The Word of God about the end of the world and the Day of the Lord by Jesus Christ - HTML preview

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rusalem on the earth.

and the end is joined to the beginning, and the earth is joined to the heaven into a visible thing.” (21-11-1993) 

„Dear Israel, do not be conformed to this age, for behold here comes the end of this age and the beginning from the beginning begins, for what was in the beginning is coming again and it beginning, and the Lord is beginning with you the union of the end with the clean beginning. Stay with the Holy Spirit, My beloved people, and He will teach you eternity, that begins with you, …” (06-03-1994) 

„… I have wanted for two thousand years to establish on earth the food from Eden,

The age means man, sons, the age of the man, the time of the man, the will of the man; this is what this age means. But the age to come does not belong to the man anymore, and it belongs to the man who became divine from sole to head, of the man born of heaven, of the new man, who is after the image and likeness of God, Jesus Christ, Who appeared to the people, and Who gave Himself for the redemption of the people who were to believe in Him” .


„I made up this garden and this stone and I wrote on it Alpha and Omega, beginning

and end, and I am working to put an end to the lawlessness and death and I am beginning a new age, and I am starting with you, …” (04-12-1994) 

„… the world has no faith in the work of God, the one from the beginning and end,

the one of the seven ages and more, and here, this prophecy of seven times was fulfilled and if it was fulfilled it was ended and I started from the beginning to place cleanness on earth, to place a new man on earth, the man born of the word.

Well sons, since when has the time begun to be counted? Behold, I tell you a mystery today, that the time has been counted by man and its counting began after the man had been placed on the earth, after I had taken the man out of Eden, and after the man had received knowledge.

The time, you sons, has been counted starting with the getting of man out of Eden,

Behold, the time by now has spun and its spinning came to an end, for you, sons, are called a new beginning in heaven, as it was the promise in the Scriptures about the New Passover that the Lord establishes in His kingdom, as here is a heavenly kingdom. The heavenly kingdom means there where all eat the Lord’s Passover. Youth without old age and life without death is there where every day the Lord’s Passover is eaten with holiness”. (14-12-1994)  107

The Word of God about the end of the world and the Day of the Lord

„… The heaven has been waiting for seven ages for the appearance of Jerusalem from

the end, the one born from above by the word, at the voice of My trumpet.

I, the Lord, bring you eternity and youth without death and beginning without end.

Behold, I and My children and My joy with them! (07-01-1995)

„… In the beginning God made the light and in the end the Lord came as light, so that the man may have light from the Light, word from the Word, as the Word is light. Let there be word; let there be light as in the beginning. In the beginning was the Word, and in the end the Word is the One Which was in the beginning. The light is in the beginning and in the end, as the beginning is in the end”. (21-11-1996) 

„ … My new beginning, through which I began the new birth of the world, the renewal

of the world, anointed sons. We are beginning the world again, and I am beginning with you.

Amen, amen, amen.

Now, the end of evil and the beginning of the holy things over man have settled on earth, and there is nothing to wait for, for all have come to an end. Amen. Everything has ended and there is nothing good for God on earth. All is vanity and chasing after the wind, as the Scriptures says, but you are My plan in My hand, My sketch for the new birth of the world. I can give nothing more to the world but sufferance”. (27-09-1998) 

„… At the beginning I started with this place, and at the end, I have also started from here, and I have joined the beginning with the end to make up the Scripture of the new birth of the world”. (26-08-2000) 

„You should get used to spend with heaven, always, always, child from the end of the time. When the Lord comes on the earth, it is not the time, but the Lord, the seventh angel, Who sounds over the earth,

My mystery that is kept in eternity for the end of time, this is how I call you, little people. The Mystery of the New Jerusalem carries within it the new heaven and the new earth on the earth from the end of time, …

Behold the Spirit of the Lord in the end of time hovers above the waters and over the earth within a spirit of new creation, with a new word, made now, in order to create by it now the new heaven and the new earth, within the mystery of New Jerusalem, which came down from God and which came down with God for the everlasting, which is coming again.


Oh, how beautiful the Epiphany of new earth will be, in a mystery of new heaven and

new earth, in a mystery of New Jerusalem, kept in eternity for the end of the time! Amen”.


„… here I am now over the earth as word into your midst, and behold My coming

after seven thousand years from the man’s creation, for I have come into the eighth

age, with which I started My kingdom with the man on earth,…” (12-07-2003) 

„I am Who I am, and I am the Word of the Father Sabaoth. I celebrate in heaven and on earth My day of victory of the end of the human age and of the beginning of the age of the 108

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kingdom of the heavens on earth. I fulfilled the little white stone, and on it, My name from the end of the time, for it is written in the Scriptures for the end of the time: «His name is the

Word of God». Amen. ( Apoc: 19/13, r.n. ).

I have come now as word on earth to establish the kingdom of the heavens and the

end of the world, for the end of the world is holiness, son. for I established the New Jerusalem on earth in the year of 7500 from the making of the world, and from My birth as an infant from the Virgin mother, the churchly year 1992, for I built the altar from the table of the Holy of Holies in the first three months of this year, ( The ecclesiastical liturgical year starts on 1st September – see also about the Julian and Gregorian calendars, r.n. ), and in the fourth month, on the 12th day of the month of December, I sealed with My name and with your name the holiness and its sons and the land under it too, and I wrote with it the end of the world and I came out above all who want to be.

… for the holiness is the end of the world. Amen”. (22-07-2003) 

„… the word of this life, which prophesies the end of the ages and the visible beginning of the kingdom of God on earth with the people. Amen”. (20-01-2004).  

„… It is the feast of the day and of the year 7500 from the creation of the world, when I, the Master of all nature, fulfilled the Scripture of the coming down of the mystery of new Jerusalem on the Romanian land, as many saints have prophesied from the Holy Spirit for these days of My coming with the new birth of all the nature in the end of the time”. (12-12-


„I, the Son of the Father Sabaoth, revealed Myself as God Who came from the Father, Man born of the Virgin, and I have come again under My name in the end of the time and I am called the Word of God, ( Apoc: 19/13, r.n. ), and I speak the language of the Romanian people, where I have been glorifying Myself by the word for fifty years, by the mystery of My second coming after the man, for there have passed seven ages since the creation of the world, and within the mid century after this one, I wrote seven thousands five hundred years and I rose My church again on earth, and I set it on its foundation by the word, and I am its foundation and this is how I have been speaking from the midst of My church of New Jerusalem

… for the eternity is coming on earth and it has to be brought, it has to be built by holy bodies and full of the Holy Spirit! … Come back to My love, for I built the man from the beginning for My love, not for his love, and I built him to be My church and not his”. (27-02-


The Kingdom of God does not come visibly, for it is the man that God has and no the man who has God for his benefit and not for My benefit from the man. …

Oh, it is not the man’s kingdom which has to be over the man and over the earth,

but My kingdom, …

You should know that the man’s kingdom has been destroying itself from now on,

and the kingdom of God has been coming to take its place, either if the man wants it or not”.


My voice upon you wakes you up to a holy watch, oh, My today’s homeland, for I

am coming to you with My voice in the end of the time and I am speaking over the earth and 109

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over the man in your language, oh, Romanian people, and I want you to be victorious and I am waiting for you to be a crown over the nations and to be a great light over the earth, for I have made My return from the Father to man on your hearth, now, in the end of the time, and I am speaking into your midst the word of creation, the word of the new birth of the world, My today’s country. I begin from your midst the new heaven and the new earth, deep mystery and kept in secret by the Father in Me for the end of the time and for the beginning of eternity on earth, …” (08-11-2009) 

„… God’s place is here near you and within you, as you were made by God to be, …

that the kingdom of the heavens may be on earth, and not the man’s kingdom, because man reigns on earth, and the man fell from heaven seven thousands years ago, …”  (25-04-2011)

„ … I fulfilled with you the Scriptures written for that time, and now I am fulfilling from among them the Scriptures written for this time, for the end of the human time and for a new beginning of the heavenly time on earth, within the mystery of the new heaven and new earth, a place of justice and peace, a place for the Lord and for those who love Him. Amen”.


„ … This Romanian land is My mystery from the end of the time, in which I am pre-

paring the great victory, a new heaven and a new earth for those who are saved by faith, …


„… for I, the Lord, am the beginning and the end, I am the Alpha and the Omega, I and only I. I am, behold, in the end too, and I will work with the man to establish My kingdom on earth, as it is written about this truth.

Oh nations, hear the Lord! Amen, amen, amen”. (19-12-2017) 

„… the Father has sent Me on earth after man, and My glory is the word, like My new name too, written in the Scriptures that I may bear it now, in the end of the time, for My name is the Word of God. ( Apoc: 19/13)

The Romanian country is My today’s country, to which the Father has sent Me to

make My citadel in it and to set on its hearth the book of the word of My mouth, the ruling rod over the nations, over the kings and over the languages. … It is God’s mystery from the beginning of the creation of the world and of that in the end of the time, and the Father has sent Me as word in it …

the Romanian country, My country of the second coming from near the Father

now, in the end of the time, …” (09-08-2018)  Here we will present the conclusion in short: The year of 7500 from the creation of the world and/or 1992 after Christ, “Is the feast of the day and of the year 7500 from the creation of the world when I, the Master of all nature, fulfilled the Scripture of the coming down of the mystery of the new Jerusalem on the Romanian land”, by the consecration of the Holy of Holies of the New Jerusalem, in 12.12.1991, ( Unlike the calendar year beginning on January 1, the church year begins on September 1, thus the church year 1992 began on September 1, 1991) which has meant the beginning of the end of the kingdom of the man over the man and the 110

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beginning of the kingdom of God in the man’s heart fully and from there will be «one flock

and one Shepherd».

2 – About the Day of the Lord

« But this is what has been announced through the prophet Joel:

‘It will be in the last days, says God, that I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh.

Your sons and your daughters will prophesy.

Your young men will see visions.

Your old men will dream dreams.

Yes, and on My servants and on My handmaidens in those days,

I will pour out My Spirit, and they will prophesy!

I will show wonders in the sky above,

and signs on the earth beneath;

blood, and fire, and billows of smoke.

The sun will be turned into darkness,

and the moon into blood,

before the great and glorious day of the Lord comes.

And it will be that whoever will call on the Name of the Lord will be saved.’» (Acts: 2/16-21)


«But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night and in this day, the heavens

will pass away with a rushing noise, the elements will be dissolved by intense heat, and the earth

and the works that are in it will be burned up.» (2 Peter: 3/10)


«You know well that the day of the Lord comes like a thief in the night.

When they are saying, “Peace and safety,” then a sudden destruction will come upon

them, like birth pains on a pregnant woman, and they will by no means escape.» (1 Thessalonians: 5/2-3.)


«Let no one deceive you in any way! This will not take place unless the apostasy comes

first and the man of sin [CT reads “man of lawlessness”] is revealed, the son of destruction.

He opposes and exalts himself over all that is called God or that is an object of religion,

so that he sits as God in the sanctuary of God, presenting himself up as God [CT omits “as God”](2 Thessalonians: 5/2, 3)


«Watch therefore, for you do not know in what day your Lord is coming». (Matt: 24/42.)


«Jesus told the disciples, “The days will come when you will desire to see one of the days

of the Son of Man, and you will not see it. People will tell you, ‘Look, here!’ or ‘Look, there!’

Do not go away or follow [them], for as the lightning flashes and lights up the sky from one side

to the other, so will the Son of Man be in His day.» (Luke: 17/22-24) (The Eastern Orthodox Bible – E.O.B.)



The Word of God about the end of the world and the Day of the Lord

… No one has received the crown for the works. The saints go and ask: “How long, Lord?”

“Go to your places, for unless those that are in the great tribulation do not come, we will not divide the gifts.” This is what the Lord tells you: you will be the one in the great tribulation, which the heaven will wait with a retinue.

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 03-09-1980.


You should be one spirit with Me, to be able to stay into you, child from Israel, to have a dwelling in you, son, and to strengthen you in your dwelling, in your body, in My temple in you.

May all things perish son, but only you not perish, for you will bring everything into incorruptibility, you will bring them all to their first place, for I am in the work with you, and behold, I make the man again. This work is God’s kingdom, it is the place and the time where the man is being made, the man from heaven, worked out by My word, by the work of My word. And the day of rest comes then, and Romania will be a day of rest for Me and for you; Romania will be the day of the Lord.

