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Salvation at Judgment

The Secondfruits

The Eighth Step

The Harvest of the Firstfruits is where this book would end. However, the Firstfruits are linked to the Secondfruits much like the Feast of Tabernacles is linked to an eighth Day known as The Great Judgment Day. Leviticus 23:39, John 12:48

This Day is when The Farmer collects the Secondfruits for the final Harvest. Haggai 2:7 Revelation 20:13-14 Judgment Day will come first to those under the Law and then to those outside the Law.Romans 2:9 In other words, Judgment will come first to the vast number of Hebrews who, under the Old, were not part of the restoration of the body of Israel, then to the Jew and Gentile who, under the New, did not end what they started.

As for the vast number of Gentiles that were not under the Law, whether under the Old or under the New, Scripture records how each of them will be judged: Romans 2:14 “For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves: 15 Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another).”

The law that, “By nature the things contained in the Law” are the fifth through the tenth Commandments of the Law. These are the commandments that are given to the uncalled. Their thoughts will be defending them from the first four commandments of the Law because it is impossible for an individual to obey a Commandment that was never received.Romans 5:13 Thus, by obeying the law given unto themselves, a respective righteousness will be considered at the time of Judgment. Jeremiah 17:10, Revelations 20:12 This is how God fulfills His Word concerning a fair Judgment, where the law they received unto themselves will defend many and convict many during the same Judgment Day. James 4:17

Judgment will therefore take place for every person under and outside the Law and will be based upon the degree of his evil or righteous generation. Matthew 11:21-24, Luke 11:31-32, Romans 2:6-11 For this to be carried out with more than enough detail, God has assigned the Day of Reckoning to last one thousand years of our time.Psalms 90:4, 2Peter 3:8, Luke 12:2

Once again brothers, we are not the individuals being excused from obeying the first four commandments of the Law and from seeking the Faith that saves. If we do not end what we started, we will be Judged more severely. Actually, I am to remind you that if you do not Repent, you will Die in your Sins! Those who think to be the exception will certainly be Judged by the Rule. After all, to be called out of tens of billions of individuals is most certainly a blessing that we must gladly accept, especially now that our Faith is well within reach.

Unlike us, these individuals were given less and therefore less will be asked of them except for the law given unto them. So do not be too surprised at the billions and tens of billions that may enter The Kingdom of Heaven before those who, after constant reproach, did not end what they started.Matthew 22:8-14

This is why the individuals that appeared to have Salvation will have damnation, and why the individuals that appeared to have damnation will have Salvation.Luke 13:30 Truly brothers, God’s House will be full of children, from the very least to the greatest, all happy just to be there.Luke 14:23 This will be the Day when everyone will witness God’s vengeance, and justice, and marvel at His wonderful mercy. Exodus 33:19, Romans 9:15

Even when we consider what takes place with the wicked, we find that God’s mercy abounds beyond His vengeance. For unlike the fairytales we bought, Death is eternal inasmuch as Life is eternal. So then, the only thing eternal about Death is the punishment and not the punishing.Matthew 25:46 This leaves the lake of fire primarily reserved for the devil and his angels, the spirit beings of disobedience who chose to turn their eternal blessing into an eternal curse. Matthew 25:41 Revelation 20:10But even before their respective punishment takes place, they too will be Judged. Matthew 8:29, 1Corinthians 6:3, Jude 1:6