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35. For it will come like a snare on all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth.

36. Therefore, be watchful all the time, praying that you may be counted worthy to escape

all these things that will happen, and to stand before the Son of Man.”»

In other writings in the Bible, we also find out about the end of the world the following:

In the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 13:

«43. Then the righteous will shine forth like the sun in the Kingdom of their Father.

Anyone who has ears should listen!

49. This is how it will be in the end of the age. The angels will come forth and separate

the wicked from the righteous …»

To be remembered the following thing:

«At the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established». ( 2 Cor. 13/1)

«…at the mouth of three witnesses, shall a matter be established». ( Deut. 19/15)

Let us see what else the Lord Jesus had sent to the people by more than three witnesses pleased to Him, prophecies, which you can find in “Christian prophecies and testimonies for this time,” The Orthodox Book Publishing House, Alexandria, 2008, or on the internet:

The prophesy of Saint Moses, the Black


(About the monks of the last people)

Saint Moses, the Black, prophesied, saying: in the last days of the seventh century and a half, the monachal life will be defiled completely and the monks will no longer take into account the salvation for their souls. They will wander through the middle of disasters and quarrels, gloomy, useless and lazy, and not taking care of any good work, enslaved by the passions of sin, because from there where the first Christians burned satan, it will be there where he will burn and scorch too. And where he was overpowered, he will also overpower the lazy and slanderous ones.

Where justice has been increasing, there the sin and iniquity will also be multiplied, because the love of many will grow cold, and the monks will live in the midst of the world and fearless laics, with food and drinking, being deceived by the lusts of the sin, by vanities, in uncleanness and shameful works. During these days, there will be abomination, jealousy, strife, beatings to blood in the common monasteries, and the same in big communities of monks, where there is no common life, because of one’s wickedness against another and because the holy canons that were denigrated 3

The Word of God about the end of the world and the Day of the Lord

and the spiritual unwillingness; there will be established as hegumens1 and abbots, people who have not been put to tests by good works, without faith, ignorant, simple and useless, not being able to distinguish good from evil, without good works, taking care only of the earthly things, behaving shamefully while performing their duties.

Taking away by force the hegumens ( the nuns) with gifts, and not known to teach and to advise the flock and the brotherhood, not knowing that they are a useful image and an example for those who follow the good works and not perceiving that they will be called to account before God on the day of judgment for their flock. And because of the carelessness of the hegumens ( the monks), who do not take care of the flock, they will be lost, and there will be judged not only those who have been lazy and idle, but also the brothers who had been refrained and had a good life.

After that, Moses, God’s servant, saw cloud and whirlwind, dark fog and dreadful temptations that had come upon the monks from the north side, which were putting the monks to rout and the monachal order began to be scattered because of the cursed heresies, and many were forced to give up the monachal clothes and to get married. Then, few of those who did not want, will be tested like gold and silver in the furnace and by many hardships, in troubles and persecution, will be refined. And as many as those who will be tested and who will overcome such many dreadful temptations, will be exalted and praised, and they will be glorified by God more than those who had endured the scorching, the heat of the day and the frost of the night.

After that, God’s servant, Moses, saw that that winter of hardships had passed and

also the temptations and the tribulation of those dreadful heresies, and a time for peace had come. And after that a couple of years will have passed; again, the flock of angelic monks will be despised and troubles will come again upon them, even more of them and more forcefully. He saw that the monks will spend time together with the nuns, and together with the evil lust will come tyranny as well, and even those who will not want, will be mocked forcefully.

The priests will be defiled themselves by the sin of debauchery and their priestesses will commit adultery, and they also will commit sexual immoralities. Then God’s great wrath will come and will destroy that whole wicked generation and it will be sent into the eternal fire.

Therefore, blessed will be all those who will not bow to the greatest lawlessness of uncleanness, which is more violent and heavier than killing, but who will stand against it and will rebuke the lawlessness, as Saint John, the Baptizer, did, and they will persevere, rebuking the blood blending. And they will be killed by the lawless ones, defiled and very immoral people of that time, and then they will rest in the bosom of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the most praised Patriarchs, and they will live in the kingdom of the heavens with all the saints, rejoicing and enjoying, and may it be that God will also make us worthy of such a great joy, with His Holy gift. Amen.