Excerpt from the Word of God to the Christian people, from 16-10-1994.


The man who consumes his body grows old and ugly and passes away, but this is what I

have done, Jerusalem! I formed you and set you as a boundary between hell and heaven and I have taught you to put an end to death and timelessness. I divided the ages and wrote beginning and end. I am the Alpha and the Omega, I am, Jerusalem, and I wrote beginning and end, and I want you to be a day of rest for Me, for man does no longer knows what a day of rest means. Day of rest means My rest in man; it means man in My image and after My likeness, in which work I rest.

Dear sons, how can one speak of a day of rest? For behold, I am working, and My Father

is working as well, as you see that My Father speaks in Me. Do not stumble, Israel, when you see that My Father speaks in Me once with Me, for this mystery is coming to be revealed, just as My mystery will also be revealed in Virginia, because I was speaking through her. I was in her and she was in Me, and soon you will see, Israel, what this body was, for it was My day of rest, and it was not a day or two, but rather was for a long time, for what does it mean to God a day, ten years, a hundred or a thousand years? But the Scriptures is not understood by man and, therefore, man has divided himself into many interpretations. And where does it from? Because there is only one interpretation, for when the seventh angel sounds all interpretation will be over and we will enter into rest again. However, I am telling you, sons in Jerusalem, that I have entered and, that behold, I have a place where to rest and from where to work to establish the heaven everywhere and a river that will spring up and water the paradise, that from here, from this garden a river springs36, ( Apoc: 22/1-4) ( See the selection topic: This word is the river of life” , r.n. ) and this 36 «The angel [or “he”] showed me ac river of the water of life, clear as crystal, flowing out of the throne

of God and of the Lamb,

in the middle of its great street. On each side of the river was the tree of life, bearing twelve kinds of fruits,

yielding its fruit every month. The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations,

and the curse will be abolished. The throne of God and of the Lamb will be in the citadel, and His servants

offer Him divine service». (Apoc: 22/1-4)


The Word of God about the end of the world and the Day of the Lord

river is taking now veins and arms and is divided into four parts and it waters the earth. I made up this garden and this stone and I wrote on it Alpha and Omega, beginning and end, and I am working to put an end to the lawlessness and death and I am beginning a new age, and I am starting with you, Jerusalem, people worked by Me and born through My word, spoken from heaven over you. I work by the word and I am working as in the beginning but man does not know it and he does not want to know. Only when people truly want to be the sons of Jesus Christ’s church and when they will prepare themselves according to the commandments to work the fruit of life and the sons of the church to eat it, only when the church will no longer have unprepared sons, only when all will love holiness, only then it will remain one spring and one teaching, one vineyard, one flock and only one Shepherd, and man will no longer be a shepherd, and the Lord and His staff will be, His word. This is what I want to prepare for you, Israel, My people, so that you may no longer eat from foreign hands, son, and to eat of your house and to understand what your house means, for the priests of the church who are mixed with the world and with the violation of My commandments, those I do not know, I do not know where those are from, for they do not even teach themselves let alone teach others!

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Church Entrance of the Lord’s Mother,

from 04-12-1994.


Pray, Israel that My glory may come into view, but do become glory for God, My people.

I give you all you need to have. Become glory for God, My people. The saints have become glory on earth as well, and they are also My glory in the holy heaven, and the saints come to you to help you, little child, to make you glory, son. I want to make you My glory at My coming within visible glory. Israel, you should understand son, what My work is going to do with you. Oh, you should not seek to be ineffective. Seek to be wise, son. Verginica is looking at you and praying to Me to help you, ( Verginica - the diminutive to her real name: Virginia, the sixth apocalyptic trumpet, r.n. ) and she is also praying to the saints to help you. Let yourself be helped, Israel, as you have much support around you. Turn My word into feast, make rest for My word within you, make of you a day of rest for God, as this is what I have told you, for you are My day of rest, My day of Passover, My day of resurrection, son. The heaven celebrates you as the son of resurrection, Israel.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the Sunday of all saints, from 09-06-1996.


I came the second time from the Father. Man, I came to you as it is written into the Scriptures that I will come. I become the word upon you to work through the word, as in the beginning I also worked by the word. In the beginning I made the man from the word, clay, water and Spirit, and now I want to make him from the word and human flesh, from the flesh born of the man. I want to make a godly man from the man. I want to make a heaven from the man.

I want to make a resting day from the man, for Me to rest in him. My day of rest at the beginning was in man. I rested only a day and I have not been able to rest since then as the man fell from the heaven, and I remained alone. I have been alone since seven thousand years, for the man fell from the heaven, and I want to make from the earth heaven, and from the man God’s kingdom on the earth. I want to be with the man. I want to be in the man. The lost man, I want to find the one lost from the heaven. The heaven is full of eternity and the heaven is in Me, and I am in the Father. I went to prepare a place so that they may be where I am, and I want to draw all of them to 113

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the Father. That is why I come as a word on the earth, and the people of the church put Me away from their churches and do not let Me draw the man to the everlasting life; they do not let Me come with the kingdom of the heavens on the earth; they do not let Me. ( See the selection topic: The true church” , r.n. ) Oh, Jerusalem, I will come as a word upon you and I will speak to you about the mystery of My day of rest, which the man does no longer remember. The man does not know what the day of the Lord means, as not even Israel have known it since I told him and until today.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Lord’s Ascension, from 05-06-1997. (On



Oh, the man does not know what My day of rest is. If I cannot rest in the man, the man does not know to understand those from the Lord. I worked during the six days of creation, and I made them all well, and looking upon them I rested with thankfulness on the seventh day. My days are Mine, and the day of rest is Mine. The days of the man are man’s, and his seventh day is his.

The man works his things on six days, those for him, and on the seventh day he rests from those of his, saying that on the seventh day he honors Me. In the seventh day I enjoyed of all the good things that I created, which I made for the man in six days, but can the man make everything that I had made during the six days until the seventh day? The man works six days for himself, not for Me, and the seventh day he says that he gives it to Me and that he sanctifies it. Not even the people of Israel understood My days and their honoring, and the honoring of the seventh day, for he had done only what was evil on his way. And I was speaking to Moses: «Go and take the people into

Canaan, but I will not go up in the midst of you, lest I consume you in the way, for you are a

stiff-necked people. If I were to go up into your midst, I would consume you in one moment»,

and the Lord was coming to the tent of meeting, outside of the camp of the Israel’s tents, and there He would spoke with Moses face to face, as someone speaks with his friend, and Moses wrote down all the words of the Lord, because the Lord told him so: «Write these for a memorial in a


Israel did not understand what the Lord’s rest was, because he was a stiff-necked people, and the Lord could not rest in him. But God made of Moses His rest, and He taught him what to speak over Israel and He opened Moses’ mouth. When Moses went up the second time on the Mount of Sinai, so that the Lord may give him ordinances over Israel, for Israel to observe them and so that the Lord may rest in Israel from His work upon him, when Moses reached up in the mountain, the cloud of the Lord’s glory came down, covering the mountain for six days, and on the seventh day, the Lord called Moses out of the midst of the cloud, and Moses had been standing in the midst of the cloud for forty days and forty nights, and the Lord gave him ordinances over Israel. The seventh day was lengthened to forty days and the Lord had rested over Moses forty days and forty nights, and the man does not know what the day of the Lord’s rest means. I was resting over Moses with those good of Mine that I wanted to do and to put over Israel, and I was looking over them and all were very good; however, when Moses was coming to put them over Israel, so that I may rest from those of Mine upon him, Israel remained a stiff-necked people, and I was not able to rest upon him. Israel did not receive Me to rest upon him, and he kept saying to Moses: «Go and speak with the Lord, and speak with us yourself what the Lord is

speaking upon us». And I said this: « Israel, remember the day of the Lord to keep it holy», for I 114

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worked six days for you to make your happiness, and rested on the seventh day. I made the heaven and earth and everything that I made for the man, and then I rested the seventh day and I blessed it, as the man blesses a church and sanctifies it after he makes it.

The man should make a church of him within six days, and make the seventh day holy

and bless it, as I did. The church means the heaven and earth of God among the people, the word and the Lord’s body, the new man’s creation. ( See the selection topic: The true church” , r.n. ) I made the heaven and earth in six days, but what has the man made in six days? I said among My commandments: «Man, remember the day of the Lord to make it holy». But I also said this in My commandments: «Man, you shall not murder; you shall not commit adultery; you shall not steal;

you shall not give false testimony against your neighbor; you shall not be greedy». Oh, he, who violates these, also violates the day of the Lord by these.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the Sunday of the holy fathers from the council of Ni-

caea, from 08-07-1997.


I said in the time of My body that unless a man was born from above, he would not enter the kingdom of heavens. ( See the selection topic: „About the kingdom of God” , r.n. ) And behold, this is it, for those who are not born from above, to be newly born from Me, Who I am from above, those do not take in them My word with which I am coming today on earth, My kingdom that is by the word over the man. In the time of My body, I revealed many heavenly mysteries, and I covered other of them, I have sealed them until today’s time. Then I said about My second coming that no one would know but My Father only, and the people on the earth make of this word a way of escaping to postpone their watch and their preparation for the Lord. Sons, sons, why did I say this word? For this is what I said: «About that day no one knows; neither the angels from

heaven nor the Son, but the Father only». I said so to strengthen the watch in the faithful man, who knows that the Lord’s Day will come like a thief, like a trap, to catch under it those who are not faithful. This word that I spoke at that time, would have been given to make holy the man who waits for the Lord, and by no means to hide himself behind this word and to hide My coming from the Father.

Oh, sons of men, I have mercy on you for no one teaches you My coming. Your priests

have hidden Me so that I may no longer come and that I may not be able to prepare you for My coming. They have hidden behind My word in the time of My body when I said: «But of that day

or that hour no one knows, nor even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father».

( Mark: 13/32) Then I was in My body on earth, then I worked visibly, but now I am on the right side of the Father in the heavens, and the Father is one with Me in heaven and on earth.

Amen. However, I will come as word over the earth and I will come with the Father in My word, for My word is the Father. Amen, amen, amen.

My Father is coming in the word and He will speak over the earth about this word behind which the man hides so that he may not wait for My coming and that the old man may linger on earth. The old man is an old wineskin and the new things do not have place in the old wineskins.

For a new word a new man is needed, who is for the new things, and there is no longer for the old ones, for this is what I said: «No one puts new wine into old wineskins, or else the wine will

burst the skins, and it will be spilled, and then the skins will be destroyed». ( Luke: 5/37) My new 115

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teaching is for the new people, who prepare themselves for My coming all the time, for I am coming like a thief, when no one expects Me to come.

Oh, sons from the garden of My word, behold, My word from that time was and is true:

«No one expects Me to come». Therefore, I am coming to you, for I have no where to come any longer, and it is the time of My coming, but no one expects Me to come. And I am going to come with the Father as word over the earth, for the Father wants to unseal the mysteries of My word in the time of My body. And I am going to come with John, the apostle of love, for the people hid him too because people have learned from people, not from God. There was only one single John was among My apostles, and I dictated the Book of the Apocalypse to John, My beloved apostle, to John the speaker about God, which means John the theologian, as the holy people wrote next to John’s name, My apostle, whom I and the Father loved. This apostle did not die, for whoever loves God does not die, and has eternal life. This disciple of Mine was always saying to everybody: «Love one another, for this is what the Father has commanded».

Sons, sons, here is what I said upon you: be alive! Let no one from among the living ones tread upon the life that is in him, for My Body and Blood, which I gave to the saints in the time of My body, sanctified the holy ones and killed Judas.

Sons, be alive, be holy. My teaching has eternal life in it. My teaching is My kingdom with the people on the earth. My teaching is My coming. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God over the synod from the manger of the word, from 16-08-



I am God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and I become word on earth, for I am Who I am. Amen, amen, amen.

… I am Who I was and I am Who I am, and the Father is My word in everything I do and

fulfill. When I was in a visible body on earth, I gave the word to those who asked Me: «Lord when

will be Your coming and that day?» ( See Mathew: 24/3) I told them that «Of that day neither the

angels from the heaves, nor the Son knows, but only the Father; therefore, watch!» If I had not told them so, I would have not been able to tell them either: «Watch for you do not know the day

when the Son of Man comes». I said that only the Father knows. Oh, because only the Father knows, am I no longer coming? What does the man want to say, who hides behind My coming by saying that only the Father knows? Oh, My Father, what does the man wants to say, really?

