The Word of God about the Book of the Lamb (The Book of Life) by Jesus Christ - HTML preview

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– I, My people of today, make the saints glad when I take them in My coming down upon you, and I fulfill from your midst the Enoch’s Scripture, who prophesied about My coming with the saints and said: «The Lord is coming with tens of thousands of His saints», and after him, My apostle John also prophesied this and said: «His name is called the Word of God, and His armies, which are in heaven come after Him, riding on white horses, clothed in white, pure and fine linen». (See also Apoc: 19/13-14)


Oh, how long have the saints been waiting for My coming, sons! Oh, how much you also have to wait too; and you should always wait, as those that wait for their Master upon His coming back! Behold, what a feast of saints and fathers, and I fulfill My coming with them and I am the mysterious One and I fulfill, and I am with the clouds and I come, for I am the wonderful One.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the seventh Sunday after Passover, of the holy fathers, from 12-06-2005. (On Calameo)



I come down as word of feast into your midst, My new people. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, I always bring with Me the word of renewal for everything, when I come to you, so that you may be refreshed with every passing day more and more after My image, until you are able to see Me fully that I was and that I am into your midst, covering My face, for My mystery is great, My people, but yours is also great since I, the Lord, work for the new making of everything, and you are the one who believe Me within My works and make room within you for the path of the word of My coming, by which I glorify Myself with the glory that I have had from the Father before the foundation of the world, when I was speaking by the Spirit of the Father, Who was in Me, and when all things were being made and then were giving being to heaven, to earth and waters, and then everything in them and among them and then over them. Amen.


I made into your midst the way of My coming and the mystery of the new making of the world, My people, and you should not live as on earth after I have come with My coming in the end of the time and after I have separated you from the world and after I have settled in you with the glory that I had from the Father before I founded the world. This mystery was the word, My people, and the Father has been well pleased with it in Me in the beginning and in the end, before the world started to be in the beginning, and again, before He is going to make it now, in the end. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Transfiguration, from 19-082005. (On Calameo)



Woe to those who know the word from Me once, and then once again two thousand years ago, and again, now, after the ages and their seals have passed, so that I may be able to open My book with the seven seals and to work out the righteousness for God with it, and which the people of the ages have always, always forgotten about, because on earth it is not as in heaven and it is not seen as in heaven. The man stays away from God on earth, and that is why the heaven is not seen by man, but there is no man who, by taking off his body, may not see the heaven on earth and may not suffer deeply and heavily from his separation from God and from God’s angels, because without angels the man is not able to have any word before Me. Without God’s angels one cannot erase from the tally the man’s departure from God. And here I am with an angelic feast near My people born of My word in this time.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the synod of the holy archangels Michael and Gabriel, from 21-11-2005. (On Calameo)



I come down into the book with My saints, for the patriarch Enoch, (See the selection topic: "Enoch and Elijah", r.n.) the seventh from Adam, wrote about Me and about My angels; he prophesied about My coming with the saints saying: “The Lord comes with His thousands of saints." (See the Books of Enoch, r.n.) He saw this from far away; I made him see over time the glory of My coming with the saints and he saw it very well and then he confessed it. I travelled with him through all the heavenly glories when he was in his body, and I showed him My work over time and I had him confessed and those that he testified about Me to remain on the earth, (About that time, very detailed, see "The Household of God", divine dictation received by Jakob Lorber, r.n.) and the spirit of confession, when it comes from Me over the man, is a wonderful spirit, as I told My disciples that all those who believed in Me would do more than they saw Me doing, after I would go to the Father for them.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the saint apostles Peter and Paul, from 1207-2006. (On Calameo)



I am the God of the faithful and saints. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, this is the seal of the saints, for in this name they are faithful and holy, and this name is the name of God. Amen.


I, the Lord, become word in the midst of the Romanian people and with it I feed a people faithful to My word, for when I went to stand near the Father on the day of My ascension from near My disciples two thousand years ago, I told those who believed in My coming then: «I am with you to the end of the age». Amen. Oh, only with those who were faithful and holy I was able to fulfill this Scripture, for these, believing and fulfilling, had chosen more the shame for My name than the spirit of the world and its fleeting riches, because they were hoping in the reward for the saints. The saints are despised by the world and have no place in it, and this is the sign that they belong to God on earth, and those who are called saints by the world receive their reward on the earth for the good things they have done, dedicated to My name, for the glory and appreciation from the world separate them from the reward which they look to.