The Saint Hierarch Nephon of Constantia

(The fourth century)

(A vision about the dreadful Judgment)

… These words, which the Lord spoke in a voice of a thunder by the Archangel Michael,

have filled the countless angelic powers with terror.

Then He commanded that the seven ages from the creation of the world to be brought

to Him. Michael received order to fulfill this work. That is why he quickly went to the house of 1 The head monk of a monastery; superior monk, abbot, tr.n.


The Word of God about the end of the world and the Day of the Lord

the testament and fetched them. They were like some big books, which He put in front of the Judge.

Then he stood aside looking respectfully at how the Lord was looking into the history of the ages.

And He took the first age, opened it and said: “This is what it is written first: The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, one God with three faces. The Son, and the Maker of the centuries, proceeded from the Father, because the centuries were made by the Word of the Father through the Son, and there were created the bodiless powers, the heavens were strengthened, the earth, the depths, the sea, the rivers and all those that are in them.”

Then, after reading a little bit further, He said: “The first man, Adam with his wife, Eve, is the image of the Invisible God. The Almighty God and the Creator of all that are seen and all that are not seen gave Adam a commandment. This was the law, which had to be kept with the whole power and most valuably, to the honor of his Maker and in such a way that he might not forget that God was above him.”

After reading a little bit further: “The lawlessness in which the image of God fell by de-ceitfulness, or better said by carefulness and negligence. The man fell and he was cast out from paradise, by a right judgment and decision taken by God. The beginner of lawlessness could no longer stay within these good things!” And He went on reading below: “Cain came down on Abel and killed him, according to the devil’s will. It is right for him to burn in the fire of Gehenna, because he did not repent. And Abel will live in eternity.”

And in the same manner He looked into the seven books of the ages. Finally, He took the seventh book and read it: “The beginning of the seventh century means the end of the ages.

The evil, sexual immorality and cruelty start to be generalized. The people of the seventh century are evil, envious, liars, having false love, lovers of power and silver, enslaved by the sins of sodomy and by other sins.”

And He still went a little bit further, read something, and lifted up His sad eyes; He put one hand on His knees and with the other one He covered His face and eyes and He stayed like that thinking by Himself for a long time and then He whispered: “Indeed, this century far exceeded the other centuries with injustice and wickedness.”

And then He went on reading: “The Greeks with their idols were hanged on a tree, by the spear and by the nails, which nailed My body, the bearer of life.” He was silent for a couple of moments and then He reclined again over the book: “Twelve commanders of the Great King, as white as light, have troubled the sea, closed the mouths of the beasts, drowned the thinking dragons, gave light to the blind, fed the hungry and made the rich poor. They fished many dead souls, giving them life again. Great is their reward…” And then, after a little while, He added: “I, the Lover of people, also chose witnesses, who overcame by My help!” Their friendship reached into heaven and their love to My throne! Their longing to My heart and their sacrifice burns Me with power. My glory and My power are with them!”

After turning over many pages, He whispered with a smile of satisfaction: “The man who

had held the helm of those seven hills (The Constantinople) with honor and then became their king was the servant of My love. He deserves the kingdom of the heavens because he was zealous and followed his Lord.”

Then after passing over many pages, He said: “Oh, Most beautiful and Most honored Bride!

How many enemies have struggled to defile you! However, you have not betrayed Me, your Bridegroom! Countless heresies have threatened you, but the rock on which you were built did not move, because “the gates of the hell did not prevail against it.”

Down bellow, all the sins of the people were written, which the death found not wiped out by repentance. And there were so many, like the sea sand… The Lord read them dissatisfied and 5

The Word of God about the end of the world and the Day of the Lord

nodded His head sighing. The countless crowd of angels was standing trembling with the fear of the right wrath of the Judge.

