ones in the Romanian people, (SDP – Social Democrat Party, r.n.) has filled this country with the cursed red color, and these are enemies, not sons, and they are the ones that want to put out peace, for their mind is only for themselves, only for their glory and wealth gathering. Oh, they are not benefactors of the Romanian people; rather they are the ones who want to bring about the plagues over this country. 


Let My word be heard in the sanctuaries of the churches and let the red garment be taken out from everywhere, for this sign brings about wrath and curse, and the wrath is coming all over where the red color is, and I, the Lord, proclaimed this upon the earth, and I proclaim it again and say: the red is the color and the sign of the antichrist, the man of lawlessness, the man who dressed Me two thousand years ago in chlamys of shame, not as the men say that red is an imperial color. Yes, it is the color of emperors, but of those from on earth who love empty glory, temporariness, haughtiness, not humiliation, and white is the color of the Lord, the Man of sufferance and the color of His saints in heaven and on earth. The one Who made the light is He. When He comes down on earth His light and His word are a blessing on earth, and when His wrath comes down, the earth turns red, the waters turn red, ruination and sufferance comes upon those who do not listen to the Lord.


 Oh, Romanian people, listen to My voice from upon you! If you want blessing and protection from God, do not walk to decorate your land, your church, your house and your body in red, for this sign brings about the curse which flagellates everywhere, for the evil draws to evil as it is written.


Oh, Romanian people, do not play with your destiny of today, of tomorrow and with the last one, after the Lord will reign all over! Oh, do not play, Romanian people! I, the Lord, exhort you to this. Throw away the red sign from your hearth, so that destruction may no longer come to you, and if you cannot believe what I am telling you, then listen to the word by which I am exhorting you now and you will see the truth of My word, and you will see the enemies inside and those outside falling with a great noise so that they may not harm you, so that they may not draw you to destruction when you do not watch. And if you do not listen, then I, the Lord, will work with My step and with the heavenly hosts of saints of this nation and I will cleanse from lie and from the man of lawlessness the hearth of the Romanian people, on which I want to prepare a time of heavenly feast, a time of a miracle, not heard by this time; and this is coming on the hearth of the Romanian people, because the Father has sent Me here to come, and I have set here the spring of My word, which is flowing now, in the end, over the earth for resurrection and for life, the spring of life upon people. 

 Excerpt from the Word of God on the fifth Sunday after Passover, of the Samaritan woman, on 18-05-2014. (On Calameo; on; on jumpshare; on Google Drive)



Oh, Romanian people, the Father has chosen you from among the nations for God to dwell in you with His coming on earth as word now, in the end of the time. Oh, chosen nation for the Lord’s coming on earth now, behold, you have a special election, according to God’s will. The Lord’s will is done in you, and with it He overthrows the man’s will for the Lord’s will to be fulfilled. Amen. 


Oh, My mother Virgin, We have to speak to the Romanian people on your day of feast, for We have to work the Lord’s will during these days. There is much sin on earth everywhere, mother. There is much sin here, too, on the hearth of the Romanian people. The greatest sin among other sins is the man’s haughtiness, mother. Because of this sin, man separates himself from God and wants to do his own will, mother. Oh, how much holy order We have to ordain on this land chosen by the Father for My today’s coming with the saints and with the angels, as it is written for Me to come, mother. Oh, people on this hearth do not know, they do not know the Lord’s will with this country, but We know mother, and it is written in the Scriptures, and if it is written it has to be fulfilled because this is written. The mystery and the work of the country of brightness We have to work and ordained on this hearth and My enemy antichrist and all his servants have to find here their defeat for this is written.


Oh, We have to overthrow now the will of the proud man and of all his servants, mother. We have to do a very detailed work, because the man who opposes the heaven on earth wants to work right now through the church the falsehood which he has got in his blood for his ascending to a high seat, (Reference to the agreement of the church to support Victor Ponta at the presidential elections from the end of this year, the president of the left party, one of the heads of the red beast, r.n.) and the spirit of lying is his work, mother; however, We, mother, together with the people of My word stand against with watch and prayer before the Father of the heavens so that the Lord may overcome and not the man of this hard time, as now it is a time of trial over the Romanian people, mother.


