Thy Kingdom Come by Evan Ansot - HTML preview

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Revelation 6

And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals,

and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of

the four beasts saying, Come and see. And I saw, and

behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a

bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went

forth conquering, and to conquer. (Revelations 6:1–2)

This is the first vision of the adversary to Christ who is called the Antichrist. An Antichrist is one who is against the true Christ, which is Jesus but also is a false Christ, a counterfeit.

I saw a vision of this man once in a dream. He looked

exactly like the image on the Shroud of Turin. Complete with

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the high cheekbones and scars of the true Christ. The enemy

will do whatever it takes to fool the masses into believing that Christ has returned and deceive the very elect as is written in Matthew’s Olivet Discourse. This person will be altruistic in all his answers. He has been well rehearsed for this mission, prepared at birth for the capitulation of humanity.

In the beginning of his mission, he will seem like the next

Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., Saint Francis, and Mother

Theresa all wrapped up into one. He will be perceived as the great peacemaker.

He will, according to the prophet Daniel, establish a peace

treaty between Israel and the many nations. My guess is that the many nations mean the Arab states of the Middle East.

He will establish this in times of trouble and do what many

will consider the impossible, a truce between the most bitter of enemies.

He will perform many signs, miracles, and wonders in

order to deceive. Many will stand in awe of what this man

can accomplish that no man has dared even attempt. Peace

will be the watchword for the day.

He will make many technological advances for mankind

including finding and establishing ways to grow food for the starving nations. What used to take twenty acres to grow a

certain amount of food will now take a quarter of that.

One of his inventions will be an organic computer that

will at first be a massive benefit to mankind, but in the end will be able to control all those who bow down to this man.

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This supercomputer will be able to read thoughts of all those so that language is unnecessary. It will at first cater to your needs, but in the end, control your very thoughts. This man

of deception will make all things transparent so that no one’s thoughts can escape him.

He will be equipped with technology far beyond our

present day. Technology to benefit at first and control soon after. It will be a trap, so be cautious.

Notice the rider is wearing a crown, therefore he will be

the leader of a country. Either a president, a prime minister, or a king of a country, but he definitely is a ruler. He will begin in a small country and topple three others in his rise to power.

His weapon at first will be his tongue, captivating massive

amounts of people the way Hitler held the German nation

spellbound. Tickling the ears with seduction of those who

long for peace while making plans for war in the background.

Lucifer has been preparing for this event ever since

Jesus ascended into heaven from the Mount of Olives. This

leader will have all the negative powers of the universe at

his fingertips. He will know everyone’s individual weakness

and use it against them. If someone desires wealth, it will be provided. If lust is your error, then sex will be furnished. He will make all your worldly dreams comes true. You can gain

the whole world, in return, it will cost you your very soul and as our Lord spoke, “What does that profit?”

Deception, deception, deception. As the Lord said in the

Gospel of Matthew, “Be careful that no man deceives you, for

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many will come in my name saying I am the Christ and will

deceive many.”

He will convince almost the entire world that he is Christ

returned. He will look like Jesus, he will act like Jesus, and he will be like Jesus in the beginning of his bid for power. Many await the return of our Lord and he will use that against the faithful, so keep watch for the deceiver. Those that are not keeping watch will be easy prey for him. Those that are will be labeled outcasts and troublemakers, carted off to the nearest concentration camps for assimilation.

They will call good, evil and evil, good in these days. Any

man who stands against this imposter will be shunned. His

hooks will be in every established institution from Wall Street to Main Street.

He will give to those that are loyal to him and take from

those that oppose his tyranny. The epitome of a wolf in

sheep’s clothing.

His first three and a half years of power will be

unprecedented peace and prosperity followed by immediate

war. “When they say peace, peace, then there will be war.”

Look for a ruler with strikingly good looks, extreme

intelligence, passionate charisma, and the voice of seduction.

Look for a genius with many inventions to benefit mankind.

Look for a peacemaker that will make the most hostile

of enemies wish to break bread with each other. Look for

an orator that will make Martin Luther King Jr. look like

an amateur. Look for a magician that will perform signs,

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miracles, and wonders to convince even those who’ve spent a

lifetime of keeping watch for him. Look for a troubleshooter that can solve any problem both great and small. Look for a

healer that can cure disease and famine. Look for a man who

carries spirituality in one hand and technology in the other.

Look for the perfect imposter of Jesus Christ.

