Tongues of Fire 1896 by Don Randolph - HTML preview

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Chapter 12




But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some to honor and some to dishonor. If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honor, sanctified and meet (FIT) for the Master’s use, and prepared unto every good work. 2 Timothy, Chapter 2, Verses 20-21

Revival always begins with individuals. As God’s people we must realize there is more to CHURCH than what we have seen or are experiencing at this present time. We must become hungrier for God than we are for worldly pleasures and earthly treasures.

As believers each of us must take an inventory of our life in order to see where we stand with God. The first question we need to ask ourselves is: “Am I faithfully following Christ by “picking up my Cross daily?” The second question we need to ask ourselves is: “Do I need Revival?” If the answer to these two questions is “yes,” then you are more spiritually in tune with the Spirit of God than most Christians. Even if we are “somewhat” in tune with God we need a NEW  AWAKENING of His Power and Holiness. If you realize you have a need for Revival, there is hope.  There is something you can and must do in order to find PERSONAL REVIVAL. To experience Personal Revival you must desire a more intimate relationship with Christ than you have now.  When you find Personal Revival you will be able to open the doors to Revival for others.

When we search for a more intimate walk with Christ we are on the PATH which leads to HOLINESS. If there is a path which the Church needs to walk today, it is the PATH OF GOD’S  HOLINESS. Jesus said: “Not everyone who says “Lord, Lord” shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in Heaven.” Matthew, Chapter 7, Verse 21.


Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, that Christ Jesus is in you, except ye be reprobates. 2  Corinthians, Chapter 13, Verse 5.

A man once stood and drew a circle around his feet. He then prayed earnestly “Lord please send Revival, and please start the Revival inside this circle.” Revival always begins with individuals who are hungry for more of God.

The following is a personal checklist which will help us EXAMINE ourselves to see if we are a candidate for TRUE REVIVAL:

“Do I love the Lord with all my heart, soul, mind and strength?”

“Do I love my neighbor as myself, and does my neighbor know I am a Christian?”

“Is my lifestyle pleasing to God, and am I walking daily with Christ?”

“Is my prayer life effective, and am I praying for others daily?”

“Are my motives and attitudes toward God and my neighbor right?”

“Do I hunger and thirst to be filled with the righteousness of God?”

“Am I carnally minded?” “Have I learned how to love others unconditionally?”

“Do I daily praise God and thank Him for His grace and mercy?”

“Can I say that I am obedient to the call God’s has on my life?”

“Am I fulfilling the plan and purpose God has for my life?”

If there is any of the above questions you were unable to answer “yes,” to then there is some room for improvement in your life. You are a good candidate for REVIVAL.

Your life no longer belongs to you, but to God. We are commanded to be Holy as He is Holy. Jesus is coming back for a HOLY Church without spot or wrinkle.

Many Christians will look at this list and say, “I do many of the things on the list, but nobody is perfect.” However, we have been commanded to “COME OUT FROM AMONG THEM  AND BE A SEPARATE PEOPLE.” When we give our life to Jesus it does not belong to us anymore.  We are commanded to be HOLY as HE IS HOLY.  Jesus is coming back for a Church without spot or wrinkle, a HOLY Bride which has been set apart and sanctified by and for HIM.

Many Christians do not realize they are living in a spiritual rut. My Pastor used to say, “A rut is just a grave with an opening at both ends.”  In other words we can be in a spiritual rut, BUT  there is a way out if we decide we want to get OUT OF THE RUT. We determine whether or not we stay in the RUT.

There is nothing more satisfying than being spiritually refreshed, renewed and recharged.  There is nothing more refreshing than a drink of the PURE WATER OF LIFE. There is nothing more joyful and satisfying than a drink of the NEW WINE. There is nothing more gratifying than knowing God is pleased with our behavior.  There is no better place to be than in the PRESENCE of God. We all want to hear Christ say, “Welcome home good and faithful servant, enter into the JOY of the Lord,” as we enter the gates of Heaven.

When we experience true REVIVAL, we will be “FIT” for the MASTER’S use. God is looking for faithful LABORERS to work in the FIELDS OF  HARVEST. He is searching for “Vessels of Honor” who will HONOR Him with their FIRST  FRUITS offerings. God is looking for men and women He can trust to witness to the lost and dying souls who are lost and seeking truth IN  THE VALLEY OF DECISION.

Concerning Revival--where we go from here is up to us. God has given everyone many opportunities to repent and return to their FIRST  LOVE. God is offering every person on earth a chance to redeem the time. Time is short and the LIGHT of the SON is quickly growing dim in the hearts of many of God’s people.