… — Oh, Romanian people, watch and get up to a holy watch, for those in heaven are watching much upon you now, in the time of great trial upon you. The Holy Spirit will overshadow you and the Power of the Most High will lead you to do His will now, to your salvation of today and to that of tomorrow, for the red kingdom wants to catch you and it fly its flags over your head, but you do not have to forget of what trial the Lord took you out, (At the revolution from under the communist dictatorship, no); oh, do not forget, lest you may be deceived, country of my Son Jesus Christ, country of the Lord now, in the end of the time. Behold, red is an enemy, as the Lord has told you and He has also told you not to love it, not to wear the red color, for the red color draws the curse and your enemy is drawn red, too.


Woe to the church dwelling places, which are dressed in red, for here it is how they are and who draws to them! The Lord’s garment is white, is holy, is clean, and the red cloak{43} is the robe of the Lord’s enemy, and my Son Christ was mocked with it by the rulers of the time. However, you should dress in white, Romanian people, and watch day and night for your little garment, for behold, the red man has stolen the sign of your people, the Romanian shirt, and this is how the red thief knows how to fool you, and he is the thief, not your brother, oh, no.

 Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Birth of the Lord’s Mother, from 21-09 2014. (On Calameo; on; on jumpshare; on Google Drive)



I, the Lord, have a heavenly plan in My hand, and I work according to it, and you, My country of today, are written with the Father to be the glory of the nations and to be their light, and you are promised by the Father to be a holy mountain, to which the nations and the languages on earth may go to take My light, My word into your midst, and which brings salvation and love on earth. 


Oh, Romanian people, the dragon with seven heads and ten horns is not easily overcome, but My power will overcome it, as it is written. The work of the antichrist tries to catch you under it in order that you may no longer have God as your father, Romanian people, but I, the Lord, will triumph over any opposing power which may come into the way of My glory to deprive man of God, the Maker of the heaven, of the earth and of man, and you should get up near Me, Romanian people, get up Romanian sons to overcome with the power of the Father, as this power is in My word upon you, sons. Receive power from My word, oh, sons, for God is with you on earth by the word, and he has a written history on your hearth now, during this time.

 Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Lord’s Ascension, from 21-05-2015. (On Calameo; on; on jumpshare; on Google Drive)



Oh, do not get angry, you who say that you are great servants at the altars to the Lord. Oh, no one will take your kingdom. It does not resemble My kingdom, since you do not resemble God’s people, for I was poor, scorned and humble, and you are rich, praised by people and proud with your pride in you, and behold, you do not resemble God. Oh, do not be afraid! In vain you get troubled and make waves. Look at the love and the good and beautiful walking of the sons of My word and do not sting as you know how to do it and bite in order to cast out those who do not comply with you. Oh, how praised you would have been if you had received My word, with which I come, comfort and bring man to life and teach him on the clean way for his walking! Oh, how bad it is for you when you lie in ambush to despise and then threaten those who bow to take the love and word of My mouth! However, I am telling those, who are oppressed by you, both in the face and in secret, taking them out from around you, and I am telling them this: 


Oh, do not be sad, you who are pressed down, those who are rebuked by those who are great, who sit upon you to keep you as slaves of their greatness. The Lord brings you under shelter in bad time, and you should rejoice! Oh, how much cruelty in their hearts! How great these persecutors feel and think they are! Oh, woe to their greatness! They are weak, since they are afraid and defend their kingdom in this way. I, the Lord, neither at that time, nor at this time am I received by the bishops, and Judas, whom they used, saw only in the end that he was deceived, and then he cried out and told them the truth saying: "I have sinned in that I betrayed innocent blood". But the bishops did not care about him and said: "What is that to us? You see to it". (Matt: 27/4) Nevertheless, Judas gave their money back and they remained with the money with which they paid for the Lord, and they used it too. However, you should not let yourselves get caught by the trap of deceit, for almost all the bishops of today are like those of old, and woe to those who, among the servants at the altars, allow to be deceived, believing in the power over the world of the bishops of the times! 