Oh, Father Sabaoth, I said to those anointed in Our garden that I would come with You as word over the earth, Your word, Father. People who hide from My coming know only that I told them at that time that only the Father knows that day of My coming, and they do not want to get out of this, and they stay without waiting for Me by watching for My coming. People try to forget that I told them that «The Father is in Me, and I in the Father, for he who has seen Me,

has seen the Father also». ( See John: 14/9) Oh, My Father Sabaoth, I am Your word and You are My word, but people separate Me in their hearts from You and they say that only You know, and that I do not know.


The Word of God about the end of the world and the Day of the Lord

Oh, sons of men, behold My Father in the word over you, speaking about this word behind which the unfaithful man is hiding that he may no longer wait for Me to come, and that the old man may linger and be slow in coming on earth. The old man is the old wineskin, and the new wine does not have place in the old wineskin. My new teaching is for the new people, who are ready for My coming all the time, for I am all the time and I come all the time, and I am coming like a thief, when no one expects Me to come. Amen, amen, amen.

Father Sabaoth, I become bridge for You. Father, get up in the word for Your Son. I did not speak from Myself when I said: «Neither the angels or the Son knows, but only the Father

knows about the coming of that day». You are God, the Father, and I am God the Word, Your Son, Your Word, Father. Amen, amen, amen.

― Oh, Son, Emmanuel, You are My Son, the only One born of Me before the ages, true

God of the true God, by Whom everything was done. Oh, dear Son, I have done nothing without You. And those that are and those that are not yet, I have made through You, for You are My word and everything is fulfilled through You. Amen, amen, amen. It is not through Me but through You, Son, for You are My Son, and I have told the people to listen to You. This is what I told them:

«This is My beloved Son; you should listen to Him!»

The people do not listen to You in everything, but here is what they have found to listen to You, Son who suffered. Those, who do not love and do not want Your coming, have found this word of Yours and become faithful against Your coming. But I am the Father and I always know Your coming on earth. You spoke this word, Son: «The Son does not know, but only the Father».

Why the man also speaks it? Why the man speaks it? To give Me more greatness than to You? Oh, how many living words You have said, Son, My Word! Why the man really does not speak those?

But who did You speak that word to? You were speaking with Your disciples so that Your speaking might remain over the people, as You have also spoken today, speaking with the sons of My word, and You are My word, Son. Amen.

Oh, sons of the people, I am the Father Sabaoth. The Scriptures of My Son are not to be read on this way. Let him who reads, understand! Amen, amen, amen. Let him who reads not misinterpret but rather understand the word of My Son. The disciples of My Son asked Him, and they were filled with the longing of the coming of My Son’s day, but you do not have this longing for this coming. Oh, sons of the people and you, ministers of the people’s church, My Son said that He did not know of His coming but only the Father knew it. Behold, I take this Scriptures into My hands and read it to you and I find in it that My Son told you all the mystery of this day so that you may know it, and He said: «Behold, I told you ahead of time. Learn this parable from the

fig tree when the summer comes». My Son said that no one knew but the Father, and it will be as in the time of Noah, when the faithful ones were drinking and eating, marrying and being given in marriage until the day when Noah entered the ark, and they did not know that My word spoken over Noah was true until the flood came, and taking them all, they knew that it was true. However, God came ahead of time and no one received Him but Noah. Oh, sons of the people, the same will be with the coming of My Son. His coming will take place in the time when the people do not watch. God came to Noah and was working with him for his salvation, but for the other people God did not come. The wise and faithful servant is put by God over His servants to give them the 117

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heavenly food in due time, and My Son finds that one doing so, and he is not taken by surprise, but he is ready for the coming of His master instead. However, if that servant, being evil, will say in his heart: «My Master is slow in coming», not only that he does not give them good food any more, but also he begins to beat his fellow-servants forcing them to eat and drink with the drunken and immoral. And then, the Master will come in the day when he does not know or expect and will cut him to pieces because of his hypocrisy.

When the thief comes, he breaks the house because he is a thief, and the master of the house does not know the time of the thief, but the thief knows it. The devil stole this word of My Son and because he has stolen it, he made the man say: «The Son does not know but

only the Father!» But the wise servant gives food to the servants at the right time and he does not say: «The master is slow in coming», for he is with his Master all the time.

Oh, Son, Emmanuel, oh, oh banished Son! I, the Father Sabaoth am speaking like this: I

did not hide within Me that day about which Your disciples of that time asked You especially. Not I, but You hid it within Me to strengthen the watch, the faith and the patience of Your disciples, and You had done this before Your death and resurrection, dear Son. At that time, You were speaking on earth for those on earth too, and now You are speaking from heaven over the heavenly ones on earth, who lived in Your day, in Your coming, as word of eternal life for those who are faithful and are standing watch before You, Son, My day of rest. I rest in You, I am well pleased with You, I work in You and from You I speak all over the human kind: The Father and the Son are one. Amen. No one knows that day but the Father only. No one knows the Son, but the Father only and the one to whom the Son wants to reveal it. Amen, amen, amen.

― Oh, Father, Father Sabaoth, I am Your Son, Your day of rest and You rest and have

Your will within Me. How shall man understand that day when he hides in the darkness within him? The man flees from that day, Father. The man flees and that day flees once with him, and the man cannot flee from it. I have hidden My mystery within You, for not even My disciples knew My mystery; however, they knew about that day on the day when I was resurrected from the dead. Since then that day has been for everybody, but not all the people are for it. The day of the man’s resurrection is the day of My resurrection, but few people love that day, the man’s resurrection through Me, Who was resurrected from among the dead. However, those who are faithful to You and Me, never say: «The master is slow in coming», but rather they feed all the time with My resurrection in them, with the day when I, the Lord, redeemed the faithful man.

Amen. Oh, Father Sabaoth, I am born of You, but You gave Me birth of the Virgin, too, a Man born beyond nature, to give hope to the fallen man, for the man fell seven thousand years before.

However, I came after him on earth, and the Virgin, My mother, was My way between heaven and earth.

― Behold the time! I, the Lord, joined the heaven with the earth when I was born Man

from the Virgin. I, the Lord, joined the heaven with the earth when I came down in 1955 in Romania as the word for My second coming. I am the One Who is, and I have come to be, for the unfaithful people to see that I am. But what the people believe that the Lord’s coming means? It is not waited for but it is lived instead; it is not prepared but it is, for I am the One Who 118

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is, for those who are in Me, and for the unfaithful I am not and I do not come for they do not wait for Me to come.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Assumption, from 28-08-1998.


I have come, sons from the garden. Amen, amen, amen. I am with the clouds of My glory above you, for it is written: «He is coming with the clouds».

No one waits for My coming any more, for the Scriptures of the heaven are no longer read and believed. I am always been with My coming upon you, but the people have loved themselves for seven thousand years and have no longer called for My coming; they do not want Me to be with them and to dwell with them; and if they want, I cannot come as they want, and I come as it is written into the Scriptures: I come with the day of My glory, and it is a dreadful day over people, for people have their own living, pleasant to them, and My word with you is My great and dreadful day. Behold, all the people are afraid of it and they always flee from My word that is with Me upon you, for if I come, I speak the word of the day of My coming.

Amen, amen I say to you: the word I have spoken upon you is My great and dreadful

day, it is My zeal and My pain, which cries from within Me because of the longing for man who does no longer want to have the true God upon him. The man does no longer want Me to reign over him as a true and great God, and I cry, for this is what My word has spoken to the angels:

«Those who did not want Me to reign over them, take and cut them, and cast them out». ( See also Luke: 19/27) The people are afraid of My coming, and behold, they are afraid of My word that comes with Me, that comes with the clouds and which every eye sees, and the man closes his eyes before Me so that he may not see Me.

… Sons, I am coming to you with the feast of My word and with My saints at the feast of word upon you, for the heaven is My throne and the earth is the footstool of My feet. ( See the selection topic: „The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool: the man deified” , r.n. ) I am coming to you for I have made you faithful to My word. I am coming and perfecting Myself in you and I am also perfecting you in Me and in My coming, for My word upon you is the day of My coming. Amen, amen, amen.

May your victory with Me be blessed. The saints and the angels are always with you and

with those who work for Me near you and with you for My name. I have always been with you and I am your weapon of victory for the freedom of the kingdom of the heavens between heaven and earth. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the devout, Parascheva, from 27-10-1998.


I am being born a word at the manger of My word in Romania, the country of My coming

with the saints, the country of My returning after two thousand years. Its name is the country of the brightness, a name proclaimed by the prophets, and this prophecy is true, for I shine from its sky over the earth from margins to margins. It is My morning. Early in the morning My word runs to it for it is written into the Scriptures: « I am the shining morning star», and I come to it to become the good news in it, and its spirit and bride from it say: „Come!”. Amen, amen, amen.


The Word of God about the end of the world and the Day of the Lord

Behold, I come and I am in My coming upon it, and I put My judgment seat in it, My word which announces Me, coming for the living and for the dead, as My kingdom will be without an end, and I come to prepare it. But I am into My coming and I come, coming, for who can stop the lightning so that it may be seen when it crosses the sky, and it comes and it is seen crossing the darkness with is brightness of fire, seven times brighter than the light of the day, as it is written into the Scriptures? Behold the country of My coming! It shines on the earth seven times brighter than the day, for I, the Lord, am its light; I and My word. It is the womb in which I seed My word, to arise from it with My coming. It is the new birth of the world, and I say from it to the peoples: come at the manger of My word in Romania and take from it the new birth, the birth from above, for My word says this: « He who is not born of the heaven, from above, will not

be with My kingdom». Behold the new law. It is My coming with the saints and for the saints. The holiness from the man will come to welcome Me and will open to Me, and the man will see Me, for it is written into the Scriptures: « No one shall see the Lord without holiness». Amen. ( See the selection topic: „Romania – The New Jerusalem – The New Canaan” , r.n. ) I announce Myself in coming, little children from the manger. Oh, sons, why do I come to you? Why do I not come to the great, to those that are famous on the earth? Oh, they have no eyes and ears for My coming. When I came two thousand years ago through the Virgin as a baby in Bethlehem, there was no one to wait for My coming, but I came and took refuge in a humble place, and My angels announced the poor that I came, for the great on the earth had no eyes and ears for Me. I have always found My pleasure in the humble ones and I called them great before Me and I glorified Myself through them and founded My kingdom with them and I had a heavenly supper with them.

Behold the voice of My word that announces well My coming and My kingdom and the

new birth of the world. Woe to those that do not hear the message of My coming with the saints, in order to leave their sins and to become holy for My kingdom, for My true coming! Behold what the great people of the earth do! They, and not I, want to make My coming. They forgot that I am with the humble and I work My thing with them and help them with My power to be saints, the saints of My coming, for « no one shall see the Lord without holiness». Amen.

Oh, I look down on earth and sigh with mourning. I look over the places where I came two thousand years ago as an infant by the Virgin, as it was written by the prophets that I have to come.

When I came at that time, the rulers of the earth persecuted Me, and all looked out for Me so that they may not lose their glory because of My glory. The same is today, and here, I look upon the place where I was born two thousand years ago. People of standing have gathered together and increase their own glory and give gifts and names to one another saying to one another that they got together for the anniversary of My birth in Bethlehem. They are glad and I sigh in heaven with the Father and the saints, for there it is not about My glory, and people use Me for the glory of their own name and do nothing but pave the way for the antichrist’s enthronement everywhere I worked and left My marks as a witness against those who used God’s name for their human glory. ( See the selection topic: „The antichrist and the apocalyptic beast” , r.n. ) Here, after two thousand years, I am good for the man of nowadays only for his glory, but not for Mine. I do not rejoice over this kind of celebrations; rather I rejoice over the celebration of My coming with those who love Me with their holy life, and spend time and rejoice with them.


The Word of God about the end of the world and the Day of the Lord

Now the angel stands ready to blow into the light of the great people’s delights that make a name for themselves among people, lifting themselves up with a human glory, a glory that passes away like grass.