The enemy has been waiting millennia for this moment

in time. They’ve had massive time to prepare for this mission.

Notice that the first beast identified the first horseman.

The first beast which surrounded God’s throne was a lion

which represented the royal line of David. The first horseman will also claim this royal Davidic lineage. Impersonating Jesus in every way, shape, and form.

A deal was struck a long time ago between God and

Lucifer. God would send his son for a certain amount of

time and Lucifer would send his for the same amount, not

a day longer. God had his turn in the person of Jesus of

Nazareth, now its Lucifer’s turn to send his. A time period

between three and a half and seven years to decide the fate of humanity. Jesus used love and forgiveness, the son of Lucifer will use deception and then fear.

Once the Antichrist’s three and a half years of peace are

finished, he will make war.

He carries a bow, which means his weapons will be long

range in the beginning, in other words, missiles. He will either take control of a nation that is already nuclear equipped or develop them in a nation that isn’t and use the threat of using

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them to hold other nations hostage. This will be his first tactic in battle. Threatening the world with nuclear holocaust if they don’t give in to his demands.

Which leads us to the second seal.

And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the

second beast say, Come and see. And there went out

another horse that was red: and power was given to

him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and

that they should kill one another: and there was given

unto him a great sword. (Revelations 6:3–4)

From the white horse which is the color of a false peace to

red, the color of blood, which is the color of war.

The second beast around the throne, the sacrificial Lamb

of God, which is the second stage of Christ, announcing the

second horseman, which is the second stage of his counterpart, the Antichrist.

Hitler seduced the masses of Germany into convincing

them that he was their Messiah and then in turn unleashed

them in war. The counterfeit Christ will do the same with the exception that it will be on a much more massive scale.

This being (you really can’t call him a man, he’s a demon

with very advanced technology) has seven years to accomplish his mission. The first three and a half years will be a false peace followed by three and half years of the great tribulation period. Three and a half years which was the same amount

of time allotted Jesus for his mission on earth which he used 72 |

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to heal the sick, raise the dead, give the hopeless hope, and spread the good news of the way to the Father.

This ruler on the other hand will use his time to almost

destroy the entire earth. He will murder, rape, pillage, and steal from those who aren’t his. The exact opposite of our Lord.

The sign that will begin this time of war will be what

Daniel called the abomination that causes desolation. He will stand in a holy place, which will be in Jerusalem, and declare himself to be God. In other words, he will once again mimic

Jesus of Nazareth who declared that the Father and he were

one. With Jesus, it was the greatest truth he ever spoke; with this abomination, it will be his greatest apostasy.

The Antichrist will lead his armies and ravage the earth.

Those opposed to him will not be spared.

His lies and deception will continue so that many nations

will be convinced that it is in their best interest to destroy each other. Jesus taught that the way to heaven is through

peace by loving your God and loving your neighbor. He

will be the exact opposite by telling those that the way to

paradise is by destroying your enemy rather than loving them.

Promising them riches on earth and in heaven for destroying

his enemies. Think in terms of what would Jesus do and he

will do the exact opposite in this three and a half year time period. Actually, it won’t last the entire three and half years.

Jesus spoke at the Mount of Olives that this time would be

cut short or no one would be spared. So sometime between

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his abomination and three and a half years, we will see our

Savior, but that’s to come later.

This man was given power to take peace from the earth.

He is given a great sword, which means he will have an

awesome amount of power at his disposal. No man in human

history will approach the arsenal of this beast.

By the time he makes his bid to take over the entire

world through force, his followers will be so seduced and

brainwashed that they think they will be rewarded in heaven

for doing his bidding. He will take people’s faith and use it against them.

In the beginning of his mission, he will seduce and

convince millions if not billions of people that he is Jesus returned to claim his kingdom. During this war, many will

still believe they are fighting for a righteous cause for the Lord. It’s a very hard thing for people to change their minds and realize that they were wrong about something. This will

have to be the case if they are misled into believing at first of this disgrace. They will have to turn. Once people see the volume of bloodshed that this megalomaniac has produced,

many will realize that they have been duped. It’s going to take great courage to turn around and go in another direction, but it will have to be done. It’s never too late for one’s redemption.

One thing to keep in mind if you are in the middle of this

great tribulation period is that the return of the true Christ is very near, even at the door, strengthen each other with these words. When all seems lost and hopeless, your redemption

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draws near. It will take great faith and patience to oppose this monster, but it will be completed. One other thing to always keep in mind during the dark trials of this time period is to fear not, for the Lord is with you, and in you. Never forget that and you’ll be strengthened.