You, servants at the altars, flee from the love of money and from greatness! Do not be enchanted by the money and by the positions in the church. I am your example and you should take after Me, to feel that you are God’s servants. The servant of God does not comply with what the people of the church do, who, behold, they are ready and able to overthrow and bring the ship down to the bottom, the two thousand year church, which has endured and has not mixed up with those who have been foreign from the heavenly law upon it.


Oh, there comes the demolition and not the building of the faith, for there comes and appears a great mixture, and this is not from God or from the saints, but it is rather from the antichrist, about whom it is written that he will be to surround the citadel of the saints, Christ’s church, but I speak the word and say: Let him who is to perish, perish, and let those who are faithful not be afraid! This union is not from God but it is the antichrist’s work that with a hidden face under the robe of Christ’s church, as it was two thousand years ago. 


I am strengthening the word and say: Not the people but the saints will work on earth for My church, and when Gog and Magog would dare surround the citadel of the saints, fire from heaven will come down on earth, fire and brimstone will work, and the Antichrist’s plan will be consumed together with all his angels, and I, the Lord, will sit on a white seat and open the books, and I will open this book too, and all My work will be seen, like that of the enemy people, and I will sit on a high mountain with My bride, as it is written, and My new name will be called the Word of God. (Apoc: 19/13) Amen, amen, amen.

 Excerpt from the Word of God at the synod of the Saint John, the Baptizer, from 20-01 2016. (On Calameo; on; on jumpshare; on Google Drive)



Oh, peace to you, My today’s citadel, My new Jerusalem! It is written that I will build Jerusalem again, to have a place today where to come in when I come on white horses with the saints and clothed in linen shirts, and all in the same way, as it is written in the Scriptures about My coming with the heavenly hosts and that out of My mouth comes a sharp sword to strike the nations with it and to rule them with an iron rod, and My name is called the Word of God, (Apoc: 19/13), as it is written, and I do not come out of the Scriptures with anything, when this is My work or when someone might want to judge Me according to the law. (See the selection topic: "The apocalyptic white horse{44}", r.n.)


I come down to you as word, Romanian people, and I shepherd you in time of storm, for I see wolves looking out to divest you of your customs and faith and of My blessing and of My saints’. Behold, I stand watch over you with the saints and with the fathers from heaven and We exhort you to be on watch as well and to believe that it is a time of storm upon you, and you do no longer have any shepherds with mercy on you to prevent you from perishing on the way and to strengthen your way with God, and God’s way with you, for behold how high the rulers upon you sit in the name of Christ’s church, and behold how they lead you into the arms of My enemy and yours, the antichrist, about whom it is written into the Scriptures about the way he is going to come and about the way he is going to be with his work, hidden from the mind of the common man; however, I am going to come and remove their veil and I am telling you that he is clothed within the garment of church and that he is a wolf and not a shepherd, and I, the Lord, wake you up in the middle of the dark and teach you the wisdom from above,  as there is no other better wisdom on earth, as everything is mixed up on earth and there is only lie face to face with man and there is no more distinction between evil and good and God is needed with the people on earth, lest the curse may make its way because of the rulers of the church, who bow too much before the antichrist enemy, and who try to spoil the holy customs, left from the holy fathers to be kept and observed at their place in the book of the calendar of the Christian, the greatest people on earth. Oh, there is no greater or stronger people between earth and heaven than Christ’s people, the people that keeps the heaven on earth and God among people, as two thousand years ago, I told the faithful ones: "I will be with you to the end of the time". (Matt: 28/20)