Here is the lie. It spreads out from margins to margins. Here it is: « The woman sitting on

a scarlet-colored beast, full of blasphemous names, having seven heads and ten horns, with a

cup full of abominations and impurities of her sexual immoralities and on her forehead a secret

name was written: Babylon the Great, the mother of the prostitutes and of the abominations of

the earth, drunken with the blood of the saints and with My martyrs. And she will come out from

the abyss and will go to destruction for all are finished», and so it is written. The voice of My angel has always been crying: « Get out of it My people lest you share in her sins and receive of

her beatings». Her sins got to heaven and we will give her back as she gave to us; we will give her a double portion. We will pour out twice as much in the cup which she poured out for us. She is an empress and I am her Judge. The kings of the earth who made her will, shall beat their chest saying: “Woe to her! ” and heaven will rejoice and the saints, the apostles and prophets will see My righteousness on their side, as it is written in the Scriptures. Amen.

The great people of the earth got together to keep a feasting for My birthday in Bethlehem, but after two thousand years since My birth among people, here, I am coming again, and do not find any holy man on earth, a man to celebrate Me, the Holy One. That is why I have been hiding Myself and working secretly and preparing My coming in glory on earth against lying which wants to become a christ for man, a false christ, who deceives everyone by his coming, great and small, rich and poor, slaves and free, kings and soldiers, baptized and not baptized, for a lie is a lie, like man. But I sound the word, so that My coming may be heard and here they are all, for they are hiding into the caves and rocks for fear of My coming as it is written in the Scriptures about My coming.

I am being born a word in My manger from the middle of Romania, the country of the

brightness, the place of My returning after two thousand years, the place of the new birth of the world. I will renew all My creation and the man for I said: « I make them all new». Amen. All the great are caught into the trap of their greatness and no one is with My greatness, with the greatness of My saints, and he, who is not holy, will no longer be. Amen. I make everything new, as at the beginning of the creation. The breath of My mouth gives birth as in the beginning, for it is written about Me: « He said and it was made». Amen. I work mysteriously as two thousand years ago. I gave the Virgin to be engaged in order to be protected from death, for in Israel, the immoral had to be killed with stones. Who was to understand the mystery of My birth from the Virgin? No one understands it even today, for if they understood, they would be frightened of My birth from the Virgin, whose virginity was not spoiled by the birth. The man goes to church and sings saying:

Rejoice, you Mother, forever a Virgin! ”, but the man does not thrill with this mystery and stays still in his sins but he is judged by My birth from the Virgin and from the Mother forever a Virgin.

I came from heaven on the earth to forgive the man and to raise him for the heaven but the man does not repent. Oh, he, who does no longer sin, is the one who repented of his sins by his union with Me, becoming one flesh with Me. The man does not repent otherwise.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of Nativity, from 07-01-2000 (25.12.1999 Old style / after the Julian calendar) (On Calameo)



The Word of God about the end of the world and the Day of the Lord

The wise man ask a question: „ How can God speak so much? ” Oh, if the people spoiled all My works to make theirs, should I, the Lord, really not get up like the Creator that I am and work?

I has stayed for two days in the grave and I arose the third day and got up and worked and founded My kingdom on the earth. If the man would spoil it and he does spoil it always, shall I really not rise as a Creator that I am and work it back to its place? Has the time really not come yet to put back to its place My kingdom built two thousand years ago? I say again: I have stayed for two thousand years waiting for the creature’s resurrection that I died for, and the third thousand years is the day of the resurrection, the Lord’s Day. Amen. ( See the selection topic:

„The kingdom of one thousand years” , r.n. ) Here is the mystery about the ages, for with God a day is as a thousand years. This mystery is no longer hidden, for a day before Me is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day, and I do not delay with My promise, but I was long enduring according to the man’s estimation, for I wanted that every man should come to repentance. I gave time to the man, but the man has departed from the beginning and came to the end, for he went forward instead of coming back to Me and waiting for the resurrection. Here is why I, the Lord, speak so much, that it seems to the man that it is not I who speaks.

I have kept silence for two thousand years as in the grave, and the resurrection is in the third thousand years, and I am the beginning of the resurrection, as it is written about Me and about the resurrection in the Scriptures. Two thousand years are as the two days in which I stayed hidden into the grave, and the third thousand years is as the third day in which I arose and showed Myself to the people. This is the mystery of My long and endless speaking, for I, the Lord, breathed and spoke upon the earth, and My word arose and gave life to those from the graves, as it is written into My word of two thousand years: « The hour, when the dead from the graves

will hear the voice of God’s son, is coming, and those that will hear will arise». ( See the selection topic: „The dead hear My voice” , r.n. ) This is the mystery of My word and of My voice from these days, and those that hear it arise to incorruptibility and clothe in immortality for meeting with Me, for I come with the heavenly wedding on the earth, with the true mystery of the wedding, the mystery that the man has closed on the earth under the sin for so many thousand years calling it mystery and comparing it to the true mystery of the wedding. The wedding is the salvation which is paid with life and the wedding means nothing else. ( See the selection topic: „The Wedding of

the Lamb” , r.n. )

I am, and the day of the resurrection is with Me, and the word of life comes out of My mouth. I stayed two days into the grave and the third day I arose and established My kingdom. And I have stayed two thousand years waiting, and the third thousand years is the Lord’s Day. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the St. Anthony the Great, from 30-01-2000.

(On Calameo)


On this day it has been reading from the book of My Gospel about My second coming, but

the man who hears this Gospel does not come closer to the day of My coming, but on the contrary, 122

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he keeps his distance from it even through the exhortation of the priests, for everywhere the priest says that it is not even I that know of the day of My coming.

Sons from the manger, I said through My Gospel: «Of that day or of that hour no one

knows; not even the angels from heavens or the Son, but only the Father». But I also said these:

«As it happened in the days of Noah, even so will it be the coming of the Son of Man. And as

they were eating and drinking, marrying and being given in marriage until the day that Noah

entered into the ark and they did not know until the flood came and took them all, the same will

it be with the coming of the Son of Man too». ( See the selection topic: „As in the days of Noah” , r.n. )

Oh, watchmen sons, why do the priests say so, sons? This is what I said. Why do they also say so? Why do they not say like Me, for I have gone to the end with the preaching by My Gospel about the day of My coming? But you, sons anointed for the time of My coming, how do you say about My words of that time?

If You said: «Of that day or of that hour no one knows; nor the angels from heaven

or the Son, but only the Father», You said so to strengthen the man for watching all the time, Lord, since You are coming unexpectedly. And the man who is waiting for You has to be clothed and with his shoes on, as though You are coming at any time, for You said: «Be ready, for the Son

of Man is coming in the hour you do not even thing about». Amen.

― Oh, why do the priests from the world do not say the same, why do they not say so, that they might strengthen the people in view of My coming? Behold, I come and I come again, and they sleep together with those under them, but here is My coming, for I have discovered it to the saints and parents through the angels, to set the man to watch. However, the antichrist says that he wants to bring Me in peace, so that I may bring human living on the earth, and this how I have taught the man to wait for Me and not to be afraid of My coming. However, he forgot that I am with those who are afraid of Me and that I prepare My way and pleasure within them, and He will remain ashamed with all his false miracles, miracles which would want to bring to the people the worldly life and the people’s freedom and not God’s freedom. And here is My coming, and no one knows to look at Me in order to see Me. My word is a salve for eyes, but he who does not repent, giving up his sins to be open for Me and to stay dressed and with his shoes on for My coming, that one does not open his eyes to see and to hear My coming and to understand My word and his way to the people, a way of light, a way with the resurrection from the death of his sins, the way of My coming with the judgment by the word, for it was by the word that I have been working from the very beginning.

In the beginning I made the heaven and the earth to put them all under the man’s service and this way the man may glorify his Creator and to have Him always before Him and to work with Him at the kingdom of the heavens on the earth. But the man has not stayed in fear of God on the earth, not even after his fall from Paradise, and in this way the human kind has been increasing on the earth, and I, the Lord, have been patient with him this way for seven thousand years. But now, I have come again as word above the earth; I have come for the resurrection of the dead; ( See the selection topic: „Resurrection of the dead” , r.n. ) I have come to make the earth into heaven and a dead one into a living one, and I will require the fruit of those who set themselves as 123

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workers over the people into My name, and each one will reap what he has sown; he will gather what he has put in the ground; they will gather the living or the dead. Amen.

The day of My second coming is called by My saints the day of the dreadful judgment.

It is in vain that the man has been trying to flee from it. It would be better for the man to come closer to it instead, for no one will get away from it; nor the dead or the living. Man, if you are afraid of it, then get up and get ready for it, so that you may not perish by it, but rather to be the son of resurrection then, the son of the age what is to be. Get up and shake off the dust and everything on it and then wash yourself, for behold, the water is flowing down as rain from heaven on earth to cleanse you from top to bottom for My coming, and then I clothe you and put your shoes on and then give you the crown of My coming and I put you at My wedding table and bring you to the celebration of My coming, to the feast of the kingdom of the heavens on earth, man.

I call out the trumpet for the resurrection of the dead. ( See the selection topic: „The

apocalyptic trumpets”, r.n. ) They have been waiting for seven thousand years for the trumpet of their resurrection, and I tell them: there is still a little bit of time and everything and all will receive the garment of incorruptibility, the same as I made them from their very creation. Amen. Little and little and everything will come back into the life without death, and the dead come to life and confess their God and His work of seven thousand years, the work for the redemption of the bodies. Amen.

… Oh, watchmen sons, tell it far and wide that the day of the Lord is coming. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are coming down on the earth as rain of word, the Lord’s Day. Who hides under My word, which said two thousand years ago: «Of this day or hour no one knows;

not the angels or the Son, but only the Father». ? Here is the Lord’s Day! God rains with it on the earth and the man passes through it and it passes through the man, and the man does not see and does not hear and does not know the day of My coming. However, you, those who are selected from among the people by My strong hand, spread the news on the earth that the Lord’s Day is coming, and let every man get ready for it, for it is coming. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the Sunday of the remembrance of the dreadful judg-

ment, from  05-03-2000. (On Calameo)


My protection will be great for those who received My love with which I come today to

make the man. I have come to make the man, a new man and eternal building, as I am. I have to submit to My Father with this work, with the new man, renewed by the Spirit, for it is written:

«Death was swallowed up by victory». When the last enemy will be conquered, then it will be heard the call of the angels and saints, who will say: “Death was swallowed by victory!”

Amen, amen, amen. Then I will submit to My Father, for I will subject the last enemy, and then, the man to My Father, and I will rest with a sweet resting day, for I will give back the man to the Father. Soon, soon, sons, all and everything will soon be submitted to Me completely, and then the last enemy will be brought down, and New Jerusalem will be then in heaven and on earth, a new age and a new man, for this is what I have come to accomplish. I want every man to hear what I have come to you for and I have accomplished the small garden from you and the ark of My word in it and My coming out to the people with the word. I have come because all and everything have to be submitted to Me, and I will reign to this fulfillment, ( See the selection topic: 124

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„The kingdom of one thousand years” , r.n. ) until I destroy the last enemy of the man, and then I will give the man to the Father, and I will rest from work, and I will submit Myself to the Father with My accomplished work. I long after the day of this accomplishment and I long for the man, and on that day the man will be called the day of the Lord. Amen.

I speak to you, children from the garden, celebrated today by those that are in heaven and by you. I very much miss My day of rest and I long after My rest in man. I want to give back the eternal life to the man and to give him to the Father, and then he will be called the Day of the Lord, the day of the rest of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. ( See the selection topic: „The end of the world and the Day of the Lord”, r.n. ) In the beginning I made everything that is, and then I created the man, and then We rested, and this rest was the Lord’s Day. In the end it will be worked out likewise. I make them all that are going to be: a new heaven and a new earth, a New Jerusalem and then a new man, an eternal man, and then the Lord’s Day, My and My Father’s rest, the man without death, for «Death was swallowed up by victory», as this Scripture was declared for My work from the Father. ( See the selection topic „The mystery of

humankind salvation - the mystery of incorruptibility” , r.n. ) Here is the mystery of My garden with you. Let the man come and take the hidden manna

from it and to become a new man, for the new man is My work in this garden. The angels and the saints sing My glory over the garden. The opposing spirit laments, and My Father bears witness for Me as the victor over the death and the hell, for My word over the garden is the river of fire in which I cast out the death and the hell, so that they may no longer be, and to be the redeemed man for life instead, and the heaven and the earth to sing the song of victory, the love of the Father for the man, My work brought before My Father: the new man. Amen.