Oh, My people of Romanians, who stay faithful under this manna by which I, your Lord and God, feed you from heaven! You should rejoice that you are called foolish and wandered away from My way, for behold, since I came out to give light from your midst with My teaching over the earth, many have risen and despised you, all those who call themselves believers and Christians of Christ and they say that they belong to the right faith and that you are only a sect, and they do not want to drink and feel the life of My word into your midst, and these do not want to know that I have power and will, as a true God that I am, to speak over the man to the end of the time and not to stay without work, without word, and then let Me speak either and not only the man, who calls himself a believer. Oh, I am the word of God and that is why I came and I come as word on the earth, and I am not the false christ about whom it was heard: «“Here is He!" or “Look there!"» (Mark: 13/21), but I am the voice of the Holy Spirit and Whom I pour out on those who wait for Me to come to them with the comfort on the earth, and only with them I can find a dwelling place for the man’s creation, for the faithful ones are My house, My tent on earth, and I find My pleasure in them, and then I take them out of the world to be with Me and no longer to taste from the pleasures which pass away, but rather to eat from Me and then they may become My wedding country, for I am the dear Bridegroom, and I come as word on the earth from the Father Sabaoth and I can no longer come without My bride on the earth, and behold, I fulfill into the midst of the Romanian people the Scripture by which I said this: «He who believes in Me, I will come to him and I will have a house with him, dine with him and I will reveal Myself to him». Amen. (See the selection topic: "The Wedding of the Lamb", r.n.)

Excerpt from the Word of God on the first Sunday of the Lent, of the Orthodoxy, from 25-02-2007. (On Calameo)



My today’s book is My love from the end of the time for man. The book that I, the Lord, am writing during these days through those over whom I am heard on earth, this book is the book of the Lamb. I have opened it to set it on earth and to be the fulfillment of My coming second time from the Father to man. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God, sixteen years from the laying of the foundation stone of the Holy of Holies of the New Jerusalem, from 22-07-2007. (On Calameo)



Again I am embracing you within the word to the end of the feast day for My saints, My people. I can do this, son, for I am God and I can speak with man, but the man’s faith is too far from God for the man to be able to believe in My works, in the Scriptures that foretold that I would work, for I spoke through the prophets: «Behold, I, Myself, even I, will search for My sheep, and I will seek them out». (Ezekiel: 34/11) And those in the tombs hear My voice upon you, sons, and they are greatly comforted for the fulfillment of the Scriptures of My coming with the resurrection of the dead, for I am ready on your table as body and word for you and for those who wait for My voice in their graves and for the man on earth, who finds Me with you with the teaching of the eternal life, and behold, the greatest miracle that a man can do on earth now is his faith in My coming as word on earth for the teaching of the resurrection, the teaching over the living and over the dead, My people. My angels take this word and proclaim it all over the earth, and many people on earth fulfill it over their lives, for I announced My today’s book, which is the word of the eternal life, even from the time of the prophet Daniel{8}, when I told him that in the end, in the time of the great tribulation for Me and for the man’s faith in Me, that the one who would be written in that book would be saved, and many of those who have gone to rest in their graves would wake up, some to eternal life and some to eternal punishment, and those who would turn many to righteousness will shine as the stars forever and ever. (See Dan: 12/1-4) Many would be cleansed, whitened and purified, and the wicked would go on with their iniquities and none of them would understand, for only those who have My wisdom would understand and help many to the spirit of resurrection.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the devout Parascheva, from 27-10-2007.



I am the Lord! In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, I knock to come in. I come in as word at My people in this time. I have a book on the earth in this time and I write Myself in it with all My word in these days, for I am the slaughtered Lamb and I am worthy to open My book and write Myself in it, to read it and to redeem with the glory of My word in it men of all tribes, of all language, of all nations and peoples, as it is written

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