This will be humanity’s greatest persecution, but always

keep in mind that the victory is assured by the blood of

the lamb.

The first horse is the great deceiver, the second will be the great warmonger, let’s see what the third horse has in store for us.

And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the

third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo

a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of

balances in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst

of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny,

and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou

hurt not the oil and the wine. (Revelations 6:5–6)

The black horse, the rider of famine.

The third beast surrounding the throne of God, the Son

of Man who fed the five thousand with fishes and loaves

announcing the black horse of the Antichrist, his opposite.

Have you noticed yet that the four beasts which surround

the throne are the exact opposite of the four horseman? The

symbolic language of Revelation showing up to those who

have eyes to see and ears to hear.

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Once the Antichrist makes his bid for global power and

attacks those opposed to him, all means at his disposal will be used. He’s already well-established in many circles, the table being set. Military, governmental, and financial resources will direct an all-out assault on freedom and liberty. Tyranny will rule the day.

In his first three and half years of power, he will have

set up a database with information about everyone on the

planet. Today, the governments already record every e-mail

sent, every phone call recorded, all movements of your life are cataloged. It will not be difficult for the Antichrist to hack into governmental databases and retrieve this information.

Or on the other hand, they just may hand all this information over to him willingly.

He will have a list and target all those patriots who swore

to defend their country’s Constitution. Veteran groups will

be considered a threat to this monster. All those who hold

liberty sacred will be targeted for extinction.

“A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of

barley for a penny,” equates to a day’s wage for a couple slices of bread. War will be so rampant that poverty will be at its most extreme.

The first horse represents conquest, the second, war, and

the third, famine. All three of these are the qualities of a massive global conflict.

All throughout human history when war has occurred,

famine has followed. Millions perished in World Wars I and

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II as a result of starvation. If not for the Berlin airlift, millions more would have died.

Farmers can’t farm when their fields are the scene of battle instead of crops. Many people around the world depend on

the American and European farmers to feed them. When

both are being assaulted by this Antichrist and his minions, it will be next to impossible to conduct farming as business as usual. The seeds and fertilizer needed will not reach the farmer as a result of shipping being interrupted. Petroleum

will be scarce. It will be like Germany in the 1920s when it took a wheelbarrow full of money to buy a loaf of bread. The Great Depression of America will seem like the golden age

in comparison.

Food will become so scarce that man will become a man

eater. Panic will grip the cities as grocery stores close business.

Anarchy will rule the day. People will be looking out for themselves, therefore, crime will increase. Those who had power

beforehand will watch it disappear as mobs run the streets.

Desperate times require desperate measures. Martial law

will be instituted in Americas and Europe’s largest cities. The rebellion against this, especially in America with its massive gun population will be enormous. Militias will rebel against the present form of government and you’ll have civil war.

The herd mentality will be searching for leaders to take

the masses out of their present situation and they’ll cling

onto any extremist who rises up. Fertile ground for the next Adolf Hitler.

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Lack of food will make many insane. Death from

starvation will reach into the hundreds of millions. The toll of human suffering will reach unfathomable heights. But wait,

there’s more.

It is spoken here that wheat and barley will be greatly

affected, but oil and wine will be untouched. On the one hand, wheat and barley are basic necessities and oil (assuming this means olive oil) and wine are luxuries. Therefore, common

people will be lacking in the basic goods while the rich still enjoy their luxuries. Or we could look at this another way.

On the other hand, let’s look at the largest producers of

wheat and barley. China, India, Russia, the United States,

and France produce the most amount of wheat while Russia,

the Ukraine, France, Germany, and Spain produce the most

barley. If we are to take this passage literally meaning barley and wheat are to be affected, then things are not looking good for Russia and a good portion of Europe.

In reference to olive oil and wine, Spain, Italy, Greece,

Turkey, and Morocco lead the way in oil and Italy, France,

Spain, the United States, and China lead the way in wine. If we are to go by this, then it seems part of the world will be affected and other parts left untouched. Personally, I believe the whole world will suffer during this famine.

And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the

voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see. And I

looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat

on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And

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power was given unto them over the fourth part of the

earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with

death, and with the beasts of the earth. (Revelations


The horse with no color, the pale horse, the color of death.

The fourth beast which surrounds the throne, the Eagle

of resurrection, the beast of life, announcing its counterpart, the pale horse of death. The Lord does work in symbols,

doesn’t he?