I, your Lord and Comforter, comfort you in your work with Me. I comfort you, for it is

very hard, very hard what we have to work. Oh, if I let you totally impregnated with the weight of My glory, which works with you, you would fall down with your body and heart because of fear, for the man is weak and small, sons, but I come soft according to the way the man is created, and I carry in a mystery the whole glory of My work with the man, and I will show it to you, sons, after I will have overcome the last enemy on the earth. The life of the age, which is to be, will bring a new heaven and a new earth, and then there will no longer be pain and tears and hardship, and rather there will be life without death and it will be the Lord’s Day. ( See the selection topic:

„The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool: the man deified” , r.n. ) Excerpt from the Word of God, nine years after the consecration of the Holy of Holies of the New Jerusalem, from 12-12-2000. (On Calameo)


My coming calls out every man to it, for it is written: «All the nations will come together

before Him», but My word of that time adds more to it and says: «He will separate one from

another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, and He will put the sheep to His right

and the goats to His left». Amen. My coming urges the man to My right hand, but the darkness from the world brings carelessness to the man and it lies to him that the Lord is not coming. And even if the Lord is not coming, than does the man have to stay in darkness? The greatest darkness is sin, and the darkness is from hell. If the Lord does not come with the heaven, then the hell is on earth.


The Word of God about the end of the world and the Day of the Lord

Why does the man really say that the Lord is not coming? To have time for sin? That is

why he says so? The pain of My coming is without limits, for the one, who says to the man that the Lord is not coming, is the very one who has become a minister into My name over the people.

He says: “No one knows when the Lord’s Day is coming. However, it will come as a thief. No one knows it but Father. And not even the Son knows this”. Behold, this is how the servant man repeats it into My name; this is how he tells it to the man, and the man remains in darkness, for I said:

«The night is coming when no one can work».

Oh, no one works My coming any more. No one speaks about it any longer. No one. No

one wants Me to come. The man does not even want to hear something like that, for he loves the darkness and he loves the sin.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the Sunday in remembrance of the frightening judgment,

from 18-02-2001. (On Calameo)


Let the man, who call himself wise and theologian, look into the Scriptures, and let him look well and then come to you and ask you so that he may know how to look for this book into the Scriptures, in which you are written down, for you and I speak by this book and this is how I give it to the man on the earth, and it is the way of My coming after two thousand years ago. It is in vain that the man, who calls himself theologian, put an extended time into the way of My coming, so that the man may not believe into My coming. I came down as it was written into John’s book, as it was written into the book of My prophets from the Scriptures. Behold, the lack of wisdom makes the man be deceived by man; it makes the man unfaithful and sinful until My coming, for the man does not give up sinning, and My coming is at the threshold. Let the man open the Scripture to see well in it My word, which says: «Watch for you do not know the day or

the hour in which the Bridegroom and His wedding come». Amen.

… Oh, My little ones, My work with you is really hard. The time of the man presses on

upon My coming to choke it, but I have you and force My way and come to bring together all who come to the spring, and I take from this spring and share. Let the man open the Scripture and see what is written on it about this spring which flows from the throne of God; the Word that waters the earth. Let the man read My word of two thousand years ago, as it is said in it this: « Watch, for

you do not know the day or the hour when the Son of man, the Bridegroom of the wedding is

coming». Blessed is the man, whose Bridegroom I am, for that one waits for Me this way, for the joy of the wedding is great, and the love between the Bridegroom and the bride is the greatest joy of the soul. If the man had Me as Bridegroom, he would wait for Me to come and bring the joy of the everlasting wedding, and the delight of My eternal good things with it. But the man does not know Who I am, for My light is put under a bushel, as it is written into My book of two thousand years ago: « The sun and the moon will grow dark and will no longer give forth their light, and

the stars will fall down from the heaven and the powers of the heavens will be shaken». Those, who established sun and moon37 upon the people, do not give the light forth upon the people, 37 Regarding the significance of the sun, moon and stars, see Genesis: 37/9-10. Today: the sun is head of the church - the Patriarch (or Pope of Rome for Catholics), moon, those dealing with domestic issues, community - that priests and our brothers are stars falling (spades) from the kingdom of heaven, r.n.


The Word of God about the end of the world and the Day of the Lord

because I am the light and not they. Oh, the man do not know Who God is, for the light is put under a bushel; it is put under the garment, and My garment has turned into a lie because of the lying man who takes on My garment, ( Of the shepherd, r.n. ), a light that does not keep light. The man walks in this darkness and does no longer see the way, poor of him. How could I have not come now when the man does not give more than a light which cannot keep the light? If this was written into My Scriptures, this was what I did. I came and I found written that I should come, and this is what I found written: « There will arise false christs and try, if possible, to deceive the very

elect that wait for Me to come. And soon after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be

darkened and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven and the

powers of the heaven shall be shaken: and then shall appear the sign of the Son of man, and all

the nations of the earth will cry and see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with

power and much glory; and he will send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet and they

will gather His elect from the four winds, from one end of the heaven to the other». Amen. This is what I said by the Scriptures two thousand years ago: « Learn from the fig tree. When its branch

is yet tender and gives forth leaves, you know that the summer is nigh. Likewise you, when you

shall see these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. Watch and be ready, is such an

hour as you think not, the Son of man comes». Amen.

I read the Scriptures together with the man, for it is the hour when the man does no longer thing, does no longer read; he does no longer hear My coming and My Gospel, and when the false man, dressed in My garment, says: „ No one knows when the Lord’s coming is; the angels do not know either, nor the Son, how the man then shall know it! ” And when the man hears this, he does no longer think at My coming. Only that I said then: « The Lord is coming when you do not even

think of it», and this is what I said about My work of today: « When the branch of the fig tree is

tender and gives forth its leaves the summer is nigh, right at the doors. Learn from the fig tree

this parable». Amen.

Who is the fig tree? I am, and the fig tree on the earth is without fruit. I am the tender fig tree, for the time of its tenderness has come and he gave forth its springs and the summer is nigh.

I established a new priesthood, and I made everything new. I made new buds as the fig tree on the earth ( The worldly church, r.n. ) is dry and I do not find food in it for Me. The man do no longer see the way, for there no more priests of Mine to show the man My coming and My watching for it. The priest took the man’s thinking about My coming, for he does not look for My coming; he seeks the money, poor of him, and seeks that the man may not think of My watch for My coming. If the man had mind, he would think about Me, but he has no longer a mind for Me.

I made everything new. I made new buds as the fig tree on the earth is dry and only brushwood comes out of it. When Peter laid his hand upon the baptized, they received the Holy Spirit, and Simon, who was a sorcerer, brought money so that he might also receive the power by the laying of his hands. In addition, Peter spoke to him this: « May your money perish with you, be-

cause you thought you could obtain the gift of God with money! You have neither part nor lot

in this matter, for your heart is not right before God. Repent therefore of this, your wickedness,

and ask God if perhaps the thought of your heart may be forgiven».


The Word of God about the end of the world and the Day of the Lord

Here is why I said that the man’s church is a store on which is written „God”, where God and His gift are bought from, as man thinks, as he is taught to seek God’s gift. For two thousand years this lie with a church appearance has been selling ranks and degrees of priests to those who want to buy. This is what those who call themselves priests of Christ are; this is how do they become priests, and I say to them: let their money be for their own perishing, for they thought that God’s gift is bought with the money. They have no inheritance at My calling.

Amen. ( See the selection topic: The true church” , r.n. ) Those who became sun and moon over the people of the earth, do not give light upon the

people because I am the Light and not they, and they put the light under the bushel, under their garment which takes after My garment, and say that they can sell the light, but their light is no good to keep light, as the life is the light of the people. The people have no light, for no one gives it to them; no one teaches them what life is, the life without death, the life without sin. No one is on the earth to teach the man to come back into heaven; to come back to the life without death. It is only I Who am without death and it is only I Who can teach the man, for the Teacher is only he who is first to do what he teaches the man to do. That is why I made everything new, for the fig tree on the earth is dry, and the sun and the moon became black as sackcloth made of hair and like blood, and the stars of the sky fall, the Christians fall from the sky, they fall from God, as there is none to give the light so that they may not fall. The priests became as sackcloth of hair and their servants became dirty of blood and are full of violence, and I do not hear them, for it is written in the Scriptures of the prophets about these: « When you lift up your hands to Me, I turn

My eyes away from you and when you multiply your prayers I will not listen to them, for your

hands are dirty of blood, and your feasts became a burden for Me».

But I come out like a merciful Shepherd into the way of the sheep without a shepherd, and call them to the spring and say: come to the resurrection! Come and take the light! Amen. Come to those that I established to share Me to you! I gave to these My light to give it forward to you.

They took from the man neither the gift nor the light. I gave to these; I gave them so that they may give without taking a reward on God. Come and take My light from them, as I made everything new, as the fig tree on the earth is dry and cannot give fruit but only brushwood, bruises and wounds, for the brushwood scratches. Those who became apostles are from the world and became apostles for the money, and they skin the infirm sheep and suck their fatness and milk. But I will feed these on wormwood, because this is what I prophesied for them among the prophets: « I will

feed them on wormwood, as from them the unbelief spread everywhere».

Those who work out over the man the laying on of the hands do not have the Holy Spirit.

They have money not the Holy Spirit. They want money, and the Holy Spirit is not given on money by those who pretend that they have Him and that they give Him. And if they have Him, how comes that those whom they give Him do not have Him? Why did they not show up being baptized, those who are baptized by those who baptized paying the money? My apostles were saying to those who were baptized: «Receive the Holy Spirit!», and those who were baptized were receiving, and it was seen that they received Him. And the one, who did not received Him, seeing how those, who were baptized by the laying on of the apostle’s hands, were receiving the Holy Spirit, came to the apostles with money and asked them to give him this power as well, so that on whoever he might lay his hands on to receive the Holy Spirit. But Peter told him and said: «May

your money perish with you, for the gift of God is not obtained with money, and you have neither


The Word of God about the end of the world and the Day of the Lord

part nor lot in this matter, for your heart is not right before God». ( See the selection topic: „About

baptism” , r.n. )

… My word is precious, sons who hear My word. Soon, soon, it will be sought after as the most precious gold by all the nations of the earth. The earth that you stay on, the earth that I give you to have dominion on, will remain like a ship, and I will glorify Myself on it before the entire earth. Amen. I am My book with you and the place on which you stay is the throne of My book. I have missed very much to take it from the hand of the Father and to put it on the earth, on its throne, and to judge with it every nation on the earth. Let the man, who calls himself intelligent and theologian, look into the Scriptures; let him look well into this book in which I write Myself with you on earth, for you and I speak through this book as I was speaking with the prophets by the book of the prophecy of their time. I speak with you in it and I give it to the man on the earth to receive Holy Spirit from it and the man to see My coming after two thousand years, for the man does not give up sinning for he does not know where I am with My coming, and the shepherds over them have extended the time of My coming. However, I have come and I come, and I say to everybody: watch, for here is the day of My coming and its book, which judges the creature! Learn the parable from the fig tree. Its branch has become tender and the summer is near. Watch and be ready, for I will come in the hour when you do not even think about.

And I have come. And I come like a Bridegroom or like a Judge, as I will find every man in that hour. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the Sunday of remembrance of Adam’s expulsion from

Paradise, from 25-02-2001. (On Calameo)


Each man celebrates his day and prepares and gets ready for it and then he calls the guests at his table and rejoices for one day, and then the day passes. I also have My day, which I have been preparing since I was born from the Father, and not only two or three days when the man prepares for his day. The living ones have been waiting for My day in heaven and on earth for seven thousand years. My day is not every day or every year as with the man. I do not do as the man does, for My day is very expensive and it is only one and it has a great value, for it is one.

Amen. The same is with My church too. It is very expensive, and it is only one and it has a great value, for it is one. Amen. ( See the selection topic: The true church” , r.n. ) I celebrate you, watchmen children from the manger, for you are My church. Until I had you, I could not make any bed for Myself into the midst of the people to be seen with it. You are My manger; you and the place on which I placed you to be and to stand against Me, for Me and for those in heaven, for you and for those alive on earth, but there are very few living people on earth and I have had nothing to reap for heaven and for My coming on earth.

I am the day of the Father, His day of joy, and I am only One, and you are My day, in which I rejoice with you, for you and for Me and for all who are alive from heaven and from earth.

