Touched by David Ellinger - HTML preview

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Prophecies (2017)


 The world will be in flames: Global warming will intensify,

 Lessons not learned from the past. Greed before people,

 Laws before common sense. Vulture’s Capitalist picking the meat

 From the poor and the masses.

 Extensive volcanos erupt around the rings of fire.

 Countries continue to exploit the Antarctic and it’s natural


 New military bases being created in the Antarctic region,

 And causes alarms to NATO.

 Arms Race in Artificial Intelligence weapons:

 Cost overruns becoming a major concern

 And an open discussion in ethics.

 Gun Lobby will tighten its grip

 And make sure no anti-gun laws

 Pass through Congress, regardless of civilian loses.

 More density causes more issue for large metropolitan areas,

 A concern of standard of living pushes to the front of the national

 Debate and the large number of homeless people and food care


 Empty promises will cause severe social unrest, unless actual

 Constructive action is taken to raise the living standards

 Of the most needy and poor.

 A violence society breeds only more violence.

 The cycle of consumerism and blatant greed leads to careless

 Usage of resources and the total unbalance of the true nature of

 The Earth.

 American power decreases overseas as focus

 Turns inward to social ills and concerns.

 A firm foundation cannot be built upon,

 if that foundation has too many cracks

 And fractures to support and to be built upon.