Time & The Universe: A Biblical View by Neal Fox - HTML preview

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Dinosaurs, Ice, Fossils, and Aliens


Everyone loves dinosaurs, so let's discuss them.  The Bible agrees that dinosaurs existed on the earth, just not along with man.  The dinosaurs were real and existed during the Age of the Angels when the angels lived on the earth along with an exotic set of plant and animal life, which included the dinosaurs.  But man was not yet created, so man and dinosaurs never met.  Man has only seen their fossils.  Angels could not be harmed by these creatures, and since angels could not die or be harmed by them, the angels and dinosaurs got along very well together.  The dinosaurs were probably pets.  Man and dinosaurs were on the earth at different times, a long time apart from each other.  And there were no dinosaurs on Noah's Ark.  Or unicorns.


What about the Woolly Mammoths found in ice with flesh still on them?  By the way it is a myth that Mammoth meat was served to the Explorer's Club in the 1950's, even though some rotten flesh was found on the bones.  And they were bones of a Mammoth, not fossils, showing they were of a recent age.  Anyway, the Mammoth was not a member of the dinosaur era, but rather was a relatively recent cousin of the elephant on the renovated earth and it became extinct sometime in the last 6000 years.  So Woolly Mammoths were not on earth during the dinosaur time frame, and they were not dinosaurs.  They are simply an extinct form of elephant creature which disappeared about 4000 - 5000 years ago during the time of man, not during the time of angels on earth and dinosaurs.  So they tell us nothing useful about dinosaurs.  They may have died in the Great Flood of Noah's time since that occurred about 4500 years ago, but we do not know.  So it is a renovation animal, not an original creation animal, meaning it was put on earth about 6000 years ago, not 100,000 years ago.  It is definitely not an animal from the time of the dinosaurs.  It could have missed its departure time for passage on the Ark, or it could have died out sometime afterward like other extinct creatures.  But the Mammoths were just another animal put on the earth at the same time as man.  It was just another extinct northern cousin of the elephant, dressed in fur for the cold weather of Siberia.  But Siberia regularly goes through some extremely cold winters, and the Mammoths likely got caught in a series of them and did not survive.  Note that no one has ever found a frozen dinosaur.


What do the dinosaur fossils show us?  They show us that the dinosaurs existed, which we should not deny since they absolutely lived on the earth, just not at the same time as man.  They were extinguished when God threw the angels off the earth and then shut off the sun, which caused an "extinction event" which killed every single plant and animal which had been on the earth during the Age of the Angels.  We can see that the fossils and other remnants of the original universe are still on the earth, having been formed during the period of angelic occupation of the earth.  The dinosaurs lived while the angels were on earth, and their fossils and the fossils of the original plant life remain after very long periods of time.  The Bible explains all of this, and the dinosaurs and ancient plant life and angels living on the earth as their home is in no way inconsistent with the Bible.  The Bible reveals that the earth was created for the angels, and then a very long time later was renovated for man, and in between the earth was in a deep freeze.  The Age of the Angels had the dinosaurs and exotic plant life, and the current earth has the existing plants and animals created during the six day renovation of the earth which prepared it for man's occupancy.  In between there was no living thing left on the earth, making evolution an impossibility.  The oldest living thing or things on earth came from DNA created by God only 6000 years ago.  


While the earth changed over the period from original earth to renovated earth, without a sun there was no warmth so there was not as much change as if the sun had existed.  Heat is a primary engine of change.  Extreme cold is a preservative.  The earth was a giant freezer.  We know the sun did not exist during this time frame because the glaciers and sun could not have existed at the same time, and we have seen that the Bible says "I looked at the earth, and it was formless and empty; and at the heavens, and their light was gone." (Jeremiah 4:23)  We see then that the fossils and other remnants of the original universe are still on the earth, having been formed during the period of angelic occupation of the earth.  The dinosaurs lived while the angels were on earth, and their fossils and the fossils of the original plant life remain today a very long time after their extinction occurred.  And they all became extinct at the same time, within 72 hours of when the sun was extinguished.  Without the sun during the very long period of time which followed, the earth was in a sort of suspended animation, which prevented the fallen angels from using it as their home base.  And this is why the sun was extinguished after the fall of Satan and his angels, to shut down their home base and force the fallen angels into the outer reaches of the less desirable parts of the universe.  They revolted against God, so they lost their privileges to live in a state of paradise on the earth. 


But what about oil?  Oil is not dead dinosaurs.  That is a myth.  Oil was a part of the original creation, just like deposits of other minerals and chemicals.  Did gold and silver fall out of dead dinosaur's teeth?  Of course not.  What about aluminum, copper, or iron deposits?  Molybdenum?  Rare earth elements?  All created by God as part of the earth.  So was oil.  Some dinosaurs fell into oil and tar deposits and got stuck and died in it, but the oil did not form from dead dinosaurs or even dead vegetation.  It was put there as part of the original creation for the future use of His creatures.  God knew we would need cars and airplanes, so He provided for them, the iron, aluminum, copper, rubber, and yes, oil.  The only question is whether the oil deposits were on the original earth or put there on the renovated earth.  Either way, God put it there directly.


So are there aliens in the universe?  Yes, there is life on other planets and elsewhere in the universe, but only fallen angels.  Any creature on another planet would therefore be an angel, but they do not like stark planets, so they stay mainly on earth where the action is.  And they are not worth building a spacecraft to go visit.  We can encounter them here on earth, and we do.  But they are very restricted in what they can do during the current Church Age.  In the future Tribulation that will change, as they will be allowed to torment and even kill people, but only unbelievers.  More about that later.  And those fallen angel aliens also knew the dinosaurs, and lived among them very long ago.


The issue of dinosaurs has long fascinated people and especially children.  Very little is known about them, and the main fiction about dinosaurs is that they lived among early humans.  They did not.  Dinosaurs lived and died out a very long time before man since they were on the original earth, and became extinct all at once when the earth was shut down after God extinguished the sun.  They never lived on the renovated earth with man.  But they did meet many angels.  Did the dinosaurs have a higher calling than simply roaming the ancient earth?  Yes they did.  They were there to teach the angels about what life would be like without a higher purpose, a lesson missed by Satan and 1/3 of all angels.  Life without God could only be lived at a very basic level.  Endless trudging about without an end goal except to survive another day.  The angels missed the point of the dinosaurs.  Their revolt against God did not lead to an enhanced existence apart from Him.  Instead, the revolt by Satan and other angels led to endless trudging about in the universe trying desperately to stay out of the Lake of Fire.  But they will end up worse than extinct.  They will live forever without purpose, in torment and apart from God.