I celebrate you with this day, which is only one, the day in which I laid down with you the sign of the Son of the man on earth, the sign of the new age, the age which is to be, and into 129

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its midst this sign: the New Jerusalem church, the Holy of Holies of the Lord between earth and heaven, the way of His coming from heaven on earth, for narrow is this path, but I can on it. Amen. ( See the selection topic: „The sign of the Son of Man” , r.n. ) Only the man cannot, but I can on it, and the man on the earth does not know what this sign is to take after it and to understand My coming, My day of glory, in which the Father will glorify Me, soon, soon, before the entire human kind, as it is written into the Scriptures that My coming will be, in the day of My coming, the day which I have been preparing for seven thousand years.

Oh, My people, you have to be beautifully dressed, very beautifully for the day of My

coming, as no one on the earth is, as beautiful as only One is, for it is My day, My people, and on its celebration you need a beautiful dress as only one is, only not to forget My words, My loved people. Oh, I have taught you to dress beautifully day and night. I have taught you about the little shirt, son, day and night, because you are Mine and you stand before Me. And when you go to sleep to have rest, I have taught you to dress completely beautiful and to be ready in everything, and to have your little garment wholly on your body, ready to meet Me, and this is how you should also have your heart with its work and faith. I have meant for you a little white garment, which does not hide the dirt but rather it brings it into the open and puts you to the work of cleanness to be completely clean, My people, and to sit at My table with the glory of saints and angels, and to sit down awake at My table all the time, for I am the day of the Father, and you are My day, and I have the sign of My coming with you, the manger where I come down and prepare food for you, for I have come to serve you at the table, My people. You should ponder day and night over everything I have taught you to do for My coming to you and for My dwelling with you, My people, for I comfort you from the manger and I make you grow and put you before My day, only for you to be great and conscious in your mind and heart, for it is for My day, My people. Oh, the man on the earth does not know about this day of feast, about this work and about the place where I live with you and for you with Me. He would like to climb up but without any ticket. It is not possible to be without ticket on this ship. And neither is it possible on earth without ticket, without the law that is established by man over the man.

Excerpt from the Word of God ten years after the consecration of the Holy of Holies of the New Jerusalem, from 12-12-2001. (On Calameo)


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, I knock at the gates of My word between heaven and earth. I knock and it is opened to Me and I go in and shepherd My people. Amen, amen, amen.

… ― Lord, Bishop of the Father, beloved Son, obedient Son to the Father, bless the entrance of Your saints! Amen, amen, amen.

― The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit bless you, those who have the bishop anointing for the end of the time, over the sons of God, who are waited by the whole the creature, which groans after redemption waiting them. Amen.

The Scriptures of Your coming come true and no one knows to see them. No one opens the Scripture of Your coming and the books of the prophets from before You on earth, in which it 130

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is written about Your coming of today, about the time of today and about Your work in the days of Your coming. The man closes the door in Your face and says that You said that no one knows when You come; no one but Your Father.

I, the Father, want to speak for one moment near You and near Your saints, who speak today to Your people from Your coming, Son, Who come coming.

I, the Father Sabaoth, the Almighty, the Creator of the heaven and the earth and of the things that are seen and of those that are not seen, confessed My Son at Jordan, and then I gave Him to the people, and He was the kingdom of the heavens, for all and everything live in Him.


I, the Father Sabaoth, speak for a moment and tell everyone who cover with the Scripture of My Son, who says through it that no one knows the day of the coming of My Son, neither the angels from heaven nor the Son, but only the Father. I, the Father, speak and tell them this way: if no one knows, neither the angels nor the Son of the Father, where do you know from not to wait for the coming of My Son and not to hear that He comes? Did He say to you that He is not coming?

Did He say to you? No, He did not tell you this. He told you to watch for His coming instead. And now I ask you: if you speak out this Scripture that even the Son does not know when He comes, have you listened to Him if He told you to watch for His coming? Answer Me! However you will answer when you do not expect of this, as it is written about those who do not watch for the coming of My Son, Who, here it is how He is coming for those who watch for the coming of the Bridegroom! There He is! This is He, and He is called the Word of God, as it is written in the book of the beloved John about the name of My Son in the end of the time ( Apoc: 19/13, r.n. ), and to Whom those who receive Him as word upon them say: “Bless is the One Who comes in the name of the Lord.” Amen.

I, the Father Sabaoth, speak after two thousand years from My confession for My Son

at Jordan, I speak from the midst of My people of today, of Romanians, and I say: this is the coming of the Son of Man, the coming of the Bridegroom to His bride and as the lightning, which crosses with its light the sky from east to west in a twinkle of an eye, here is His coming with power and much glory becoming a river of word over the earth, ( See the selection topic:

This word is the river of life” , r.n. ) the word of the eternal life, the river of life of which drink those that are thirsty after Him. This is the coming of My Son, the Son of the Man, the Word of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Who puts the kingdom of Israel back into its place, the kingdom of God, the new man, the new heaven and the new earth, the new creation, the new birth of the world, which were made by the word in the beginning as in the end. Amen. ( See the selection topic: „About the kingdom of God” , r.n. )

I, the Father Sabaoth, have spoken and testified for those who want to hear and to know from the Father, for My Son is in Me and I in Him when I speak and when He speaks from Me.

Amen, amen, amen.

Oh, Father Sabaoth, of Your Son and ours and of those who are His on earth now, in the end of the time! The people on the earth do not know, and neither do the apostles who call 131

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themselves the disciples of Your Son, they do not know to believe let alone to wait for Your Son and everything that is written into the Scriptures of His coming! However, we know what comes to those who believe in Your Son. We know that the greatest consequence is the faith in Him and in His coming and in His work after seven thousand years upon the man. But we, Your saints, wanted to believe and we believed and saw and confessed. Amen. No one believes in God but only after He passes leaving His signs behind Him. No one believes in the saints but only after they pass away leaving their signs behind them and the signs of their faith. However, the kingdom of Your Son, which is now on the Romanian land, will be forever and ever, for it is written in the Scriptures of the Holy Spirit this, what we confess now, and «All the nations on the earth will

serve Him». Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the three holy hierarchs: Basil, Gregory and John, from 12-02-2003. (On Calameo)


Oh, children who are My gates ( Gates - those by whom the Lord speaks, the Lord comes as word, r.n. ) for Me to enter as word into the book! My word upon you is My coming. I say this so that the world, which does not wait for Me to come, may be judged. Amen. Two thousand years ago, when My time was about to come from the Father and to become the Son of the Man, neither the scribes, nor the Pharisees, nor the teachers of the Law, nor the people of Israel wanted to understand My coming, which was written in the prophets, and they even today hear Israel saying that Messiah is still to come. However, I came then, and only few believed Me, starting with Zacharias and Elisabeth, who prepared the Virgin in whom I, the Son of the Father Sabaoth, had to come down with a seed of the Holy Spirit and to be born as a Man among the people, being true God from true God. And then John, the Baptizer, knew Me also, as he was a little bit ahead of Me, incarnated from God through the word, having Zacharias and Elisabeth as his parents on earth. And My mother knew Me as well, and then My brothers, who were Joseph’s sons, knew Me after that, ( And not the sons of Mary, the Virgin – see “Jesus’ childhood” received by Jakob Lorber, r.n.), and when I still was a little baby, the three shepherds from the sheep, the three Magi, Simon, who was well advanced in years, and Anna, the prophetess knew Me too. And then sons, My twelve disciples knew Me, and from them, some of them also came to know Me, whom I sent through the cities so that I could enter them with My disciples and to be able to stay with them as frequently as possible into the midst of the multitudes, and to do My work of three years and a half, the man’s calling to the kingdom of the heavens, with which I came on the earth in the sixth age after I built the man, and then My people Israel put Me on the cross to die and no longer be. However, I am He Who is, and so I was then, and the death and the hell were overcome by Me, and I got up from the dead and fulfilled the work of the salvation of the world, and then I stood again in those that are not seen, on the right of My Father, the place of His Son. Amen.

Oh, sons, the world did not believe then that I was the Messiah, the One Who was written about to come. No one believed but only those whom My Father ordained to this mystery. Oh, children of My coming of today, the world does not even today believe that I am the Son of the Man, the One Who was written about that had to come, and here I am now over the earth as word into your midst, and behold My coming after seven thousand years from the

man’s creation, for I have come into the eighth age, with which I started My kingdom with the man on earth, ( See the selection topic: „The kingdom of one thousand years” , r.n. ) 132

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as I would have also liked to stay with the man in the beginning and to be his God, but he has become haughty thinking that he is a king over the whole creature. All the angels served him after I made him, for I was resting in him with all the hosts of angels, and the most beautiful among the angels was serving him even more, and when the man exalted himself by haughtiness, Lucifer served him and his haughtiness, and then he fell down with the number of his angelic army. And I, the Son of the Father, I, the Maker of the man, told Michael, the archangel to give a command to the angels and to say: «Let us stand well, with fear and attention!» I told him to say this so that the other hosts of angels may not fall too, those who could serve to the man’s haughtiness. And then, Michael remained My angel, as each man has got his own angel, for I created the man into My image and after My likeness, for I built only that one, only that one, sons.

My word upon you is My coming in the eighth age after the making of the man. I say this for the world to be judged that it does not wait for Me to come, as neither did those from two thousand years ago wait for Me when I came; no one in the world had wanted Me to come, even if all knew and said that the Messiah was to come. However, going from place to place with My disciples, I was gathering the elected through the faith and I was making them male and female disciples for their belief in My coming five thousand years after the man’s fall from Paradise and after the angels’ fall from heaven, who were the hosts of Lucifer, the most beautiful of all the chief angels, of those ten angelic hosts.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Saints Apostles Peter and Paul, from 12-

07-2003.  (On Calameo)


The chief angels, Michael and Gabriel, are the glory of the angelic hosts, and the spirit of the feast of today comforts Me among the angels and among you, children of the New Jerusalem.

I bless your food threefold and we stay near you with a table of feast and we comfort your joys and pains and we give you the Holy Spirit to be your filling, and you are to give glory to the heaven, which stays with you in many groups comforting your little hearts and bodies tired of all the worries of My celebration with you. I have been longing so much to come down with My word upon you, and My comfort was also great when I saw you filled with a spirit of prayer and of glorifying My name with the word of glory for the heaven. The earthly man cannot understand My love for My work with you, because the word between Me and you has been a great mystery, and then My calling after the man. On earth I have been hurt because of every man, for the emptiness of the man’s mind has put Me completely away from his thought that I will come and I will reward everyone according to his life and work. The man saw that the year of 2000 passed and I did not come, but I tell him that he does not know when he says so. Soon, soon, every man will receive, willing or not, this wisdom by which I stay into your midst as word, and he will understand that My coming is with you, and the heaven and the earth are seized by the mystery of My word upon you and all the saints and angels and all the heavenly powers are amazed because of this mystery and because of this earth chosen for My coming by the mystery of the creation of the world, kept within a mystery to glorify Myself upon you, those who are now My disciples, the same way as those of two thousand years ago were My disciples by their obedient and miracle working faith.

Oh, if I did not conceal the work of the mysteries, which I put today into your midst by My word, I could not get in on the earth with you for the confession, which will speak and testify My 133

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way from heaven to earth in these days for the fulfillment of the Scriptures of My coming and its mysterious glory among you. However, I, as a great God that I am, keep you wrapped up within this mystery to be able to speak with the man, and for the man to be able to stand before you and to take Me as his word as much as I allow him to see My glory with you.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the synod of the saints archangels Michael and Gabriel, from 21-11-2003. (On Calameo)


Oh, My people, those near Me did not value Me, because they were used to Me and there

came John and he knew Me. If I let Myself be seen the man would get used to Me. That is why I work within the spirit and I let Myself to be seen by the eyes of the spirit when the man sees Me, when the man sees those that are not seen, and I do so because he who has the Holy Spirit sees without becoming haughty and he humbles himself and that is why he sees and he sees like Me, for it is written: «Those who are like Him will see Him as He is». Amen. Those who see Me are like Me by sight, because humility exalts the one who sees. John humbled himself and asked the One Who sent him to baptize Me, and said: «By what shall I know the One Whom I have to


Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Baptism (The Epiphany), from 19-

01-2004. (On Calameo)


My work of the word on earth is the salvation of the creature fallen from life; it is the man’s coming out of the dwelling of the dead, and then My visible coming in the man’s eyes, for him to receive his entire nature from Me, and the whole creation to receive its life before death, which was installed on earth when the man died, for the man, made by My word and by My working hand, died; the man made by God died.