When the Lord reached to the half of this age, He said: “The end of it is full of the stink of the sin, of the human things, which all are false and filthy: envy, hatred, lying, blasphemy, enmity, riots, sexual immoralities, murders, abortions, greed, love of silver, remembrance of evil things. But this is enough! I will cut it down in half! Let the reign of the sin come to an end! And by saying these things full of anger, the Lord gave to the archangel Michael the signal for the judgment. Immediately, that one with his army took the most shining and unspeakable throne and left.

That host was so numerous that the earth had no room on it. And running, they were crying within the voice of thunder: Holy, Holy, Holy, and the Lord Sabaoth! The heaven and the earth are full of His glory. And the heaven and the earth were shaken by this frightening crying. Holy, Holy, Holy, great and frightened, wonderful and glorified is the Lord forever and ever.

The Prophecies of the Devout Andrew, the fool for Christ

(Who lived in the time of the King Leon, the Wise of Constantinople, in 882)

ONCE, while having rest, Epiphany with Devout Andrew, the disciple asked this, saying:

“Tell me father, please, how is to be the end of this world? When is the beginning of the pains going to take place? And how will the people know that the end of the world is coming close and by what signs will be the appearances?

And the Devout said: “Listen, son, for the beginning of the pains and for the end of the world and for some other things:

… Therefore, my son, Epiphany, our city will be lost because of so many evil things and trespasses, which I have told you about, that will come to take place in the world, as our Lord, Jesus Christ said that it was the beginning of evils. After the destroying of our city, the end of the world being closed, as I have already spoken about this before, and after the fullness of time of all nations, which in their turn, had ruled in different times, God will raise the scepter of the Israelites (by antichrist), to reign in the seventh century towards the eighth one, which the Prophet Isaiah prophesied about, saying this: “God will raise a sign to the fullness of the nations, who ruled over the scattered sheep of Israel (that is, the Christians) among the nations, and the scattered Israel (that is, the Israelites who were deceived by antichrist) will be gathered together in the holy city of Jerusalem.” And then Israel, as then when it came out of Egypt, as the Saint Apostle Paul also confesses, who says: When the number of the nations will be fulfilled, then the entire Israel will be saved.

These both mentioned above, are the same with those spoken by the Saint Martyr Hippol-

ytus (pope of Rome), who spoke about the coming of antichrist, and that the Jews were first to be deceived. And our Lord, Jesus Christ, testifies about this, saying: “I have come in the Name of the Father and you have not received Me; and that one will come in his name, and you will receive him.”

… – Explain me more profoundly, said Epiphany, which is the hypostasis of the ages.

It is their endless extension, that is, the ongoing succession of the times and the endlessness of the years. Their essence is a very beautiful and wonderful spirit, which is set on its entire span by seven signs (points) (that is, it is divided by eight periods of time).


The Word of God about the end of the world and the Day of the Lord

The people and the angels have learned from the ages. And the ages were given by the Lord for their incessant travelling, while He gave life to us and to the angels. Thus, by their incessant journey, the ages have been teaching us to walk in the same manner.

This journey of theirs has a beginning, but it has never come to an end. Adam also took this course of ages, but until today it has not been able to exceed the seventh age. It has not been possible because of us, because, like his offspring with the same blood, we are the same with him and our journey is common. And until today the seven ages of this world have not been fulfilled, which we have been measuring by years. When they are fulfilled, the Most High will raise a terrifying wind all over the world. Then the bones of the people will come together and they will join harmoniously with each other. Then the sinews were on them and flesh came up; and each soul, which was unloosed from its mortal body, will receive the immortal one.

Then an angel will sound his frightening trumpet2 and the world will be shaken. The graves will be opened, the dead will come to life3 in a split of a second and the Judge will come down, Who will give each one according to his works. Then the eighth age will begin, as Solomon says: “Give a portion to seven, yes, even to eight.” (Ecclesiastes 11:2). This age will have no end. The righteous ones will be brought into the unspeakable joy and into the eternal life, while the sinners will be taken for their endless punishment. After the resurrection of the people, the people will become incorruptible and imperishable4, the paradise – eternal, the hell – endless, and that age, without an end.

