Tongues of Fire 1896 by Don Randolph - HTML preview

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Chapter 9



Now when the day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And SUDDENLY there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance. Acts, Chapter 2, Verses 1-4.

The Acts Chapter 2 Outpouring has been visited upon the Church many times since the Camp Creek, Topeka, Kansas and Azusa Street Outpourings. Some of these Outpourings were greater than others. Some Outpourings lasted a few months, others only a few days. Some lasted several months and others several years. These Outpourings had a common denominator--they were all SOVEREIGN ACTS of God which took place when men and women repented of their sins, fasted and prayed. They hungered for more of God, and diligently sought to be FILLED with the Spirit of God.

The Bible says: “Righteousness exalts a Nation.  But sin is a reproach to any people.” Proverbs, Chapter 14, Verse 34.

Righteousness is the “hallmark” of true believers. It is the litmus test which proves we belong to a Holy God. When we are born again we become the Righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. (2 Corinthians, Chapter 5, Verse 2). We have been cleansed from past sins, and the Spirit of God dwells in our hearts to enable us to always perform righteous works. Righteousness puts us in “right standing” with the Father.

Righteousness eludes us when we fall from God’s Grace and commit acts of disobedience.  There are many reasons people of God fall short of His Glory. Some of those reasons are because they are weak in faith, or they have allowed themselves to be entrapped by the snares of the enemy. Many people of God have become apathetic toward God and have fallen into a life of sin. Whatever the reason that causes people to fall away from the faith, we know that God still loves them and desires for them to ask for His forgiveness and return to His loving arms.


Webster’s Dictionary defines Revival as “an improvement in the CONDITION or strength of something.” Some of the words used in describing “Biblical Revival” are preserve, recover, repair, and restore back to life, or bring back from the dead.

A person cannot recover, be preserved, repaired or restored to life unless they have previously been whole or alive. We cannot improve the CONDITION or the STRENGTH of the Church without REVIVAL. Thus, Revival is something which must take place in the Church in order to improve, strengthen and renew the Church to its former condition.

Without true Revival the Church will continue to fall into the traps of the enemy and will lose the battle to preserve the Righteousness and Integrity God so graciously bestowed upon it. The main purpose of Revival is not for sinful unbelievers, but for Saints. When God’s people are revived and repentance from dead works is realized, souls will be saved as those revived in the Lord take the message of His love to everyone they encounter.

I use the term “True Revival” because much of what we see labeled as “Revival” today is nothing more than a series of meetings where people congregate for social gatherings and nothing serious happens. The Manifest Presence and Power of God are missing from their miserable and powerless meetings. Revival is all about change. True Revival promotes and engenders repentance and reconciliation between God and those who are not living for Him. Revival shows people how to find much needed forgiveness, grace, and mercy in the eyes of God so they can again be clothed in His Righteousness.

Christ will be exalted and lives will be changed and transformed into His image where True Revival exists. In a True Revival people will weep, laugh, dance, shout and sing praises to the Holy One, to name a few. The Power of God’s Holy Presence will be greatly appreciated and honored. Many different manifestations of the Holy Spirit will be present as His people bask in His Presence. The fruit of our lips will give praise and homage to our Lord Jesus Christ. True Revival produces “Sincere Worship” as we are ushered into the Presence of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

When the Church starts experiencing “True Revival,” souls WILL be saved and lives will be changed. Many people are saved at Revivals, but the focus of Revival should always be to improve the condition and strengthen the hearts of God’s people so they can work in the Harvest fields. When repentance from dead works is realized, God’s people will be co-laboring together in the Harvest Fields to bring lost sheep into the Fold.

Many souls were saved as a result of the Outpourings at Camp Creek, Topeka, and Azusa Street. We may never know until we get to Heaven how many souls were saved during these Outpourings. We may never know until we get to Heaven how many Christians carried the TORCH  OF REVIVAL to the uttermost parts of the Earth.  Had it not been for the visitation of God at these Outpourings and the many that have transpired since, many souls would never have experienced the mercy and grace of God.

Before the Great Harvest can be reaped, there must be a Revival to prepare, renew and restore God’s people for the Great Harvest.  There must be “heart felt” repentance for people who are not serving God with their whole heart.  People who are not serving God diligently must repent so their hearts can be repaired and mended by the grace and mercies of God. God’s people must be “restored to life” again so they can go into ALL the World” to “seek and save those who are lost.”


The Outpourings at Camp Creek, Topeka, and Azusa Street are to be revisited. In April 2016 a one day event called “Azusa Now” took place in Los Angeles, California. “Azusa Now”  was a gathering of God’s people who came to pray and consecrate themselves unto the Lord.  It was a day of healing, miracles and proclaiming the Gospel of Christ and His soon return.

God is always waiting for us to repent so He can receive us back into His loving arms with kindness. If we fall into sin we must SINCERELY  repent and ask God to forgive us of our sins. God has always been faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.  All we have to do is ask Him. God will always forgive us when we repent and come to Him with a contrite and remorseful heart.