Those who do not have hope in God are sad for their life that passes, because they either forget it or do not make much of Me, the One Who was well pleased to be born as a man on earth, to die as a man and then to be raised to life for each man who is born of man and then dies, and to bring everyone back to life, as it is written into the Scriptures about My calling, about My descent from heaven into My trumpet to raise the dead at My calling, and then they, together with those who are alive in their bodies, will be taken up into the clouds as I was also taken up at My ascension into heaven from the eyes of My disciples, and we will meet each other in the sky, and afterwards we will be together forever for this is written. However, I want to teach the man to believe this. Amen, amen, amen. ( See the selection topic: „The rapture (the abduction)

of the Church” , r.n. )

Oh, sons, it shall not be the Lord’s coming but the man’s coming, the man’s resur-

rection, for the Lord is, and he waits for the man to come. Amen. First, there comes the resurrection of the dead, and then I, with the glory of My appearance from the clouds, as I worked and ascended in the cloud from the eyes of those who were looking at Me asking Me about the restoration of the kingdom of Israel. I had to perfect My kingdom on earth, not Israel’s, but they, not understanding God, did not understand the mystery of My kingdom until after the Holy Spirit had come upon them, Who confessed through them My kingdom over the earth.


The Word of God about the end of the world and the Day of the Lord

Oh, there is a great joy and there is a feast among those who wait in the dwelling of the dead! Oh, it is a great joy for the saints who wait from Me the reward of their love of God! May your memorial of those who wait waiting for you to declare their waking up, which all the sinners will pronounce, let alone those who believe looking for and earnestly desiring of My day!

The sinners will go to the grave and will say: «Come out, you from the graves so that we may

take your place because we can no longer endure God’s wrath!» ( See the selection topic: „The

great tribulation” , r.n. ) However, those that are faithful to the resurrection of the dead, which will be before My appearance in the clouds, will declare their resurrection and those who are asleep will wake up and will come to life, and this Scripture is to be fulfilled, so that those who are asleep may confess, and they will be dressed in a body preaching the work of My word, the voice of the Son of God, heard by those in the grave for their waking up at His voice, as it is written into My Scriptures about the resurrection of the dead and about the life after their resurrection, the life of the age to be. Amen. ( See the selection topic: „The dead hear My voice” , r.n. )

Excerpt from the Word of God on the Saturday of the memorial of those who are asleep,

from 14-02-2004.


We are reminded in My book of this day about the dreadful day when I, the Lord, I, the

Son of Man, in whose image I will appear when all the angels will be with Me, will make a throne of glory and I will sit and all the nations of the earth will stand before Me, and I will set them on My right and on My left, and I will give each one according to his work. Those who have come together to Me will hear from My mouth: «Come blessed of My Father, inherit My Kingdom

prepared for you from the foundation of the world!» ( Matt: 25/34) And I will tell those who have gathered for themselves: «Depart from Me, you cursed, into the eternal fire, which is prepared

for the devil and his angels!» ( Matt: 25/41) This is the work, which I came to do by My coming of today. And as for those who have works and a life pleasant to Me, I exhort them calling them to you, My very little brothers, to do to you good, and you to do Me good and to them as well, so that I may always come, always with My care for their salvation and yours. They are My blessed to whom I will tell: «Most assuredly I tell you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least

of these of My brothers, you did it to Me». ( Matt: 25/40) Amen. And as for those who have no work and a pleasant life to Me, I do not bring them to you, for they gather for themselves and to their earthly lusts and emptiness, but I will tell them about the throne of glory as I have already done so: «Most assuredly I tell you, inasmuch as you did not do to one of the least of these, you

did not do it to Me». ( Matt: 25/45) Then those who have worked the life for themselves will have eternal life and those who have worked condemnation for themselves will go away into eternal punishment, and this is how the sheep on My right will be separated from the goats on My left, and each one will hear My words for their works, for I will give each one according to his work.


It is not I to judge the man, but his works will set him on My right or on My left. You are My little ones and whoever visits you, are blessed by My Father, and there is no other greater and better blessing than that one by which they can do you good, My little ones, and help you on My way with you, on your way with Me, for in this way it is the work of My coming as word for any work of the man on earth whom I call out offering him the teaching of life so that I 135

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may not be guilty of the man’s work without God. I am the right Judge and that is why I have shown the man the right way, coming to him with My word of life giving and of right way, and if the man does not want to work in his life, then I will not be guilty of his life, of his lack of life and of his lack of blessing.

I set you, My little ones, before the nations of the earth, so that the man may alone chose his place on My right or his place on My left, and this is how the day of the man’s judgment is made. ( See the selection topic: „The fearful judgment” , r.n. ) I, the Lord, make it establishing you, those who make My coming on earth, before the creature on it and before the human people on it, for the creature waited and waits for you, and by this sign, which is you with the cross of My coming on your little shoulders, I can make the judgment of the nations, the man’s trial; ( See the selection topic: „The sign of the Son of Man” , r.n. ) and after I have finished testing them through you, I will shine from you, because you carried on your little shoulders the cross of My coming on earth as word, a word of life upon the people. And after I will have shined from you as My sign between earth and heaven, all the nations of the earth will cry and will see Me with you on the clouds of glory, with power and much glory of angels. And then those, who did you good, will be My elected ones and I will gather them with the sound of a trumpet, and this generation will not pass until all these will not remain this way. Amen. And those, who did not do good to you after I have established you as a sign of My coming, as word over the earth for the judgment of the creature, it will happen to them as to those in the time of Noah, who did not believe, and who are eating and drinking and marrying and are given in marriage, ( See the selection topic: „As in the days of Noah” , r.n. ) as they have always done it, until the day when I shine from you, and then, before their reward, they will know their reward, which will put all to My left for this reward, and this generation shall not pass away until all these happen. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the Sunday of the memorial of the dreadful judgment.

The feast of the Lord’s Meeting (Candlemas), from 15-02-2004. (On Calameo)


Oh, sons of the world, you too, get up from your bed and seek after your awakening, for the reward comes from any work, and you do not watch for that day. I speak to you as a father because I am merciful on you. My new great name is more and more hidden now before the people by those that tell that God is not and that it is only them. The red beast and the false prophet are now stronger against God and against man, ( See the selection topic: „The antichrist and the

apocalyptic beast” , r.n. ) for the unbelief is everything that has remained on the earth due to the man’s foolishness, who seeks after power and after glory on the earth. Wake up, you, sons of the world, and seek after God, Who can save you from the darkness! The Lord’s day comes and the people’s houses and bodies will turn into heaps upon heaps of trash and houses upon houses, people upon people, and these works of lawlessness will open up and will fall down upon people and will crush them, and everything that stands against man’s sight so that he may not see God, everything will fall down and the Lord will remain face to face with the man, and I have mercy on man and I call him: Come, man, come out to the light and become a child in your love and work, for you stay only in your sins! Come so that I may forgive you and to make you a child by forgiveness, for it is written: «Unless you become little children,

you will not enter into God’s kingdom», and this is what a child means: innocence, love, forgiveness and peace, God with man, father and son, for the children are those who have a father and call him their father. Amen.


The Word of God about the end of the world and the Day of the Lord

Come, you, sons of the world! Come out of the world and become God’s people, and then

you will see, and you will see that God has spoken to you this word of longing, calling you out to him. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the Sunday of the tax collector and the Pharisee, from

17-02-2008.  (On Calameo)


Oh, My people from the spring, I thank you because you humble yourself to listen to My

voice into your midst and bring before Me days of feast for My victory and yours on earth, as the days are full of darkness, son, and the devil works as well, and he is upset with you. Oh, get used, son, with every passing day, more and more, better and better and more faithfully to learn to believe that as the Father is in Me, likewise I am in those who take Me into your midst, and in whom I put My word so that they may speak to you, as I have whispered to them to come before Me with days of sacrifice and calling, to help Me in My victory against the serpent with many heads and with many horns and which I have to cut them one by one, whenever he gets them out, but without a tool, I cannot do My work. I, the Lord, have sent you word and I give you the power to fulfill it, but you should also give Me your spirit to fill it with My love, which stands for everything, for without My love you can do nothing. Then I told My disciples two thousand years ago:

«Apart from Me you can do nothing!» ( John: 15/5). And I am telling you today likewise, and I am also going to tell you, in great humility I am telling you, that I cannot work and fulfill without you as well, as I have given you power to become God’s sons so that the Lord may have a way to do His work on earth, the victory for the kingdom of the heavens with the people, after that the wrath will pass ( See the selection topic: „The great tribulation” , r.n. ) and after that faith remains, for faith will not pass away, because it is God’s tool before Him on earth, and with it He cleanses His threshing floor from unbelief and from those who are unfaithful, and this is how the Lord’s day will be on earth, and those who wait for the Lord to come with His day in another manner, these do not know what to say and do not know what they have been waiting for. However, those who are faithful wait for My promise for them: a new heaven and a new earth, and they have long endurance, not losing their patience like those who perish in this way then.

I am coming to an end with My word of today and I am sealing it with My new name: The word of God, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Transfiguration, from 19-08-2010.

(On Calameo)


— Amen, amen, I, the Lord, am saying to you, My disciples of two thousand years ago,

and to you, My disciples of nowadays, from the end of the time: Let the one, who gives himself to Me for My kingdom in him, be only eyes. This is how you should also be, those on whom I, the Lord, rely to be on earth with the people now, and to prepare by the word the day of My glory, the day of the destruction of the unfaithful people, and a new heaven and earth for those who believe in My coming of today and yesterday to give each one according to his works. Amen.


The Word of God about the end of the world and the Day of the Lord

The day of the Lord, My day of glory over the dead and over the living is coming! The Lord is coming! I am proclaiming Myself and I am coming. I am coming to you My people, and I am sitting at the table with you, and the world is world and it does not know anything about My coming to you, and when it will open its eyes wide to see, then the whole world will see that I, the Lord, have dwelt into your midst, as humble as God and full of the glory of My humility so that the world may come to life, to come and to see My glory, the glory that is not understood by the man’s mind, the glory of the Lord’s humility, My glory with you on the earth, oh, sons. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt of the Word of God at the feast of the saint apostles Peter and Paul, from 12-07-



Oh, the man that I created with My hand at the beginning is crying; he is crying now with pain and with calmness in his pain, and he is speaking with his Creator, Whom he did not love at the beginning, for he loved his body, because until the Lord took of his body to make and give him a helper and a companion, he had not been content. I am speaking now with him from My little garden of word, now, at the fulfillment of the times, and he sees now the place from where I took the dough of the making of his body and he knows My Spirit with Whom I breathed over him to give him a living soul and He is telling Me with pain:

Have mercy, my Maker, on all those who have been multiplied out of me, and then from one another on earth since then and until today; have mercy on the world of the people in my image and after my likeness concerning my disobedience to You and my discontent on earth then!

May Your holy will be done, and I am telling You this with tears in my eyes, for at my beginning with You I neglected Your will and spoiled Your work because I was discontent and I wanted to be big beyond my capacity and in this way I affected Your greatness, and the seat of Your greatness was shaken then because of my serving angels due to my disobedience, before which they bowed, and after that You came to speak to me as though You would have searched me, seeing the angels shaken from the place of their ministry before Your glorified throne, and then You asked me where I was. You asked me so because in my mind I wanted to hide from You, I wanted to do somehow so that You might not see me, who was blinded from the greatness and priority between me and You, oh my Maker. You came after me here, from where You are working now with Your word from the end of the time; You came back to my beginning with You and made me see the whole time from then and up to this day and You have brought me to see the end of the man’s ages and to see Your today’s hard work and Your long endurance for man. (See the selection topic: „The end of the world and the Day of the Lord”, r.n.) Oh, what man was supposed to be and what today is! This makes me suffer! I have been crying and suffering for seven thousand years, but my pain from now comprises within it all the time that has been by now and I am suffering now in You, oh, and You are also suffering from me and Your pain suffers in me. Take it and put it on Your wound that You have got from me and heal Your pain and mine! It has lasted for a long time and it has made us tired, my God. However, You still have patience with man, because You want to redeem me completely because You love so much, and man has to know what God is, because He is love.