The Prophecies of the Saint Nilus of Mt. Athos,

(1612-1692 AD)

The increasing of the lawlessness

When the lawlessness will increase all the evil works and all the unclean things of the world will be gathered together and will be treasured within an unclean daughter of debauchery, which will be a dwelling place for extreme debauchery. For as Our Lady, Mother of God, was most clean before she gave birth and while giving birth and after birth, Most Holy Virgin, and she gave birth to Immanuel, who did not know sin; on the contrary, that filthy daughter, the mother of lawlessness, before giving birth, while giving birth and after birth, will be a prostitute, unclean and most unrestrained all her life.

To this prostitute all the iniquities will be added and she will give birth to the son of perdition. And because the people lack the Gift of the Holy Spirit, due to their sins and trespasses, then all the iniquities of the people will be assembled and will come to life in her womb. And after the birth of the son of the sin, the people will face many shortcomings.

First, they will be deprived of love, of unity, of cleanliness. Then, every place and every city will be in want of shepherds, fearful of God, and of faithful proestos5; third, God’s churches will be in want of bishops, of confessors and of devout priests, as they have already begun to be in want now. After that, this filthy one will appear as well, according to the growth of his age and he will be filled with satanic power and he will make miracles and signs before the eyes of the people, 2 See the selection topic: „The apocalyptic trumpets”, r.n.

3 See the selection topic: „Resurrection of the dead”, r.n.

4 See the selection topic „The mystery of humankind salvation - the mystery of incorruptibility”, r.n.

5 Monk or priest with the highest rank in the hierarchy of the monastery or church clergy, tr.n.


The Word of God about the end of the world and the Day of the Lord

of those who lust, as also Chinops made a false resurrection and other things like that; because deception has nothing to do with the Christians, but only with those who are darkened by passions (as Macarius, the Great, used to see the woman in her nature, and the people saw her as a mare).

And he will become hypocrite by making use of gentleness for the nations to bow to his deception and that he may become a king.

Also, he will appear peaceful and humble, so that all people may worship him. His food

will be the making of trouble to the people; when the people get into trouble, he will rejoice over them. This is the denial of faith, of God’s fear, debauchery, adultery, sodomy, love of riches, love of silver, denigration, jealousy, lying, slander, condemnation, and all other evil things. He will be fed on all these and will reign over all the cities. Because there has been no other person worthy to have dominion over the cities, because of this, he will rule over the whole world and it will have this one as almighty. Then the more sins they do, the more they will consider that they work out their salvation. Then the Holy Gospel and the Church of Christ will be denigrated and there will be many shortcomings in the world, signs and visions from God in the midst of want, twofold famine: deliberate and felt.

It will be felt because the sky will be closed as in the time of Elijah, because of the people’s iniquities, and it will not rain; the people will be hungry of the word of God, because there will be no righteous man with good works to teach them the word of salvation. God’s blessing will be taken away from eating and drinking, because, the more they eat the more hungry will they be.

Then the rich will open their treasures; gold and silver will be then denigrated and will be trampled like stones. Then the wickedness of the morning star will be conceived in the people’s hearts and paganism will live having the seal of antichrist. And the grace of God will be taken away from the people, as the Scripture says: the Spirit of God will not dwell in these people, because they are all flesh. The people will grew less in number; they will grow weak and die on the roads like birds; those who are sealed by antichrist will eat meat from dead people, not being able to undergo famine and faintness, and, by eating dead corpses, they will also die.

And the meaning of the seal of the antichrist is this: I am yours and you are mine and I come willingly and not by force. Woe to those who are sealed! There will be great turmoil in the world and hearing of peace in some other parts, the people will go there, but they will find there even more poverty. And they will hear from the inhabitants: “Oh, how did you come to this cursed place, where human compassion has not been left with us?”

Then God, seeing the people’s turmoil, will give order to the sea to come to its first state.

And it will go up the fire under the earth, by which the warm waters are getting hot and the seawater boils just as the water boils when heated by fire, and then the people will stop moving from place to place; the face of the earth will burn by the boiling sea and the earth will be scorched; there will no longer grow any grass and the trees will no longer spring forth little branches; the springs of waters will go dry, the animals and birds will die from the steams of the sea and from brimstone.

And behold, the time is coming near and you do not understand this!