Oh, keep good watch, Romanian people, Christian people, because the antichrist wants to overthrow everything that has remained holy, as by deceit he overthrew the feasts of the saints and now he wants to change from its place in the calendar the feast of My resurrection, the date of the Passover, the greatest feast of the Christianity in heaven and on earth, set well at its place through the saints full of the Holy Spirit and whose light comes from heaven and kindles the lights on the day of the feast of My resurrection, (Reference to the desire of the rulers of the Orthodox churches, after long and secret negotiations with catholic people and other Christian cults in order to establish a permanent date, accepted by all, the 1st May – for the feasts of the Holy Passover, a thing clearly in disagreement with the tradition and teaching of the Lord’s holy fathers, r.n.) Surely, this true establishment is not convenient to the antichrist-satan, confirmed by its signs, (Confirmed by the descending of the Holy Light at Jerusalem, only at the Feast of the Lord’s Resurrection in the old Orthodox style – the Julian Calendar, r.n.), as then when I was resurrected victoriously and by My resurrection, I judged the ruler of this world, as I wrote two thousand years ago about the meaning of the miracle of My resurrection to the judgment of those who crucified Me, of those who have been unfaithful since then and up to this day. 


I knock to be opened to Me and I enter to tell those who serve at the altars clothed in royal robes with mitres on their heads, and I tell them about their work that leads astray the souls of the Christian flock and to stop somehow this idle running to nowhere. 


Oh, open, you bishops and priests, who sit before the flock of the Orthodox flock of the Romanian people, for I, the Lord, Jesus Christ, am speaking to you and I am saying this: Oh, where did the mixed work come from, which you misinterpret according to the mind of the antichrist enemy, who calls this mixture brotherhood, and behold where this mixture has led you, for with it you have violated the ruling laws of the holy fathers for My church, and accursed for those who may want to trample under their feet the holy order of the church, the good helm in storms, for you opened to the storm to come in, to knock and to shake all things from their place, (In the year of 1924, when they changed the Feast of the Lord’s Birth – Christmas, from the old style – Julian, to the new one, Catholic – Gregorian, r.n.), from the time appointed to them, as it was the great blow which changed the feasts of the saints from their place, and now, instead of bringing back those that were changed to have again the blessing of the saints by repentance, behold, you want to shake off the heaven and the earth, and you want to remove from its place in the ancestral calendar the feast of the Lord’s Passover and of the good and faithful Christians, and because of that, I come to ask you if it comes to your mind what a great curse you want to incur on earth when you rise above the saints, who set, blessed and cursed those who may want to spoil those established with the work of the Holy Spirit and with the heavenly life of the saints on earth, as long as they lived on earth and established from God the holy order of My church to the end of the time; and behold, you do not want to open the Scriptures so that you may not go wrong receiving advice from foreigners, or to open the book of the churchly order and read in it and know that you are not allowed to change or remove anything from it, you who have not loved holiness and the Holy Spirit Who works through the saints, and behold who you are, because you do not love the holy fathers, and if still there are from time to time on earth saints with God in them by their holy life, then you try to hide them and bind them trinkets, and you do this for fear of not being judged because of the lack of holiness in your life, with which you sit on the seats of church. Oh, no! One should not sit on these seats in the name of the Lord like this. I know that you like to dress in royal clothes and crowns on your heads to draw the men’s glory upon you, but what is going to happen with the Christian flock you do not care because you are making now a vow and keep on doing this with the work of antichrist that has a hidden face under the robe of Christ’s church, when long ago he got out from the church in the beginning and kept on working against Me by his disobedience to God and by his pride to be the father of men on earth, when My word from the Scriptures has been standing powerfully against him and saying this to the Christians: "Call no man on earth your father, for one is your father, He Who is in heaven". (Matt: 23/9


… —I have put on your table My word and its work, Romanian people. Oh, wake up each other, Romanian sons! The antichrist and its servants want to put out from the earth the name of the tracks of Christians and they want to replace them with the work, painted in white, of their darkness without God. Oh, get up to watch for the holy customs and for their observance, Romanian sons, for you are a great and faithful people by My great blessing over this patch of land, on which, behold, I am descending with the word now, in the end and at the beginning of time, for am building again a citadel for Me, as I had a citadel and a people two thousand years ago in Israel, the people that took Me out from its midst, persecuted and crucified Me; however, I came to life and left from their midst, and the Father gave Me as a gift even from that time the Romanian land and the people on it so that My people may be a Christian nation, Christ’s people to the end of the time.

 Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the three hierarch