And now let Your voice over the garden of the origin of my body run its word, Lord, and make Your today’s feast with those who are Your help on earth from among the people now, the children of the obedience in the end of the time for their love of the human kind, severely stricken 138

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by my disobedience from the man’s beginning and whose people You want to heal now and to show Your being, Your love for man, oh, my God. Amen.

⸻ On this day, I, the Lord, have spoken here, in the garden of My word, and I have had a conversation with the man from the beginning, and I am marking today the feast of twenty years ago, since I set to the holy work of My word over the earth the little garden of My word, the place where I spoke with the Father to make a man in Our image and after Our likeness and to reign in him. And I am speaking from here now, too, in the end of the time, to join the beginning with the end and to make the beginning of new the creation by the word; to do and to work everything by the word, as for a long time I have announced through the prophets what I am working during these days, the last days, when from this mountain of word I am giving to the people the laws of creation for a holy life in man, I am giving this word over the earth, and with it I am working from the little garden of My today’s word. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the twenty-year feast from the dedication of the Holy of Holies of the New Jerusalem, from 12-12-2011.


Oh, peace to you, sons of the hard work for My work of today through you over the earth!

Open yourselves to pour out Myself into you, sons, with My power, for you are gentle, but I have always strengthened you, for I am so tired, but on the feasts here with you, My power and hope are growing because the great victory is coming near closer and closer, the Day of the Lord, oh, sons, when there will be between heaven and earth My blessing, only it and its fruit, and when I, the Lord, will give to those who love, I will give the greatest beauty, the kingdom of the heavens, My love on earth and only it.

Oh, peace to you, to those who are with Me, My dear sons! I am getting ready with a sweet word, with a sweet feast, and I am coming and We are spending with the angels, sons, and everything, everything will be on that day as in heaven on earth here. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the great saint and martyr Demetrios, the

myrrh giver, from 08-11-2014.


Oh, I am telling you, people on earth, who say with your mouth that the Lord will

come and that you are waiting for His coming, I am telling you, do no longer wait, oh, do no longer wait as you may know to wait and to say that you wait. I have not even gone, but I have only set My being within mystery, in a cloud of mystery, and I have told the disciples and to all that will be like them: «I am with you to the end». And if you say that it is written in the Scriptures that the Son of Man will come, I, the Son of Man, am telling you this: I have already come. And if I have come, I am speaking and proving that I have come as it is written, but faith on earth I find only where I have put to find, for man does not have faith for My coming, and it is seen that he does not have and that he does not seek to have, even if I, the Lord, seek after the man’s heart and keep on trying to put faith in man and to find what I have put, since I, the Lord come as word on earth and speak with the man to help him in his faith, but behold, man does not even know how to read the Scriptures. Oh, how could he know to read if no one teaches man as in school and then to have knowledge, so that the man may know God’s book?


The Word of God about the end of the world and the Day of the Lord

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the saint prophet Elijah the Tishbite, from



I am coming and asking you: can you give Me an account for the life and face of the Christian flock? Can you show Me your fruit and the fruit of the church, that for the heaven? Oh, no.

Behold, you cannot do this, for even now, and before you have done this, some have tried to change the things established by the saints; they have tried to change them in such a way that they may be distorted and those who decided or decide for Christ may fall into laziness.

I come with the spirit of tenderness to you. I have mercy on you. Behold, you do not watch, oh, you do not watch with God, you do not take any care of the flock, and it is without any guidance and without any watching upon it, since you, those who sit on thrones, even for you do not want to watch, and behold, behold, you have been inflicting endless pains between you and Me, before Me and before My saints, who guided well My church during their time on earth ( See the selection topic: The true church” , r.n. ) and protected it from wolves and heresy, and you, you are leading it now rapidly to the stripping of her grace with every passing day.

Oh, I have sent you a book from heaven, and I have sent it to you like lightning ( Published also on the Internet, r.n. ) ( See the selection topic: „As lightning that comes from the east, so is the

coming of the Lord” , r.n. ) so that you may pay attention to it, and I have exhorted you not to be caught into the trap of wandering away and forgetting the fear of sin, and I also told you not to go the council in Greece, ( Reference to the Pan Orthodox Synod from Crete, from June 18-26, 2016, r.n.) where it was planned and it is still being planned the destruction and the weaken-ing of the power of the holy people, such bad work, about which it is written into the Scriptures that will appear and will be worked before the beginning of the end of all things, for the Lord’s coming after it with the victory from above. Oh, now I am still telling you and to the flock, too, and I am telling you plainly that the power of the holy people is the perseverance in which the holy fathers walked, as I did, the fasting and the praying with the fast for the destiny of the Christian flock and for its likeness to the Lord and to the saints.

… Oh, My church is not anyhow. It is not as you may want it to be, but it is that which I want it to be, and as for you, not even you know what you rule upon anymore and what your inheritance is; however, you will not be able to have authority over My flock, for here it is, it stays awake. And I keep on telling you, and I am telling you suffering on this day of holy memorial of the right faith, I am telling you that soon, soon, your kingdom will be thrown down, and those you are putting aside now because they are standing against you and your sin leading the flock away, they are those who will have victory, they, and not you, and without you knowing what you do, I, the Lord, will sort them out even through you and I will take them away from you as those who confess the right faith, and you are their persecutors for My name upon them and of the right faith, and I am going to read on this day into the midst of My people of New Jerusalem, I am going to read through My servants the book left by the saints at the beginning of My church, ( The Syn-

odikon of the Orthodoxy, r.n.), and which has to be read on this holy Sunday, the Sunday of the Orthodoxy. Moreover, I will read the book that blesses those who are good and faithful, and it curses those who persecute the faith and its brave sons and alive with their confession, and you will be remembered on account of those who call out in a churchly way: anathema!


The Word of God about the end of the world and the Day of the Lord

Amen, amen I say to you, you have committed sin upon sin. You went there where

I told you not to go and be part of it, and you did not listen and take My advice, and then, more than this, you also have put aside those who have stood against you and spoken it out the word of the saints’ righteousness because you did not have the right to do what you did, and you alone have assumed this right; however, you will fall down through it, through your bad fruit, the fruit against God and against His saints, and he who reads knows and understands, for he seeks to know, as also the one who does not read remains in his iniquity, and behold, your house will be thrown down, as it is written, for your hand and your work throws it down, and you will see this work, because it is written that it will be fulfilled.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the first Sunday of the Lent, of the right faith, from 05-

03-2017.  (On Calameo)


The Lord is coming down into the book of His word during these days, and the book is

opening at His voice and it is being written in it a day of the royal feast.

I am coming down in the citadel of My word with a holy feast. First off, I am going to

strengthen the patience and the power for Me in the gates ( Gates - those by whom the Lord speaks, the Lord comes as word, r.n. ) in order to come in and to work My word, and then to work out its fulfillment. I am putting comfort and alleviation over those who carry Me. I am putting My power over their weaknesses, and I have always set My way when I come, and I always have to work, and behold, it is not through the big ones that I can work, but only in sufferance and weakness do I perfect Myself.

I am kissing now the Romanian land and I am comforting its mourning, its longing

and its mystery from the beginning, the first patch of land coming out from the waters at the creation of the world, the fallow land with a treasure in it, and which, I, the Lord, I and only I know it, because My Father has given it to Me to have it as the country of My glory in the end of the time, when I am working again through the word to make a new heaven and a new earth, after that man has filled the earth and the air with his things, those of his pride as a man.

Oh, Romanian land, only I know your borders marked from the beginning by My

angels on the map of the expanse of the earth, and you are the first fallow land watched by My own angel, Michael. Your hearth and its mystery is the fallow land with a treasure in it, and your transfiguration is going to happen, a face as in the beginning, and only I know the mystery between you and Me, and I am waiting for your glory and I am protecting with heavenly retinues My citadel of word on your hearth and its mystery from the beginning with God.

Oh, My country, oh, Romanian land, peace to you! I will refresh you, I will clean you from thistles, I am going to breathe with My Spirit and raise many and then more and more from death to life, and you will be a country of saints, of beautiful people like God, for your mystery is sweet and holy, it is My making from the beginning, it is My great expectation, like the Bridegroom, Who is waiting for His bride to adorn her, to fill her with His glory, and also to fill with glory those who are going to celebrate the days of the Lamb, the days of the Lord’s glory, for this is your destiny: to bear on your hearth the glory of My days, your treasure, to give rest to 141

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the Lord from His waiting within His coming on your bedding, for behold, I am coming to renew the world, to make a new heaven and a new earth, and to make them by the word, and you that have opened yourself to Me to come and here I am, word on your table, and with it I am ruling and shepherding, for the word coming out of My mouth is coming to be accomplished, oh My today’s country. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Lord’s Transfiguration, from 19-08-2018.


Now, My today’s country, you are My today’s dwelling place, and I am giving voice to

My mouth to confess your mystery from God, and I am comforting this beauty of yours, for the Lord found His pleasure with you even from the beginning of the creation of heaven and earth; He has established you to be the first and placed in you His treasure, which does no longer know its assignment from God, for man, the man’s making out of your clay at the beginning of the creation, this is the treasure that God has placed in the dough of your body, and here I am with My dwelling on this treasure in this land, here I am declaring the new creation from the top of the earth, the new birth of the world, as I promised two thousand years ago, and now I have with Me the witnesses of My resurrection of that time and I am showing them the new beginning from the end of the time, for I am the Alpha and the Omega, I am the beginning and the end, I keep working at the end too. Oh, at what ending?

Oh, peace to you, peace to you, to those coming from heaven and disposed here in armies!

And peace to you, those from the Romanian land, gathered here on a day of the feast of

resurrection at the end of the time! Oh, at what end, sons?

Oh, beloved ones, with the Lord there is no end without beginning, for the Lord is without end; He is eternal. The mystery of the end is being settled on earth and it brings with it the renewal of the world; it brings the new birth, for this is written to be fulfilled, and God works according to the map.

Oh, I came two thousand years ago to fulfill on earth those that were written to be fulfilled then, and after I arose from My crucifixion, I said to My witnesses at that time: «I will be with you

to the end of the time». ( Matt: 28/20) Oh, how should My word, spoken at that time, be understood? Everything that God has spoken needs to be understood with faith.

When I finished My work on earth two thousand years ago, I brought with Me the resur-

rection, the new beginning, once with an end. It is written into the Scriptures about the end of 142

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the lawlessness. 38 Even from the beginning39 it started to make its nestle and man started to oppose God within him, and this end of lawlessness has to come, and after that a resurrection, a resurrection40 like that of two thousand years ago.

At that time satan rejoiced over My ending, but at that very time he was also judged, and overcome with the new beginning, which crushed him. Now satan is rejoicing, too, but the end of lawlessness is surely coming; the renewal is coming as well and satan is going to lose again; he will lose everything, for this is written.

Oh, here is why I am coming now on earth as word! I am coming because it is written for Me to come41, and heavenly hosts are coming with Me too, with the kingdom of the heavens above the earth inhabited by the human world; however, I, the Lord, am coming with My visitation over God’s creation and bringing into order the work of the new beginning! Oh, I am caressing your face from God, your beautiful face, My today’s country of My second coming from the Father.

However, you are still under slavery, you are under the cross, oh, My beautiful one! Those who want you to be theirs have robbed you, but you are God’s mystery even from your beginning, you are the fallow land with a treasure in it, you have been My longing for seven thousand years, since your spirit started to cry with Me in the mystery; it has been crying like a man, oh, and man does not know that he cries. He thinks that he laughs and is happy when he is in good condition, but does he really know what a mystery he is, and that this mystery cries?

Oh, My beautiful country, it is a feast of resurrection with those from heaven in your sky here, and the sky above is full of heavenly hosts now. Oh, how beautiful you are, how beautiful your spirit is, how beautiful! The heavenly hosts are embracing your body with their look and comfort all around, they are marking your margins and looking at you from above and you are My beautiful one. When a man goes to a place he desires because of the beauty of that place, he rejoices. Oh, how are the heavenly hosts supposed not to rejoice now, here, over your beauty from God. I have established on your hearth, in your holy land, the citadel of My coming on the 38 «The Son of Man will send out His angels, and they will gather out of His Kingdom all things that cause

stumbling, and those who do evil, …

Then the righteous will shine forth like the sun in the Kingdom of their Father. Anyone who has ears should

listen! » (Matt: 13/41,43)

«The mystery of lawlessness is already at work! But now, there is one who restrains, until he is taken out of