The Bible tells the story of TEN VIRGINS  who were waiting for their Bridegroom to come and take them to His BOSOM. Five of them were wise and five of them were foolish. The foolish virgins allowed their lights go out. Consequently, the foolish virgins had no oil in their lamps when the Bridegroom came to take them home. They had failed to keep OIL in their lamps and their lights went out. They could no longer SEE what was going on around them so they fell asleep.

Have you fallen asleep and let your light go out? Are you earnestly seeking and praying for the BRIDEGROOMS return? Will you have oil in your lamp during the dark days which lie ahead?

If we are not diligent and do not keep our lights burning brightly we will fall into the same peril as the five Foolish Virgins. How often do we check the oil in our lamps? The five Wise Virgins kept their eyes on the OIL and made sure they had enough LIGHT to see when the Bridegroom came. Will your LIGHT be shining when the BRIDEGROOM comes to take you away?

We are living in a time of great spiritual darkness and deception. Many of God’s people have allowed their LIGHT to go out and they cannot see what is truly going on around them.  Many of God’s people have left their First Love and have fallen asleep because they cannot see through the DARKNESS. Many of them will not be able to find their WAY because they have little or no LIGHT left in them.

Jesus said to His people, “You are the LIGHT of the World.” It is our purpose as LIGHT  BEARERS to brighten the World and lead others to Jesus Christ. We are called to be a CITY ON A HILL so we can lead others away from the darkness and deception which is quickly engulfing our World.


I had a dream several years ago about people harvesting wheat in a field. In the middle of the field a few people were working diligently harvesting the wheat. Unfortunately, there was so much wheat in the field that much of the wheat was rotting because there were not enough laborers to harvest the entire crop. Sitting and lying around the outside of the field doing nothing were laborers who had been hired to harvest the wheat along with the ones working in the field.

This dream is much more significant today than it was years ago. There is a song I sing called “My House is Full.” It is a song about how God’s people love to sit around His table and eat, but they do not want to work in HIS field. The last line in the song says “Who will go and work in my field.” “Who will go? Will you go? Will you send someone? Are you just sitting around His table?”

Today many of God’s people want to sing the songs of Zion during Praise and Worship and absorb a tasty spiritual meal from the Pastor.  However, they have no desire to share the “tasty meal” with anyone outside the Church. Because many of God’s people could care less about what goes on outside the walls of THEIR Church building, many people are dying and going to hell right before their eyes.

Many church members attend Church on Sunday morning and leave after the benediction FILLED with a song, a sermon and maybe even a meal from the Church dining hall. How often do they share with others who have never tasted the goodness and mercy of God what THEY have been freely given by the Master?

I will ask this question once again, “WHO  WILL GO?” “If not you, WHO?” The HARVEST is TRULY GREAT and the laborers are few. All Christ is asking for is our obedience in fulfilling the plan and purpose He has for our your life.

If they are going to find it Christians must seek God for His plan and purpose for their life.  Each person has a different assignment. You will never find God’s will for your life if you do not ask Him. It is imperative that we seek God for His direction for our life. He created everyone with a purpose and a WORK to do. It is up to each individual to find that plan and purpose so we can be pleasing to Him. There is a GREAT HARVEST  to be reaped. “WHO WILL GO AND WORK IN HIS  FIELD?”


Then Jesus said to His disciples, “The HARVEST truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the HARVEST to send out laborers into His HARVEST.” Matthew, Chapter 9, Verses 37-38.

Heavenly Father, let the Revival fires that once burned brightly at Camp Creek, Topeka and Azusa Street again be  rekindled in our hearts and start a New Outpouring of Pentecost in these areas and beyond. May tongues of Holy Fire rest again upon your people and quicken your people as they go out and into the uttermost parts of the Earth to share the Gospel of Christ with every tongue and Nation. Let your Holy Spirit Fire burn within our hearts again with a love which can never be quenched. Let your Word be a fire shut up in our bones until we have shared the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ with every lost soul we come in contact with. Let the Holy fires that have been extinguished in your people arise once again and burn brightly in each of our hearts. Let us once again experience the fires of Pentecost so we can take your message of love, reconciliation and healing to a lost and dying World. May your Righteousness again be a light in our hearts so others can see and experience the Truth found only in you and your Holy Word. Let a Raging River of your GRACE  and AMAZING LOVE flow freely from the fountain of our hearts in order to reach those who are without hope and love in this World. May your Kingdom come until your Word has entered into the heart and soul of every man, woman and child who call upon your Holy Name and desire to walk in holiness. Visit your people with a New Pentecost and may the Holy Fire that you send this time never again grow dim or be extinguished.