A quarter of the Earth will die during the period of the

four horsemen. With eight billion people alive, that means

that two billion people will die as a result of war, famine, and plague during this time period.

These four horsemen are not four different beings, they

are the four characteristics of the Antichrist. Conquest, War, Famine, and Plague.

In the beginning of his tenure, he will dupe mankind into

believing that he is their long-awaited savior. Believers have been waiting for the return of the true Christ ever since he left, so the enemy will take advantage of this.

The dark, concentrated, negative forces of the universe

will be making their final bid for the throne of God by con-

vincing mankind that they have all the answers to human-

ity’s problems.

This will work for the majority of those who are alive

on the planet at that time. They’ll swear allegiance to this

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being, giving him body mind and soul in return. It will be

just as it was when Adolf Hitler first rose to power. In the beginning, many Germans believed that he was the answer

to all their many ills. He captivated the masses with his fiery tongue, promising them an unequaled empire that will bring

prosperity to a people who had long since felt abandoned

by their previous government. Hitler brought them food,

housing, employment, which in turn gave the German people


Rallies were held to celebrate that which had previously

been denied.

Millions saw Hitler as a Messianic figure in whom they

could trust with their lives. The adoration of the people to this German leader could best be described as insane. It will be

the same with this imposter. Curing many present ills, solving many problems, they’ll throw themselves at his feet and give him everything in return as long as they have their false peace and prosperity.

But not everyone will buy into this megalomaniac. Many

in the western hemisphere and a good portion of Western

Europe will scoff at this. Those who’ve been keeping their

lamps lit for the return of Jesus will see this man and say,

“This is the one we warned you of,” and be laughed at by the majority. The minority will be branded outlaws and vagrants

and shipped to concentration camps in many countries.

Eradicated because they refused to go with the flow or

brainwashed and assimilated back into the general population.

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Then in the height of his power, he will make his move

to rule over the whole world. An army of millions will run

rampant across many countries and exterminate all those who

oppose. His brainwashed followers will justify all sorts of evil in the name of a false good. They’ll say it’s for “the greater good” that will give them license to commit these great evils on the world.

The Jews, being a tough nut to crack, will also oppose

this man and pay the price. Hatred of the Jewish race has

long been a trait of evil. From the Holocaust in Ancient

Egypt of the Hebrews to the Holocaust in Nazi Germany

during World War II. The sons of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob

have been targeted from the very beginning because of the

covenant that God made with Abraham.

This monster will attempt to finish what Hitler started,

the final solution to the Jewish race.

The difference being that the technology this man will have

at his disposal will be literally otherworldly. The information age is a double-edged sword. It’s a boon to mankind if used

with discretion and a hindrance if used to control and rule the masses. It’s wonderful when it comes to keeping inventory

of products and terrible when it comes to the inventory of

humans. Like cattle, we will all be stamped with a mark to

identify us. Freedom will be a thing of the past. This will be a hard lesson for us to learn.

This is a vision of the gates of hell attacking the Lord’s


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Jesus brought love and forgiveness to the world, this

counterfeit will bring death and destruction. Two billion plus people destroyed during this part of his mission. A number

which truly boggles the mind.

And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under

the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word

of God, and for the testimony which they held: And

they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O

Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge

our blood on them that dwell on the earth? And

white robes were given unto every one of them; and

it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a

little season, until their fellow servants also and their

brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be

fulfilled. (Revelations 6:9–11)

This must have been an awe-inspiring sight for the

Apostle John.

Millions and millions of those who kept the faith.

From a movement that begun in Galilee by Jesus and his

twelve followers to the number that John is now witnessing.

He had to have been thinking to himself that what began

with a preacher and a few fishermen would spread worldwide

and become a faith so strong that these people had withstood Lucifer’s power play for the throne of God. John saw the

beginnings of a movement he helped found and now he was

witnessing near the end of it. A massive number of people’s

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lives had been affected by men who sat around the campfire

at night talking about “the way.”

These people had been tempted by every evil trick known

and had overcome. The world and all its possessions had not

persuaded these loyal followers to turn. Tears must have been felt by this beloved apostle as he now knew that they had

made a difference in people’s lives.

I’m quite sure John must have felt lonely as he thought of

the past. All of his friends of yesterday had been martyred, none had faltered. Now he gazed upon a sea of them who had

held fast to the belief in Jesus and his kingdom of heaven. The fishermen from