So, God, taking care of the salvation of the people with a good will, will send then Enoch, Elijah and John, the Theologian, to preach and strengthen the testimony of those few who will be saved, and to learn that those who will not be sealed by the seal of the antichrist, will be saved; and to be marked by the sign of the Holy Cross, because the sign of the Holy Cross saves the man from the damnation of the hell; and the seal of the antichrist gives him over to the judgment of the hell.

If you go hungry, be patient, for the Lord sends you help from the highest. And the people will say: “Behold, as many as are sealed are satisfied!” And he will speak to them: “The people 8

The Word of God about the end of the world and the Day of the Lord

have not been pleased with the sealing of their perdition, but the deception made them unfeeling and they do not know their salvation.” The materialistic people became devils and they feel neither famine nor thirst, because they have made a union with themselves; but they go hungry and thirsty more than you, seven by seven. Be patient for a little while and you will see those who are sealed, dying both in their soul and in their body. Those from among you, who will be patient, will live eternal life.

Then antichrist, seeing the three Prophets preaching the truth and bringing his deception into the light, will become angry and will give orders to be brought before him. First, he will try to entice them, saying: “Why do you not want to be sealed by the royal seal?” And then they will admonish him openly for his deception, saying to him: “Oh, deceiver and liar antichrist! Is it not enough for you that you lost so many souls, but you also want to deceive us to listen to you? May your seal and may your glory be cursed, and once with your perdition, the end of the world has come too.”

And the filthy one, hearing this admonishing and the curses, which made them holy, he

himself will take the sword and will strike them. And after their death he will give orders to his people to commit many evil things, such as: debauchery, sexual immoralities, sodomies, killings, kidnappings, lies, thefts, tyrannies, selling of people and buying of children, male and female, and there will be committed sexual immoralities in the roads, into the open, like dogs.

And the people, seeing the freedom of the filthy one, will quench the human nature by

many kinds of evil things, trying to be compassionate and thoughtful, and because of their great wickedness the decency of the people will disappear and they will come out of their minds because of their too much restlessness, and they will become shorter in their bodies like the devils.

Other prophecies of the Saint Nilus6

The great ingratitude was shown and it is showed and it will still be shown even greater on behalf of the monks on this mountain (Athos). And especially, the ingratitude will be shown to the Mother’s Lord. Because of this I say: when there will come to be four times 25 years, that is 100

years, from 1775 to 1875, then what will be the state of the monachal life? And after that, when three times 25 years will pass, that is, from 1875 to 1950, which is in the midst of the eighth age from the creation of the world, that is, 7500, then how much trouble will there be from 7400 to 7500? What kind of kidnappings will there be? Blood blending, (that is, relatives will be married to each other), abortions, sodomies, adulteries, sexual immoralities and all other corruptible iniquities. And they will keep on quarreling and they will neither find the beginning nor the end. And finally, there the end of the Hagarians (the Turks) will also come, the last and most bitter winter.

For then there will be discord and oppression in the whole world…

There had been 25 years since the sphere turned to the worse things, that is, from 1785

forward, and the destruction had ruled. But when the other 25 years will have passed, what kind of miserable state will the world get into? That is, in 1835, and after that, up to 7500 years since the creation of the world, there will take place all the evil things of the antichrist… Because, this age of the vain living and the order of the monachal establishment, are separated: those in the morning are like flames of fire; those in the midday are like the burning coals, and those in the evening are like hot ashes mixed with cold ashes, which remained from the burning coals… For 6 Prophecies about the Antichrist – Dimitriu K. Skartsiuni – The Ancestral Faith Publishing House, 2003, pages 99-100;


The Word of God about the end of the world and the Day of the Lord

the love of silver makes the monk hate the narrow way and it makes him love his rest and his laziness more, which teaches and leads to the whole wickedness. From patriarchs to the kings and to the monks and to the last poor people, this does not let us come into the narrow door. Because we love the things of the world and we lust after them and because our belly comes first.

Woe, woe, to you, parents! I cry and I mourn after the restoration of the first state of this mountain. Because after 1913, when 79 years will have passed, there will be committed all the evil things prophesied about the coming of the Antichrist, 7500 years from the making of the world…