Tongues of Fire 1896 by Don Randolph - HTML preview

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Now when the day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from Heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to SPEAK WITH OTHER TONGUES as the Spirit gave them utterance. Acts Chapter 2, Verses 1-4.

History did not record the date Pentecostalism lost its fervor and fire in the early Church. There is no record of when Acts Chapter 2 Christianity became extinct for a period of over 1800 years. After the Disciples were martyred and the fires of Pentecost died out, the Church seemed to lose its most precious commodity, the BLESSING of PENTECOST.

Since the Reformation in 1517 when Luther nailed his 95 Theses on the door of the All Saints Church in Wittenberg, Germany, a new and fresh movement of God and a Revival of Holiness began. However, one important commodity was missing from this New Renewal movement---the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in unkown tongues.

The Moravian Church, which originated in the area of Czechoslovakia, actually began the first Reformation some sixty years before Luther. They taught “Holiness” as a lifestyle and sent Missionaries all over the World to preach the Gospel.

We often speak of the resurgence of Revivals which were led by men like Charles Finney, Jonathan Edwards, George Whitefield and Charles Spurgeon to name a few. However, none of those Revivals, as awesome as they were, experienced the FULL BLESSING of Pentecost. None of these men experienced the TONGUES OF FIRE Blessing of Pentecost in their lifetime.

The Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in unknown tongues resurfaced in the late Nineteen Hundreds in a place called Camp Creek, North Carolina. This little known outpouring of Pentecost predated by 10 years the Azusa Street Outpouring in Los Angeles, California. There were a few instances in the Nineteen Hundreds when an individual or two experienced Tongues of Fire, however they did not start a new MOVEMENT toward Pentecostal Holiness.

All of the Outpourings of Pentecost came about as a result of men and women coming together to pray and seek a closer walk with God. This Book is the Story of Modern Day Pentecost beginning with the Camp Creek Outpouring in 1896. This Outpouring birthed a new Holiness Movement which spread around the World.

There is going to be a NEW PENTECOSTAL OUTPOURING which will spread around the World in order to bring in a great Harvest of Souls. God is looking for laborers who will “go into all the World to preach the Gospel” without fearing what man can do or will do to them. This NEW PENTECOST, among other things, will be a REVIVAL OF HOLINESS that will help prepare believers for the gathering of the Great Harvest.

Then Jesus said to His disciples, “The HARVEST is truly plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the HARVEST to send out laborers into His HARVEST.” Matthew, Chapter 9, Verses, 37-38.