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Step 2 Faith


Although there are many truths and many faiths, there is only one Truth that gives light and one Faith that keeps it bright. First, when The Truth gives understanding to the mind and then when Faith gives understanding to the heart. Job 38:36, Ephesians 1:18-19

Brothers, we have just received the Gospel of Truth. Now it is up to us to fulfill our purpose. It is truly up to us to see the glass half-empty or half-full. Matthew 26:41 Those who see it as Faith move accordingly, where those who see it as work might say, “If Faith is a gift, why do we have to work for it?” Ephesians 2:8

Faith is a gift given to the children of God that, much like any other gift, requires its acceptance. 1John 3:1 This gift is given to us in the form of The Truth that, when accepted, becomes living and active. Matthew 13:23, Hebrews 4:12 Otherwise, if our Faith became living and active to the children of disobedience or to anyone just for the asking, then everyone would Repent and consequently, everyone would be Forgiven. Evidently, this is not the case as The Messiah reminds us:

Mark 4:11And he said unto them, Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables: 12 That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand; lest at any time they should be converted, and their sins should be forgiven them.” Why is this so?

“Because they refused to love The Truth so they may be saved.”2Thessalonians 2:10 Where there is not enough love, there is not enough will to get started or to finish what we started. In much the same way that God’s love for us determines our calling, the love we have for God determines who answers the calling. 1John 4:10 Our love will answer the calling when it is manifested by an action. John 14:15 The apostle James reminds us of this through the following passages.

This apostle begins by stating that a man who holds a faith without Deeds does not have the Faith that saves.James 2:14 By expressing the need for Repentance, he likens the Deeds similar to the actions required to help our brother or sister in need.James 2:15-18 He emphasizes this by stating that anyone having the faith in the identity of The Truthgiver without the faith in His purpose, holds a futile faith.James 2:19 Before closing the message, he brings it all together by stating that, “Our faith, working together with our actions, makes our Faith complete by what we did.”James 2:22-24 So when love accompanies the discipline of the Law, we lessen our discipline and strengthen our Faith. Thereafter, our Faith will be made complete when we move forward without looking back. 2Corinthians 3:16

Deeds are therefore required inasmuch as our Repentance is also required. Because the puppets would like you to think otherwise, it is important to know the difference between the Deeds that are required and the “works” that are not required.

Works vs. Deeds

The lower laws are the works required by the Hebrew under the Old Covenant and the Deeds are the obedience to the Law required for everyone to Repent under the New. Romans 4:4-12, Acts 20:21

Under the First Covenant, the Hebrew was required to a mandatory circumcision of the flesh, a very strict discipline to the types and preparation of meats, and a number of other cleansing laws. These cleansing laws were assigned rituals of a daily, sometimes monthly, and on a yearly basis. All this was mandatory to remain a part of the tribes of Israel. In other words, when it came to these works, the Hebrew had no choice.

As the Law helped the Hebrews lead them to The Christ, the lower laws served to complement the Law. Galatians 3:24 Unfortunately, rather than complementing the Law, many sought to use them as an obstacle.Romans 2:25 This was mainly due to a reciprocal system created by their overseers.Amos 4:2-5, Luke 11:46

For this and other reasons, God did not seek this righteousness upon the Gentile when entering unto Repentance. Acts 15:5-21 Instead, by removing what stood in front of the Hebrew, and most certainly what would stand in front of the Gentile, our Father sought to unite the two through a greater and seamless Faith. By separating the Deeds from the works, God sought to help us finish what we started. Understanding this, how does God make our Faith complete by what we do?

The Leap of Faith

The Leap of Faith is similar to the event when the apostle Peter saw The Messiah walking on water. Even though Peter knew that he could not walk on water, he did believe in the power of The Messiah. Matthew 14:29-33 That was enough faith for Peter to leave the boat. After leaving the boat, Peter’s faith quivered to the point where he sought The Messiah for more help. Nonetheless, because Peter had enough faith to take the leap, The Messiah did fulfill the meaning of His Hebrew name.

We are no different from this exemplary apostle. However, due to our pagan origins, the process of our Repentance does require some discipline before the jump takes place. By practicing Righteousness, we strengthen our position to leave the boat. Hebrews 12:12 Then, soon after our knees strengthen, we are to jump before we buckle.

After we leave the boat, the likelihood that we will tremble is high. Even as we are drowning, the likelihood that we will cry for The Messiah is also high. Thankfully, the certainty that our Savior will come to the rescue is guaranteed by His promise!Isaiah 58:9, Acts 2:38-39

Through the four levels, we learn that it takes faith to acquire Faith. Romans 6:16, Romans 1:5 As such, we are to do the following:

By faith, we will have no other gods but YHWH.

By faith, we will not make for ourselves an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. Nor will we bow down to them or worship them; for YHWH our God, is a jealous God, punishing the children for the Sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate Him, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love Him and keep His commandments.

By faith, we shall not misuse the name of YHWH, our God, for YHWH will not hold anyone blameless who misuses His name.

By faith, we will remember the Sabbath to keep it holy. Six days we shall labor and do all our work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to YHWH, our God. On it, we shall not do any work, nor our son, daughter, manservant, maidservant or our animals, or the foreigners within our gates.

By faith, we will honor our mother and father.

By faith, we will not murder.

By faith, we will not commit adultery.

By faith, we will not steal.

By faith, we will not give false testimony against our neighbor.

By faith, we will not covet our neighbor’s house, our neighbor’s wife, his manservant or maidservant, or anything that belongs to our neighbor.

By faith, we separate ourselves from this world by never compromising to do evil. Then after our Faith is made complete, we live by Faith and not by sight. 2Corinthians 5:7