Time & The Universe: A Biblical View by Neal Fox - HTML preview

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After the Church Age ends with the removal of all believers from the earth (called the Rapture of the Church) the “future times” era will begin, which consists of two Ages called the Tribulation and the Millennium.  These two Ages will last a total of 1007 years and will complete human history, but it will not end time.  We will see why the phrase “end times” is not an adequate description for what lies ahead in the future times, either during human history or beyond it.  If the Reader wishes to understand more about the Tribulation and the Millennium my other eBook “The Future Times” is available free online, since the following is a condensed discussion of these Ages as they relate to the subject of time and the universe. 


The following is an overview of the Future Times era of time, which begins immediately after the Church Age ends:


1) The Rapture of the Church ends the Church Age: The next prophetical event in human history is the Rapture (resurrection) of the Church when all living believers will be removed from the earth apart from death and taken to Heaven in an eternal resurrection body.  At the same time all Church Age believers who have previously died are given their resurrection bodies during the Rapture.  This happens just before the Tribulation begins, and is NOT the same as the Second Advent of Christ, which occurs seven years later at the end of the Tribulation.  There are no other prophecies remaining to be fulfilled during the Church Age, so the Rapture can occur at any time since it is the next prophetical event in God's plan for the future times.  Once the Rapture occurs a 1,007 year clock starts ticking toward the end of human history on the current earth.


2) Tribulation: Immediately after the Rapture occurs the Tribulation begins, initiating a seven year period of concentrated judgments and disasters divided into two parts, each lasting 3 ½ years.  The last 3 ½ years is called the Great Tribulation, which is the worst period of disaster, misery and divine judgment in all human history.


3) Second Advent of Christ: At the end of the Tribulation Jesus Christ returns to claim His rightful possession, the earth, at the Second Advent of Christ.  He will destroy the armies of unbelievers at Armageddon and elsewhere, remove all other unbelievers who remain on earth, and put Satan and all fallen angels into jail until His Millennial reign is complete.


4) Millennium:  Jesus Christ then implements the Millennial Kingdom on earth whereby He will reign from Jerusalem for 1000 years.  There will be perfect environment on the current earth during this final stage of human history.  The Millennium will be Phase I of "the Kingdom" when Christ rules the earth, which Jesus had offered during His earthly ministry.


5) Human History Ends: After the 1000 year reign of Christ on earth is complete, Satan is released from the Abyss for his final judgment but attempts one last revolt on the earth.  His revolt fails and he is thrown into the Lake of Fire along with all other fallen angels.  The earth is vacated, then it and the entire universe are destroyed.  Both the angelic conflict and human history are complete at this point.


6) Eternal State: God creates a new heavens and new earth with a New Jerusalem hovering above the new earth.  Eternity begins, and all believers live forever in resurrection bodies with Jesus Christ and the entire Trinity in this new eternal universe.  Elect angels are also included.  This is Phase II of "the Kingdom" which is the eternal rulership of Jesus Christ.


As this overview shows, the future times will include a seven year period of great judgments and disasters on the earth during the Tribulation.  However, it will be followed by "the Kingdom" when Jesus Christ will rule as King for the remaining 1000 years of human history under perfect environment on the same earth.  After the Millennium the current universe and earth will be destroyed and Phase II of "the Kingdom" continues eternally as all believers and elect angels live with the Lord in a new universe, and time continues forever.  


With this overview of the future times in mind, we will now discuss the future Ages of time in more detail.