In 1913 William Seymour and Maria Woodworth-Etter proclaimed that in 100 years the Holy Spirit would again REVISIT this Nation with a greater Outpouring of Revival than they experienced in their days.

There have been many recent prophecies from men and women of God concerning the Murphy, North Carolina, area and the rest of the Tri-State area which includes East Tennessee and North Georgia. The area will once again experience a great Outpouring of God’s Spirit in the coming days. The 1896 Tongues of Fire Outpouring which began at Camp Creek, North Carolina, will find its way back into the hearts of God’s people in the area in which it began. This Outpouring will again focus on the Acts Chapter 2 experience, and will go far beyond anything God’s people have experienced since that time.

Azusa Street, Topeka, Kansas, and many other areas of this Nation, as well as other Nations around the World, will experience a great Outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Many places where Revival flourished in times past will again be places of great Revival and Renewal. These Outpourings will be the catalyst which will bring many more souls into God’s Kingdom during the Great Harvest.

Many of God’s people in the North Carolina and Tri-State area are again crying out to God for another Outpouring of Pentecost. In Cleveland Tennessee several Church of God ministers, as well as others in denominational and non-denominational churches, have been meeting together and praying for Revival. Cleveland is part of the Tri-State area where the new Outpouring will take place.

God has spoken to many people in several different States about the Revival which is coming to the Tri State area. He has directed many of them to move into this area in order to be a part of the Outpouring which is coming. My wife and I are part of a group who moved from Florida, Tennessee, Pennsylvania and other States to North Carolina in order to help usher in and be a part of the new Outpouring which is coming. We have met others and have heard of others who have already moved to the Tri-State area for the same reason.

Renewed interest in the Camp Creek Outpouring has rekindled the desire of many people in and out of the area, to seek a New Awakening in the Church. Many people in the area are hoping and praying that they may be able to get involved when God says, “It is time to bless my people again with the Fires of Revival.”  Many of God’s people are calling out, “even so Lord Jesus come now. Come and fill your Church with your Presence, Peace, Joy and Righteousness. Come and give us a NEW  PENTECOST so we can worship you in the BEAUTY OF YOUR HOLINESS.”


PENTECOST came at a great COST. It cost Jesus His Life as His Blood flowed down the Cross at Calvary. Nothing is more powerful or valuable than the Blood of Jesus and the price He paid for our Redemption. Pentecost comes at a “great cost” for those who follow in His footsteps as they go into ALL the World to preach the Gospel. It may cost you your friends—your way of life—and maybe even everything that you possess. It may cost you the things which POSSESS YOU. It could even cost you your life, as it did Jesus, His Disciples, as well as many others who have defied contemporary thinking and laid down their life for a better Resurrection.  Jesus said: “Whoever of you does not forsake all cannot be my disciple.” Luke, Chapter 14, Verse 33.

It was the Fires of Pentecost that inspired 120 God fearing people who gathered in an Upper Room in Jerusalem to go into all the World to preach the Gospel. The Church must have a new infusion of Pentecost so we can take His message of salvation to a lost and dying World as we usher in the Return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

 There are many Christians who have not known the BLESSING of Pentecost through the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. I do not want in any way to suggest that they have not been effective witnesses for Christ. Many people outside of the Pentecostal Churches have been involved in the work of the Ministry and led countless people to the Lord. Many souls have been saved by men and women of God who have heeded the call and preached the Gospel to a lost and dying World.  However, I do believe in some ways they may have missed out on the joy and pleasure of knowing the fullness of God through the POWER  and PRESENCE of the Pentecostal experience.

Revival means to “restore” and/or bring “back from the dead” in order that something original purpose can be made new again. Many of God’s people are bowed down and burdened carrying a heavy load of “dead works.” They stumble and fall under the heavy burden of sins they are carrying. Their only hope is to repent of those sins which are causing them pain, grief and sorrow.

A New Pentecost will bring many NEW  BLESSINGS in the days ahead. If we want to be a part of this NEW Outpouring, we must seek to dwell in the Pure Presence and Holiness of God.  God’s people must be RESTORED and REVIVED  in order to fulfill the plan and purpose of God for their life.

Many dark clouds are looming over this Nation. The future of this World looks bleak, and the hope for change seems to be eluding us on a daily basis. The concept of GOOD being EVIL  and EVIL being GOOD has infiltrated the ranks of those who seek to destroy everything God proclaims to be Holy. Morality has taken numerous steps in the wrong direction. Our only hope now is in the saving Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and His Mercy, Strength and Power.

Being a CASUAL CHRISTIAN in the last days will not get us through the trying times which will affect the entire World. If we are not serving God with our WHOLE heart, we WILL  suffer many sorrows and set backs on the path we are travelling.

In the days which lay ahead of us our only consolation is knowing that God is in the midst of us and that prayer changes (fixes) things. God said He would never leave us nor forsake us. If we seek God while He may be found, we will be found in Him “NOT WANTING (not in dire need).”  Many have been FOUND WANTING. The hand writing is on the wall. Daniel, Chapter 5, Verse 27.